Changeset 318 for branches

04/11/13 17:51:32 (11 years ago)

no more names pb for biber (but memory ...)

2 edited


  • branches/bibliolocean/data/biblioref.bib

    r317 r318  
    23563   author = {Pancost, Richard D. and Joanna M. Coleman and Gordon D. Love and Chatzi, Athina and Bouloubassi, Ioanna and , Colin E.}, 
     23563  author = {Pancost, Richard D. and Joanna M. Coleman and Love, Gordon D. and Chatzi, Athina and Bouloubassi, Ioanna and Snape, Colin E.}, 
    2356423564  title = {{K}erogen-bound glycerol dialkyl tetraether lipids released by hydropyrolysis of marine sediments: A bias against incorporation of sedimentary organisms?}, 
    2356523565  journal = {{O}rganic {G}eochemistry}, 
    31336   author = {Dégallier, Nicolas and Monteiro, Hamilton Antonio De Oliveira and Castro, Francisco Corrêa and Silva, Orlando Vaz Da and Saraiva, Hélio Augusto Cardoso and Brandão, Roberto Carlos Feitosa and Alvão, Miguel Moyses}, 
     31336  author = {Dégallier, Nicolas and Monteiro, Hamilton Antonio De Oliveira and Castro, Francisco Corrêa and Da Silva, Orlando Vaz and Saraiva, Hélio Augusto Cardoso and Brandão, Roberto Carlos Feitosa and Alvão, Miguel Moyses}, 
    3133731337  title = {{Escutar o rádio aumenta o risco de ser picado por mosquitos?}}, 
    3133831338  journal = {{R}evista de {S}aúde Pública}, 
    32300   author = {Le Quéré, Corinne and Harrison, Sandy P. and I. Colin Prentice and Erik T. Buitenhuis and Aumont, Olivier and Bopp, Laurent and Claustre, Hervé and Cunha, Leticia Cotrim Da and Geider, Richard and Giraud, Xavier and Klaas, Christine and Karen E. Kohfeld and Legendre, Louis and Manizza, Manfredi and Platt, Trevor and Richard B. Rivkin and Sathyendranath, Shubha and Uitz, Julia and Andy J. Watson and Wolf-Gladrow, Dieter}, 
     32300  author = {Le Quéré, Corinne and Harrison, Sandy P. and I. Colin Prentice and Erik T. Buitenhuis and Aumont, Olivier and Bopp, Laurent and Claustre, Hervé and Da Cunha, Leticia Cotrim and Geider, Richard and Giraud, Xavier and Klaas, Christine and Karen E. Kohfeld and Legendre, Louis and Manizza, Manfredi and Platt, Trevor and Richard B. Rivkin and Sathyendranath, Shubha and Uitz, Julia and Andy J. Watson and Wolf-Gladrow, Dieter}, 
    3230132301  title = {{Ecosystem dynamics based on plankton functional types for global ocean biogeochemistry models}}, 
    3230232302  journal = {{G}lobal {C}hange {B}iology}, 
  • branches/bibliolocean/src/

    r317 r318  
    2323# pb avec l'apostrophe dans les noms d'auteurs avec bibtool 
    25 # pb biber avec nom (last name) composé entouré de {} 
    26 #   solution sans doute = passer en nom, prénom (pas à la main !!!) 
    27 # 
    28 # pb biber pour manger toutes les références 
     25# pb biber pour manger toutes les références : TeX capacity exceeded, sorry  
    3027# find missing hal/tel reference with bibtool 
    539536   style=biber 
    540    option_pdflatex=-interaction=nonstopmode 
     537   #++option_pdflatex=-interaction=nonstopmode 
     538   option_pdflatex="" 
    541539   # processing bibliography with pdflatex (${dirwww}/${biblioref}.${style}.pdf) 
    542540   rm ${dirwww}/$(basename ${biblioref}.${style}.log .log).* 2> /dev/null 
    543541   sed -e "s@ginette@${biblioref}@" biblio_biber_biblatex.tex > ${biblioref}.${style}.tex 
    545    # only 2012 (memory exceed with everything 
    546    iyear=2012 
    547    iyear=1996 
    548    iyear=1998 
    549    bibtool_command="bibtool -- 'select={year \"${iyear}\"}' ${biblioref} -o ${tmpdir}/tmp1.bib" 
    550    eval ${bibtool_command} 
    551    sed -e "s@ginette@${tmpdir}/tmp1.bib@" biblio_biber_biblatex.tex > ${biblioref}.${style}.tex 
    552542   # 
    553543   pdflatex ${option_pdflatex} -output-directory ${dirwww} ${biblioref}.${style}.tex 
    559549   # remove temporary latex files 
    560550   rm ${dirwww}/$(basename ${biblioref}.${style}.bbl) ${dirwww}/$(basename ${biblioref}.${style}.blg) ${dirwww}/$(basename ${biblioref}.${style}.log) ${dirwww}/$(basename ${biblioref}.${style}.aux) ${dirwww}/$(basename ${biblioref}.${style}.bcf) ${dirwww}/$(basename ${biblioref}.${style}.run.xml) 2> /dev/null 
    561    echo "cf. ${biblioref}.${style}.tex and ${dirwww}/*biber*" #++ 
    562551   # 
    563552   rm ${biblioref}.${style}.tex 2> /dev/null 
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.