# # ChangeLog for trunk # # Generated by Trac 1.0.1 # 07/11/24 22:06:11 Fri, 06 Apr 2012 17:05:55 GMT pinsard [181] * trunk/aeres/scripts/aeresrh.py (modified) * trunk/aeres/scripts/define_loceanaffectation.py (added) * trunk/aeres/scripts/surname_id.py (added) progress in authors list Fri, 06 Apr 2012 15:29:14 GMT pinsard [180] * trunk/docs/docs_dev/source/manuals/manuals_python.rst (added) consolidation of doc dev. (to be cont.) Fri, 06 Apr 2012 15:28:10 GMT pinsard [179] * trunk/docs/docs_dev/source/manuals/index.rst (added) consolidation of doc dev. (to be cont.) Fri, 06 Apr 2012 15:21:11 GMT pinsard [178] * trunk/docs/docs_dev/source/prolog.rst (added) consolidation of doc dev. (to be cont.) Fri, 06 Apr 2012 15:17:22 GMT pinsard [177] * trunk/adm/extract_rst.sh (deleted) * trunk/aeres/scripts/aeresrh.py (modified) * trunk/bibopa.sh (modified) * trunk/db_rest.xsl (modified) * trunk/docs/docs_dev/Makefile (modified) * trunk/docs/docs_dev/makefile_non_sphinx (added) * trunk/docs/docs_dev/source/_static/default.css (added) * trunk/docs/docs_dev/source/_templates (added) * trunk/docs/docs_dev/source/_templates/index.html (added) * trunk/docs/docs_dev/source/_templates/layout.html (added) * trunk/docs/docs_dev/source/conf.py (modified) * trunk/docs/docs_dev/source/contents.rst (added) * trunk/docs/docs_dev/source/guides/bibliography.rst (modified) * trunk/docs/docs_dev/source/guides/contact.rst (added) * trunk/docs/docs_dev/source/guides/contributing.rst (modified) * trunk/docs/docs_dev/source/guides/index.rst (copied) * trunk/docs/docs_dev/source/guides/rundemotest.rst (modified) * trunk/docs/docs_dev/source/guides/svnbasiccommands.rst (deleted) * trunk/docs/docs_dev/source/guides/using.rst (deleted) * trunk/docs/docs_dev/source/index.rst (deleted) * trunk/docs/docs_dev/source/manuals (added) * trunk/docs/docs_dev/source/prolog.rst (deleted) * trunk/mailtouser.sh (modified) * trunk/superbib/superbib.py (modified) * trunk/tests/demo1.sh (modified) * trunk/tests/demo2.sh (modified) consolidation of doc dev. (to be cont.) Fri, 06 Apr 2012 13:25:53 GMT pinsard [176] * trunk/docs/docs_dev/source/_templates (deleted) fix repository conflicts on _templates (to be cont.) Fri, 06 Apr 2012 11:22:38 GMT pinsard [175] * trunk/project_profile.sh (moved) improve env. setting Thu, 05 Apr 2012 16:45:44 GMT pinsard [167] * trunk/superbib/superbib.py (modified) first list of authors ... Thu, 05 Apr 2012 16:08:26 GMT pinsard [165] * trunk/superbib (added) * trunk/superbib/superbib.py (added) draft on python tool for main Thu, 05 Apr 2012 14:21:26 GMT pinsard [164] * trunk/aeres/scripts/ldap_biblio.py (added) extract info from LDAP Thu, 05 Apr 2012 12:30:04 GMT pinsard [163] * trunk/aeres/scripts/aeresrh.py (modified) * trunk/data/aeresrh.xls (modified) time in excel file Thu, 05 Apr 2012 11:51:05 GMT pinsard [162] * trunk/aeres/scripts/aeresrh.py (modified) excel demo read ok Thu, 05 Apr 2012 11:09:24 GMT pinsard [161] * trunk/aeres (added) * trunk/aeres/scripts (added) * trunk/aeres/scripts/aeresrh.py (added) * trunk/data/aeresrh.csv (added) * trunk/data/aeresrh.xls (added) * trunk/docs/docs_users/source/guides/requirements.rst (modified) draft of AERES tools Wed, 29 Feb 2012 16:14:19 GMT pinsard [152] * trunk/makefile (modified) * trunk/message_lang.xsl (modified) * trunk/superbib01_rest.xsl (modified) * trunk/superbib01_xml.xsl (modified) * trunk/superbib02_rest.xsl (copied) * trunk/superbib02_xml.xsl (modified) * trunk/superbibmany02_xml.xsl (modified) going on with restsuperbibmany01_xml.xsl Tue, 28 Feb 2012 17:08:25 GMT pinsard [151] * trunk/biblioentry_rest.xsl (copied) * trunk/db_rest.xsl (added) * trunk/makefile (modified) * trunk/superbib01_rest.xsl (modified) * trunk/user_rest.xsl (modified) progress on rest procesing Tue, 28 Feb 2012 13:04:10 GMT pinsard [150] * trunk/makefile (modified) * trunk/tests/demo1.sh (modified) * trunk/tests/demo2.sh (modified) * trunk/years_matplotlib.xsl (modified) first usage of matplotlib Tue, 28 Feb 2012 11:58:55 GMT pinsard [149] * trunk/makefile (modified) * trunk/years_gnuplot.xsl (modified) try to rehab. gnuplot but uggly Tue, 28 Feb 2012 09:45:32 GMT pinsard [148] * trunk/makefile (modified) * trunk/years_ploticus.xsl (modified) rehab ploticus with version 2.41 Mon, 27 Feb 2012 16:50:53 GMT pinsard [146] * trunk/bibopa.sh (modified) * trunk/checkmain.sh (modified) * trunk/insertphp.sh (modified) xmlstarlet vs xml Mon, 27 Feb 2012 16:30:47 GMT pinsard [145] * trunk/docs/docs_dev/source/guides/rundemotest.rst (added) * trunk/docs/docs_dev/source/index_guides.rst (modified) * trunk/makefile (modified) * trunk/tests (added) * trunk/tests/demo1.sh (copied) * trunk/tests/demo2.sh (copied) revisiting tests Mon, 27 Feb 2012 15:16:34 GMT pinsard [144] * trunk/docs/docs_dev/source/conf.py (modified) * trunk/docs/docs_dev/source/guides/builddoc.rst (modified) * trunk/docs/docs_dev/source/guides/contributing.rst (modified) * trunk/docs/docs_dev/source/guides/index.rst (deleted) * trunk/docs/docs_dev/source/guides/index_guides.rst (deleted) * trunk/docs/docs_dev/source/guides/install.rst (added) * trunk/docs/docs_dev/source/guides/svnbasiccommands.rst (modified) * trunk/docs/docs_dev/source/index.rst (modified) * trunk/docs/docs_dev/source/index_guides.rst (added) * trunk/docs/docs_dev/source/prolog.rst (added) * trunk/install_superbib.sh (added) more realistic dev. guide Mon, 27 Feb 2012 12:47:56 GMT pinsard [143] * trunk/docs/docs_dev/Makefile (modified) * trunk/docs/docs_dev/source/_static (added) * trunk/docs/docs_dev/source/_templates (added) * trunk/docs/docs_dev/source/conf.py (modified) * trunk/docs/docs_dev/source/index.rst (added) cleanning dev. doc again Mon, 27 Feb 2012 12:38:14 GMT pinsard [142] * trunk/docs/docs_users/source/guides/index.rst (modified) * trunk/docs/docs_users/source/guides/requirements.rst (copied) * trunk/docs/docs_users/source/guides/using.rst (moved) complete user doc Mon, 27 Feb 2012 11:58:37 GMT pinsard [141] * trunk/docs/docs_dev/source/guides/contact.rst (deleted) * trunk/docs/docs_dev/source/guides/get_pre.sh (deleted) * trunk/docs/docs_dev/source/guides/glossary.rst (deleted) * trunk/docs/docs_dev/source/guides/html.xsl (deleted) * trunk/docs/docs_dev/source/guides/installing.rst (deleted) * trunk/docs/docs_dev/source/guides/linkwiki.sed (deleted) * trunk/docs/docs_dev/source/guides/mailing.xml (deleted) * trunk/docs/docs_dev/source/guides/requirements.rst (deleted) * trunk/docs/docs_dev/source/guides/style.css (deleted) * trunk/docs/docs_dev/source/guides/superbib.css (deleted) * trunk/docs/docs_dev/source/guides/svnbasiccommands.xml (deleted) * trunk/docs/docs_dev/source/guides/update.xml (deleted) * trunk/docs/docs_dev/source/guides/whatis.xml (deleted) * trunk/docs/docs_dev/source/guides/whatsnew.xml (deleted) cleanning dev doc Mon, 27 Feb 2012 11:14:36 GMT pinsard [140] * trunk/docs/docs_dev/source/conf.py (modified) * trunk/docs/docs_users/source/_templates/index.html (modified) * trunk/docs/docs_users/source/conf.py (modified) * trunk/docs/docs_users/source/contents.rst (modified) * trunk/docs/docs_users/source/guides (added) * trunk/docs/docs_users/source/guides/firststeps.rst (moved) * trunk/docs/docs_users/source/guides/get.rst (copied) * trunk/docs/docs_users/source/guides/index.rst (added) * trunk/docs/docs_users/source/index.rst (deleted) * trunk/docs/docs_users/source/manuals (added) * trunk/docs/docs_users/source/overview.rst (modified) * trunk/docs/docs_users/source/prolog.rst (added) progress on user doc Fri, 24 Feb 2012 17:39:22 GMT pinsard [138] * trunk/docs/docs_users/Makefile (added) * trunk/docs/docs_users/source (added) * trunk/docs/docs_users/source/_static (added) * trunk/docs/docs_users/source/_static/default.css (added) * trunk/docs/docs_users/source/_templates (added) * trunk/docs/docs_users/source/_templates/index.html (added) * trunk/docs/docs_users/source/conf.py (added) * trunk/docs/docs_users/source/contents.rst (added) * trunk/docs/docs_users/source/index.rst (added) * trunk/docs/docs_users/source/overview.rst (copied) * trunk/docs/docs_users/source/using.rst (copied) first draf of new user guide Fri, 24 Feb 2012 15:45:47 GMT pinsard [137] * trunk/adm/sphinx (deleted) * trunk/bibopa.sh (modified) * trunk/docs (added) * trunk/docs/docs_dev (added) * trunk/docs/docs_dev/Makefile (copied) * trunk/docs/docs_dev/source (added) * trunk/docs/docs_dev/source/conf.py (copied) * trunk/docs/docs_dev/source/guides (moved) * trunk/docs/docs_dev/source/guides/index.rst (moved) * trunk/docs/docs_dev/source/guides/index_guides.rst (moved) * trunk/docs/docs_users (added) new files tree for docs (to be cont.) Tue, 04 Oct 2011 07:58:49 GMT pinsard [116] * trunk/before.sh (modified) * trunk/bibopa.sh (modified) * trunk/checkmain.sh (modified) * trunk/form_rest.xsl (copied) * trunk/insertphp.sh (modified) * trunk/install.sh (modified) * trunk/linkchecker.sh (modified) * trunk/mailtouser.sh (modified) * trunk/main_rest.xsl (copied) * trunk/message_lang.xsl (modified) * trunk/superbib01_rest.xsl (copied) * trunk/superbib_profile.sh (modified) * trunk/twindoi.sh (modified) * trunk/user_rest.xsl (copied) Consolidation of shell scripts Fri, 01 Jul 2011 13:26:02 GMT pinsard [115] * trunk/adm/guides/using.rst (modified) * trunk/adm/makefile (modified) * trunk/checkmain.sh (added) * trunk/data/maindemo1.xml (added) * trunk/data/mainnemo.xml (modified) * trunk/form_db.xsl (modified) * trunk/makefile (modified) fix for email Wed, 29 Jun 2011 16:23:26 GMT pinsard [114] * trunk/superbib01_xml.xsl (modified) * trunk/superbib02_xml.xsl (modified) * trunk/superbibmany01_xml.xsl (modified) * trunk/superbibmany02_xml.xsl (modified) * trunk/template_db.xsl (modified) * trunk/user_db.xsl (modified) fix for authors survey Mon, 27 Jun 2011 15:54:21 GMT pinsard [113] * trunk/years_matplotlib.xsl (copied) addd draft of python plotting tool Fri, 24 Jun 2011 15:21:18 GMT pinsard [112] * trunk/form_db.xsl (modified) * trunk/install.sh (modified) * trunk/parameters_db.xsl (copied) * trunk/periods_db.xsl (copied) * trunk/regions_db.xsl (copied) * trunk/superbibmany02_xml.xsl (modified) * trunk/user_db.xsl (modified) add new informations about users Thu, 31 Mar 2011 10:17:47 GMT pinsard [111] * trunk/adm/guides/data_content.rst (added) * trunk/adm/guides/using.rst (added) complete user's documentation Thu, 31 Mar 2011 09:02:49 GMT pinsard [110] * trunk/adm/guides/glossary.rst (modified) * trunk/bibopa.sh (modified) minor corrections Wed, 27 Oct 2010 15:35:18 GMT pinsard [109] * trunk/before.sh (modified) * trunk/bibopa.sh (modified) * trunk/insertphp.sh (modified) * trunk/install.sh (modified) * trunk/linkchecker.sh (modified) * trunk/mailtouser.sh (modified) * trunk/superbib_profile.sh (modified) * trunk/twindoi.sh (modified) usage of program directive Wed, 27 Oct 2010 14:57:34 GMT pinsard [108] * trunk/adm/guides/requirements.rst (modified) * trunk/adm/guides/sphinx (deleted) * trunk/before.sh (modified) * trunk/bibopa.sh (modified) * trunk/components_db.xsl (modified) * trunk/form_db.xsl (modified) * trunk/insertphp.sh (modified) * trunk/install.sh (modified) * trunk/linkchecker.sh (modified) * trunk/mailtouser.sh (modified) * trunk/main_html.xsl (modified) * trunk/message_lang.xsl (modified) * trunk/select_form.php (modified) * trunk/superbib01_html.xsl (modified) * trunk/superbib01_xml.xsl (modified) * trunk/superbib02_html.xsl (modified) * trunk/superbib02_xml.xsl (modified) * trunk/superbib_profile.sh (modified) * trunk/superbibmany01_html.xsl (modified) * trunk/superbibmany01_xml.xsl (modified) * trunk/superbibmany02_html.xsl (modified) * trunk/superbibmany02_xml.xsl (modified) * trunk/template_db.xsl (modified) * trunk/timestamp.php (modified) * trunk/twindoi.sh (modified) * trunk/user_db.xsl (modified) * trunk/user_html.xsl (modified) usage of option directive Wed, 06 Oct 2010 14:40:28 GMT pinsard [107] * trunk/bibopa.sh (modified) bibopa.sh : bug fix, add journals, add bibtex production (draft) Tue, 05 Oct 2010 17:17:20 GMT pinsard [106] * trunk/adm/guides/bibliography.rst (added) * trunk/adm/guides/builddoc.rst (added) * trunk/adm/guides/contact.rst (added) * trunk/adm/guides/contributing.rst (added) * trunk/adm/guides/glossary.rst (added) * trunk/adm/guides/installing.rst (added) * trunk/adm/guides/requirements.rst (added) * trunk/adm/guides/svnbasiccommands.rst (added) * trunk/adm/index.rst (added) * trunk/adm/index_guides.rst (added) * trunk/adm/makefile (modified) join guides and manuals (to be cont.) Fri, 10 Sep 2010 14:43:22 GMT pinsard [105] * trunk/adm/makefile (modified) improve makefile dependencies Mon, 21 Jun 2010 08:46:00 GMT pinsard [104] * trunk/adm/extract_rst.sh (modified) * trunk/adm/makefile (modified) * trunk/adm/manual_one.sty (deleted) * trunk/adm/manuals_many.sty (deleted) * trunk/adm/rest2web (deleted) * trunk/adm/sphinx/conf.py (modified) no more direct usage of docutils Fri, 18 Jun 2010 13:56:29 GMT pinsard [103] * trunk/adm/makefile (modified) * trunk/adm/sphinx/Makefile (modified) * trunk/before.sh (modified) * trunk/bibopa.sh (modified) * trunk/insertphp.sh (modified) * trunk/install.sh (modified) * trunk/linkchecker.sh (modified) * trunk/mailtouser.sh (modified) * trunk/superbib_profile.sh (modified) * trunk/twindoi.sh (modified) modif. of headers for manuals hyperlinks improvements Thu, 20 May 2010 08:24:01 GMT pinsard [102] * trunk/adm/extract_rst.sh (modified) * trunk/adm/guides/faq.xml (modified) * trunk/adm/guides/firststeps.xml (modified) * trunk/adm/guides/get.xml (modified) * trunk/adm/guides/get_pre.sh (modified) * trunk/adm/guides/mailing.xml (modified) * trunk/adm/guides/makefile (modified) * trunk/adm/guides/sphinx (added) * trunk/adm/guides/support.xml (modified) * trunk/adm/guides/svnbasiccommands.xml (modified) * trunk/adm/guides/team.xml (modified) * trunk/adm/guides/tiplink.xml (modified) * trunk/adm/guides/update.xml (modified) * trunk/adm/guides/web.xml (modified) * trunk/adm/guides/whatis.xml (modified) * trunk/adm/guides/whatsnew.xml (modified) * trunk/before.sh (modified) * trunk/bibopa.sh (modified) * trunk/insertphp.sh (modified) * trunk/install.sh (modified) * trunk/linkchecker.sh (modified) * trunk/mailtouser.sh (modified) * trunk/superbib_profile.sh (modified) * trunk/twindoi.sh (modified) improve shell scripts robustness Mon, 26 Apr 2010 12:12:15 GMT pinsard [101] * trunk/adm/extract_rst.sh (modified) * trunk/adm/guides/get_pre.sh (modified) * trunk/adm/makefile (modified) * trunk/adm/sphinx/conf.py (modified) * trunk/before.sh (modified) * trunk/bibopa.sh (modified) * trunk/insertphp.sh (modified) * trunk/install.sh (modified) * trunk/linkchecker.sh (modified) * trunk/mailtouser.sh (modified) * trunk/superbib_profile.sh (modified) * trunk/twindoi.sh (modified) improve environnement definition Wed, 14 Apr 2010 14:38:53 GMT pinsard [100] * trunk/adm/extract_rst.sh (modified) * trunk/adm/guides/get_pre.sh (modified) * trunk/before.sh (modified) * trunk/bibopa.sh (modified) * trunk/insertphp.sh (modified) * trunk/install.sh (modified) * trunk/linkchecker.sh (modified) * trunk/mailtouser.sh (modified) * trunk/superbib_profile.sh (modified) * trunk/twindoi.sh (modified) indent shell scripts Fri, 26 Mar 2010 09:27:42 GMT pinsard [99] * trunk/adm/makefile (modified) * trunk/adm/sphinx/conf.py (modified) * trunk/adm/sphinx/source (deleted) improve manuals productions using sphinx Wed, 24 Mar 2010 13:59:59 GMT pinsard [98] * trunk/adm/makefile (modified) * trunk/adm/sphinx/conf.py (modified) * trunk/adm/sphinx/source/contents.rst (modified) * trunk/adm/sphinx/source/users.rst (deleted) first honnest sphinx HTML production Tue, 23 Mar 2010 16:43:51 GMT pinsard [97] * trunk/adm/extract_rst.sh (modified) * trunk/adm/makefile (modified) * trunk/adm/sphinx (added) * trunk/adm/sphinx/Makefile (added) * trunk/adm/sphinx/conf.py (added) * trunk/adm/sphinx/source (added) * trunk/adm/sphinx/source/contents.rst (added) * trunk/adm/sphinx/source/users.rst (added) going on learning sphinx Mon, 15 Mar 2010 15:58:45 GMT pinsard [96] * trunk/adm/extract_rst.sh (modified) extract_rst.sh: remove first temporary file Fri, 12 Mar 2010 08:13:12 GMT pinsard [95] * trunk/adm/makefile (modified) * trunk/adm/rest2web (added) * trunk/adm/rest2web/index.txt (added) * trunk/adm/rest2web/rest.css (added) * trunk/adm/rest2web/restindex.in (added) * trunk/adm/rest2web/superbib_rest.css (added) * trunk/adm/rest2web/superbib_site.ini (added) * trunk/adm/rest2web/template.txt (added) * trunk/before.sh (modified) * trunk/bibopa.sh (modified) * trunk/components_db.xsl (modified) * trunk/form_db.xsl (modified) * trunk/insertphp.sh (modified) * trunk/install.sh (modified) * trunk/linkchecker.sh (modified) * trunk/mailtouser.sh (modified) * trunk/main_html.xsl (modified) * trunk/message_lang.xsl (modified) * trunk/superbib01_html.xsl (modified) * trunk/superbib01_xml.xsl (modified) * trunk/superbib02_html.xsl (modified) * trunk/superbib02_xml.xsl (modified) * trunk/superbib_profile.sh (modified) * trunk/superbibmany01_html.xsl (modified) * trunk/superbibmany01_xml.xsl (modified) * trunk/superbibmany02_html.xsl (modified) * trunk/superbibmany02_xml.xsl (modified) * trunk/template_db.xsl (modified) * trunk/timestamp.php (modified) * trunk/twindoi.sh (modified) * trunk/user_db.xsl (modified) * trunk/user_html.xsl (modified) add rest2web for manuals production (and start sphinx but not yet ok) Wed, 10 Mar 2010 09:43:56 GMT pinsard [94] * trunk/adm/guides/makefile (modified) * trunk/adm/makefile (modified) * trunk/before.sh (modified) * trunk/bibopa.sh (modified) * trunk/design/images/superbib_fulldependencies.png (modified) * trunk/design/images/superbib_fulldependencies.svg (modified) * trunk/design/superbib_fulldependencies.dot (modified) * trunk/insertphp.sh (modified) * trunk/install.sh (modified) * trunk/linkchecker.sh (modified) * trunk/mailtouser.sh (modified) * trunk/makefile (modified) * trunk/superbib_profile.sh (modified) * trunk/twindoi.sh (modified) add man troff output of manuals Fri, 20 Nov 2009 09:26:30 GMT pinsard [93] * trunk/adm/extract_rst.sh (modified) * trunk/adm/guides/faq.xml (modified) * trunk/adm/guides/firststeps.xml (modified) * trunk/adm/guides/get.xml (modified) * trunk/adm/guides/html.xsl (modified) * trunk/adm/guides/linkwiki.sed (added) * trunk/adm/guides/mailing.xml (modified) * trunk/adm/guides/makefile (modified) * trunk/adm/guides/support.xml (modified) * trunk/adm/guides/team.xml (modified) * trunk/adm/guides/tiplink.xml (modified) * trunk/adm/guides/tracwiki.xsl (modified) * trunk/adm/guides/update.xml (modified) * trunk/adm/guides/web.xml (modified) * trunk/adm/guides/whatis.xml (modified) * trunk/adm/guides/whatsnew.xml (modified) * trunk/adm/makefile (modified) * trunk/before.sh (modified) * trunk/bibopa.sh (modified) * trunk/bibtexml2dbk.xsl (modified) * trunk/data/bibnemo1.xml (modified) * trunk/insertphp.sh (modified) * trunk/install.sh (modified) * trunk/linkchecker.sh (modified) * trunk/mailtouser.sh (modified) * trunk/makefile (modified) * trunk/superbib_profile.sh (modified) * trunk/twindoi.sh (modified) remove most of wiki pages Wed, 13 May 2009 14:33:42 GMT pinsard [92] * trunk/adm/extract_rst.sh (added) * trunk/adm/makefile (modified) * trunk/adm/manual_one.sty (added) * trunk/adm/manuals_many.sty (added) improve manuals production Fri, 13 Mar 2009 09:15:53 GMT pinsard [91] * trunk/adm/guides/firststeps.xml (modified) * trunk/adm/guides/get.xml (modified) * trunk/adm/guides/support.xml (modified) * trunk/adm/guides/team.xml (modified) * trunk/adm/guides/web.xml (modified) * trunk/adm/guides/whatis.xml (modified) * trunk/adm/guides/whatsnew.xml (modified) sources of guides Fri, 13 Feb 2009 16:26:36 GMT pinsard [90] * trunk/adm/guides/firststeps.xml (modified) * trunk/adm/guides/get.xml (modified) * trunk/adm/guides/whatis.xml (modified) improve guides Thu, 15 Jan 2009 14:28:49 GMT pinsard [89] * trunk/data/mainnemo.xml (modified) typo Thu, 15 Jan 2009 13:32:50 GMT pinsard [88] * trunk/data/mainnemo.xml (moved) * trunk/makefile (modified) move main.xml to data because it is specific to NEMO Thu, 15 Jan 2009 11:26:01 GMT pinsard [87] * trunk/before.sh (modified) * trunk/bibopa.sh (modified) * trunk/doc/manuals/html/many/before.sh.html (modified) * trunk/doc/manuals/html/many/bibopa.sh.html (modified) * trunk/doc/manuals/html/many/superbib_profile.sh.html (modified) * trunk/doc/manuals/html/one/index.html (modified) * trunk/doc/manuals/pdf/many/before.sh.pdf (modified) * trunk/doc/manuals/pdf/many/bibopa.sh.pdf (modified) * trunk/doc/manuals/pdf/many/components_db.xsl.pdf (modified) * trunk/doc/manuals/pdf/many/form_db.xsl.pdf (modified) * trunk/doc/manuals/pdf/many/install.sh.pdf (modified) * trunk/doc/manuals/pdf/many/linkchecker.sh.pdf (modified) * trunk/doc/manuals/pdf/many/mailtouser.sh.pdf (modified) * trunk/doc/manuals/pdf/many/main_html.xsl.pdf (modified) * trunk/doc/manuals/pdf/many/message_lang.xsl.pdf (modified) * trunk/doc/manuals/pdf/many/superbib01_html.xsl.pdf (modified) * trunk/doc/manuals/pdf/many/superbib01_xml.xsl.pdf (modified) * trunk/doc/manuals/pdf/many/superbib02_html.xsl.pdf (modified) * trunk/doc/manuals/pdf/many/superbib02_xml.xsl.pdf (modified) * trunk/doc/manuals/pdf/many/superbib_profile.sh.pdf (modified) * trunk/doc/manuals/pdf/many/superbibmany01_html.xsl.pdf (modified) * trunk/doc/manuals/pdf/many/superbibmany01_xml.xsl.pdf (modified) * trunk/doc/manuals/pdf/many/superbibmany02_html.xsl.pdf (modified) * trunk/doc/manuals/pdf/many/superbibmany02_xml.xsl.pdf (modified) * trunk/doc/manuals/pdf/many/template_db.xsl.pdf (modified) * trunk/doc/manuals/pdf/many/timestamp.php.pdf (modified) * trunk/doc/manuals/pdf/many/twindoi.sh.pdf (modified) * trunk/doc/manuals/pdf/many/user_db.xsl.pdf (modified) * trunk/doc/manuals/pdf/many/user_html.xsl.pdf (modified) * trunk/doc/manuals/pdf/one/superbib_manuals.pdf (modified) * trunk/superbib_profile.sh (modified) add journals thanks to REGYNA project (redo) Thu, 15 Jan 2009 11:25:44 GMT pinsard [86] * trunk/adm/guides/svnbasiccommands.xml (modified) add journals thanks to REGYNA project Fri, 19 Dec 2008 11:21:19 GMT pinsard [85] * trunk/doc (added) * trunk/doc/guides (added) * trunk/doc/guides/html (added) * trunk/doc/guides/html/faq.html (added) * trunk/doc/guides/html/firststeps.html (added) * trunk/doc/guides/html/get.html (added) * trunk/doc/guides/html/index.html (added) * trunk/doc/guides/html/mailing.html (added) * trunk/doc/guides/html/style.css (added) * trunk/doc/guides/html/superbib.css (added) * trunk/doc/guides/html/svnbasiccommands.html (added) * trunk/doc/guides/html/tiplink.html (added) * trunk/doc/guides/html/update.html (added) * trunk/doc/guides/html/whatis.html (added) * trunk/doc/guides/html/whatsnew.html (added) * trunk/doc/guides/wiki (added) * trunk/doc/guides/wiki/Faq (added) * trunk/doc/guides/wiki/FirstSteps (added) * trunk/doc/guides/wiki/Get (added) * trunk/doc/guides/wiki/Mailing (added) * trunk/doc/guides/wiki/SvnBasicCommands (added) * trunk/doc/guides/wiki/TipLink (added) * trunk/doc/guides/wiki/Update (added) * trunk/doc/guides/wiki/Whatis (added) * trunk/doc/guides/wiki/WhatsNew (added) * trunk/doc/guides/wiki/WikiStart (added) * trunk/doc/manuals (added) * trunk/doc/manuals/html (added) * trunk/doc/manuals/html/many (added) * trunk/doc/manuals/html/many/before.sh.html (added) * trunk/doc/manuals/html/many/bibopa.sh.html (added) * trunk/doc/manuals/html/many/components_db.xsl.html (added) * trunk/doc/manuals/html/many/form_db.xsl.html (added) * trunk/doc/manuals/html/many/index.html (added) * trunk/doc/manuals/html/many/install.sh.html (added) * trunk/doc/manuals/html/many/linkchecker.sh.html (added) * trunk/doc/manuals/html/many/mailtouser.sh.html (added) * trunk/doc/manuals/html/many/main_html.xsl.html (added) * trunk/doc/manuals/html/many/message_lang.xsl.html (added) * trunk/doc/manuals/html/many/superbib01_html.xsl.html (added) * trunk/doc/manuals/html/many/superbib01_xml.xsl.html (added) * trunk/doc/manuals/html/many/superbib02_html.xsl.html (added) * trunk/doc/manuals/html/many/superbib02_xml.xsl.html (added) * trunk/doc/manuals/html/many/superbib_profile.sh.html (added) * trunk/doc/manuals/html/many/superbibmany01_html.xsl.html (added) * trunk/doc/manuals/html/many/superbibmany01_xml.xsl.html (added) * trunk/doc/manuals/html/many/superbibmany02_html.xsl.html (added) * trunk/doc/manuals/html/many/superbibmany02_xml.xsl.html (added) * trunk/doc/manuals/html/many/template_db.xsl.html (added) * trunk/doc/manuals/html/many/timestamp.php.html (added) * trunk/doc/manuals/html/many/twindoi.sh.html (added) * trunk/doc/manuals/html/many/user_db.xsl.html (added) * trunk/doc/manuals/html/many/user_html.xsl.html (added) * trunk/doc/manuals/html/one (added) * trunk/doc/manuals/html/one/index.html (added) * trunk/doc/manuals/pdf (added) * trunk/doc/manuals/pdf/many (added) * trunk/doc/manuals/pdf/many/before.sh.pdf (added) * trunk/doc/manuals/pdf/many/bibopa.sh.pdf (added) * trunk/doc/manuals/pdf/many/components_db.xsl.pdf (added) * trunk/doc/manuals/pdf/many/form_db.xsl.pdf (added) * trunk/doc/manuals/pdf/many/install.sh.pdf (added) * trunk/doc/manuals/pdf/many/linkchecker.sh.pdf (added) * trunk/doc/manuals/pdf/many/mailtouser.sh.pdf (added) * trunk/doc/manuals/pdf/many/main_html.xsl.pdf (added) * trunk/doc/manuals/pdf/many/message_lang.xsl.pdf (added) * trunk/doc/manuals/pdf/many/superbib01_html.xsl.pdf (added) * trunk/doc/manuals/pdf/many/superbib01_xml.xsl.pdf (added) * trunk/doc/manuals/pdf/many/superbib02_html.xsl.pdf (added) * trunk/doc/manuals/pdf/many/superbib02_xml.xsl.pdf (added) * trunk/doc/manuals/pdf/many/superbib_profile.sh.pdf (added) * trunk/doc/manuals/pdf/many/superbibmany01_html.xsl.pdf (added) * trunk/doc/manuals/pdf/many/superbibmany01_xml.xsl.pdf (added) * trunk/doc/manuals/pdf/many/superbibmany02_html.xsl.pdf (added) * trunk/doc/manuals/pdf/many/superbibmany02_xml.xsl.pdf (added) * trunk/doc/manuals/pdf/many/template_db.xsl.pdf (added) * trunk/doc/manuals/pdf/many/timestamp.php.pdf (added) * trunk/doc/manuals/pdf/many/twindoi.sh.pdf (added) * trunk/doc/manuals/pdf/many/user_db.xsl.pdf (added) * trunk/doc/manuals/pdf/many/user_html.xsl.pdf (added) * trunk/doc/manuals/pdf/one (added) * trunk/doc/manuals/pdf/one/superbib_manuals.pdf (added) add doc produtcs Fri, 19 Dec 2008 11:13:24 GMT pinsard [84] * trunk/design (moved) * trunk/design/images/superbib_fulldependencies.png (modified) * trunk/design/images/superbib_fulldependencies.svg (modified) * trunk/design/superbib_fulldependencies.deps (modified) * trunk/design/superbib_fulldependencies.dot (modified) * trunk/makefile (modified) rename doc to design Fri, 19 Dec 2008 10:55:44 GMT pinsard [83] * trunk/adm/guides/html.xsl (modified) * trunk/adm/guides/makefile (modified) * trunk/adm/guides/svnbasiccommands.xml (added) * trunk/adm/makefile (modified) * trunk/before.sh (modified) * trunk/install.sh (modified) * trunk/linkchecker.sh (modified) * trunk/makefile (modified) * trunk/superbib_profile.sh (modified) bug fixes, add guides sources and tools Fri, 31 Oct 2008 13:52:40 GMT pinsard [82] * trunk/adm/guides/get.xml (modified) * trunk/adm/makefile (modified) * trunk/before.sh (modified) * trunk/superbib_profile.sh (added) add superbib_profile.sh (not yet for end users) Thu, 30 Oct 2008 10:36:20 GMT pinsard [81] * trunk/adm/guides (added) * trunk/adm/guides/faq.xml (added) * trunk/adm/guides/firststeps.xml (added) * trunk/adm/guides/get.xml (added) * trunk/adm/guides/get_pre.sh (added) * trunk/adm/guides/html.xsl (added) * trunk/adm/guides/mailing.xml (added) * trunk/adm/guides/makefile (added) * trunk/adm/guides/style.css (added) * trunk/adm/guides/superbib.css (added) * trunk/adm/guides/support.xml (added) * trunk/adm/guides/team.xml (added) * trunk/adm/guides/tiplink.xml (added) * trunk/adm/guides/tracwiki.xsl (added) * trunk/adm/guides/update.xml (added) * trunk/adm/guides/web.xml (added) * trunk/adm/guides/whatis.xml (added) * trunk/adm/guides/whatsnew.xml (added) Add guides sources (XML files) and associated makefile Thu, 30 Oct 2008 09:10:11 GMT pinsard [80] * trunk/adm/makefile (modified) * trunk/before.sh (modified) * trunk/biblioentry_xml.xsl (modified) * trunk/bibopa.sh (modified) * trunk/components_db.xsl (modified) * trunk/form_db.xsl (modified) * trunk/insertphp.sh (modified) * trunk/install.sh (modified) * trunk/linkchecker.sh (modified) * trunk/mailtouser.sh (modified) * trunk/main_html.xsl (modified) * trunk/message_lang.xsl (modified) * trunk/superbib01_html.xsl (modified) * trunk/superbib02_html.xsl (modified) * trunk/superbib02_xml.xsl (modified) * trunk/superbibmany01_html.xsl (modified) * trunk/superbibmany01_xml.xsl (modified) * trunk/superbibmany02_html.xsl (modified) * trunk/superbibmany02_xml.xsl (modified) * trunk/template_db.xsl (modified) * trunk/timestamp.php (modified) * trunk/twindoi.sh (modified) * trunk/user_html.xsl (modified) add journals and bug fixes in flat to docbook conversion tool Wed, 01 Oct 2008 14:54:36 GMT pinsard [79] * trunk/before.sh (modified) * trunk/category_form.xsl (added) * trunk/install.sh (modified) beginning of categories management Fri, 19 Sep 2008 12:35:02 GMT pinsard [78] * trunk/main.xml (modified) revision of main.xml to make html output shorter Thu, 18 Sep 2008 15:06:53 GMT pinsard [77] * trunk/main.xml (modified) * trunk/makefile (modified) * trunk/superbib01_xml.xsl (modified) * trunk/superbib02_xml.xsl (modified) * trunk/superbibmany01_xml.xsl (modified) final touch for NEMO survey main page Thu, 18 Sep 2008 10:14:27 GMT pinsard [76] * trunk/adm/makefile (modified) * trunk/comments_db.xsl (modified) * trunk/components_db.xsl (modified) * trunk/correction_db.xsl (modified) * trunk/data/bibdemo1_dbk5.xml (modified) * trunk/firstname_id.xsl (modified) * trunk/form_db.xsl (modified) * trunk/insertphp.sh (added) * trunk/insertphp_many.sed (modified) * trunk/insertphp_one.sed (modified) * trunk/main.xml (modified) * trunk/main_html.xsl (modified) * trunk/makefile (modified) * trunk/message_lang.xsl (modified) * trunk/newreferences_db.xsl (modified) * trunk/personal_db.xsl (modified) * trunk/platforms_db.xsl (modified) * trunk/processors_db.xsl (modified) * trunk/select_id.xsl (modified) * trunk/superbib01_html.xsl (modified) * trunk/superbib01_txt.xsl (modified) * trunk/superbib01_xml.xsl (modified) * trunk/superbib02_html.xsl (modified) * trunk/superbib02_xml.xsl (modified) * trunk/superbib_author.xsl (modified) * trunk/superbib_pdf.xsl (modified) * trunk/superbibmany01_html.xsl (modified) * trunk/superbibmany01_xml.xsl (modified) * trunk/superbibmany02_html.xsl (modified) * trunk/superbibmany02_xml.xsl (modified) * trunk/table_authors.xsl (modified) * trunk/template_db.xsl (modified) * trunk/timestamp.php (modified) * trunk/user_db.xsl (modified) * trunk/user_html.xsl (modified) * trunk/years_gnuplot.xsl (modified) * trunk/years_ploticus.xsl (modified) no more NEMO reference in XSL files; project information (name and home ... Tue, 16 Sep 2008 15:49:46 GMT pinsard [75] * trunk/adm (added) * trunk/adm/makefile (added) * trunk/before.sh (modified) * trunk/bibopa.sh (modified) * trunk/install.sh (modified) * trunk/linkchecker.sh (modified) * trunk/mailtouser.sh (modified) * trunk/twindoi.sh (modified) comments in shell scripts in ReStructured Text Tue, 17 Jun 2008 09:22:47 GMT pinsard [74] * trunk/before.sh (modified) * trunk/biblioentry_xml.xsl (modified) * trunk/bibopa.sh (modified) * trunk/install.sh (modified) add documents in before.sh, add -l parameter in install.sh, several ... Fri, 16 May 2008 15:36:51 GMT pinsard [73] * trunk/bibtexml2dbk.xsl (modified) add book, manual biblioset on bibtex side Fri, 16 May 2008 14:46:09 GMT pinsard [72] * trunk/data/superbib01.tex (added) add data/superbib01.tex for bibtex test Fri, 16 May 2008 14:44:20 GMT pinsard [71] * trunk/bibopa.sh (modified) * trunk/bibtexml2dbk.xsl (added) add bibtexml2dbk.xsl for bibtex handling (oups) Fri, 16 May 2008 13:39:05 GMT pinsard [70] * trunk/table_authors.xsl (modified) handling less than 8 different authors Fri, 16 May 2008 12:51:37 GMT pinsard [69] * trunk/makefile (modified) * trunk/superbib02_xml.xsl (modified) * trunk/superbibmany01_xml.xsl (modified) * trunk/superbibmany02_xml.xsl (modified) * trunk/table_authors.xsl (modified) better handling of firstname/surname in titles and table cells Fri, 16 May 2008 11:02:07 GMT pinsard [68] * trunk/bibopa.sh (modified) * trunk/makefile (modified) basic solution (parameter) to force firstname/surname decomposition of ... Fri, 16 May 2008 10:24:13 GMT pinsard [67] * trunk/biblioentry_xml.xsl (modified) * trunk/bibopa.sh (modified) * trunk/external (added) * trunk/external/bibtex2xml.py (added) * trunk/makefile (modified) introducing bibtex ingestion. still some trouble because of ... Wed, 14 May 2008 15:35:50 GMT pinsard [66] * trunk/biblioentry_xml.xsl (modified) * trunk/bibopa.sh (modified) * trunk/makefile (modified) * trunk/superbib01_txt.xsl (modified) * trunk/superbib01_xml.xsl (modified) * trunk/superbib02_txt.xsl (added) * trunk/superbib02_xml.xsl (modified) * trunk/superbibmany01_xml.xsl (modified) implemenation of xml to bibtex transformation (superbib02_txt.xsl). ... Tue, 13 May 2008 10:15:37 GMT pinsard [65] * trunk/biblioentry_xml.xsl (modified) * trunk/bibopa.sh (modified) * trunk/data/biball.xml (modified) * trunk/data/bibnemo1.xml (added) * trunk/makefile (modified) some improvemnt but bibopa.sh and superbib01_txt.xsl are still not fully ... Wed, 07 May 2008 14:59:25 GMT pinsard [64] * trunk/biblioentry_xml.xsl (modified) * trunk/bibopa.sh (modified) * trunk/data/biball.xml (modified) * trunk/mailtouser.sh (moved) * trunk/makefile (modified) * trunk/message_lang.xsl (modified) * trunk/superbib01_txt.xsl (modified) * trunk/superbib01_xml.xsl (modified) * trunk/superbib02_xml.xsl (modified) * trunk/superbibmany01_html.xsl (modified) * trunk/superbibmany01_xml.xsl (modified) * trunk/superbibmany02_xml.xsl (modified) * trunk/template_db.xsl (modified) * trunk/user_db.xsl (modified) * trunk/user_html.xsl (modified) several bug fixes, improvement for conferences (but not complety ok), ... Mon, 05 May 2008 14:34:35 GMT pinsard [63] * trunk/twindoi.sh (modified) usage of xml(starlet) in twindoi.sh Mon, 05 May 2008 12:45:57 GMT pinsard [62] * trunk/data/biball.xml (modified) * trunk/makefile (modified) * trunk/surname_id.xsl (modified) replace single quote by underscore in author id to avoid warning in ... Mon, 05 May 2008 10:12:37 GMT pinsard [61] * trunk/years_ploticus.xsl (modified) bug fix for years plot with ploticus (no bars after 2000) Mon, 05 May 2008 10:00:32 GMT pinsard [60] * trunk/data/biball.xml (modified) migration to docbook5 of xml test file of nemo biblio Mon, 05 May 2008 09:29:41 GMT smasson [59] * trunk/bibopa.sh (modified) add journals Wed, 30 Apr 2008 15:43:22 GMT pinsard [58] * trunk/main.xml (modified) * trunk/main_html.xsl (modified) * trunk/makefile (modified) * trunk/message_lang.xsl (modified) * trunk/superbib01_html.xsl (modified) * trunk/superbib01_xml.xsl (modified) * trunk/superbib02_html.xsl (modified) * trunk/superbib02_xml.xsl (modified) * trunk/superbibmany01_html.xsl (modified) * trunk/superbibmany01_xml.xsl (modified) * trunk/superbibmany02_html.xsl (modified) * trunk/superbibmany02_xml.xsl (modified) * trunk/template_db.xsl (modified) * trunk/user_db.xsl (modified) * trunk/user_html.xsl (modified) introduce language dependency on each update message (bibilo, user, html ... Wed, 30 Apr 2008 12:22:26 GMT pinsard [57] * trunk/data/bibdemo1_dbk5.xml (modified) * trunk/makefile (modified) * trunk/message_lang.xsl (added) * trunk/superbib01_xml.xsl (modified) start to introduce language dependency Wed, 30 Apr 2008 10:01:25 GMT pinsard [56] * trunk/biblioentry_xml.xsl (modified) * trunk/bibopa.sh (modified) * trunk/data/bibdemo1.txt (added) * trunk/data/bibdemo1_dbk5.xml (copied) * trunk/firstname_id.xsl (modified) * trunk/form_db.xsl (modified) * trunk/form_html.xsl (modified) * trunk/main.xml (modified) * trunk/main_html.xsl (modified) * trunk/makefile (modified) * trunk/select_id.xsl (modified) * trunk/superbib01_xml.xsl (modified) * trunk/superbib02_xml.xsl (modified) * trunk/superbib_author.xsl (modified) * trunk/superbibmany01_xml.xsl (modified) * trunk/superbibmany02_xml.xsl (modified) * trunk/surname_id.xsl (modified) * trunk/table_authors.xsl (modified) * trunk/twindoi.sh (modified) * trunk/years_gnuplot.xsl (modified) * trunk/years_ploticus.xsl (modified) migration to docbook5 for biblio.xml; bug fix in bibopa.sh; xmlto is not ... Tue, 29 Apr 2008 12:25:55 GMT pinsard [55] * trunk/biblioentry_xml.xsl (modified) * trunk/comments_db.xsl (modified) * trunk/compilers_db.xsl (modified) * trunk/components_db.xsl (modified) * trunk/correction_db.xsl (modified) * trunk/form_db.xsl (modified) * trunk/form_html.xsl (modified) * trunk/linkchecker.sh (modified) * trunk/main.xml (modified) * trunk/main_html.xsl (modified) * trunk/makefile (modified) * trunk/newreferences_db.xsl (modified) * trunk/personal_db.xsl (modified) * trunk/platforms_db.xsl (modified) * trunk/processors_db.xsl (modified) * trunk/select_id.xsl (modified) * trunk/superbib01_xml.xsl (modified) * trunk/superbib02_xml.xsl (modified) * trunk/superbib_author.xsl (modified) * trunk/superbibmany01_xml.xsl (modified) * trunk/superbibmany02_xml.xsl (modified) * trunk/table_authors.xsl (modified) * trunk/template_db.xsl (modified) * trunk/user_db.xsl (modified) migration to docbook5 except biblio.xml; improvement of makefile Mon, 28 Apr 2008 10:33:35 GMT pinsard [54] * trunk/configtidy.txt (deleted) * trunk/makefile (modified) * trunk/years_ploticus.xsl (modified) get rid of tidy Fri, 18 Apr 2008 11:06:25 GMT pinsard [53] * trunk/linkchecker.sh (modified) * trunk/makefile (modified) * trunk/years_ploticus.xsl (added) usage of ploticus instead of gnuplot for plot Thu, 03 Apr 2008 15:15:55 GMT pinsard [52] * trunk/before.sh (modified) * trunk/install.sh (modified) bug fix in install.sh Wed, 02 Apr 2008 08:46:07 GMT pinsard [51] * trunk/before.sh (modified) * trunk/install.sh (modified) small enhancement of peripherical tools Fri, 28 Mar 2008 15:17:18 GMT pinsard [50] * trunk/install.sh (modified) * trunk/linkchecker.sh (modified) * trunk/makefile (modified) introducing urlpublish/URLPUBLISH Thu, 20 Mar 2008 17:56:33 GMT pinsard [49] * trunk/biblioentry_xml.xsl (modified) * trunk/comments_db.xsl (modified) * trunk/compilers_db.xsl (modified) * trunk/components_db.xsl (modified) * trunk/correction_db.xsl (modified) * trunk/firstname_id.xsl (modified) * trunk/form_db.xsl (modified) * trunk/form_html.xsl (modified) * trunk/main_html.xsl (modified) * trunk/newreferences_db.xsl (modified) * trunk/personal_db.xsl (modified) * trunk/platforms_db.xsl (modified) * trunk/processors_db.xsl (modified) * trunk/select_id.xsl (modified) * trunk/superbib01_html.xsl (modified) * trunk/superbib01_txt.xsl (modified) * trunk/superbib01_xml.xsl (modified) * trunk/superbib02_html.xsl (modified) * trunk/superbib02_xml.xsl (modified) * trunk/superbib_author.xsl (modified) * trunk/superbib_pdf.xsl (modified) * trunk/superbibmany01_html.xsl (modified) * trunk/superbibmany01_xml.xsl (modified) * trunk/superbibmany02_html.xsl (modified) * trunk/superbibmany02_xml.xsl (modified) * trunk/surname_id.xsl (modified) * trunk/table_authors.xsl (modified) * trunk/template_db.xsl (modified) * trunk/user_db.xsl (modified) * trunk/user_html.xsl (modified) * trunk/years_gnuplot.xsl (modified) improvements of .xsl files headers Thu, 20 Mar 2008 16:02:32 GMT pinsard [48] * trunk/configtidy.txt (modified) * trunk/data/userdemo1.xml (modified) * trunk/firstname_id.xsl (modified) * trunk/form_html.xsl (modified) * trunk/insertphp_many.sed (modified) * trunk/insertphp_one.sed (modified) * trunk/join_endcomma.awk (modified) * trunk/main.xml (modified) * trunk/main_html.xsl (modified) * trunk/makefile (modified) * trunk/select_id.xsl (modified) * trunk/superbib.css (modified) * trunk/superbib01_html.xsl (modified) * trunk/superbib01_txt.xsl (modified) * trunk/superbib02_html.xsl (modified) * trunk/superbib_pdf.xsl (modified) * trunk/superbibmany01_html.xsl (modified) * trunk/superbibmany02_html.xsl (modified) * trunk/superbibmany02_xml.xsl (modified) * trunk/surname_id.xsl (modified) * trunk/template_db.xsl (modified) * trunk/titlepage.superbib.xml (modified) * trunk/twindoi.sh (modified) * trunk/user_html.xsl (modified) improvements of headers, add property svn:keywords, typo Thu, 13 Mar 2008 13:23:35 GMT pinsard [47] * trunk/bibopa.sh (modified) add -p and -l parameter to bibopa.sh; add bibtex input (continuation) Wed, 12 Mar 2008 13:35:41 GMT pinsard [46] * trunk/bibopa.sh (modified) * trunk/data/petitpolyfp.bib (modified) add bibtex input (continuation) Wed, 12 Mar 2008 09:27:28 GMT pinsard [45] * trunk/bibopa.sh (modified) * trunk/data/petitpolyfp.bib (copied) * trunk/join_endcomma.awk (added) add bibtex input (continuation) Tue, 11 Mar 2008 11:40:40 GMT pinsard [44] * trunk/bibopa.sh (modified) * trunk/data/INTEL2002.tex (added) * trunk/data/Met2004.tex (added) * trunk/data/MetReiCoh2004.tex (added) * trunk/data/petitpoly.bib (added) add bibtex intput (just beginning)