Custom Query (11 matches)


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1 2 3 4
Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#6 fixed ajouter le nb total de publications somebody pinsard

Dans la sortie par année, ajouter sous la table des années le nb de publications total en gras.

#9 fixed alphabetic sort somebody pinsard

There is some odd alphabetic sort in authors list due to diacritics.

For example Musat I. is before Mélin F.. I expect to see Mélin F. before Menkes C..

#7 fixed bibrefnemo.xml and usernemo.xml are specific to NEMO. somebody pinsard

bibrefnemo.xml and usernemo.xml are specific to NEMO.

So when we work on the update of NEMO bibliography and user's information, while working on the improvement of superbib, we commit useless files for superbib users who didn't care that much on NEMO data.

Usage of svn:ignore is not sufficient here to solve the problem.

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