


16:58 Changeset [245] by pinsard
update from SA bis
16:53 Changeset [244] by pinsard
update main page
13:39 Changeset [243] by pinsard
update from ML../data/biblioref.bib
12:14 Changeset [242] by pinsard
handle phybiocar theme
11:07 Changeset [241] by pinsard
update from SA and JLM


19:13 Changeset [240] by pinsard
update from NS
17:26 Changeset [239] by pinsard
fixes on biblioref
17:25 Changeset [238] by pinsard
consolidate tools
12:00 Changeset [237] by pinsard
update from GR, JB, PT


18:32 Changeset [236] by pinsard
update from JV (oral communication)
17:31 Changeset [235] by pinsard
update from JS (livre MF)
12:09 Changeset [234] by pinsard
reorder biblio by jabref and fixes
12:03 Changeset [233] by pinsard
update from AL
11:49 Changeset [232] by pinsard
update from CH
11:45 Changeset [231] by pinsard
update from GR
11:35 Changeset [230] by pinsard
update from FV
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.