


17:36 Changeset [73] by pinsard
add book, manual biblioset on bibtex side
16:46 Changeset [72] by pinsard
add data/superbib01.tex for bibtex test
16:44 Changeset [71] by pinsard
add bibtexml2dbk.xsl for bibtex handling (oups)
15:39 Changeset [70] by pinsard
handling less than 8 different authors
14:51 Changeset [69] by pinsard
better handling of firstname/surname in titles and table cells
13:02 Changeset [68] by pinsard
basic solution (parameter) to force firstname/surname decomposition of …
12:24 Changeset [67] by pinsard
introducing bibtex ingestion. still some trouble because of …


17:35 Changeset [66] by pinsard
implemenation of xml to bibtex transformation (superbib02_txt.xsl). …


12:15 Changeset [65] by pinsard
some improvemnt but bibopa.sh and superbib01_txt.xsl are still not fully …


16:59 Changeset [64] by pinsard
several bug fixes, improvement for conferences (but not complety ok), …


16:34 Changeset [63] by pinsard
usage of xml(starlet) in twindoi.sh
14:54 Ticket #9 (alphabetic sort) closed by pinsard
14:45 Changeset [62] by pinsard
replace single quote by underscore in author id to avoid warning in …
12:12 Changeset [61] by pinsard
bug fix for years plot with ploticus (no bars after 2000)
12:00 Changeset [60] by pinsard
migration to docbook5 of xml test file of nemo biblio
11:29 Changeset [59] by smasson
add journals


17:43 Changeset [58] by pinsard
introduce language dependency on each update message (bibilo, user, html …
14:22 Changeset [57] by pinsard
start to introduce language dependency
12:01 Changeset [56] by pinsard
migration to docbook5 for biblio.xml; bug fix in bibopa.sh; xmlto is not …


14:25 Changeset [55] by pinsard
migration to docbook5 except biblio.xml; improvement of makefile


12:33 Changeset [54] by pinsard
get rid of tidy


13:06 Changeset [53] by pinsard
usage of ploticus instead of gnuplot for plot
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.