


14:13 Changeset [125] by pinsard
update HeerahAndrewsGoffEtAL:DSR:2011
12:41 Changeset [124] by pinsard
fix AT ref.
12:35 Changeset [123] by pinsard
update from JV
12:07 Changeset [122] by pinsard
add new unpublished ref from ML
11:30 Changeset [121] by pinsard
add/update GM,CR, AT,AS,GA,SA,GR ref + new author pages


12:40 Changeset [120] by pinsard
add jabref preference and filters
12:39 Changeset [119] by pinsard
complete and fix authors list
12:35 Changeset [118] by pinsard
typo and one missing ref
09:11 Changeset [117] by pinsard
add a branch for LOCEAN bibliography
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.