


14:55 Changeset [189] by pinsard
improve sorting issue (no more tablerefsabsbibsort in recent jabref …
13:27 Changeset [188] by pinsard
add prehal tools (even if broken)
12:36 Changeset [187] by pinsard
add loceanbibid and timestamp
11:12 Changeset [186] by pinsard
reorder biblio by jabref
11:05 Changeset [185] by pinsard


12:34 Changeset [184] by pinsard
one new, one published, typo


14:20 Changeset [183] by pinsard
progress on Excel reading


19:21 Changeset [182] by pinsard
try to progress in author list


19:05 Changeset [181] by pinsard
progress in authors list
17:29 Changeset [180] by pinsard
consolidation of doc dev. (to be cont.)
17:28 Changeset [179] by pinsard
consolidation of doc dev. (to be cont.)
17:21 Changeset [178] by pinsard
consolidation of doc dev. (to be cont.)
17:17 Changeset [177] by pinsard
consolidation of doc dev. (to be cont.)
15:25 Changeset [176] by pinsard
fix repository conflicts on _templates (to be cont.)
13:22 Changeset [175] by pinsard
improve env. setting
12:59 Changeset [174] by pinsard
fix portability issues on XML side
12:58 Changeset [173] by pinsard
improve AERES productions
11:34 Changeset [172] by pinsard
add aeres specific tools and prepare python migration
11:33 Changeset [171] by pinsard
try to improve lisibility
10:37 Changeset [170] by pinsard
debut de codification officiel aerestype
10:29 Changeset [169] by pinsard
typo + unpublished homogeneisation
10:07 Changeset [168] by pinsard
fix portability issue for jabref


18:45 Changeset [167] by pinsard
first list of authors …
18:44 Changeset [166] by pinsard
modif to avoid error using pybtex
18:08 Changeset [165] by pinsard
draft on python tool for main
16:21 Changeset [164] by pinsard
extract info from LDAP
14:30 Changeset [163] by pinsard
time in excel file
13:51 Changeset [162] by pinsard
excel demo read ok
13:09 Changeset [161] by pinsard
draft of AERES tools
10:01 Changeset [160] by pinsard
add som vulgarisation varlim ref.


09:38 Changeset [159] by pinsard
update on varclim ref.


18:45 Changeset [158] by pinsard
add/update varclim ref. + typos + aeres


17:07 Changeset [157] by pinsard
maj aeres mnh + 1 passage submitted published


12:48 Changeset [156] by pinsard
syntax fixes
11:28 Changeset [155] by pinsard
new entries
10:31 Changeset [154] by pinsard
add authors
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.