


19:56 Changeset [216] by pinsard
add check tool (to be cont.)
18:02 Changeset [215] by pinsard
process all aeres types
16:25 Changeset [214] by pinsard
prepare usage by other than fp


17:42 Changeset [213] by pinsard
add PHYBIOCAR theme column on html
16:39 Changeset [212] by pinsard
maj aeres ml + fixes
12:25 Changeset [211] by pinsard
reorder biblio by jabref and fixes
11:53 Changeset [210] by pinsard
maj aeres gv + published + fixes


14:57 Changeset [209] by pinsard
reorder biblio by jabref and fixes
14:28 Changeset [208] by pinsard
typography latex et fixes
13:33 Changeset [207] by pinsard
new ref and fixes
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.