


18:56 Changeset [36] by jmignot
18:18 Changeset [35] by jmignot
nouveaux enonces
18:07 Changeset [34] by jmignot
repertoire TOOLBOX/
18:05 Changeset [33] by jmignot
repertoire toolbox/


16:46 Changeset [32] by pinsard
detection of OS; explicit xy, explicit marker size


17:05 Changeset [31] by jmignot
mise a jour du LISEZMOI et du .pdf de RESULTATS


18:40 Changeset [30] by pinsard
ajout avertissement pb contourf octave 3.2.2
13:10 Changeset [29] by pinsard
typo in headers
12:47 Changeset [28] by pinsard
remove duplicate programmes between RESULATS and PROGRAMMES
12:46 Changeset [27] by pinsard
production de .ps au lieu de .eps
11:54 Changeset [26] by pinsard
production de .ps au lieu de .eps


18:16 Changeset [25] by jmignot
homogeneisation case noms programmes & sorties
13:15 Changeset [24] by pinsard
modif de commentaires pour cause de renommage de scripts, de chgt d'IO …
12:37 Changeset [23] by pinsard
suppression de more on dans le startup
12:24 Changeset [22] by jmignot
homogeneisation case noms programmes & sorties
12:15 Changeset [21] by jmignot
amelioration des figures: colorbar, niveaux de couleur, labels, ticks
11:41 Changeset [20] by pinsard
typo in headers
11:33 Changeset [19] by pinsard
complete whorldmap.m octave warning
11:25 Changeset [18] by pinsard
mime-type application/pdf RESULTATS/*.pdf
11:13 Ticket #1 (mauvais mime-type pour les fichiers .mat, .nc et .pdf) created by pinsard
Quand on navigue dans les sources, on ne peut pas voir facilement les …
11:13 Changeset [17] by pinsard
mime-type image/jpeg RESULTATS/*.jpg
11:10 Changeset [16] by pinsard
10:54 Changeset [15] by pinsard
ajout source enonce en XML/\DocBook; manque figures et pb \!MathML
10:42 WikiStart edited by trac
10:42 SvnBasicCommands created by trac


14:22 Changeset [14] by pinsard
Reg_seriestemporelles : header and octave compatibility
13:04 Changeset [13] by pinsard
eof_NCEP_an : : header and octave compatibility and save figures
12:18 Changeset [12] by pinsard
remove duplicate programmes between RESULATS and PROGRAMMES
12:16 Changeset [11] by pinsard
carteetstd_SST : header and octave compatibility and save figures
11:27 Changeset [10] by pinsard
Reg_seriestemporelles : header and octave compatibility


17:26 Changeset [9] by pinsard
eof_NCEP_sais : save Matlab v5 mat-file (little endian) using octave
16:57 Changeset [8] by pinsard
eof_NCEP_sais.m :header and octave compatibility
14:52 Changeset [7] by pinsard
14:20 Changeset [6] by pinsard
carte_SST.m : header and octave compatibility
13:00 Changeset [5] by pinsard
initfig : header and octave warning
12:42 Changeset [4] by pinsard
administration subset : sources and tools for manuals
12:30 Changeset [3] by pinsard
first administration subset : sources and tools for guide
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.