.. + .. .. TODO .. ==== .. .. subsection cf. http://sphinx.pocoo.org/rest.html#sections .. .. EVOLUTIONS .. ========== .. .. - fplod 20110406T104129Z aedon.locean-ipsl.upmc.fr (Darwin) .. .. * creation from data_contents.rst to isolated outputs .. .. - .. _data_out: TropFlux products ----------------- Data Policy ~~~~~~~~~~~ Until the paper acceptance, this product will be distributed only to a few people on a collaborative basis. Please reference the Tropflux paper and inform us of what are your plans with this data. Contact jerome.vialard@locean-ipsl.upmc.fr Data Files ~~~~~~~~~~ .. warning:: Password is needed to access to https://www.locean-ipsl.upmc.fr/~jv/data/. * `TropFlux_q2m_19890101_20091231.nc `_ This file contains Tropflux corrected specific humidity at 2m above the sea surface. Units are in g/kg. * `TropFlux_t2m_19890101_20091231.nc `_ This file contains Tropflux corrected air temperature at 2m above the sea surface. Units are in Kelvin. * `TropFlux_sst_19890101_20091231.nc `_ This file contains Tropflux corrected sea surface temperature. Units are in Kelvin. * `TropFlux_ws_19890101_20091231.nc `_ This file contains Tropflux corrected wind speed at 10m above the sea surface. The "gustiness" correction applied to wind speed for turbulent heat flux computations (see paper +todo+link for details) is not applied in this file. Units are in m/s. * `TropFlux_19890101_20091231.nc `_ This file contains net shortwave radiation at the sea surface (swr), net longwave radiation at the sea surface (lwr), latent heat flux (lhf) and sensible heat flux (shf). Units are in W/m2. Size ~~~~ 614 Mo/files