.. + .. .. DESCRIPTION .. =========== .. .. procedure to update data on website 20130725 .. .. SEE ALSO .. ======== .. .. ref:`updatedata` .. .. TODO .. ===== .. .. EVOLUTIONS .. ========== .. .. $Id$ .. .. $URL$ .. .. - fplod 20130725T141747Z cratos.locean-ipsl.upmc.fr (Linux) .. .. * creation .. .. - .. |project| replace:: TROPFLUX .. |project_id| replace:: tropflux .. _updatedata_20130725: Update data 20130725 ==================== Here are details tasks for the update data 20130725 derived from :ref:`updatedata`. .. _newversion_20130725: Only time coverage extension from July 2012 to March 2013 Following files are updated : :file:`${PROJECT}/adm/website/data/changes.rst` :file:`${PROJECT}/adm/website/data_access.rst` :file:`${PROJECT}/adm/website/overview.rst` :file:`${PROJECT}/adm/website/Readme.rst` :file:`${PROJECT}/adm/website/_templates/layout.html` .. _saveold: Save old version ---------------- .. parsed-literal:: datemodif="20130725" export datemodif cd /usr/lodyc/incas/fplod/tropflux_d/ mkdir obsolete_${datemodif} .. parsed-literal:: mv Readme.rst obsolete_${datemodif} mv ./daily obsolete_${datemodif} mv ./monthly obsolete_${datemodif} .. _copynew1_20130725: Copy new version (phase 1) -------------------------- .. parsed-literal:: mkdir /usr/lodyc/incas/fplod/tropflux_d/to_be_published newdir='/net/adonis/usr/adonis/varclim/tropflux_v2' export newdir Is there enough space ? .. parsed-literal:: du -sh ${newdir}/daily 12G /net/adonis/usr/adonis/varclim/tropflux_v2/daily du -sh ${newdir}/monthly 396M /net/adonis/usr/adonis/varclim/tropflux_v2/monthly df -h /usr/lodyc/incas/fplod/tropflux_d/to_be_published Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on fslodyc:/usr/.lodyc 1.6T 1.6T 20G 99% /.autofs/lodyc 20GB vs 12.4 GB = yes then, copy : .. parsed-literal:: cp ${PROJECT}/adm/website/Readme.rst /usr/lodyc/incas/fplod/tropflux_d/to_be_published/Readme.rst cp -r ${newdir}/daily /usr/lodyc/incas/fplod/tropflux_d/to_be_published cp -r ${newdir}/monthly /usr/lodyc/incas/fplod/tropflux_d/to_be_published .. _compareversion_20130725: Compare versions ---------------- A set of tools must be run to compare obsolete and new versions see draft tool :ref:`compare.sh` .. parsed-literal:: log=${PROJECT_LOG}/compare.log script ${log} compare.sh exit Check for results. First check expected equality for data: .. parsed-literal:: grep "records differ" ${log} If only "0 of" begin all lines, its ok. Otherwise look inside the log file to locate troubles. Second, check for differences on global attributes On creation_date .. parsed-literal:: grep "^>" ${log} | grep creation_date If nothing appears, you must modified this attributes. see :ref:`change_creation_date.sh`. It is what happened in this 20130725 data update, so: .. parsed-literal:: change_creation_date.sh -d /usr/lodyc/incas/fplod/tropflux_d/to_be_published/ -c 20130725 tlogd.sh change_creation_date On time_range .. parsed-literal:: grep "^>" ${log} | grep time_range If nothing appears, you must modified this attributes. see :ref:`change_time_range.sh` It is what happened in this 20130725 data update, so: .. parsed-literal:: change_time_range.sh -d /usr/lodyc/incas/fplod/tropflux_d/to_be_published/ -b 19790101 -e 20130331 tlogd.sh change_time_range Clean comparison log file: .. parsed-literal:: rm ${log} Correct terminology if still necessary: .. parsed-literal:: correct_terminology.sh -d /usr/lodyc/incas/fplod/tropflux_d/to_be_published/ -good "1979_2013" -bad "1979_march2013" tlogd.sh correct_terminology If modifications has been made, re-run comparison (go back to :ref:`compareversion_20130725`) before next step Once comparison is done and PI happy, ++ cleaning or modify newdir .. _copynew2_20130725: Copy new version (phase 2) -------------------------- .. parsed-literal:: cd /usr/lodyc/incas/fplod/tropflux_d/ mv ./to_be_published/Readme.rst . mv ./to_be_published/daily ./ mv ./to_be_published/monthly ./ ln -sf $(pwd)/Readme.rst daily/ ln -sf $(pwd)/Readme.rst monthly/ .. _desinstalldata_20130725: Remove old version from the website ----------------------------------- To avoid confusion, old version has to be removed from the website: .. warning:: This sequence do not work on cratos because no ftp command on this platform. It has been launched on cerbere.locean-ipsl.upmc.fr .. parsed-literal:: ftp www.locean-ipsl.upmc.fr cd |project_id|/data/ mdelete daily/* mdelete monthly/* bye .. _installdata_20130725: Installation of the new version ------------------------------- L'installation se fait ainsi: .. warning:: This sequence do not work on cratos because no ftp command on this platform. It has been launched on cerbere.locean-ipsl.upmc.fr .. parsed-literal:: cd /usr/lodyc/incas/fplod/tropflux_d/ ftp www.locean-ipsl.upmc.fr cd |project_id|/data/ put Readme.rst cd daily lcd daily mput \*.nc put ../Readme.rst cd ../monthly lcd ../monthly put ../Readme.rst mput \*.nc bye Update news of website ---------------------- Files in :file:`${PROJECT}/adm/website/` have been modified to tell the new time coverage so see also :ref:`builddoc` to synchronize dataset and documentation Update svn repository --------------------- svn commit pour tous les fichiers modifiés lors de cette mise à jour Cleaning --------- rm /usr/lodyc/incas/fplod/tropflux_d/to_be_published/