Changeset 160

03/07/12 17:37:20 (12 years ago)

README.rst was renamed to Readme.rst because of Apache policy

1 edited
1 moved


  • trunk/adm/website/Readme.rst

    r159 r160  
    10 The TropFlux project aims at providing daily, timely, accurate air-sea heat and momentum flux data for the entire 30°N-30°S region.  Wind stresses and the four components of net surface heat flux are currently available for the entire 1979 to September 2011 period. We are currently working on a regular (~monthly) update of the TropFlux product until 3-4 months behind realtime, which should be available in 2012. 
     10The TropFlux project aims at providing daily, timely, accurate air-sea heat and momentum flux data for the entire 30°N-30°S region.  Wind stresses and the four components of net surface heat flux are currently available for the entire 1979 to eptember 2011 period. We are currently working on a regular (~monthly) update of the TropFlux product until 3-4 months behind realtime, which should be available in 2012. 
    1212TropFlux is largely derived from a combination of ERA-I re-analysis data for turbulent and longwave fluxes, and ISCCP surface radiation data for shortwave flux. All input products are bias- and amplitude-corrected on the basis of Global Tropical Moored Buoy Array data, before surface net heat flux and wind stresses are computed using the COARE v3 bulk algorithm. A precise description of the flux computation procedure, as well as a detailed evaluation against other timely, daily air-sea heat flux alternatives (OAFLUX, NCEP, NCEP2, ERA-I) is provided in Praveen Kumar et al. 2011. The wind stress product is described, evaluated and compared against other widely used products (QuikSCAT, NCEP, NCEP2, ERA-I) in Praveen Kumar et al. submitted 
    1616 - better variability and less biases than re-analysis fluxes (and equivalent or slightly better than the best performing products: OAFLUX for heat fluxes and ERA-I for wind stresses) , 
    17  - available until Septempber 2011, and soon updated every month, lagging realtime by ~3 months, 
     17 - available until September 2011, and soon updated every month, lagging realtime by ~3 months, 
    1818 - a simple estimate of surface shortwave radiation is provided from OLR data, as a near-realtime alternative to the more accurate but irregularly updated ISCCP data. 
    3838 - Bulk sea surface temperature (sst, degC) 
    40 The data is provided in netcdf format, with one file per variable for the complete dataset. 
     40The data is provided in NetCDF format, with one file per variable for the complete dataset. 
    4141Daily (almost 1Gb per file) and monthly (32Mb per file) average data are proposed. 
    4242The data is provided on a 1° resolution grid (with the same land-sea mask than for the OAFLUX project, ). 
    43 There are 60 points in latidude at -29.5, -28.5, ..., 28.5 (positive north of the equator). 
    44 There are 350 points in longitude at 30.5, 31.5, ..., 379.5 (eastward of the Greenwhich meridian). 
     43There are 60 points in latitude at -29.5, -28.5, ..., 28.5 (positive north of the equator). 
     44There are 350 points in longitude at 30.5, 31.5, ..., 379.5 (eastward of the Greenwich meridian). 
    4545This choice on longitude has been made: to avoid including points with only land (in central Africa)and to avoid cutting through a tropical ocean. 
  • trunk/docs/docs_dev/source/guides/updatedata.rst

    r157 r160  
    2727.. tenir compte des images du site dans cette procédure 
    29 .. tester la mise à jour de README.rst 
     29.. tester la mise à jour de Readme.rst 
    3131.. EVOLUTIONS 
    3636.. $URL$ 
     38.. - fplod 20120307 
     40..   * README.rst was renamed to Readme.rst because of Apache policy 
    3842.. - fplod 20120229 
    8084If a new field is provided it must be described in :file:`data_out_website.rst` 
    82 :file:`README.rst` may also be updated. 
     86:file:`Readme.rst` may also be updated. 
    8488.. warning:: 
    118122.. parsed-literal:: 
    120    $ mv README.rst obsolete_${datemodif} 
     124   $ mv Readme.rst obsolete_${datemodif} 
    121125   $ mv ./daily obsolete_${datemodif} 
    122126   $ mv ./monthly obsolete_${datemodif} 
    131135   $ newdir='/net/adonis/usr/adonis/varclim/tropflux_v1' 
    132136   $ export newdir 
    133    $ svn export svn+ssh:// \ 
    134      /usr/lodyc/incas/fplod/tropflux_d/to_be_published/README.rst 
     137   $ svn export svn+ssh:// \ 
     138     /usr/lodyc/incas/fplod/tropflux_d/to_be_published/Readme.rst 
    135139   $ cp -r ${newdir}/daily /usr/lodyc/incas/fplod/tropflux_d/to_be_published 
    136140   $ cp -r ${newdir}/monthly /usr/lodyc/incas/fplod/tropflux_d/to_be_published 
    163167   $ cd /usr/lodyc/incas/fplod/tropflux_d/ 
    164    $ mv ./to_be_published/README.rst 
    165    $ ln -sf $(pwd)/README.rst daily/ 
    166    $ ln -sf $(pwd)/README.rst monthly/ 
     168   $ mv ./to_be_published/Readme.rst 
     169   $ ln -sf $(pwd)/Readme.rst daily/ 
     170   $ ln -sf $(pwd)/Readme.rst monthly/ 
    167171   $ mv ./to_be_published/daily ./ 
    168172   $ mv ./to_be_published/monthly ./ 
    196200   fplod@sonmac$ ftp 
    197201   ftp> cd |project_id|/data/ 
    198    ftp> put README.rst 
     202   ftp> put Readme.rst 
    199203   ftp> cd daily 
    200204   ftp> lcd daily 
    201205   ftp> mput *.nc 
    202206   ftp> cd ../monthly 
    203    ftp> put ../README.rst 
     207   ftp> put ../Readme.rst 
    204208   ftp> lcd ../monthly 
    205    ftp> put ../README.rst 
     209   ftp> put ../Readme.rst 
    206210   ftp> mput *.nc 
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.