;+ ; ; ============================= ; dew_temp_airt_rel_humidity_jv ; ============================= ; ; .. function:: dew_temp_airt_rel_humidity_jv(t, td) ; ; :param t: air temperature in degC ; :param td: dew point temperature in degC ; ; ; SEE ALSO ; ======== ; ; EXAMPLES ; ======== ; ; :: ; ; IDL> t=+todo+ ; IDL> td=+todo+ ; IDL> result=dew_temp_airt_rel_humidity_jv(t, td) ; ; ; TODO ; ==== ; ; hard coded directory - usage of ${TROPFLUX_ID} ; ; coding rules ; ; EVOLUTIONS ; ========== ; ; - fplod 20101214T093615Z aedon.locean-ipsl.upmc.fr (Darwin) ; ; * minimal header ; ; - pbk 2008 ; ; * creation ; ;- function dew_temp_airt_rel_humidity_jv, t,td if (not keyword_set(t)) then t=28 ; air temperature in degC if (not keyword_set(td)) then td=23 ; dew point temperature in degC es0=6.11 ; reference saturation vapor pressure (hPa) ;; calculating fields. First saturation vapor pressure (Es) and ;; actual vapor pressure are calculated. The ratio (E/Es)*100 ;; gives the relative humidity e=es0*10^(7.5*td/(237.7+td)) es=es0*10^(7.5*t/(237.7+T)) rh=(e/es)*100 ;;;print, 'RH = ',rh return, rh end