;+ ; ; .. _flux_evaluation_tpr_map.pro: ; ; =========================== ; flux_evaluation_tpr_map.pro ; =========================== ; ; DESCRIPTION ; =========== ; ; SEE ALSO ; ======== ; ; :ref:`project_profile.sh` ; :ref:`project_init.pro` ; :ref:`cm_project.pro` ; ; TODO ; ==== ; ; make it work : need output of flux_evaluation_tpr_timeseries.pro ; ; uncomment var ; ; coding rules ; ; EXAMPLES ; ======== ; ; :: ; ; IDL> date1 = 20000101L ; IDL> date2 = 20091231L ; IDL> flux_evaluation_tpr_map, date1, date2 ; ; EVOLUTIONS ; ========== ; ; $Id$ ; ; $URL$ ; ; - fplod 20111130T142224Z cratos (Linux) ; ; * try to make it work on my account on cratos ; * remove x_site_location and x_site_location because already exist ; ;- pro flux_evaluation_tpr_map, $ ; var, $ ;; flux variable (swr, lwr, lhf, shf) to calculate the statistics date1, $ ;; start date (in julian date. eg. 20000101) date2 ;; end date (in julian date eg. 20091231) @common @cm_project reinitplt, /z,/invert key_portrait = 1 openps, FILENAME = project_od_env+'flux_evaluation_tpr_map.ps' ; ;; part to change min_obs=10. ;; this will allow to calculate statistics at locations with more than 180. valid observation ;; choose the appropriate min and max values for the following. bias_mi=-5 & bias_ma=5 & bias_int=0.5 std_mi=0.5 & std_ma=1.5 & std_int=0.05 rmsd_mi=0 & rmsd_ma=15 & rmsd_int=1.5 cor_mi=0.5 & cor_ma=1. & cor_int=0.025 ;; TPR locations. This needs to be updated with time since more locations are added to the array. sitelist=['5n165e','8s67e','12s55e', '8s55e', '8s80.5e', '1.5s80.5e', '0n80.5e', '1.5n80.5e', '1.5s90e', $ '0n90e', '1.5n90e', '4n90e','8n90e','12n90e', '15n90e', '5s95e', $ '8s165e', '8s180w', '8s155w', '8s125w', '8s110w', '8s95w', '5s156e', '5s165e', '5s180w', '5s170w', $ '5s155w', '5s140w', '5s125w', '5s110w', '5s95w', '2s156e', '2s165e', '2s180w', '2s170w', '2s155w', '2s140w', $ '2s125w', '2s110w', '2s95w', '0n147e', '0n156e', '0n165e', '0n180w', '0n170w', '0n155w', '0n140w', '0n125w', $ '0n110w', '0n95w', '2n147e', '2n156e', '2n165e', '2n180w', '2n170w', '2n155w', '2n140w', '2n125w', '2n110w', $ '2n95w', '5n147e', '5n156e', '5n170w', '5n155w', '5n140w', '5n125w', '5n110w', '5n95w', $ '8n156e', '8n165e', '8n180w', '8n170w', '9n140w', '8n125w', '8n110w', '8n95w', $ '0n0e', '0n10w', '0n23w', '0n35w', '10s10w', '12n23w', '12n38w', '14s32w', '15n38w', '19s34w', '20n38w', $ '21n23w', '4n23w', '4n38w', '6s10w', '8n38w', '8s30w'] ;; This program will create the following text files with statistics of respective variables close,/all erase ;; PLOTING THE MAPS fi = project_od_env + 'flux_stat.txt' res=read_ascii(fi,data_start=1) ff=res.field1 lat=reform(ff(0,*)) lon=reform(ff(1,*)) cor=reform(ff(2,*)) bias=reform(ff(3,*)) std=reform(ff(4,*)) rmsd=reform(ff(5,*)) corr_t=total(cor)/n_elements(cor) bias_t=total(bias)/n_elements(bias) std_t=total(std)/n_elements(std) rmsd_t=total(rmsd)/n_elements(rmsd) cstat=string(corr_t, bias_t, std_t, rmsd_t, format='(f4.2,3x,f7.2,3x,f4.2,3x,f5.2)') file= project_id_env + 'mask_oaflux_30N30S.nc' initncdf, file domdef, 30,390,-30,30 msk=ncdf_lec(file,var='msk') marge1=[0,0,-5,0] plt, msk,realcont=2,/nocont,/nofill,xminor=1,yminor=1,lct=64,cor_mi, cor_ma,int=cor_int, $ title='1) Correlation ', subtitle='', small=[1,4,1],/rempl,marge=marge1 NN=n_elements(lat) usersym, [-.5,.5,.5,-.5,-.5],[-.5,-.5,.5,.5,-.5],/fill for n=0,NN-1 do begin x=lon(n) y=lat(n) c=cor(n) cmi=cor_mi & cma=cor_ma & dc=cma-cmi col=((10+244*(c-cmi)/dc) > 10) < 254 plots, x,y,psym=8,symsize=1.5,color=col endfor usersym, [-.5,.5,.5,-.5,-.5],[-.5,-.5,.5,.5,-.5] for n=0,NN-1 do begin x=lon(n) y=lat(n) c=cor(n) plots, x,y,psym=8,symsize=1.5,color=0 endfor plt,msk,realcont=2,/nocont,/nofill,xminor=1,yminor=1,lct=64,bias_mi, bias_ma, int=bias_int,/noer, marge=marge1, $ title='2) Mean bias', subtitle='', small=[1,4,2],/rempl NN=n_elements(lat) usersym, [-.5,.5,.5,-.5,-.5],[-.5,-.5,.5,.5,-.5],/fill for n=0,NN-1 do begin x=lon(n) y=lat(n) c=bias(n) cmi=bias_mi & cma=bias_ma & dc=cma-cmi col=((10+244*(c-cmi)/dc) > 10) < 254 plots, x,y,psym=8,symsize=1.5,color=col endfor usersym, [-.5,.5,.5,-.5,-.5],[-.5,-.5,.5,.5,-.5] for n=0,NN-1 do begin x=lon(n) y=lat(n) c=bias(n) plots, x,y,psym=8,symsize=1.5,color=0 endfor plt,msk,realcont=2,/nocont,/nofill,xminor=1,yminor=1,lct=64,rmsd_mi, rmsd_ma, int=rmsd_int,/noer, $ title='3) RMSD ', subtitle='', small=[1,4,3],/rempl, marge=marge1 NN=n_elements(lat) usersym, [-.5,.5,.5,-.5,-.5],[-.5,-.5,.5,.5,-.5],/fill for n=0,NN-1 do begin x=lon(n) y=lat(n) c=rmsd(n) cmi=rmsd_mi & cma=rmsd_ma & dc=cma-cmi col=((10+244*(c-cmi)/dc) > 10) < 254 plots, x,y,psym=8,symsize=1.5,color=col endfor usersym, [-.5,.5,.5,-.5,-.5],[-.5,-.5,.5,.5,-.5] for n=0,NN-1 do begin x=lon(n) y=lat(n) c=rmsd(n) plots, x,y,psym=8,symsize=1.5,color=0 endfor plt,msk,realcont=2,/nocont,/nofill,xminor=1,yminor=1,lct=64,std_mi, std_ma, int=std_int,/noer, $ title='4) STD ratio', subtitle='', small=[1,4,4],/rempl, marge=marge1 NN=n_elements(lat) usersym, [-.5,.5,.5,-.5,-.5],[-.5,-.5,.5,.5,-.5],/fill for n=0,NN-1 do begin x=lon(n) y=lat(n) c=std(n) cmi=std_mi & cma=std_ma & dc=cma-cmi col=((10+244*(c-cmi)/dc) > 10) < 254 plots, x,y,psym=8,symsize=1.5,color=col endfor usersym, [-.5,.5,.5,-.5,-.5],[-.5,-.5,.5,.5,-.5] for n=0,NN-1 do begin x=lon(n) y=lat(n) c=std(n) plots, x,y,psym=8,symsize=1.5,color=0 endfor erase ;; computing the pdf x=mooring & y=product mio=-50 & mao=300 & inx=25 & nx=(mao-mio)/inx+1l & xx=mio+indgen(nx)*inx mis=-50 & mas=300 & iny=25 & ny=(mas-mis)/iny+1l & yy=mis+indgen(ny)*iny pdf=fltarr(nx,ny) for i=0, nx-2 do begin for j=0,ny-2 do begin xmi=xx(i) & xma=xx(i+1) ymi=yy(j) & yma=yy(j+1) ind=where((x ge xmi) and (x le xma) and (y ge ymi) and (y le yma)) pdf(i,j)=float(n_elements(ind)) ; print, xmi,xma,ymi,yma,n_elements(ind) endfor endfor scontour, pdf,xx,yy ,small=[2,1,1],/noer, charsize=1, nlevels=30,/fill, $ xtitle='TAO Flux', ytitle='Product', title='PDF' xyouts, 0, -150, cstat, charsize=1.2 closeps end