;+ ; .. _fig1_no_obs_map.pro: ; ; =================== ; fig1_no_obs_map.pro ; =================== ; ; DESCRIPTION ; =========== ; ; :file:`${PROJECT_OD}/mask_oaflux_30N30S.nc` ; containing OAFLUX grid ; has been produced by :ref:`oaflux_mask_30N30S.pro`. ; ; Figure of ; ++ ; is saved in ; :file:`${PROJECT_OD}/fig1_no_obs_map.ps`. ; ; .. graphviz:: ; ; digraph fig1_no_obs_map { ; ; mask [shape=ellipse,fontname=Courier,label="${PROJECT_OD}/mask_oaflux_30N30S.nc"]; ; lhf_no_obs [shape=ellipse,fontname=Courier,label="${PROJECT_ID}/lhf_no_obs.txt"]; ; sw_no_obs [shape=ellipse,fontname=Courier,label="${PROJECT_ID}/sw_no_obs.txt"]; ; lw_no_obs [shape=ellipse,fontname=Courier,label="${PROJECT_ID}/lw_no_obs.txt"]; ; figure [shape=ellipse,fontname=Courier,label="${PROJECT_OD}/fig1_no_obs_map.ps"]; ; ; fig1_no_obs_map [shape=box, ; fontname=Courier, ; color=blue, ; URL="http://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/tropflux/browser/trunk/src/paper01/fig1/fig1_no_obs_map.pro", ; label="${TROPFLUX}/src/paper01/fig1/fig1_no_obs_map.pro"]; ; ; {mask lhf_no_obs sw_no_obs lw_no_obs} -> {fig1_no_obs_map} -> {figure} ; ; } ; ; SEE ALSO ; ======== ; ; :ref:`data_in_oaflux` ; ; :ref:`project_profile.sh` ; :ref:`project_init.pro` ; ; :func:`x_site_location` ; :func:`y_site_location` ; ; :ref:`oaflux_mask_30N30S.pro` ; ; EXAMPLES ; ======== ; ; :: ; ; IDL> fig1_no_obs_map ; ; TODO ; ==== ; ; how text files have been produced ? ; ; coding rules ; ; complete description ; ; handle IO error ; ; EVOLUTIONS ; ========== ; ; $Id$ ; ; - fplod 20110817T104358Z aedon.locean-ipsl.upmc.fr (Darwin) ; ; * get rid of spawn ; ; - pinsard 2011-04-20T15:08:28Z loholt1.ipsl.polytechnique.fr (Linux) ; ; * make it work on loholt1 ; ; - fplod 20110420T134821Z aedon.locean-ipsl.upmc.fr (Darwin) ; ; * externalize functions ; ; - fplod 20110412T073818Z aedon.locean-ipsl.upmc.fr (Darwin) ; ; * make it work on cratos ; * remove hard coding path ; * add graphviz ; ; - fplod 20110411T142955Z aedon.locean-ipsl.upmc.fr (Darwin) ; ; * minimal header ; ;- pro fig1_no_obs_map ; @cm_4cal @cm_4data @cm_4mesh @cm_4data @cm_project ; reinitplt, /z,/invert key_portrait = 1 openps, FILENAME = project_od_env + 'fig1_no_obs_map.ps' close,/all yr=365. lh_mi=365/yr & lh_ma=3285/yr & lh_int=0.25 sw_mi=365/yr & sw_ma=3285/yr & sw_int=0.25 lw_mi=365/yr & lw_ma=1460/yr & lw_int=0.125 lct=65 file=project_id_env + 'mask_oaflux_30N30S.nc' initncdf, file domdef, 30,390,-30,30 msk=ncdf_lec(file,var='msk') fi=project_id_env + 'lhf_no_obs.txt' res=read_ascii(fi,data_start=1) ff=res.field1 lat=reform(ff(0,*)) lon=reform(ff(1,*)) no=reform(ff(2,*)) no=no/yr ;ind=where(no ge lh_ma) & no(ind)=no-0.5 marge1=[0,0,-5,0] plt, .4+msk*1.e-5,realcont=2,/nocont,/nofill,xminor=1,yminor=1,box=box,lct=lct, lh_mi, lh_ma, int=lh_int, $ title='a) Turbulent Flux validation sites', subtitle='', small=[1,4,1],/rempl, marge=marge1, format='(i5)' NN=n_elements(lat) usersym, [-.5,.5,.5,-.5,-.5],[-.5,-.5,.5,.5,-.5],/fill for n=0,NN-1 do begin x=lon[n] y=lat[n] c=no[n] cmi=lh_mi & cma=lh_ma & dc=cma-cmi col=((10+244*(c-cmi)/dc) > 10) < 254 plots, x,y,psym=8,symsize=1.5,color=col endfor usersym, [-.5,.5,.5,-.5,-.5],[-.5,-.5,.5,.5,-.5] for n=0,NN-1 do begin x=lon[n] y=lat[n] c=no[n] plots, x,y,psym=8,symsize=1.5,color=0 endfor fi=project_id_env + 'sw_no_obs.txt' res=read_ascii(fi,data_start=1) ff=res.field1 lat=reform(ff(0,*)) lon=reform(ff(1,*)) no=reform(ff(2,*)) no=no/yr ;ind=where(no ge sw_ma) & no(ind)=sw_ma-0.5 marge1=[0,0,-5,0] plt, .4+msk*1.e-5,realcont=2,/nocont,/nofill,xminor=1,yminor=1,box=box,lct=lct, sw_mi, sw_ma, int=sw_int, $ title='b) SWR validation sites', subtitle='', small=[1,4,2],/noer,/rempl, marge=marge1, format='(i5)' NN=n_elements(lat) usersym, [-.5,.5,.5,-.5,-.5],[-.5,-.5,.5,.5,-.5],/fill for n=0,NN-1 do begin x=lon[n] y=lat[n] c=no[n] cmi=sw_mi & cma=sw_ma & dc=cma-cmi col=((10+244*(c-cmi)/dc) > 10) < 254 plots, x,y,psym=8,symsize=1.5,color=col endfor usersym, [-.5,.5,.5,-.5,-.5],[-.5,-.5,.5,.5,-.5] for n=0,NN-1 do begin x=lon[n] y=lat[n] c=no[n] plots, x,y,psym=8,symsize=1.5,color=0 endfor fi=project_id_env + 'lw_no_obs.txt' res=read_ascii(fi,data_start=1) ff=res.field1 lat=reform(ff(0,*)) lon=reform(ff(1,*)) no=reform(ff(2,*)) no=no/yr ;ind=where(no ge lw_ma) & no(ind)=lw_ma-0.25 marge1=[0,0,-5,0] plt, .4+msk*1.e-5,realcont=2,/nocont,/nofill,/noer,xminor=1,yminor=1,box=box,lct=lct,lw_mi, lw_ma, int=lw_int, $ title='c) LWR validation sites', subtitle='', small=[1,4,3],/rempl, marge=marge1, format='(i5)' NN=n_elements(lat) usersym, [-.5,.5,.5,-.5,-.5],[-.5,-.5,.5,.5,-.5],/fill for n=0,NN-1 do begin x=lon[n] y=lat[n] c=no[n] cmi=lw_mi & cma=lw_ma & dc=cma-cmi col=((10+244*(c-cmi)/dc) > 10) < 254 plots, x,y,psym=8,symsize=1.5,color=col endfor usersym, [-.5,.5,.5,-.5,-.5],[-.5,-.5,.5,.5,-.5] for n=0,NN-1 do begin x=lon[n] y=lat[n] c=no[n] plots, x,y,psym=8,symsize=1.5,color=0 endfor ;; independent validation sites plots, 61.5, 15.5,psym=2 ;; as location plots, 331, 25.5,psym=2 ;; subduction (central) plots, 326, 18,psym=2 ;; subduction (sw) plots, 338, 18,psym=2 ;; subduction (se) plots, 156, -1.7 , psym=2 ;; coare plots, 274.2, -21, psym=2 ;; stratus plots, 202.46, 22.45, psym=2 ;; WHOTS closeps end