;+ ;- ;---------------------------------------------- function lwdown_clark, sst,qair,cld,tair,ps ; ; Net longwave from the Clark et al. (1974) bulk formula ; Clark, N. E., L. Eber, R. M. Laurs, J. A. Renner, and J. F. T. Saur, ; 1974: Heat exchange between ocean and atmosphere in the ; eastern North Pacific for 1961-71. NOAA Tech. Rep. NMRS ; SSRF-682, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, ; U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington, DC, 108 pp. ; See also Gill, p34. ; ; INPUTS ; sst : Sea surface temperature (degC) ; qair: specific humidity (g/kg) ; cld : cloud cover ; tair: surface air temperature (degC) ; ps : surface pressure (mb) ; OUTPUT ; lw : estimated longwave (W/m2) ; @common ;---------------------------------------------- eps=.97 ; emissivity of sea-water sig=5.67e-8 ; Stefan-Boltzman constant (W/m2/K4) Ts=(sst+273.15) ; SST in K Ta=(tair+273.15) ; Tair in K q=qair/1000. ; specific humidity (kg/kg) r=q/(1-q) ; Mixing ratio ea=ps*r/(r+.62197) ; Specific humidity into vapor pressure lw= eps*sig*Ts^4*(.39-.05*ea^.5)*(1.-.51*cld^2) $ +4.*eps*sig*Ts^3*(Ts-Ta) lwup=eps*sig*Ts^4 lwdown=lwup-lw return, lwdown ;---------------------------------------------- end ;----------------------------------------------