;+ ; .. _statistics_3var_v1.pro: ; ; ====================== ; statistics_3var_v1.pro ; ====================== ; ; DESCRIPTION ; =========== ; ; SEE ALSO ; ======== ; ; :ref:`project_profile.sh` ; ; :ref:`net_flux_validation_scatter_2000_2007.pro` ; :ref:`air_validation_scatter_2000_2009_v50.pro` ; :ref:`q2m_validation_scatter_2000_2009_v50.pro` ; :ref:`sst_validation_scatter_2000_2009_v50.pro` ; :ref:`ws_validation_scatter_2000_2009_v50.pro` ; :ref:`air_validation_scatter_2000_2009_basin.pro` ; :ref:`q2m_validation_scatter_2000_2009_basin.pro` ; :ref:`sst_validation_scatter_2000_2009_basin.pro` ; :ref:`ws_validation_scatter_2000_2009_basin.pro` ; :ref:`lhf_validation_scatter_2000_2009.pro` ; :ref:`shf_validation_scatter_2000_2009.pro` ; :ref:`lwr_validation_scatter_2000_2007.pro` ; :ref:`swr_validation_scatter_2000_2007.pro` ; ; EXAMPLES ; ======== ; ; :: ; ; IDL> tao=++ ; IDL> ++ ; IDL> statistics_3var_v1, tao, var1, var2, cor1, cor2, bias1, bias2, std1, std2, rmsd1, rmsd2 ; ; EVOLUTIONS ; ========== ; ; $Id$ ; ; $URL$ ; ; - fplod 20110411T142955Z aedon.locean-ipsl.upmc.fr (Darwin) ; ; * minimal header ; ;- pro statistics_3var_v1, tao,var1,var2, $ cor1, cor2, bias1, bias2, std1, std2, rmsd1, rmsd2 ; @cm_project x=tao y=var1 z=var2 ; ind1=where(finite(x,/nan)) ind2=where(finite(y,/nan)) ind3=where(finite(z,/nan)) ind=inter(ind1,union(ind2,ind3)) ; if (ind ne -1.) then begin x(ind)=!Values.f_nan y(ind)=!Values.f_nan z(ind)=!Values.f_nan endif ; nsmooth=5 ; applying a 5 day smoothing ; x=ts_smooth(x,nsmooth,/nan) y=ts_smooth(y,nsmooth,/nan) z=ts_smooth(z,nsmooth,/nan) ; ind1=where(finite(x)) ind2=where(finite(y)) ind3=where(finite(z)) ind=inter(ind1,inter(ind2,ind3)) x=x(ind) y=y(ind) z=z(ind) nn=n_elements(ind) ; cor1=correlate(x,y) cor2=correlate(x,z) ; cor1=correlation(tropflux,tao) cor2=correlation(tropflux,rec) xxx=moment(x) ; mean1 and std1 --> for tropflux mean1=xxx(0) std1=sqrt(xxx(1)) xxx=moment(y) ; mean2 and std2 --> for tao mean2=xxx(0) std2=sqrt(xxx(1)) xxx=moment(z) ; mean3 and std3 --> for rec mean3=xxx(0) std3=sqrt(xxx(1)) ; bias1=mean2-mean1 st1=std2/std1 bias2=mean3-mean1 st2=std3/std1 ; std1=st1 std2=st2 rmsd1=sqrt(total((x-y)*(x-y))/n_elements(x)) rmsd2=sqrt(total((x-z)*(x-z))/n_elements(x)) ; end