!+ ! ! .. _average_pb.jnl: ! ! ============== ! average_pb.jnl ! ============== ! ! DESCRIPTION ! =========== ! ! EXAMPLES ! ======== ! ! :: ! ! ferret> GO average_pb ! ! or:: ! ! $ ferret -nojnl -script average_pb.jnl ! ! SEE ALSO ! ======== ! ! TODO ! ==== ! ! find a solution (with /bad or missing function) ! ! log ! ! save figure ! ! save data to be compare to equivalent nco or cdo or .. implementation ! ! do the same with levitus, coads (ie a well known dataset) ! see http://www.oc.nps.edu/~bird/oc3030/ferret/ferret_notes.html ! ocean_atlas_subset.nc seems to be the closest dataset provided by ferret ! to tropflux one because of xt,x,y,z axis of temp variable ! ! see in http://lpas.epfl.ch/MOD/manuals/ferret/chapter3.html : default missing value is 1.E+34 ! ! get PROJECT_ID ! ! EVOLUTIONS ! ========== ! ! $Id$ ! ! $URL$ ! ! - fplod 20111107T113100Z aedon.locean-ipsl.upmc.fr (Darwin) ! ! * no more crash ! * confirm pb ! ! - fplod 20111104T130249Z aedon.locean-ipsl.upmc.fr (Darwin) ! ! * creation to try to answer to [TropFlux:7] mail:: ! ! I have downloaded TropFlux SST daily data from the site ! http://www.locean-ipsl.upmc.fr/~tropflux/data/daily. While using the ! data in ferret i encountered some problems. In ferret ! list/t=01-may-2001:30-jun-2001 sst[x=66:78@ave,y=6:18@ave] gives no ! result whereas list/t=01-may-2001:30-jun-2001 ! sst[x=66:70@ave,y=6:18@ave] gives the desired result... ! (the only change being the longitude changing from 78 to 70 and hence ! less influence of land coming into play). Can you please suggest any ! solution/workaround? ! ! inspired by ! /opt/ferret-6.6.5/examples/tutorial.jnl ! for plotting ! !- CANCEL DATA/ALL CANCEL SYMBOL/ALL ! ! pour creer des metafile convertible en ps set mode metafile ! pour avoir des traits plus gros GO bold ! ! pour les log ! http://www.pmel.noaa.gov/maillists/tmap/ferret_users/fu_2009/msg00036.html let date = "($session_date)" let datetime = "($session_date) ($session_time)" ! DEFINE SYMBOL tropflux_d = /usr/lodyc/incas/fplod/tropflux_d/daily DEFINE SYMBOL filename = sst_tropflux_1d_1989_2010.nc DEFINE SYMBOL fullfilename = ($tropflux_d)/sst_tropflux_1d_1989_2010.nc show symbol fullfilename use "($fullfilename)" ! ! have a look to data structure SHOW DATA/VARIABLES SHOW GRID sst ! have a look to memory SHOW MEMORY SET MODE DESPERATE ! ++ en attendant de trouver le pb ! ! original statement in [tropflux:7] ! list/t=01-may-2001:30-jun-2001 sst[x=66:78@ave,y=6:18@ave] !++ pb format E pour voir les vrais valeurs au lieu de ... à la place de vm !++list/format=(E)/t=01-may-2001:30-jun-2001 sst[x=66:78@ave,y=6:18@ave] list/t=01-may-2001:30-jun-2001 sst[x=66:78@ave,y=6:18@ave] LET sst_ave1 = sst[x=66:78@ave,y=6:18@ave,t=01-may-2001:30-jun-2001] PLOT sst_ave1 LET/TITLE="SST anomaly x=66:78" sst_anom1 = sst - sst_ave1 !++PLOT sst_anom1 ! ! original statement in [tropflux:7] ! list/t=01-may-2001:30-jun-2001 sst[x=66:70@ave,y=6:18@ave] list/t=01-may-2001:30-jun-2001 sst[x=66:70@ave,y=6:18@ave] LET sst_ave2 = sst[x=66:70@ave,y=6:18@ave,t=01-may-2001:30-jun-2001] PLOT sst_ave2 ! ++LET/TITLE="SST anomaly x=66:70" sst_anom2 = sst - sst_ave2 ! ++PLOT sst_anom2 ! ! save data ! ++ LIST/file=average_pb.output/format=(20E11.3)/order=xy/L=7 sst_ave1 sst_ave2 ! ! save figure++ ! ++exit