


17:40 Ticket #10 (catalogue) created by pinsard
pour DIF ou equivalent voir …


14:09 Changeset [184] by pinsard
fix project_profile.sh usage
13:59 Changeset [183] by pinsard
tropflux_wind_stress is now a function


12:16 Changeset [182] by pinsard
fix some svn propset
12:15 Changeset [181] by pinsard
fix some svn propset
11:55 Changeset [180] by pinsard
no more IDL prompt in examples
11:35 Changeset [179] by pinsard
tropflux_nrt_ncdf is now a function
11:31 Changeset [178] by pinsard
fix typo in publications
10:21 Changeset [177] by pinsard
add RavichandranGirishkumareTAl:DSR:2012online


15:22 WikiStart edited by pinsard
15:17 Changeset [176] by pinsard
parametrization of era-i new utility
14:40 Changeset [175] by pinsard
an other bunch of new functions


16:27 Changeset [174] by pinsard
bunch of new functions


16:17 Changeset [173] by pinsard
improve time selection in inter*.pro
16:08 Changeset [172] by pinsard
interp_erai_ws, d2m_to_q2m_erai and interp_olr_30n30s are now functions
13:11 Changeset [171] by pinsard
fix typo in examples
12:03 Changeset [170] by pinsard
interp_erai_sst is now a function
10:39 Changeset [169] by jv
COrrection inversion NS t2m
09:55 Changeset [168] by pinsard
sort non python manuals


18:51 Changeset [167] by pinsard
interp_erai_lwr is now a function
18:07 Changeset [166] by pinsard
interp_erai_dewt is now a function
17:22 Changeset [165] by pinsard
interp_erai_msl i now a function
11:11 Changeset [164] by pinsard
fix for developper documentation
09:00 Changeset [163] by pinsard
implement overwrite mechanism


17:40 Ticket #9 (website update) created by pinsard
Pour l'instant seule FP peut mettre à jour le site web car un seul …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.