;+ ; ; .. _project_init.pro: ; ; ================ ; project_init.pro ; ================ ; ; DESCRIPTION ; =========== ; ; This is the SAXO initialisation file. ; ; It ++:: ; ; idl -startupfile project_init.pro ; ; or:: ; ; idl -IDL_STARTUP project_init.pro ; ; or:: ; ; idl ; @project_init ; ; ; SEE ALSO ; ======== ; ; :ref:`project_profile.sh` ; ; :ref:`cm_project.pro` ; ; TODO ; ==== ; ; learn to write IF .. ELSE in a @file ; ; improve SAXO behaviour in batch mode using fstat and interactive structure field ; to avoid ``Error occurred at: LOADCT`` and ``% FILE_TEST: String expression required in this context: MYUNIQUETMPDIR`` ; ; EVOLUTIONS ; ========== ; ; $Id: project_init.pro 535 2012-04-20 10:01:16Z pinsard $ ; ; $URL: svn+ssh://pinsard@forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/ipsl/forge/projets/project/svn/trunk/src/project_init.pro $ ; ; - fplod 20120424 ; ; * creation ; ;- ; ; SAXO environment saxo_dir_env=GETENV('SAXO_DIR') ; ; project environment #1 project_env_temp=GETENV('PROJECT') project_id_env_temp=GETENV('PROJECT_ID') project_od_env_temp=GETENV('PROJECT_OD') ; ; path definition !path = expand_path('+' + project_env_temp + '/src') $ + path_sep(/search_path) + expand_path('+' + saxo_dir_env) $ + path_sep(/search_path) + expand_path('+' + !dir) ; ; project environment #2 @cm_project project_env=project_env_temp project_id_env=project_id_env_temp project_od_env=project_od_env_temp ; ; compatibility with the old version ; keep_compatibility, 0 ; ; define all the commons ; @cm_4cal @cm_4data @cm_4mesh @cm_4data @cm_4ps @cm_general ; key_performance = 0 ; yyyymmddb_min=20000101L yyyymmdde_max=20121231L ; ; define default directories ; homedir = isadirectory(project_env + '/src/', title = 'Select the default HOME directory') iodir = isadirectory(project_id_env, title = 'Select the default IO directory') psdir = isadirectory(project_od_env, title = 'Select the default postscripts directory') imagedir = isadirectory(project_od_env, title = 'Select the default images directory') animdir = isadirectory(project_od_env, title = 'Select the default animations directory') ; ; define printer parameters ; printer_human_names = '' printer_machine_names = '' print_command = '' ; ; colors ... ; device, decomposed = 0 device, retain = 2 lct, 39 ; ; postscript parameters ... ; key_portrait = 0 page_size = [20.9903, 29.7039] windowsize_scale = 1.00000 archive_ps = 0 ; ;======================================================== ; end of the part that should be modified by the users... ;======================================================== ; ; if needed, keep compatibility with the old version ; @updateold ;