


14:01 Changeset [548] by lelod
merge version 543 et mine


14:06 Changeset [547] by lelod
correction petits bugs
10:47 Changeset [546] by lelod
modif grille temporelle cresamsu


15:57 Changeset [545] by pinsard
fix for doc
15:35 Changeset [544] by pinsard
replace pro by function
13:06 Changeset [543] by pinsard
add shell tools around cresamsu.pro
12:49 Changeset [542] by pinsard
fix some time issue in netcdf writing tool


17:50 Changeset [541] by lelod
evolution ponctuelle
12:50 SandBox edited by pinsard


18:19 Changeset [540] by lelod
changement role et format desc
18:17 Changeset [539] by lelod
correction enchainement des dates sur deux annees


19:07 Changeset [538] by lelod
debut extract amsu a et b
15:32 Changeset [537] by pinsard
improvement for batch and idl profiler
12:02 Changeset [536] by pinsard
add some arg checking
12:01 Changeset [535] by pinsard
workaround for SAXO batch issue and and min and max time
10:43 Changeset [534] by pinsard
fix too many openr


17:22 Changeset [533] by lelod
nouvelle version amsu2ncdf en developpement


14:44 Changeset [532] by pinsard
correction for doc
11:10 Changeset [531] by pinsard
oups, copy/paste


16:05 Changeset [530] by pinsard
prepare investigation on IO error
16:03 Changeset [529] by pinsard
prepare investigation on performancei (cont.)
16:02 Changeset [528] by pinsard
prepare investigation on performance
12:28 Changeset [527] by pinsard
usage of key_performance
12:26 Changeset [526] by pinsard
add log value in log
10:27 Changeset [525] by pinsard
replace lat|lon_min|max by lat|lonmin|max


18:07 Changeset [524] by pinsard
no more shell script job in current directory
18:06 Changeset [523] by pinsard
for doc only
18:04 Changeset [522] by pinsard
correction for correction reading if a5 vs a
18:02 Changeset [521] by pinsard
isolate bathy reading
11:33 Changeset [520] by lelod
interpo_correc foncrionnel pour autres canaux
11:18 Changeset [519] by lelod
ajout parametres cresmann


15:05 Changeset [518] by pinsard
consolidation of doc dev.
12:58 Changeset [517] by pinsard
consolidation of doc dev. (to be cont.)
11:41 Changeset [516] by pinsard
consolidation of doc dev. (to be cont.)


18:33 SandBox edited by pinsard
essai avec copie/coller d'une sortie sphinx-build text a defaut de rst (diff)


10:33 Changeset [515] by lelod
test correction angulaire avec orographie


16:58 Changeset [514] by pinsard
remove silly msg
16:50 Changeset [513] by pinsard
remove prompt from idl examples
16:44 Changeset [512] by pinsard
create directory when needed


22:51 Changeset [511] by lelod
correction bug boucle sur les dates


15:40 Changeset [510] by lelod
nouvelle correction
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.