import*; import antlr.*; import antlr.collections.*; import antlr.debug.misc.*; class InstrMain { /** Parser will query filter for information */ public static TokenStreamHiddenTokenFilter filter; public static void main(String[] args) { InstrLexer lexer = new InstrLexer(new DataInputStream(; lexer.setTokenObjectClass("antlr.CommonHiddenStreamToken"); filter = new TokenStreamHiddenTokenFilter(lexer); filter.hide(InstrParser.WS); filter.hide(InstrParser.SL_COMMENT); InstrParser parser = new InstrParser(filter); parser.setASTNodeClass("antlr.CommonASTWithHiddenTokens"); try { // Parse the input statements parser.slist(); } catch (TokenStreamException io) { System.err.println("IOException while parsing"); } catch(RecognitionException e) { System.err.println("exception: "+e); } CommonASTWithHiddenTokens t = (CommonASTWithHiddenTokens)parser.getAST(); /* UNCOMMENT THIS TO SEE THE TREE STRUCTURE ASTFactory factory = new ASTFactory(); AST r = factory.create(0,"AST ROOT"); r.setFirstChild(t); ASTFrame frame = new ASTFrame("Preserve Whitespace Example AST", r); frame.setVisible(true); */ InstrTreeWalker walker = new InstrTreeWalker(); try { walker.slist(t); } catch(RecognitionException e) { System.err.println("exception: "+e); } } }