Changeset 202

02/17/10 18:30:47 (14 years ago)

correction of a bug in setOuter(), in the fourth configuration, that was repeating the same axis in the second and third diemnsion. Suppression of setMacroGraph() that seems to be not relevant. Adding of resetGraph() that allow to keep the global graph throught several spaceintraj generation. Ordonnancing of the spaces and the trajectories (maybe the trajectory ordonnancing is not relevant) then generation of the modinspace accordingly to this ordonnancing.

2 edited


  • trunk/yao/src/YAOObjects/Order.cpp

    r194 r202  
    598598void Order::automaticOrderGenerator() { 
    600    // Dedicated light structures that will be used to create the main graph then populate its properties  
    601    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
    603    vector<edge> edgeArray; 
    604    vector<string> modulList; 
    605    vector<int> valCi, valCj, valCk; 
    607    // Array of boolean values that will be used to know the dimensions on which the moduls are defined 
    608    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
    610    bool *isDefinedOn = new bool[3]; 
    612    isDefinedOn[0] = false; 
    613    isDefinedOn[1] = false; 
    614    isDefinedOn[2] = false; 
    616    // Scan the table of moduls to get relevable informations for setting up the graph and get informations on dimensions 
    617    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
    619    for(Table<Modul>::iterator tok_tab = myModulTable -> begin(); tok_tab < myModulTable -> end(); tok_tab++) { 
    621   // Select just the moduls not involved in noward 
    622   // --------------------------------------------- 
    624         if(!tok_tab ->isNoward()) { 
    626  // Get informations on modul names then populate the modulList vector that will be used by Boost to register the vertex_name property 
    627  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
    629                 modulList.push_back(tok_tab -> getName()); 
    631   // Get informations on dimensions where are defined the moduls then populate the isDefinedOn array 
    632   // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
    634                if(tok_tab -> getYA(1) > 0) isDefinedOn[0] = true; 
    635                if(tok_tab -> getYA(2) > 0) isDefinedOn[1] = true; 
    636                if(tok_tab -> getYA(3) > 0) isDefinedOn[2] = true; 
    637          } 
    638    } 
    640    // Avoid to work on an empty set 
    641    // ----------------------------- 
    643    if(modulList.size() > 0) {    
    646         // Scan the table of the connections to get all relevable informations for generating the order statement 
    647         // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
     601        /* 
     602         * Get informations on the trajectories then map all the spaces with the trajectory in which they are included.  
     603         * As this information is not provided by the space (the space object have no information about the trajectories), 
     604         * the mapping is done by extracting spaces and trajectories informations from the moduls.  
     605         */ 
     607        // Map that will contain the space name as a key and the trajectory name as a matched value 
     608        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
     610        map<string, string> trajMap; 
     612        // Vector that will contain the trajectories name 
     613        // ---------------------------------------------- 
     615        vector<string> trajVector; 
     617        // For each modul  
     618        // -------------- 
     620        for(Table<Modul>::iterator tok_tab = myModulTable -> begin(); tok_tab < myModulTable -> end(); tok_tab++) { 
     622                // If the module is not a noward one 
     623                // --------------------------------- 
     625                if(!tok_tab -> isNoward()) { 
     627                        // By default the trajectory is considerated as a new one  
     628                        // ------------------------------------------------------ 
     630                        bool isSetTraj = false; 
     632                        // For all the trajectories already integrated in the vector  
     633                        // --------------------------------------------------------- 
     635                        for(int noTraj = 0; noTraj < trajVector.size(); noTraj++) 
     637                                // If the trajectory match the current one, then it should be considerated as already integrated  
     638                                // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
     640                                if(!isSetTraj && trajVector[noTraj] == tok_tab -> getTrajectory()) isSetTraj = true; 
     642                        // If the trajectory is really a new one, then add it in the trajectories vector 
     643                        // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
     645                        if(!isSetTraj) trajVector.push_back(tok_tab -> getTrajectory()); 
     647                        // Update the trajectory map with the current couple space / trajectory 
     648                        // -------------------------------------------------------------------- 
     650                        trajMap[tok_tab -> getSpaceOrOperator()] = tok_tab -> getTrajectory(); 
     652                } 
     653        } 
     656        /* 
     657         * Set up a graph that will contain one vertex by space and one edge by pair of moduls connected from different spaces.  
     658         * As this graph can not contain any clycle, a topological sort is performed to know in which order the spaces should  
     659         * be intergated in the spaceintraj statement.  
     660         */ 
     662        // Vector that will contain the space names 
     663        // ---------------------------------------- 
     665        vector<string> spacesList; 
     667        // For all spaces of the description file, add the space name in the space list  
     668        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
     670        for (Table<Operator>::iterator tok_space = mySpaceTable -> begin(); tok_space != mySpaceTable -> end(); ++tok_space) spacesList.push_back(tok_space -> getName()); 
     672        // Create a graph that will be used to sort the spaces 
     673        // --------------------------------------------------- 
     675        myGraphType spaceGraph; 
     677        // Add one vertex by space 
     678        // ----------------------- 
     680        for(int i = 0; i < spacesList.size(); i++) add_vertex(spaceGraph); 
     682        // Register the space name inside each vertex 
     683        // ------------------------------------------ 
     685        for(tie(vertexIterOne, vertexIterTwo) = vertices(spaceGraph); vertexIterOne != vertexIterTwo; ++vertexIterOne) put(get(boost::vertex_name_t(), spaceGraph), *vertexIterOne, spacesList[*vertexIterOne]); 
     687        // For all the connections of the description file 
     688        // ----------------------------------------------- 
    649690        for(Table<Connection>::iterator tok_tab = myConnectionTable -> begin(); tok_tab < myConnectionTable -> end(); tok_tab++) { 
    651         // Select just the dependencies defined on the current time 
    652         // --------------------------------------------------------- 
     692                // Select just the dependencies defined on the current time 
     693                // --------------------------------------------------------- 
    654695                if(tok_tab -> getT() > -1) { 
    656                         Table<Modul>::iterator itSource = getModule(tok_tab -> getOutModule()); 
    657                         Table<Modul>::iterator itTarget = getModule(tok_tab -> getInModule()); 
    659         // Select just the moduls not involved in noward (match the condition used to create the modulList vector) 
    660         // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
    662                         if(!itSource -> isNoward() && !itTarget -> isNoward() ) { 
    664                                 string sourceName = itSource -> getName(); 
    665                                 string targetName = itTarget -> getName(); 
    667         // Setting all pair of integer values that will  be used by Boost to manage the edges 
    668         // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
    670                                 int modPairOne = getModulIndex(itSource -> getName(), modulList, modulList.size()); 
    671                                 int modPairTwo = getModulIndex(itTarget -> getName(), modulList, modulList.size()); 
    673                                 edgeArray.push_back(edge(modPairOne, modPairTwo)); 
    675         // Getting informations about spatial dependency between moduls for the dimension i then populate the dedicated vector 
    676         // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
    678                                 valCi.push_back(tok_tab -> getI()); 
    680         // Getting informations about spatial dependency between moduls for the dimension j then populate the dedicated vector 
    681         // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
    683                                 valCj.push_back(tok_tab -> getJ()); 
    685         // Getting informations about spatial dependency between moduls for the dimension k then populate the dedicated vector 
    686         // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
    688                                 valCk.push_back(tok_tab -> getK()); 
     697                        if(!getModule(tok_tab -> getOutModule()) -> isNoward() && !getModule(tok_tab -> getInModule()) -> isNoward()) { 
     699                        // If the source modul is not in the same space than the target modul 
     700                        // ------------------------------------------------------------------ 
     702                        if(getModule(tok_tab -> getOutModule()) -> getSpaceOrOperator() != getModule(tok_tab -> getInModule()) -> getSpaceOrOperator()) { 
     704                                // Add an edge between the space in which the source modul is included and the space in which the target modul is included 
     705                                // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
     707                                int spacePairOne = getModulIndex(getModule(tok_tab -> getOutModule()) -> getSpaceOrOperator(), spacesList, spacesList.size()); 
     709                                int spacePairTwo = getModulIndex(getModule(tok_tab -> getInModule()) -> getSpaceOrOperator(), spacesList, spacesList.size()); 
     711                                add_edge(spacePairOne, spacePairTwo, spaceGraph); 
     713                                } 
    689714                        } 
    690715                } 
    691         }   
    693         // Get the number of dimensions on which tho moduls are defined 
    694         // ------------------------------------------------------------ 
    696         switch(isDefinedOn[0] + isDefinedOn[1] + isDefinedOn[2]) { 
    698         // If the moduls are defined on on dimension  
    699         // ----------------------------------------- 
     716        } 
     718        // Data structure that will be used by boost to register the topological sort informations 
     719        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
     721        std::deque<int> topoOrder; 
     723        // Perform the topological sort 
     724        // ---------------------------- 
     726         boost::topological_sort(spaceGraph, std::front_inserter(topoOrder), boost::vertex_index_map(boost::identity_property_map())); 
     729        /* 
     730         * Accordignly to the space ordonnancing that just have been performed, set up an order for the trajectories. 
     731         * This step could be avoided as it appears that the trajectories can be integrated in any order (for now this step is integrated).  
     732         * The sorting criteria is the order of the latest space integrated in the trajectory (space order performed over all the trajectories).  
     733         * The trajectory which the latest space has the lower order Id (in the main space ordonnancing) will be integrated in first.  
     734         * The trajectory which the latest space has the higher order Id (in the main space ordonnancing) will be integrated in last.  
     735         */ 
     737       typedef pair<int, string> trajOrderType; 
     739       vector<trajOrderType> trajOrder; 
     741        // For all the trajectories 
     742        // -------------------------  
     744        for(int noTraj = 0; noTraj < trajVector.size(); noTraj++) { 
     746                int orderId = -1; 
     748                // For all the spaces 
     749                // ------------------ 
     751                for(int noSpace = 0; noSpace < topoOrder.size(); noSpace++) { 
     753                        // In the order that have been defined to the spaces by the topological sort  
     754                        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
     756                        int noTopo = topoOrder[noSpace]; 
     758                        // If the current space is a part of the current trajectory  
     759                        // -------------------------------------------------------- 
     761                        if(trajMap[spacesList[noTopo]] == trajVector[noTraj]) { 
     763                                // Update the orderId value with the current noSpace value 
     764                                // ------------------------------------------------------- 
     766                                orderId = noSpace; 
     767                        } 
     768                } 
     770                // Set to the trajectory is orderId (i.e : order of the latest space that is included in this trajectory)  
     771                // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
     773                trajOrder.push_back(trajOrderType(orderId,  trajVector[noTraj])); 
     774        } 
     776        // Sort the trajectories accordingly to their higher space order Id  
     777        // ---------------------------------------------------------------- 
     779        sort(trajOrder.begin(), trajOrder.end());  
     782        /* 
     783         * Launch the modinspace generating space by space in the order that have been defined in the spaceintraj generating step just below 
     784         */ 
     786        //  For all the sorted trajectories 
     787        // -------------------------------- 
     789        for(int noTraj = 0; noTraj < trajOrder.size(); noTraj++) { 
     791                // For all the space numbers  
     792                // ------------------------- 
     794                for(int noSpace = 0; noSpace < topoOrder.size(); noSpace++) { 
     796                        // In the order that have been defined to the spaces by the topological sort  
     797                        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
     799                        int noTopo = topoOrder[noSpace]; 
     801                        // If the trajectory affected to the sorted space is the current trajectory 
     802                        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
     804                        if((trajMap.find(spacesList[noTopo]) -> second).compare(trajOrder[noTraj].second) == 0) { 
     806                                // Launch the modinspace generation for the current space   
     807                                // ------------------------------------------------------ 
     809                                string spaceName = trajMap.find(spacesList[noTopo]) -> first; 
     811                                // Dedicated light structures that will be used to create the main graph then populate its properties  
     812                                // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
     814                                vector<edge> edgeArray; 
     815                                vector<string> modulList; 
     816                                vector<int> valCi, valCj, valCk; 
     818                                // Array of boolean values that will be used to know the dimensions on which the moduls are defined 
     819                                // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
     821                                 bool *isDefinedOn = new bool[3]; 
     823                                isDefinedOn[0] = false; 
     824                                isDefinedOn[1] = false; 
     825                                isDefinedOn[2] = false; 
     827                                // Scan the table of moduls to get relevable informations for setting up the graph and get informations on dimensions 
     828                                // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
     830                                for(Table<Modul>::iterator tok_tab = myModulTable -> begin(); tok_tab < myModulTable -> end(); tok_tab++) { 
     832                                        // If the modul is in the current space 
     833                                        // ------------------------------------ 
     835                                        if(tok_tab -> getSpaceOrOperator() == spaceName) { 
     837                                                // Select just the moduls not involved in noward 
     838                                                // --------------------------------------------- 
     840                                                if(!tok_tab ->isNoward()) { 
     842                                                        // Get informations on modul names then populate the modulList vector that will be used by Boost to register the vertex_name property 
     843                                                        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
     845                                                        modulList.push_back(tok_tab -> getName()); 
     847                                                        // Get informations on dimensions where are defined the moduls then populate the isDefinedOn array 
     848                                                        // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
     850                                                        if(tok_tab -> getYA(1) > 0) isDefinedOn[0] = true; 
     851                                                        if(tok_tab -> getYA(2) > 0) isDefinedOn[1] = true; 
     852                                                        if(tok_tab -> getYA(3) > 0) isDefinedOn[2] = true; 
     853                                                }  
     854                                        }  
     855                                }  
     857                                // Avoid to work on an empty set 
     858                                // ----------------------------- 
     860                                if(modulList.size() > 0) {       
     863                                        // Scan the table of the connections to get all relevable informations for generating the order statement 
     864                                        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
     866                                        for(Table<Connection>::iterator tok_tab = myConnectionTable -> begin(); tok_tab < myConnectionTable -> end(); tok_tab++) { 
     868                                                // Select just the dependencies defined on the current time 
     869                                                // --------------------------------------------------------- 
     871                                                if(tok_tab -> getT() > -1) { 
     873                                                        Table<Modul>::iterator itSource = getModule(tok_tab -> getOutModule()); 
     874                                                        Table<Modul>::iterator itTarget = getModule(tok_tab -> getInModule()); 
     877                                                                // If both source and target modules are in the current space  
     878                                                                // ---------------------------------------------------------- 
     880                                                                if(itSource -> getSpaceOrOperator() == spaceName && itTarget -> getSpaceOrOperator() == spaceName) { 
     883                                                                        // Select just the moduls not involved in noward (match the condition used to create the modulList vector) 
     884                                                                        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
     886                                                                        if(!itSource -> isNoward() && !itTarget -> isNoward() ) { 
     888                                                                                string sourceName = itSource -> getName(); 
     889                                                                                string targetName = itTarget -> getName(); 
     891                                                                                // Setting all pair of integer values that will  be used by Boost to manage the edges 
     892                                                                                // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
     894                                                                                int modPairOne = getModulIndex(itSource -> getName(), modulList, modulList.size()); 
     895                                                                                int modPairTwo = getModulIndex(itTarget -> getName(), modulList, modulList.size()); 
    701                 case 1 :  
    703         // Modify the spatial dependencies vector to offset i dimension to the k dimension then set the dependencies to zero for i and j dimensions 
    704         // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
    706                 to3D(1, valCi, valCj, valCk, edgeArray.size()); 
    708         // Create the main graph with the informations collected (and modified for spatial dependencies) by scanning YAO tables 
    709         // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
    711                 generateGraph(myGraph, valCi, valCj, valCk, modulList, edgeArray); 
    713         // Launch the main function that will create the vector 3D components, the vectors of 2D components then the vectors of 1D components 
    714         // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  
    716                 setOuter(); 
    718         // Read the vector of 1D components to display the order statement (the two first dimensions have dummy values, then the third one is read as the first one)  
    719         // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
    721                 read1D(); 
    723                 break; 
    725                 case 2 : 
    727         // Modify the spatial dependencies vector to offset i and j dimensions to k j and k dimensions then set the dependencies to zero for the i dimension 
    728         // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
    730                 to3D(2, valCi, valCj, valCk, edgeArray.size()); 
    732         // Create the main graph with the informations collected (and modified for spatial dependencies) by scanning YAO tables 
    733         // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
    735                 generateGraph(myGraph, valCi, valCj, valCk, modulList, edgeArray); 
    737         // Launch the main function that will create the vector 3D components, the vectors of 2D components then the vectors of 1D components 
    738         // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  
    740                 setOuter(); 
    742         // Read the vector of 2D components to display the order statement (the first dimension have dummy value, then the second and third are read as the first and second) 
    743         // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
    745                 read2D();  
    747                 break; 
    749                 case 3 :  
     897                                                                                edgeArray.push_back(edge(modPairOne, modPairTwo)); 
     899                                                                                // Getting informations about spatial dependency between moduls for the dimension i then populate the dedicated vector 
     900                                                                                // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
     902                                                                                valCi.push_back(tok_tab -> getI()); 
     904                                                                                // Getting informations about spatial dependency between moduls for the dimension j then populate the dedicated vector 
     905                                                                                // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
     907                                                                                valCj.push_back(tok_tab -> getJ()); 
     909                                                                                // Getting informations about spatial dependency between moduls for the dimension k then populate the dedicated vector 
     910                                                                                // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
     912                                                                                valCk.push_back(tok_tab -> getK()); 
    751         // Create the main graph with the informations collectedby scanning YAO tables 
    752         // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
     914                                                                        } 
     915                                                                } 
     916                                                        } 
     917                                                }   
     919                                        // Get the number of dimensions on which tho moduls are defined 
     920                                        // ------------------------------------------------------------ 
     922                                        switch(isDefinedOn[0] + isDefinedOn[1] + isDefinedOn[2]) { 
     924                                        // If the moduls are defined on on dimension  
     925                                        // ----------------------------------------- 
     927                                        case 1 :  
     929                                        // Modify the spatial dependencies vector to offset i dimension to the k dimension then set the dependencies to zero for i and j dimensions 
     930                                        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
     932                                        to3D(1, valCi, valCj, valCk, edgeArray.size()); 
     935                                        resetGraph(myGraph); 
     937                                        // Create the main graph with the informations collected (and modified for spatial dependencies) by scanning YAO tables 
     938                                        // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
     940                                        generateGraph(myGraph, valCi, valCj, valCk, modulList, edgeArray); 
     942                                        // Launch the main function that will create the vector 3D components, the vectors of 2D components then the vectors of 1D components 
     943                                        // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  
     945                                        setOuter(); 
     947                                        // Read the vector of 1D components to display the order statement (the two first dimensions have dummy values, then the third one is read as the first one)  
     948                                        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
     950                                        read1D(); 
     952                                        break; 
     954                                        case 2 : 
     956                                        // Modify the spatial dependencies vector to offset i and j dimensions to k j and k dimensions then set the dependencies to zero for the i dimension 
     957                                        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
     959                                        to3D(2, valCi, valCj, valCk, edgeArray.size()); 
     961                                        resetGraph(myGraph); 
     963                                        // Create the main graph with the informations collected (and modified for spatial dependencies) by scanning YAO tables 
     964                                        // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
     966                                        generateGraph(myGraph, valCi, valCj, valCk, modulList, edgeArray); 
     968                                        // Launch the main function that will create the vector 3D components, the vectors of 2D components then the vectors of 1D components 
     969                                        // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  
     971                                        setOuter(); 
     973                                        // Read the vector of 2D components to display the order statement (the first dimension have dummy value, then the second and third are read as the first and second) 
     974                                        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
     976                                        read2D();  
     978                                        break; 
     980                                        case 3 :  
     982                                        resetGraph(myGraph); 
     984                                        // Create the main graph with the informations collectedby scanning YAO tables 
     985                                        // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
    754                 generateGraph(myGraph, valCi, valCj, valCk, modulList, edgeArray); 
    756         // Launch the main function that will create the vector 3D components, the vectors of 2D components then the vectors of 1D components 
    757         // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  
    759                 setOuter(); 
    761         // Read the vector of 3D components 
    762         // -------------------------------- 
    764                 read3D(); 
    766                 setMacroGraph(); 
    768                 break; 
     987                                        generateGraph(myGraph, valCi, valCj, valCk, modulList, edgeArray); 
     989                                        // Launch the main function that will create the vector 3D components, the vectors of 2D components then the vectors of 1D components 
     990                                        // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  
     992                                        setOuter(); 
     994                                        // Read the vector of 3D components 
     995                                        // -------------------------------- 
     997                                        read3D(); 
     999                                        break; 
     1001                                        } 
     1002                                }  
     1003                        } 
     1004                } 
    7701005        } 
    772     } 
     1008        /* 
     1009         * Perform the spaceintraj writting.  
     1010         * For each trajectory in the trajectories order that have been performed (maybe not needed). 
     1011         * For each space of the trajectory in the space order that have been performed  
     1012         */ 
     1015        //  For all the sorted trajectories 
     1016        // -------------------------------- 
     1018        for(int noTraj = 0; noTraj < trajOrder.size(); noTraj++) { 
     1020                cout << endl << "order spaceintraj " << trajOrder[noTraj].second << endl << endl << "\t"; 
     1022                // For all the space numbers  
     1023                // ------------------------- 
     1025                for(int noSpace = 0; noSpace < topoOrder.size(); noSpace++) { 
     1027                        // In the order that have been defined to the spaces by the topological sort  
     1028                        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
     1030                        int noTopo = topoOrder[noSpace]; 
     1032                        // If the trajectory affected to the sorted space is the current trajectory 
     1033                        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
     1035                        if((trajMap.find(spacesList[noTopo]) -> second).compare(trajOrder[noTraj].second) == 0) { 
     1037                                        // Insert the space in the spaceintraj order  
     1038                                        // ----------------------------------------- 
     1040                                        cout << trajMap.find(spacesList[noTopo]) -> first << " "; 
     1041                        } 
     1042                } 
     1044        // Close the current spaceintraj statement 
     1045        // --------------------------------------- 
     1047        cout << endl << endl <<  "forder"; 
     1049        } 
    10391317                if(sign0 != 2 && sign1 == 2 && sign2 == 2) noConf = 2;          // i -> j -> k 
    10401318                if(sign0 != 2 && sign1 == 2 && sign2 != 2) noConf = 3;          // i -> k -> j (k free) 
    1041                 if(sign0 == 2 && sign1 != 2 && sign2 != 2) noConf = 4;          // j -> k -> i (k free) 
     1319                if(sign0 == 2 && sign1 != 2 && sign2 != 2) noConf = 4;          // j -> i -> k (i free) 
    10421320                if(sign0 == 2 && sign1 != 2 && sign2 == 2) noConf = 5;          // j -> i -> k 
    10431321                if(sign0 == 2 && sign1 == 2 && sign2 != 2) noConf = 6;          // k -> i -> j 
    11611439                case 4: 
    1163                 outerComp[noComponent].cfcSign[0].second = outerComp[noComponent].cfcSign[1].second; 
    1164                 outerComp[noComponent].cfcSign[1].second = 0; 
    1165                 outerComp[noComponent].cfcSign[2].second = 2; 
    1166                 outerComp[noComponent].cfcSign[0].first = 1; 
    1167                 outerComp[noComponent].cfcSign[1].first = 2; 
    1168                 outerComp[noComponent].cfcSign[2].first = 0; 
    1170                 if(isImposed[noComponent][1] != 0) outerComp[noComponent].cfcSign[0].second = isImposed[noComponent][1]; 
    1171                 if(isImposed[noComponent][2] != 0) outerComp[noComponent].cfcSign[1].second = isImposed[noComponent][2]; 
    1172                 if(isImposed[noComponent][0] != 0) outerComp[noComponent].cfcSign[2].second = isImposed[noComponent][0]; 
    1174                 if(isImposed1D[noComponent][1] != 0) outerComp[noComponent].cfcSign[0].second = isImposed1D[noComponent][1]; 
    1175                 if(isImposed1D[noComponent][2] != 0) outerComp[noComponent].cfcSign[1].second = isImposed1D[noComponent][2]; 
    1176                 if(isImposed1D[noComponent][0] != 0) outerComp[noComponent].cfcSign[2].second = isImposed1D[noComponent][0]; 
    1178                 if(outerComp[noComponent].cfcSign[0].second == 2)        
    1179                 if(outerComp[noComponent].cfcSign[2].second != 2)  
    1180                 // if(!isToDecompose(1, 2, 0, myGraph)) 
    1181                 if(!isToDecompose(0, myGraph)) 
    1183                 outerComp[noComponent].cfcSign[0].second = 3; 
    1185                 break; 
     1441                outerComp[noComponent].cfcSign[0].second = outerComp[noComponent].cfcSign[1].second; 
     1442                outerComp[noComponent].cfcSign[1].second = 0; 
     1444                outerComp[noComponent].cfcSign[2].second = 2; 
     1445                outerComp[noComponent].cfcSign[0].first = 1; 
     1446                outerComp[noComponent].cfcSign[1].first = 0; 
     1447                outerComp[noComponent].cfcSign[2].first = 2; 
     1449                if(isImposed[noComponent][1] != 0) outerComp[noComponent].cfcSign[0].second = isImposed[noComponent][1]; 
     1450                if(isImposed[noComponent][0] != 0) outerComp[noComponent].cfcSign[1].second = isImposed[noComponent][0]; 
     1451                if(isImposed[noComponent][2] != 0) outerComp[noComponent].cfcSign[2].second = isImposed[noComponent][2]; 
     1453                if(isImposed1D[noComponent][1] != 0) outerComp[noComponent].cfcSign[0].second = isImposed1D[noComponent][1]; 
     1454                if(isImposed1D[noComponent][0] != 0) outerComp[noComponent].cfcSign[1].second = isImposed1D[noComponent][0]; 
     1455                if(isImposed1D[noComponent][2] != 0) outerComp[noComponent].cfcSign[2].second = isImposed1D[noComponent][2]; 
     1457                if(outerComp[noComponent].cfcSign[0].second == 2) 
     1458                if(outerComp[noComponent].cfcSign[2].second != 2) 
     1459                // if(!isToDecompose(1, 2, 0, myGraph)) 
     1460                if(!isToDecompose(0, myGraph)) 
     1462                outerComp[noComponent].cfcSign[0].second = 3; 
     1464                break; 
    11871466                case 5: 
    2968 void Order::setMacroGraph() { 
    2971         // Data structure used by boost to register informations on component search  
    2972         // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
    2974         std::vector<int> componentList; 
    2976         // Resizign the structure : one element for each main graph vertex 
    2977         // ---------------------------------------------------------------- 
    2979         componentList.resize(boost::num_vertices(myGraph)); 
    2981         // Data strcture used by boost to perform component search 
    2982         // ------------------------------------------------------- 
    2984         std::vector<vertexDescriptor> verticesDiscoverList(boost::num_vertices(myGraph)); 
    2986         // Perform a component search on the main graph  
    2987         // -------------------------------------------- 
    2989         boost::strong_components(myGraph, &componentList[0], boost::root_map(&verticesDiscoverList[0])); 
    2991         // Register vertices properties on affected components 
    2992         // --------------------------------------------------- 
    2994         for(int i = 0; i < componentList.size(); i++) put(get(boost::vertex_affected_comp_t(), myGraph), i, componentList[i]); 
    2996         // Getting the number of components  
    2997         // -------------------------------- 
    2999         int nbComponents = *max_element(componentList.begin(), componentList.end()) + 1; 
    3001         // Graph that will be the reduced graph from the main graph  
    3002         // -------------------------------------------------------- 
    3004         myGraphType cfcGraph; 
    3006         // Reduce the main graph and set up the reduced graph  
    3007         // -------------------------------------------------- 
    3009         reduceGraph(myGraph, cfcGraph, nbComponents); 
    3011         // Data structure used by boost to register informations on topological sort  
    3012         // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
    3014         std::deque<int> topoOrder; 
    3016         // Do not perform a topological sort if there is just one vertex in the graph  
    3017         // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
    3019         if(boost::num_vertices(cfcGraph) > 1) { 
    3021         // Perform a topological sort on the reduced graph 
    3022         // ----------------------------------------------- 
    3024         boost::topological_sort(cfcGraph, std::front_inserter(topoOrder), boost::vertex_index_map(boost::identity_property_map())); 
    3026         // Sort the vertices affected components accordignly to the topological order  
    3027         // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
    3029         for(int noComponent = 0; noComponent < topoOrder.size(); noComponent++) 
    3030                                         put(get(boost::vertex_affected_comp_t(), cfcGraph), noComponent, topoOrder[noComponent]); 
    3031         } 
    3033 }; 
     3248void Order::resetGraph(myGraphType& currentGraph) { 
     3250        // Putting iterators inside a vector is more convenient , especially for deletions                                                                              
     3251        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
     3253        typedef boost::graph_traits<myGraphType>::edge_iterator edgeIterType; 
     3255        std::vector<edgeIterType> edgeIterVector; 
     3257        // Insert all edges of the graph inside a vector of edge 
     3258        // -----------------------------------------------------    
     3260        for(tie(edgeIterOne, edgeIterTwo) = edges(currentGraph); edgeIterOne != edgeIterTwo; ++edgeIterOne) edgeIterVector.push_back(edgeIterOne); 
     3262        // Reverse the vector to avoid a mess in the indexes when the edges are deleted 
     3263        // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------                                       
     3265        reverse(edgeIterVector.begin(), edgeIterVector.end()); 
     3267        // For all edges inside the vector 
     3268        // -------------------------------                                                                         
     3270        for(int i = 0; i < edgeIterVector.size(); i++) boost::remove_edge(*(edgeIterVector[i]), currentGraph); 
     3272        // Putting iterators inside a vector is more convenient , especially for deletions                                                                              
     3273        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
     3275        typedef boost::graph_traits<myGraphType>::vertex_iterator vertexIterType; 
     3277        std::vector<vertexIterType> vertexIterVector; 
     3279        // Insert all vertices of the graph inside a vector of vertex 
     3280        // ---------------------------------------------------------- 
     3282        for(tie(vertexIterOne, vertexIterTwo) = vertices(currentGraph); vertexIterOne != vertexIterTwo; ++vertexIterOne) vertexIterVector.push_back(vertexIterOne); 
     3284        // Reverse the vector to avoid a mess in the indexes when the vertices are deleted 
     3285        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
     3287        reverse(vertexIterVector.begin(), vertexIterVector.end()); 
     3289        // For all vertices embeded in the vector 
     3290        // ----------------------------------- 
     3292        for(int i = 0; i < vertexIterVector.size(); i++) boost::remove_vertex(*(vertexIterVector[i]), currentGraph); 
     3295        } ; 
  • trunk/yao/src/YAOObjects/Order.hpp

    r198 r202  
    380380        /** 
    381         * Function that set-up a graph that will be used to perform the final groupping procedure  
    382         * 
    383         * This function create a graph composed by macro-vertices from the main graph : every vertex of this graph 
    384         * is made from a component of the main graph and every edge of this graph is an edge that link two components 
    385         * of the main graph.  
    386         *  
    387         * As the component Id affected to each vertex must match the component structure "outerComp" (because many  
    388         * relevant informations needed by the groupping procedure will be found inside the component structures), it  
    389         * is very important to keep the correct component Id in the "vertex_affected_comp" property of each macro-vertex.  
    390         * To keep the referencing between structures and macro-vertices, the same operations than those performed on the 
    391         * main graph inside the setOuter() function are performed here.  
    392         *  
    393         * As every vertex have an affected component (even a single vertex), this graph embed all the relevant informations 
    394         * to perform the final groupping procedure : 
    395         * 
    396         *       - Informations on edges linking components are already carried by the graph. 
    397         *       - Informations on components will be naturally found by looking at the tructures indexed by the macro-vertices 
    398         *         "vertex_affected_comp" property 
    399         * 
    400         * It could seems to be an overhead to perform the component search and the sorting on the main graph because it have already 
    401         * been done inside the setOuter() procedure but this is just a first step : 3D components,  2D components and 1D components 
    402         * should be mixed all together in the same graph, so several operations, not yet implemented, will be needed.  
    403         */ 
    404         void setMacroGraph(); 
     381        * Function that reset the main graph and all its properties.  
     382        * This function make a tabula rasa of the graph that have been created for the latest space 
     383        * and allow it to register informations on the space that is currently analyzed. 
     384        * As informations on the graph are just used to create the current modinspace statement, there  
     385        * is no need to keep those informations from space to space.  
     386        * As as the main graph (myGraph) is a global data, it is very important to perform  this operation. 
     387        */ 
     388        void resetGraph(myGraphType& currentGraph); 
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.