## This file is part of ANTLR (http://www.antlr.org). Have a ## look into LICENSE.txt for license details. This file has ## been written by (C) Wolfgang Haefelinger, 2004. ## do not change this value subdir=examples/python/treewalk ## get configured (standard) variables - checkout or modify ## scripts/config.vars[.in] for details. @stdvars@ ### how to get rid of damned dos line ending style and -- al- ### most equally worse -- stupid tab character. ### dos2unix = perl -p -i.tmp -e 's,\r,,g;s,\t, ,g' dos2unix = : ### when running python we invoke python like .. python = /bin/sh @abs_this_builddir@/scripts/python.sh ## get configured rules @stdmake@ ## By default we compile class files so we are ready to carry ## out a test. Note that deps have been setup in such a way ## that you can do a 'make compile' whithout having made ## antlr.jar before. this : compile all :: compile g_FILES = \ $(_srcdir)/treewalk.g \ $(eol) g_py_FILES = \ treewalk_l.py \ treewalk_p.py \ treewalk_w.py \ $(eol) compile : $(g_py_FILES) %.py : $(_srcdir)/%.py @-@RMF@ $@ &&@CP@ $< $@ test :: test1 test1_deps = \ treewalk.py \ $(g_py_FILES) \ $(buildtree)/scripts/python.sh \ $(eol) test1_cmd = \ $(python) treewalk_l.py < $(_srcdir)/treewalk.in ;\ $(python) treewalk.py < $(_srcdir)/treewalk.in ;\ $(eol) test1 : $(test1_deps) @ $(test1_cmd) $(g_py_FILES) : $(g_FILES) @ @RMF@ $(g_py_FILES) @ @ANTLR_COMPILE_CMD@ $(g_FILES) @ $(dos2unix) $(g_py_FILES) $(g_py_FILES) : @ANTLR_JAR@ $(g_py_FILES) : $(buildtree)/scripts/antlr.sh ### cleanup treewalk clean :: @@ECHO@ cleaning treewalk ... @ -@RMF@ $(g_py_FILES) @ -@RMF@ *.pyc *.tmp *TokenTypes.txt *TokenTypes ### get configured dependencies - for example, just list ### autoconf variable ANTLR_JAR as reference and it will ### be done automatically as stddeps contains appropr. ### rule. For details, checkout scripts/config.vars[.in] @stddeps@ .PHONY: compile .PHONY: test1