format 73 classinstance 128081 class_ref 136273 // Yproject_global name "" xyz 89 4 2005 life_line_z 2000 classinstance 128209 class_ref 136273 // Yproject_global name "" xyz -21 4 2005 life_line_z 2000 note 128721 "Can be called by : Ybackward (standard algorithm) Yforwardcost (incremental algorithm) Ybackwardrun Ycostebx (cost only on background)" xyzwh 575 47 6005 255 101 fragment 129233 "alt" color lightgreen form "alt" xyzwh 101 167 2010 96 45 end note 129361 "If no observations for this traj (TRobs NULL), break !" xyzwh 274 85 7030 171 67 classinstance 129873 class_ref 136273 // Yproject_global name "" xyz 326 4 6030 life_line_z 2035 classinstance 130641 class_ref 147921 // Dyniob_global name "" xyz 200 4 8015 life_line_z 4000 classinstance 131281 class_ref 136913 // Y2project_global name "" xyz 647 4 2005 life_line_z 6000 note 134097 "switches to the previous (in time) observation tree for the next iteration" xyzwh 727 1037 2005 97 137 fragment 134481 "loop" color lightyellow xyzwh 193 367 2015 637 179 end note 134609 "while MRobs!=NULL" xyzwh 443 159 7035 151 35 fragment 135505 "alt" color lightgreen xyzwh 200 398 2025 620 134 end note 135633 "if YCaseCost=WISHL2_NANACT" xyzwh 609 167 1995 227 37 fragment 137041 "loop" color lightyellow xyzwh 185.5 740.5 2005 319 222 end classinstance 138065 class_ref 147921 // Dyniob_global name "" xyz 433 4 2000 life_line_z 3025 fragment 138961 "loop" color mediumyellow xyzwh 200 818 2020 297 81 end note 139089 "if YTODimMod=1 (1d)" xyzwh 282 696 6025 155 37 note 139345 "if YTODimMod=2 (2d)" xyzwh 465.5 695.5 3885 159 39 note 139473 "if YTODimMod=3 (3d)" xyzwh 444.5 944.5 12045 157 37 fragment 139601 "loop" color yellow xyzwh 197 773 2010 306 157 end note 141137 "SRobs=MRobs->fils loop on SRobs (via SRobs->frere)" xyzwh 1 709 2016 147 67 note 141265 "(for 2 or 3d spaces) IRobs=SRobs->fils loop on IRobs (via IRobs->frere) " xyzwh 1.5 782.5 2016 137 95 note 141393 "(for 3d spaces) JRobs=IRobs->fils loop on JRobs (via JRobs->frere) " xyzwh 0 886 2016 139 87 note 142417 "Launches for all the sibling nodes (here, WISHL2_DIFF/WISHL2_QTEA, wish = grad-obs) On the current point of time/module/output/time STANDARD CASE : Ywishdiff_all (WISHL2_DIFF) Ycostwishdiff_all (COSTL2_WISHDIFF) INCREMENTAL ALGORITHM : YWishqtea_all (WISHL2_QTEA) Ycostwishqtea_all (COSTL2_WISHQTEA)" xyzwh 628 706 12045 209 277 note 143057 "Here, the coef and (x-xb)²|(M(x)-y)² (wish) is calculated via Ycostwishdiff_all and add to Grad" xyzwh 371 1050 10065 317 53 durationcanvas 128337 classinstance_ref 128209 // :Yproject_global xyzwh 28 50 2010 11 1131 overlappingdurationcanvas 128849 xyzwh 34 64 2020 11 25 end end durationcanvas 128465 classinstance_ref 128081 // :Yproject_global xyzwh 138 143 2015 11 1043 overlappingdurationcanvas 129617 xyzwh 144 222 2020 11 25 end overlappingdurationcanvas 130385 xyzwh 144 296 2020 11 25 end overlappingdurationcanvas 131665 xyzwh 144 605 2020 11 25 end overlappingdurationcanvas 132561 xyzwh 144 1031 2020 11 25 end overlappingdurationcanvas 133585 xyzwh 144 1117 2020 11 25 end overlappingdurationcanvas 133841 xyzwh 144 1145 2020 11 35 end end durationcanvas 130001 classinstance_ref 129873 // :Yproject_global xyzwh 375 256 2035 11 33 end durationcanvas 130769 classinstance_ref 130641 // :Dyniob_global xyzwh 246 317 8015 11 258 overlappingdurationcanvas 134993 xyzwh 252 340 8020 11 25 end overlappingdurationcanvas 135249 xyzwh 252 369 8020 11 25 end overlappingdurationcanvas 136145 xyzwh 252 500 8020 11 25 end overlappingdurationcanvas 136401 xyzwh 252 470 8020 11 25 end end durationcanvas 131409 classinstance_ref 131281 // :Y2project_global xyzwh 700 588 14040 11 25 end durationcanvas 131921 classinstance_ref 130641 // :Dyniob_global xyzwh 246 649 8975 11 334 overlappingdurationcanvas 137169 xyzwh 252 683 9030 11 25 end overlappingdurationcanvas 137425 xyzwh 252 655 9035 11 25 end overlappingdurationcanvas 139729 xyzwh 252 932 9010 11 25 end overlappingdurationcanvas 139985 xyzwh 252 904 8990 11 25 end overlappingdurationcanvas 140241 xyzwh 252 872 8985 11 25 end end durationcanvas 132177 classinstance_ref 131281 // :Y2project_global xyzwh 700 999 6000 11 25 end durationcanvas 132817 classinstance_ref 130641 // :Dyniob_global xyzwh 246 1063 6005 11 26 end durationcanvas 133329 classinstance_ref 131281 // :Y2project_global xyzwh 700 1100 6000 11 25 end durationcanvas 135761 classinstance_ref 131281 // :Y2project_global xyzwh 700 420 6005 11 30 end durationcanvas 138193 classinstance_ref 138065 // :Dyniob_global xyzwh 479 747 3025 11 25 end durationcanvas 138449 classinstance_ref 138065 // :Dyniob_global xyzwh 479 784 3025 11 29 end durationcanvas 138705 classinstance_ref 138065 // :Dyniob_global xyzwh 479 829 3025 11 31 end msg 128593 synchronous from durationcanvas_ref 128337 to durationcanvas_ref 128465 yz 143 2015 msg operation_ref 129233 // "Ycost()" show_full_operations_definition default drawing_language default label_xy 50 106 reflexivemsg 128977 synchronous to durationcanvas_ref 128849 yz 64 2025 explicitmsg "TRobs initialized at the current trajectory's observations" show_full_operations_definition default drawing_language default label_xy 75 65 msg 129105 return from durationcanvas_ref 128465 to durationcanvas_ref 128337 yz 188 2020 unspecifiedmsg show_full_operations_definition default drawing_language default reflexivemsg 129745 synchronous to durationcanvas_ref 129617 yz 222 2025 explicitmsg "initialization of Ytrupdt with TRobs->iind (or -(TRobs->iind-1) in the case of background (TRobs->iind <0)" show_full_operations_definition default drawing_language default label_xy 179 217 msg 130129 synchronous from durationcanvas_ref 128465 to durationcanvas_ref 130001 yz 256 13060 msg operation_ref 157777 // "Yact_operator(in type : char, in etat : short)" show_full_operations_definition default drawing_language default args "'*', OFF" label_xy 158 241 msg 130257 return from durationcanvas_ref 130001 to durationcanvas_ref 128465 yz 278 13055 explicitmsg "desactivated operators" show_full_operations_definition default drawing_language default label_xy 158 265 reflexivemsg 130513 synchronous to durationcanvas_ref 130385 yz 296 2025 explicitmsg "YcaseCost = WISHL2_NANACT" show_full_operations_definition default drawing_language default label_xy 173 288 msg 130897 synchronous from durationcanvas_ref 128465 to durationcanvas_ref 130769 yz 318 8030 msg operation_ref 157905 // "Ycobs_TR(in arbobs : Yst_nodo)" show_full_operations_definition default drawing_language default args "TRobs->fils" label_xy 232 303 msg 131537 synchronous from durationcanvas_ref 128465 to durationcanvas_ref 131409 yz 589 12040 msg operation_ref 158801 // "Yforward_operator(in type : char)" show_full_operations_definition default drawing_language default args "'H'" label_xy 277 574 reflexivemsg 131793 synchronous to durationcanvas_ref 131665 yz 605 2025 explicitmsg "YcaseCost = WISHL2_DIFF (std) | WISHL2_QTEA (inc)" show_full_operations_definition default drawing_language default label_xy 177 604 msg 132049 synchronous from durationcanvas_ref 128465 to durationcanvas_ref 131921 yz 650 9010 msg operation_ref 157905 // "Ycobs_TR(in arbobs : Yst_nodo)" show_full_operations_definition default drawing_language default args "TRobs->fils" label_xy 164 634 msg 132305 synchronous from durationcanvas_ref 128465 to durationcanvas_ref 132177 yz 999 12040 msg operation_ref 158801 // "Yforward_operator(in type : char)" show_full_operations_definition default drawing_language default args "'B' (TRobs->iind < 0 : background) | 'R' (TRobs->iind >= 0 : observation)" label_xy 163 984 msg 132433 return from durationcanvas_ref 132177 to durationcanvas_ref 128465 yz 1010 12040 unspecifiedmsg show_full_operations_definition default drawing_language default reflexivemsg 132689 synchronous to durationcanvas_ref 132561 yz 1031 2025 explicitmsg "YcaseCost = COSTL2_WISHDIFF (std) | COSTL2_WISHQTEA (inc)" show_full_operations_definition default drawing_language default label_xy 183 1031 msg 132945 synchronous from durationcanvas_ref 128465 to durationcanvas_ref 132817 yz 1063 8030 msg operation_ref 157905 // "Ycobs_TR(in arbobs : Yst_nodo)" show_full_operations_definition default drawing_language default args "TRobs->fils" label_xy 184 1047 msg 133457 synchronous from durationcanvas_ref 128465 to durationcanvas_ref 133329 yz 1100 12040 msg operation_ref 158929 // "Ybackward_operator(in type : char)" show_full_operations_definition default drawing_language default args "'H'" label_xy 160 1088 reflexivemsg 133713 synchronous to durationcanvas_ref 133585 yz 1117 2025 explicitmsg "display cost (if YDispoCost)" show_full_operations_definition default drawing_language default label_xy 174 1118 reflexivemsg 133969 synchronous to durationcanvas_ref 133841 yz 1145 2025 explicitmsg "TRobs = TRobs->frere" show_full_operations_definition default drawing_language default label_xy 181 1145 msg 134353 return from durationcanvas_ref 130769 to durationcanvas_ref 128465 yz 564 12045 explicitmsg "all module's wishes with observations set to NAN" show_full_operations_definition default drawing_language default label_xy 153 552 reflexivemsg 135121 synchronous to durationcanvas_ref 134993 yz 340 10035 explicitmsg "MRobs = arbobs (Ycobs_TR's input )" show_full_operations_definition default drawing_language default label_xy 290 334 reflexivemsg 135377 synchronous to durationcanvas_ref 135249 yz 369 10035 explicitmsg "various initializations (YTODimMod, YTONamMod, YCoefGrad) via YTabMod[MRobs->iind]" show_full_operations_definition default drawing_language default label_xy 273 375 msg 135889 synchronous from durationcanvas_ref 130769 to durationcanvas_ref 135761 yz 420 16080 msg operation_ref 159057 // "Ysetwish_mod(in imod : int, in val : YREAL)" show_full_operations_definition default drawing_language default args "MRobs->iind, log(-1)" label_xy 268 399 reflexivemsg 136273 synchronous to durationcanvas_ref 136145 yz 500 10035 explicitmsg "MRobs = MRobs->frere" show_full_operations_definition default drawing_language default label_xy 287 499 reflexivemsg 136529 synchronous to durationcanvas_ref 136401 yz 470 10035 explicitmsg "activation of this module's operators (via YTabMocop and YTabOpera)" show_full_operations_definition default drawing_language default label_xy 281 465 msg 136913 return from durationcanvas_ref 131921 to durationcanvas_ref 128465 yz 959 10000 unspecifiedmsg show_full_operations_definition default drawing_language default reflexivemsg 137297 synchronous to durationcanvas_ref 137169 yz 683 9025 explicitmsg "various initializations (YTODimMod, YTONamMod, YCoefGrad) via YTabMod[MRobs->iind]" show_full_operations_definition default drawing_language default label_xy 288 679 reflexivemsg 137553 synchronous to durationcanvas_ref 137425 yz 655 9020 explicitmsg "MRobs = arbobs (Ycobs_TR's input )" show_full_operations_definition default drawing_language default label_xy 280 658 msg 138321 synchronous from durationcanvas_ref 131921 to durationcanvas_ref 138193 yz 747 14015 msg operation_ref 158033 // "Ycobs1_list(in lobs : * Yst_fobs [Dyniob.h])" show_full_operations_definition default drawing_language default args "SRobs->fils" label_xy 294 739 msg 138577 synchronous from durationcanvas_ref 131921 to durationcanvas_ref 138449 yz 784 14020 msg operation_ref 158161 // "Ycobs2_list(in lobs : *Yst_fobs [Dyniob.h])" show_full_operations_definition default drawing_language default args "IRobs->fils" label_xy 300 774 msg 138833 synchronous from durationcanvas_ref 131921 to durationcanvas_ref 138705 yz 829 14020 msg operation_ref 158289 // "Ycobs3_list(in lobs : *Yst_fobs [Dyniob.h])" show_full_operations_definition default drawing_language default args "JRobs->fils" label_xy 296 820 reflexivemsg 139857 synchronous to durationcanvas_ref 139729 yz 932 10005 explicitmsg "MRobs=MRobs->frere" show_full_operations_definition default drawing_language default label_xy 300 928 reflexivemsg 140113 synchronous to durationcanvas_ref 139985 yz 904 10005 explicitmsg "SRobs=SRobs->frere" show_full_operations_definition default drawing_language default label_xy 290 904 reflexivemsg 140369 synchronous to durationcanvas_ref 140241 yz 872 11000 explicitmsg "IRobs=IRobs->frere" show_full_operations_definition default drawing_language default label_xy 300 870 msg 140497 return from durationcanvas_ref 138705 to durationcanvas_ref 131921 yz 849 14020 unspecifiedmsg show_full_operations_definition default drawing_language default msg 140625 return from durationcanvas_ref 138449 to durationcanvas_ref 131921 yz 802 14020 unspecifiedmsg show_full_operations_definition default drawing_language default msg 140753 return from durationcanvas_ref 138193 to durationcanvas_ref 131921 yz 761 15025 unspecifiedmsg show_full_operations_definition default drawing_language default msg 142289 return from durationcanvas_ref 133841 to durationcanvas_ref 128337 yz 1169 2025 unspecifiedmsg show_full_operations_definition default drawing_language default msg 142929 return from durationcanvas_ref 132817 to durationcanvas_ref 128465 yz 1077 8035 unspecifiedmsg show_full_operations_definition default drawing_language default msg 143441 return from durationcanvas_ref 135761 to durationcanvas_ref 130769 yz 439 16085 explicitmsg "wish initialized to NaN" show_full_operations_definition default drawing_language default label_xy 399 428 line 129489 -_-_ decenter_begin 693 from ref 129361 z 8032 to ref 129233 line 134225 -_-_ decenter_begin 905 from ref 134097 z 12051 to ref 133841 line 134737 -_-_ from ref 134609 z 7036 to ref 134481 line 136657 -_-_ decenter_end 422 from ref 135505 z 4021 to ref 135633 line 139217 -_-_ from ref 139089 z 8006 to ref 138193 line 140881 -_-_ from ref 138449 z 4996 to ref 139345 line 141009 -_-_ from ref 139473 z 12046 to ref 138705 line 141521 -_-_ from ref 138961 z 3991 to ref 141393 line 141777 -_-_ decenter_begin 318 from ref 141137 z 3987 to ref 137041 line 141905 -_-_ from ref 141265 z 3987 to ref 139601 line 142545 -_-_ from ref 142417 z 12046 to ref 138193 line 142673 -_-_ from ref 142417 z 12046 to ref 138449 line 142801 -_-_ from ref 142417 z 12046 to ref 138705 line 143313 -_-_ from ref 143057 z 13056 to ref 132817 end