format 73 classinstance 128081 class_ref 136913 // Y2project_global name "" xyz 47 4 2005 life_line_z 2000 classinstance 128209 class_ref 136913 // Y2project_global name "" xyz 182 4 2010 life_line_z 2000 fragment 128721 "loop" xyzwh 119 112 1985 614 513 end classinstance 129105 class_ref 136657 // ModulA name "" xyz 371 4 2005 life_line_z 2000 note 129489 "All access on modules outputs are done on the YTemps index (initialized in Yforward)" xyzwh 733 16 2000 191 83 note 129617 "Loop on the axes of the space, in the order defined in .d file (or automically generated), on Yi, Yj, and Yk." xyzwh 519 12 2000 207 83 note 130257 "the modules and points in spacetime are defined in .d file, in the ctin directives" xyzwh 774 123 2000 145 101 note 130513 "if the point is out of bounds, inputs are initialized with 0" xyzwh 741 241 2020 163 67 classinstance 130769 class_ref 136785 // ModulB name "" xyz 439 4 2010 life_line_z 2000 note 131409 "For each order in the .d file, the corresponding loop is generated" xyzwh 737 552 2000 187 75 note 131537 "Order directives used for this example : order YA1 order YA2 Modul1 forder order YB2 Modul2 forder" xyzwh 762 342 2000 131 187 note 131665 "Loop on i axis (Yi) from 0 to the width of the space" xyzwh 3 153 2985 93 105 fragment 131921 "loop" xyzwh 149 139 1990 578 225 end note 132049 "Loop on j axis (Yj) from 0 to the height of the space" xyzwh 6.5 299.5 2000 93 105 note 132433 "Loop on i axis (Yi) from the height of the space to 0" xyzwh -4.5 455.5 2000 101 107 fragment 132561 "loop" xyzwh 149 370 2000 577 232 end durationcanvas 128337 classinstance_ref 128081 // :Y2project_global xyzwh 100 68 2000 11 651 end durationcanvas 128465 classinstance_ref 128209 // :Y2project_global xyzwh 235 70 2010 11 635 overlappingdurationcanvas 130001 xyzwh 241 166 2020 11 25 end overlappingdurationcanvas 132177 xyzwh 241 411 2020 11 25 end end durationcanvas 129233 classinstance_ref 129105 // :ModulA xyzwh 396 203 2010 11 32 end durationcanvas 130897 classinstance_ref 130769 // :ModulB xyzwh 464 485 2010 11 37 end msg 128593 synchronous from durationcanvas_ref 128337 to durationcanvas_ref 128465 yz 72 2015 msg operation_ref 130769 // "Yforward_traj_Traj(in nbp : int) : int" show_full_operations_definition default drawing_language default label_xy 109 57 msg 129361 synchronous from durationcanvas_ref 128465 to durationcanvas_ref 129233 yz 204 2020 msg operation_ref 144209 // "forward(in parameters : any)" show_full_operations_definition default drawing_language default args "Yting[0], Yting[1],..." label_xy 259 188 msg 129873 return from durationcanvas_ref 129233 to durationcanvas_ref 128465 yz 224 2015 explicitmsg "module's states are filled" show_full_operations_definition default drawing_language default label_xy 251 213 reflexivemsg 130129 synchronous to durationcanvas_ref 130001 yz 166 2025 explicitmsg "initialize Yting with the corresponding outputs of the connected modules" show_full_operations_definition default drawing_language default label_xy 293 163 msg 131025 synchronous from durationcanvas_ref 128465 to durationcanvas_ref 130897 yz 485 2015 msg operation_ref 144337 // "forward(in parameters : any)" show_full_operations_definition default drawing_language default args "Yting[0], Yting[1], ..." label_xy 321 469 reflexivemsg 132305 synchronous to durationcanvas_ref 132177 yz 411 2025 explicitmsg "initialize Yting with the corresponding outputs of the connected modules" show_full_operations_definition default drawing_language default label_xy 279 404 msg 132689 return from durationcanvas_ref 130897 to durationcanvas_ref 128465 yz 511 2020 explicitmsg "module's states are filled" show_full_operations_definition default drawing_language default label_xy 293 496 msg 134609 return from durationcanvas_ref 128465 to durationcanvas_ref 128337 yz 685 2015 explicitmsg "0" show_full_operations_definition default drawing_language default label_xy 164 670 line 130385 -_-_ from ref 130129 z 2026 to point 597 120 line 134097 z 2026 to ref 130257 line 130641 -_-_ from ref 130513 z 2026 to point 558 206 line 134225 z 2026 to ref 130129 line 132945 -_-_ from ref 131665 z 2985 to ref 128721 line 133841 -_-_ from ref 131921 z 2001 to ref 132049 line 133969 -_-_ from ref 132561 z 2001 to ref 132433 end