format 73 classinstancecanvas 128081 classinstance_ref 128081 // xyz 183 12 2005 life_line_z 2000 end classinstance 128209 class_ref 136273 // Yproject_global name "" xyz 67 10 2010 life_line_z 2010 note 128337 "loop nbiter iterations" xyzwh 43 204.5 2010 75 67 classinstance 128465 class_ref 128465 // user name "" xyz 11 10 2005 life_line_z 2000 classinstance 129617 class_ref 136913 // Y2project_global name "" xyz 651 12 2005 life_line_z 2000 classinstance 130001 class_ref 136913 // Y2project_global name "" xyz 769 13 2010 life_line_z 2000 note 130385 "Fills Y3x array with target modul's data (order : axis, outputs, time)" xyzwh 844 112 2000 151 91 classinstance 131409 class_ref 137041 // Dynmqn_global name "" xyz 282 13 2010 life_line_z 2000 classinstance 131537 class_ref 136273 // Yproject_global name "" xyz 393 14 2015 life_line_z 2000 continuation 132817 "see Run STD" xyzwh 275 265 2000 115 34 continuation 134737 "see Run STD" xyzwh 490.5 433 2000 115 34 fragment 134865 "alt" color lightgreen form "u" xyzwh 68 668 1995 626 122 end classinstance 134993 class_ref 137169 // project_global name "" xyz 547 14 2020 life_line_z 2000 note 136273 "indicates to the minimiser a stop has been asked" xyzwh 554 555 2000 303 37 note 136401 "gives the total cost to the minimizer" xyzwh 504 476 3005 245 35 note 136529 "puts the adjusted values (previously calculated by m1qn3) in the state of the targets (like Yadjust)" xyzwh 867 353 2000 259 69 note 136657 "furnish the new gradient calculated (after one iteration) values to the minimizer" xyzwh 889.5 476.5 2000 191 69 note 137937 "mecanism for m2qn1 is the same that m1qn3 look above for details on Y3simul " xyzwh 395 700 2005 179 81 fragment 138449 "alt" color lightgreen xyzwh 62 339 1990 1113 296 end fragment 138577 "loop" color yellow xyzwh 177 351 1995 980 251 end note 138705 "loops until : - break (indic = 0) - Y3nsim iterations done - minimum reached" xyzwh 826 698 2000 163 101 note 138961 "vers = '0'" xyzwh 1041 717 2000 101 35 textcanvas 139601 "Run M1QN3/M2QN1" font large_bold xyzwh 475 62 2000 294 38 durationcanvas 128977 classinstance_ref 128465 // :user xyzwh 30 158 2010 11 658 end durationcanvas 129105 classinstance_ref 128209 // :Yproject_global xyzwh 116 167 2020 11 637 overlappingdurationcanvas 129361 xyzwh 122 176 2030 11 49 end end durationcanvas 129745 classinstance_ref 129617 // :Y2project_global xyzwh 704 215 2010 11 41 end durationcanvas 130129 classinstance_ref 130001 // :Y2project_global xyzwh 822 218 2010 11 38 end durationcanvas 130641 classinstance_ref 128081 // :Yproject_global xyzwh 232 276 2010 11 26 end durationcanvas 130897 classinstance_ref 128081 // :Yproject_global xyzwh 232 340 2010 11 267 end durationcanvas 131153 classinstance_ref 128081 // :Yproject_global xyzwh 232 675 2010 11 113 end durationcanvas 131665 classinstance_ref 131409 // :Dynmqn_global xyzwh 331 353 2010 11 248 overlappingdurationcanvas 135505 xyzwh 337 426 2020 11 25 end overlappingdurationcanvas 135761 xyzwh 337 486 2020 11 25 end overlappingdurationcanvas 136017 xyzwh 337 557 2020 11 25 end end durationcanvas 131921 classinstance_ref 131537 // :Yproject_global xyzwh 442 450 2010 11 29 end durationcanvas 132177 classinstance_ref 131409 // :Dynmqn_global xyzwh 331 687 2010 11 73 end durationcanvas 133073 classinstance_ref 129617 // :Y2project_global xyzwh 704 395 2010 11 28 end durationcanvas 133329 classinstance_ref 130001 // :Y2project_global xyzwh 822 397 2010 11 27 end durationcanvas 133841 classinstance_ref 129617 // :Y2project_global xyzwh 704 527 2010 11 30 end durationcanvas 134097 classinstance_ref 130001 // :Y2project_global xyzwh 822 525 2010 11 29 end durationcanvas 135121 classinstance_ref 134993 // :project_global color darkgreen xyzwh 592 360 2010 11 25 end msg 129233 synchronous from durationcanvas_ref 128977 to durationcanvas_ref 129105 yz 169 2025 msg operation_ref 143569 // "Y3run(in vers : char)" show_full_operations_definition default drawing_language default args "'0' (= M1QN3) | '2' (= M2QN1)" label_xy 58 134 reflexivemsg 129489 synchronous to durationcanvas_ref 129361 yz 176 2035 explicitmsg "initializations (YAL1Run = RUNL1_M1QN3, YAL2Run = RUNL2_STD, YY_RUNBRK = OFF, Ytop = Now)" show_full_operations_definition default drawing_language default label_xy 149 161 msg 129873 synchronous from durationcanvas_ref 129105 to durationcanvas_ref 129745 yz 225 2025 msg operation_ref 143697 // "Y3valstate_all() : void" show_full_operations_definition default drawing_language default label_xy 252 210 msg 130257 synchronous from durationcanvas_ref 129745 to durationcanvas_ref 130129 yz 218 2015 msg operation_ref 143825 // "Y3valstate_ModulA()" show_full_operations_definition default drawing_language default label_xy 712 203 msg 130513 return from durationcanvas_ref 129745 to durationcanvas_ref 129105 yz 244 2030 explicitmsg "Y3x is filled" show_full_operations_definition default drawing_language default label_xy 258 233 msg 130769 synchronous from durationcanvas_ref 129105 to durationcanvas_ref 130641 yz 276 2025 msg operation_ref 128081 // "Ybasic_it()" show_full_operations_definition default drawing_language default label_xy 160 261 msg 131025 synchronous from durationcanvas_ref 129105 to durationcanvas_ref 130897 yz 340 2025 msg operation_ref 143441 // "m1qn3(in simul : void f(int *, long *, float [], float *, float [], long [], float [], double []), in prosca : void **, in ctonb : void **, in ctcab : void**, in n : long *, in x : float[], in f : float *, in g : float[], in dxmin : float *, in df1 : float *, in epsg : float *, in impres : long *, in io : long *, in mode : long *, in niter : long *, in nsim : long *, in iz : long [], in rz : float [], in nrz : long *, in izs : long [], in rzs : float [], in dzs : double [])" show_full_operations_definition default drawing_language default args "&Y3simul, &scpctl, &ctlcan, &canctl, &Y3n, Y3x, &Y3f, Y3g, &dxmin, &Y3df1, &Y3epsg, &Y3impres, &Y3io, &Y3mode, &YNbItRun, &Y3nsim, Y3iz , Y3rz, &Y3nrz, Y3izs, Y3rzs, Y3dzs" label_xy 51 318 msg 131281 synchronous from durationcanvas_ref 129105 to durationcanvas_ref 131153 yz 680 2030 msg operation_ref 144081 // "m2qn1(in simul : void f(int *, long *, float [], float *, float [], long [], float [], double []), in n : long *, in x : float[], in f : float *, in g : float[], in dxmin : float [], in df1 : float *, in epsabs : float *, in imp : long *, in io : long *, in mode : long *, in iter : long *, in nsim : long *, in binf : float [], in bsup : float [], in iz : long [], in rz : float [], in izs : long [], in rzs : float [], in dzs : double [])" show_full_operations_definition default drawing_language default args "&Y3simul, &Y3n, Y3x, &Y3f, Y3g, Y3dxmin, &Y3df1, &Y3epsg, &Y3impres, &Y3io, &Y3mode, &YNbItRun, &Y3nsim, &Y3xinf, Y3xsup, Y3iz, Y3rz, Y3izs, Y3rzs, Y3dzs" label_xy 50 651 msg 131793 synchronous from durationcanvas_ref 130897 to durationcanvas_ref 131665 yz 353 2030 msg operation_ref 143953 // "Y3simul(in indic : int *, in n : long *, in x : float [], in fcost : float *, in g : float [], in izs : long [], in rzs : float [], in dzs : double [])" show_full_operations_definition default drawing_language default label_xy 260 335 msg 132049 synchronous from durationcanvas_ref 131665 to durationcanvas_ref 131921 yz 453 2015 msg operation_ref 128081 // "Ybasic_it()" show_full_operations_definition default drawing_language default label_xy 352 438 msg 132305 synchronous from durationcanvas_ref 131153 to durationcanvas_ref 132177 yz 688 3005 msg operation_ref 143953 // "Y3simul(in indic : int *, in n : long *, in x : float [], in fcost : float *, in g : float [], in izs : long [], in rzs : float [], in dzs : double [])" show_full_operations_definition default drawing_language default label_xy 268 673 msg 132945 return from durationcanvas_ref 130129 to durationcanvas_ref 129745 yz 245 2015 unspecifiedmsg show_full_operations_definition default drawing_language default msg 133201 synchronous from durationcanvas_ref 131665 to durationcanvas_ref 133073 yz 395 2015 msg operation_ref 150865 // "Y3getstate_all(in x : float [])" show_full_operations_definition default drawing_language default args "x : argument filled by m1qn3" label_xy 350 383 msg 133457 synchronous from durationcanvas_ref 133073 to durationcanvas_ref 133329 yz 397 2015 msg operation_ref 150993 // "Y3getstate_ModulA(in x : float [])" show_full_operations_definition default drawing_language default args "x" label_xy 717 381 msg 133585 return from durationcanvas_ref 133329 to durationcanvas_ref 133073 yz 408 2015 unspecifiedmsg show_full_operations_definition default drawing_language default msg 133713 return from durationcanvas_ref 133073 to durationcanvas_ref 131665 yz 411 3005 explicitmsg "target's outputs are filled by x" show_full_operations_definition default drawing_language default label_xy 387 400 msg 133969 synchronous from durationcanvas_ref 131665 to durationcanvas_ref 133841 yz 529 2015 msg operation_ref 151121 // "Y3valgrad_all(in g : float [])" show_full_operations_definition default drawing_language default args "g : argument filled by m1qn3" label_xy 346 513 msg 134225 synchronous from durationcanvas_ref 133841 to durationcanvas_ref 134097 yz 527 2015 msg operation_ref 151249 // "Y3valgrad_ModulA()" show_full_operations_definition default drawing_language default args "g" label_xy 718 508 msg 134353 return from durationcanvas_ref 133841 to durationcanvas_ref 131665 yz 545 2020 explicitmsg "g is filled by target's outputs" show_full_operations_definition default drawing_language default label_xy 393 534 msg 134481 return from durationcanvas_ref 134097 to durationcanvas_ref 133841 yz 543 2020 unspecifiedmsg show_full_operations_definition default drawing_language default msg 134609 return from durationcanvas_ref 131921 to durationcanvas_ref 131665 yz 466 3005 unspecifiedmsg show_full_operations_definition default drawing_language default msg 135249 synchronous from durationcanvas_ref 131665 to durationcanvas_ref 135121 yz 360 2015 msg operation_ref 130001 // "after_it(in nit : int)" show_full_operations_definition default drawing_language default args "YItRun" label_xy 414 349 msg 135377 return from durationcanvas_ref 135121 to durationcanvas_ref 131665 yz 370 3005 unspecifiedmsg show_full_operations_definition default drawing_language default reflexivemsg 135633 synchronous to durationcanvas_ref 135505 yz 426 3010 explicitmsg "YItRun++" show_full_operations_definition default drawing_language default label_xy 368 425 reflexivemsg 135889 synchronous to durationcanvas_ref 135761 yz 486 3010 explicitmsg "*fcost = YTotalCost" show_full_operations_definition default drawing_language default label_xy 373 485 reflexivemsg 136145 synchronous to durationcanvas_ref 136017 yz 557 2025 explicitmsg "if YY_RUNBRK, *indic = 0" show_full_operations_definition default drawing_language default label_xy 373 555 msg 136785 return from durationcanvas_ref 131665 to durationcanvas_ref 130897 yz 590 2015 unspecifiedmsg show_full_operations_definition default drawing_language default msg 138065 return from durationcanvas_ref 131153 to durationcanvas_ref 129105 yz 775 2030 unspecifiedmsg show_full_operations_definition default drawing_language default msg 138193 return from durationcanvas_ref 132177 to durationcanvas_ref 131153 yz 749 2015 unspecifiedmsg show_full_operations_definition default drawing_language default msg 138321 return from durationcanvas_ref 129105 to durationcanvas_ref 128977 yz 791 3005 unspecifiedmsg show_full_operations_definition default drawing_language default msg 139473 return from durationcanvas_ref 130641 to durationcanvas_ref 129105 yz 291 2025 unspecifiedmsg show_full_operations_definition default drawing_language default line 137681 -_-_ from ref 136657 z 2011 to ref 134097 line 137809 -_-_ from ref 136529 z 2011 to ref 133329 line 138833 -_-_ decenter_end 704 from ref 138705 z 3011 to ref 138577 line 139089 -_-_ decenter_begin 925 from ref 138449 z 3006 to ref 138961 line 139217 -_-_ from ref 131921 z 2011 to ref 134737 line 139345 -_-_ decenter_end 645 from ref 132817 z 2011 to ref 130641 line 139729 -_-_ from ref 130385 z 2011 to ref 130129 end