Custom Query (12 matches)


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Ticket Summary Status Owner Priority Milestone Component
#27 bug in compilation when option M1QN3 is disabled accepted grlod critical 9.x Miscellaneous Miscellaneous
#19 Version portability : projects need to be rebuild when native templates are updated new major 9.x New features Installation and launcher
#22 Add information on version and date on a project's launch new grlod major 9.x Miscellaneous Miscellaneous
#24 Multi trajectory : unable to use absolute connection or "T" relation with two "adjacent" trajectories assigned grlod major 9.x Miscellaneous Miscellaneous
#25 Ytemps value after forward new major 9.x Miscellaneous Miscellaneous
#1 Unable to define a negative value in defval (.d file) accepted grlod minor 9.x Miscellaneous D file parser
#4 .d file grammar : in ctin directives, impossible to use defval and operation assigned minor 9.x Miscellaneous D file parser
#11 Impossible to use a defval value in savestate directive (.i file) new minor 9.x Miscellaneous Miscellaneous
#13 Ctinm on "inter" modules doesn't work new minor 9.x Miscellaneous Generator
#20 Segmentation fault when accessing an empty directory, with just a D file new minor 9.x Miscellaneous Miscellaneous
#30 comment are considered as input arguments for user functions in instruction file new minor 9.x Miscellaneous Miscellaneous
#32 Error message not clear when compiling new minor Miscellaneous
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