


19:44 Changeset [328] by lnalod
Add of some test file for automatic generation.
19:42 Changeset [327] by lnalod
Add of some test file for automatic generation.
19:03 Changeset [326] by lnalod
Delete of some not useful files in the ANTLR library.
18:47 Changeset [325] by lnalod
Delete of some not useful files in the ANTLR library.
18:41 Changeset [324] by lnalod
Delete of some not useful files in the ANTLR library.
18:21 Changeset [323] by lnalod
Add of some test files for the automatic generation of the order …
16:09 Changeset [322] by lnalod
Clean of some unuseful files in the YAO svn.
16:01 Changeset [321] by lnalod
Checking error in the automatic generation code and manipulation of the …


14:28 Changeset [320] by yerima
The 2 week update. See the calendar for more informations.


16:13 Changeset [319] by yerima
Some controls like disabling/enabling the delete button if there are …
09:15 Changeset [318] by yerima
Some changes.


20:18 Changeset [317] by yerima
The first part of the calendar activity is finished.


11:19 Changeset [316] by yerima
Removing the Include directory.
11:16 Changeset [315] by yerima
Renaming the include directory. It's call include insted of Include in …
10:06 Changeset [314] by yerima
Five days to learn antlr grammar and reorganize MainwindowController? 's …


17:39 Changeset [313] by lnalod
Improving the INSTALL file.


12:55 Changeset [312] by lnalod
Error printing improved on Connection class.
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.