


03:37 Changeset [440] by yerima
The instruction's window is ready at 80%.


20:33 Changeset [439] by yerima
The technical document is renamed to an appropriate format.
20:30 Changeset [438] by yerima
Pictures are named in the technical manual. The fifth step in The …
17:56 Changeset [437] by yerima
After editing the file from the graphical window, the user can generates …
16:21 Changeset [436] by yerima
The instruction window's graphical interface appear in the the visual …
15:45 Changeset [435] by yerima
In the process of generating the instruction's file: the icon for the …


13:28 Changeset [434] by yerima
The default Makefile is renaming Makefile.save


13:04 Changeset [433] by yerima
Adding the Yao9Generator execution for model. As soon as possible, we will …
12:45 Changeset [432] by yerima
Update of the technical user manual.
02:36 Changeset [431] by yerima
More controls in the opening of an existing project. Buttons are enabled …
02:30 Changeset [430] by yerima
Update of the Visual Yao's technical document in .odt extension.
02:15 Changeset [429] by yerima
Little bug in Option's directive.


18:04 Changeset [428] by yerima
little bug in the context's directive is solved.


15:17 Changeset [427] by lnalod
13:57 Changeset [426] by lnalod
Update performance test.


00:56 Changeset [425] by lnalod
First good result for spaces 256x256, 512x512 and 1024x1024.
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.