


23:24 Changeset [519] by yerima
Implementing a QTextEdit is in the ModinspaceWindow? (1).
18:11 Changeset [518] by yerima
the initialize button in the Modinspace class is ok.
15:36 Changeset [517] by yerima
Moving the license place.
14:20 Changeset [516] by yerima
deleting the OrderWindowController? and the SpaceintrajWindowController?
14:14 Changeset [515] by yerima
deleting the ModinSpaceWindowController? Class
14:09 Changeset [514] by yerima
import of the interface directory
14:05 Changeset [513] by yerima
double interface directory 3
14:00 Changeset [512] by yerima
double interface directory
13:44 Changeset [511] by yerima
Some updates in the modulwindow


16:12 Ticket #6 (Update the M1QN3 version in share directory) created by grlod
Because YAO is changing is license (GPL=>CECILL), we must use the last …


21:11 Changeset [510] by lnalod
CeCILL license.
21:11 Changeset [509] by lnalod
CeCILL license.
21:10 Changeset [508] by lnalod
CeCILL license.
21:10 Changeset [507] by lnalod
CeCILL license.
21:09 Changeset [506] by lnalod
CeCILL license.
21:09 Changeset [505] by lnalod
CeCILL license.
19:39 Changeset [504] by lnalod
CeCILL license.
19:32 Changeset [503] by lnalod
CeCILL license.


15:42 Changeset [502] by lnalod
CeCILL license.


19:14 Changeset [501] by lnalod
CeCILL license.
19:00 Changeset [500] by lnalod
CeCILL license.
18:10 Changeset [499] by lnalod
CeCILL license.


15:51 Changeset [498] by lnalod
Bug on Mandriva Linux release 2010.2 (Official) for x86_64. Fixed.
15:37 Changeset [497] by lnalod
CeCILL licence.


20:25 Changeset [496] by lnalod
CeCILL licence.
20:19 Changeset [495] by lnalod
CeCILL licence.


17:00 Changeset [494] by grlod
Add getter on a translator's lexer (for tests)


08:59 Changeset [493] by yerima
Some updates in the insertFCT ui
08:57 Changeset [492] by yerima
Some updates in the orderwindow.


11:23 Ticket #5 (Problem on YaoI script with external modules) created by grlod
The network's YaoI script don't work with external .o modules …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.