1 | #************************************************************** |
2 | # Author: Patrick Brockmann |
3 | # Contact: Patrick.Brockmann@cea.fr |
4 | # $Date: 2009/05/14 15:09:35 $ |
5 | # $Name: ATLAS_608_1_5 $ |
6 | # $Revision: $ |
7 | # History: |
8 | # Modification: |
9 | #************************************************************** |
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11 | ################################################################################################################## |
12 | #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
13 | # field | files patterns | files additionnal | operations | title | units | calcul of area |
14 | #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
15 | # |
16 | # field = name of the field to monitore |
17 | # files patterns = pattern of the files used to monitore the field (must be discriminant) |
18 | # files additionnal = additionnal files accessible by $FER_DATA |
19 | # operations = operations to calculate the field |
20 | # title = variable title |
21 | # units = variable units |
22 | # calcul of area = expression to use for the weight average |
23 | # |
24 | # Notes: |
25 | # - Comment lines begin by # character. |
26 | # - Separator between fields is | character. |
27 | # - Operations must use the ferret syntax, if several files are used precise with the syntax d=x to refer to the x dataset. |
28 | # They must be enclosed by parenthesis if more than one variable is used. |
29 | # - files patterns,files additionnal,operations,title,units must be enclosed with character ". |
30 | # Use "" if empty. |
31 | # - Fields will be presented through an html page with thumbnails global, north, south, land, ocean. |
32 | # Use a field name with one of these pattern to display it under the corresponding thumbnail. |
33 | # |
34 | ################################################################################################################## |
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36 | color=AECDFF |
37 | smooth=12 |
38 | #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
39 | # field | files patterns | files additionnal | operations | title | units | calcul of area |
40 | #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
41 | bils_global | "bils" | "" | "bils[d=1]" | "Surf. total heat flux (GLOBAL)" | "W/m^2" | "aire[d=1]" |
42 | nettop_global | "tops topl" | "" | "(tops[d=1]-topl[d=2])" | "TOA. total heat flux (GLOBAL)" | "W/m^2" | "aire[d=1]" |
43 | nettop0_global | "tops0 topl0" | "" | "(tops0[d=1]-topl0[d=2])" | "TOA. total heat flux ClearSky (GLOBAL)" | "W/m^2" | "aire[d=1]" |
44 | t2m_global | "t2m" | "" | "(t2m[d=1]-273.15)" | "Temperature at 2 meters (GLOBAL)" | "degrees C" | "aire[d=1]" |
45 | t2m_land | "t2m pourc_ter pourc_lic" | "" | "(t2m[d=1]-273.15)" | "Temperature at 2 meters (LAND)" | "degrees C" | "aire[d=1]*((pourc_ter[d=2]+pourc_lic[d=3])/100.)" |
46 | tsol_global | "tsol" | "" | "(tsol[d=1]-273.15)" | "Surface Temperature (GLOBAL)" | "degrees C" | "aire[d=1]" |
47 | tsol_land | "tsol pourc_ter pourc_lic" | "" | "(tsol[d=1]-273.15)" | "Surface Temperature (LAND)" | "degrees C" | "aire[d=1]*((pourc_ter[d=2]+pourc_lic[d=3])/100.)" |
48 | precip_global | "precip" | "" | "precip[d=1]*86400" | "Precipitation Totale liq+sol (GLOBAL)" | "mm/d" | "aire[d=1]" |
49 | precip_land | "precip pourc_ter pourc_lic" | "" | "precip[d=1]*86400" | "Precipitation Totale liq+sol (LAND)" | "mm/d" | "aire[d=1]*((pourc_ter[d=2]+pourc_lic[d=3])/100.)" |
50 | evap_global | "evap" | "" | "evap[d=1]" | "Evaporation (GLOBAL)" | "kg/(s*m2)" | "aire[d=1]" |
51 | evap_land | "evap pourc_ter pourc_lic" | "" | "evap[d=1]" | "Evaporation (LAND)" | "kg/(s*m2)" | "aire[d=1]*((pourc_ter[d=2]+pourc_lic[d=3])/100.)" |
52 | flat_global | "lat_ter pourc_ter lat_sic pourc_sic lat_lic pourc_lic lat_oce pourc_oce" | "" | "(lat_ter[d=1]*pourc_ter[d=2]+lat_sic[d=3]*pourc_sic[d=4]+lat_lic[d=5]*pourc_lic[d=6]+lat_oce[d=7]*pourc_oce[d=8])" | "Latent Heat Flux (GLOBAL)" | "W/m^2" | "aire[d=1]" |
53 | od550aer_forcing | "od550aer" | "" | "od550aer[d=1]" | "Total aerosol optical depth at 550nm" | "-" | "aire[d=1]" |
54 | od550lt1aer_forcing | "od550lt1aer" | "" | "od550lt1aer[d=1]" | "Fine mode optical depth" | "-" | "aire[d=1]" |
55 | absvisaer_forcing | "absvisaer" | "" | "absvisaer[d=1]" | "Absorption aerosol visible optical depth" | "-" | "aire[d=1]" |
56 | swtoaas_ant_forcing | "swtoaas_ant" | "" | "swtoaas_ant[d=1]" | "Anthropogenic aerosol radiative forcing all-sky at TOA" | "W/m^2" | "aire[d=1]" |
57 | swtoacs_ant_forcing | "swtoacs_ant" | "" | "swtoacs_ant[d=1]" | "Anthropogenic aerosol radiative forcing clear-sky at TOA" | "W/m^2" | "aire[d=1]" |
58 | swtoacf_ant_forcing | "swtoacf_ant" | "" | "swtoacf_ant[d=1]" | "Anthropogenic aerosol impact on cloud radiative forcing at TOA" | "W/m^2" | "aire[d=1]" |
59 | swsrfas_ant_forcing | "swsrfas_ant" | "" | "swsrfas_ant[d=1]" | "Anthropogenic aerosol radiative forcing all-sky at SRF" | "W/m^2" | "aire[d=1]" |
60 | swsrfcs_ant_forcing | "swsrfcs_ant" | "" | "swsrfcs_ant[d=1]" | "Anthropogenic aerosol radiative forcing clear-sky at SRF" | "W/m^2" | "aire[d=1]" |
61 | swsrfcf_ant_forcing | "swsrfcf_ant" | "" | "swsrfcf_ant[d=1]" | "Anthropogenic aerosol impact on cloud radiative forcing at SRF" | "W/m^2" | "aire[d=1]" |
62 | swtoaas_nat_forcing | "swtoaas_nat" | "" | "swtoaas_nat[d=1]" | "Natural aerosol radiative forcing all-sky at TOA" | "W/m^2" | "aire[d=1]" |
63 | swtoacs_nat_forcing | "swtoacs_nat" | "" | "swtoacs_nat[d=1]" | "Natural aerosol radiative forcing clear-sky at TOA" | "W/m^2" | "aire[d=1]" |
64 | swtoacf_nat_forcing | "swtoacf_nat" | "" | "swtoacf_nat[d=1]" | "Natural aerosol impact on cloud radiative forcing at TOA" | "W/m^2" | "aire[d=1]" |
65 | swsrfas_nat_forcing | "swsrfas_nat" | "" | "swsrfas_nat[d=1]" | "Natural aerosol radiative forcing all-sky at SRF" | "W/m^2" | "aire[d=1]" |
66 | swsrfcs_nat_forcing | "swsrfcs_nat" | "" | "swsrfcs_nat[d=1]" | "Natural aerosol radiative forcing clear-sky at SRF" | "W/m^2" | "aire[d=1]" |
67 | swsrfcf_nat_forcing | "swsrfcf_nat" | "" | "swsrfcf_nat[d=1]" | "Natural aerosol impact on cloud radiative forcing at SRF" | "W/m^2" | "aire[d=1]" |
68 | topswai_forcing | "topswai" | "" | "topswai[d=1]" | "AIE at TOA" | "W/m^2" | "aire[d=1]" |
69 | solswai_forcing | "solswai" | "" | "solswai[d=1]" | "AIE at SRF" | "W/m^2" | "aire[d=1]" |
70 | swtoacf_zero_forcing | "swtoacf_zero" | "" | "swtoacf_zero[d=1]" | "Cloud radiative forcing (allsky-clearsky fluxes) at TOA" | "W/m^2" | "aire[d=1]" |
71 | swsrfcf_zero_forcing | "swsrfcf_zero" | "" | "swsrfcf_zero[d=1]" | "Cloud radiative forcing (allsky-clearsky fluxes) at SRF" | "W/m^2" | "aire[d=1]" |
72 | tro3_strato_forcing | "tro3" | "" | "tro3[x=@din,y=@din,k=1:7@sum,d=1]" | "ozone strato k=1:7@sum" | "Mole" | "" |
73 | tro3_tropo_forcing | "tro3" | "" | "tro3[x=@din,y=@din,k=8:17@sum,d=1]" | "ozone trop k=8:17@sum" | "Mole" | "" |
74 | solaire_forcing | "solaire" | "" | "solaire[d=1]" | "Constante solaire" | "W/m^2" | "1" |
75 | co2_ppm_forcing | "co2_ppm" | "" | "co2_ppm[d=1]" | "Concentration du CO2" | "ppm" | "1" |
76 | CH4_ppb_forcing | "CH4_ppb" | "" | "CH4_ppb[d=1]" | "Concentration du CH4" | "ppb" | "1" |
77 | N2O_ppb_forcing | "N2O_ppb" | "" | "N2O_ppb[d=1]" | "Concentration du N2O" | "ppb" | "1" |
78 | CFC11_ppt_forcing | "CFC11_ppt" | "" | "CFC11_ppt[d=1]" | "Concentration du CFC11" | "ppt" | "1" |
79 | CFC12_ppt_forcing | "CFC12_ppt" | "" | "CFC12_ppt[d=1]" | "Concentration du CFC12" | "ppt" | "1" |
80 | |
81 | ## R_ecc_forcing | "R_ecc" | "" | "R_ecc[d=1]" | "Excentricite" | "-" | "1" |
82 | ## R_peri_forcing | "R_peri" | "" | "R_peri[d=1]" | "Equinoxe" | "-" | "1" |
83 | ## R_incl_forcing | "R_incl" | "" | "R_incl[d=1]" | "Inclinaison" | "deg" | "1" |
84 | #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
85 | |