1 | # Maximum index of the table entries, total number of indices |
2 | 466 423 |
3 | #Index, CF longname, unit |
4 | 1 'sea_surface_temperature' 'K' |
5 | 2 'sea_ice_extent' 'm2' |
6 | 3 'upward_grid_eastward_stress_at_sea_ice_base' 'Pa' |
7 | 4 'upward_grid_northward_stress_at_sea_ice_base' 'Pa' |
8 | 5 'surface_downward_heat_flux' 'W m-2' |
9 | 6 'surface_downward_non_shortwave_heat_flux' 'W m-2' |
10 | 7 'surface_net_downward_shortwave_flux' 'W m-2' |
11 | 8 'surface_downward_latent_heat_flux' 'W m-2' |
12 | 9 'surface_downward_sensible_heat_flux' 'W m-2' |
13 | 10 'surface_net_downward_longwave_flux' 'W m-2' |
14 | 11 'surface_net_downward_direct_shortwave_flux' 'W m-2' |
15 | 12 'surface_net_downward_diffusive_shortwave_flux' 'W m-2' |
16 | 13 'surface_upwelling_downward_shortwave_flux' 'W m-2' |
17 | 14 'surface_upwelling_downward_longwave_flux' 'W m-2' |
18 | 15 'surface_downwelling_downward_longwave_flux' 'W m-2' |
19 | 16 'surface_emissivity' '1' |
20 | 17 'surface_albedo' '1' |
21 | 18 'surface_snow_area_fraction' '1' |
22 | 19 'lower_level_air_temperature' 'K' |
23 | 20 'lower_level_wind_module' 'Pa' |
24 | 21 'lower_level_geopotential' 'm2 s-2' |
25 | 22 'lower_level_specific_humidity' '1' |
26 | 23 'surface_downward_grid_eastward_stress' 'Pa' |
27 | 24 'surface_downward_grid_northward_stress' 'Pa' |
28 | 25 'water_evaporation_flux' '1' |
29 | 26 'surface_precipitation_flux' 'kg m-2 s-1' |
30 | 27 'rainfall_flux' 'kg m-2 s-1' |
31 | 28 'snow_fall_flux' 'kg m-2 s-1' |
32 | 29 'water_flux_into_ocean' 'kg m-2 s-1' |
33 | 30 'surface_downward_water_flux' 'kg m-2 s-1' |
34 | 31 'sea_ice_area_fraction' '1' |
35 | 32 'water_flux_into_ocean_from_rivers' 'kg m-2 s-1' |
36 | 33 'surface_air_pressure' 'Pa' |
37 | 34 'surface_temperature' 'K' |
38 | 35 'surface_downward_non_shortwave_heat_flux_derivative' 'W m-2' |
39 | 36 'water_flux_into_ocean_from_ice_sheet' 'kg m-2 s-1' |
40 | 37 'surface_energy_flux_into_ocean_due_to_wind_mixing' 'W m-2' |
41 | 38 'surface_net_downward_shortwave_flux' 'W m-2' |
42 | 39 'surface_downward_non_penetrative_heat_flux' 'W m-2' |
43 | 40 'snow_fall_flux' 'kg m-2 s-1' |
44 | 41 'water_evaporation_flux_where_sea_ice' 'kg m-2 s-1' |
45 | 42 'downward_heat_flux_in_sea_ice' 'W m-2' |
46 | 43 'surface_melt_heat_flux' 'W m-2' |
47 | 44 'sea_ice_area_fraction' '1' |
48 | 45 'sea_ice_thickness' '1' |
49 | 46 'lwe_snow_thickness_where_sea_ice' 'm' |
50 | 47 'surface_grid_eastward_sea_water_velocity' 'm s-1' |
51 | 48 'surface_grid_northward_sea_water_velocity' 'm s-1' |
52 | 49 'chemical concentration' '1e-6' |
53 | 50 'surface_downward_grid_eastward_stress_where_open_sea' 'Pa' |
54 | 51 'surface_downward_grid_northward_stress_where_open_sea' 'Pa' |
55 | 52 'surface_downward_grid_eastward_stress_where_sea_ice' 'Pa' |
56 | 53 'surface_downward_grid_northward_stress_where_sea_ice' 'Pa' |
57 | 54 'lower_level_relative_humidity' '1' |
58 | 55 'lwe_surface_downward_snow_flux_where_sea_ice' 'kg m-2 s-1' |
59 | 56 'wind_speed_at_10m' 'm s-1' |
60 | 100 'air_density' 'kg m-3' |
61 | 101 'air_potential_temperature' 'K' |
62 | 102 'air_pressure' 'Pa' |
63 | 103 'air_pressure_anomaly' 'Pa' |
64 | 104 'air_pressure_at_cloud_base' 'Pa' |
65 | 105 'air_pressure_at_cloud_top' 'Pa' |
66 | 106 'air_pressure_at_convective_cloud_base' 'Pa' |
67 | 107 'air_pressure_at_convective_cloud_top' 'Pa' |
68 | 108 'air_pressure_at_freezing_level' 'Pa' |
69 | 109 'air_pressure_at_sea_level' 'Pa' |
70 | 110 'air_temperature' 'K' |
71 | 111 'air_temperature_anomaly' 'K' |
72 | 112 'air_temperature_lapse_rate' 'K m-1' |
73 | 113 'altitude' 'm' |
74 | 114 'area_fraction_below_surface' '1' |
75 | 115 'atmosphere_absolute_vorticity' 's-1' |
76 | 116 'atmosphere_boundary_layer_thickness' 'm' |
77 | 117 'atmosphere_cloud_condensed_water_content' 'kg m-2' |
78 | 118 'atmosphere_cloud_ice_content' 'kg m-2' |
79 | 119 'atmosphere_cloud_liquid_water_content' 'kg m-2' |
80 | 120 'atmosphere_eastward_stress_due_to_gravity_wave_drag' 'Pa' |
81 | 121 'atmosphere_energy_content' 'J m-2' |
82 | 122 'atmosphere_horizontal_streamfunction' 'm2 s-1' |
83 | 123 'atmosphere_horizontal_velocity_potential' 'm2 s-1' |
84 | 124 'atmosphere_hybrid_height_coordinate' 'm' |
85 | 125 'atmosphere_hybrid_sigma_pressure_coordinate' '1' |
86 | 126 'atmosphere_kinetic_energy_content' 'J m-2' |
87 | 127 'atmosphere_northward_stress_due_to_gravity_wave_drag' 'Pa' |
88 | 128 'atmosphere_relative_vorticity' 's-1' |
89 | 129 'atmosphere_sigma_coordinate' '1' |
90 | 130 'atmosphere_so4_content' 'kg m-2' |
91 | 131 'atmosphere_surface_drag_coefficient' '1' |
92 | 132 'atmosphere_water_content' 'kg m-2' |
93 | 133 'atmosphere_water_vapor_content' 'kg m-2' |
94 | 134 'baroclinic_eastward_sea_water_velocity' 'm s-1' |
95 | 135 'baroclinic_northward_sea_water_velocity' 'm s-1' |
96 | 136 'barotropic_eastward_sea_water_velocity' 'm s-1' |
97 | 137 'barotropic_northward_sea_water_velocity' 'm s-1' |
98 | 138 'brightness_temperature' 'K' |
99 | 139 'brunt_vaisala_frequency_in_air' 's-1' |
100 | 140 'canopy_height' 'm' |
101 | 141 'canopy_water_amount' 'kg m-2' |
102 | 142 'chlorophyll_concentration_in_sea_water' 'kg m-3' |
103 | 143 'cloud_area_fraction' '1' |
104 | 144 'cloud_area_fraction_in_atmosphere_layer' '1' |
105 | 145 'cloud_base_altitude' 'm' |
106 | 146 'cloud_condensed_water_content_of_atmosphere_layer' 'kg m-2' |
107 | 147 'cloud_ice_content_of_atmosphere_layer' 'kg m-2' |
108 | 148 'cloud_liquid_water_content_of_atmosphere_layer' 'kg m-2' |
109 | 149 'cloud_top_altitude' 'm' |
110 | 150 'convective_cloud_area_fraction' '1' |
111 | 151 'convective_precipitation_amount' 'kg m-2' |
112 | 152 'convective_precipitation_flux' 'kg m-2 s-1' |
113 | 153 'convective_rainfall_amount' 'kg m-2' |
114 | 154 'convective_rainfall_flux' 'kg m-2 s-1' |
115 | 155 'convective_rainfall_rate' 'm s-1' |
116 | 156 'convective_snowfall_amount' 'kg m-2' |
117 | 157 'convective_snowfall_flux' 'kg m-2 s-1' |
118 | 158 'depth' 'm' |
119 | 159 'dew_point_depression' 'K' |
120 | 160 'dew_point_temperature' 'K' |
121 | 161 'dimensionless_exner_function' '1' |
122 | 162 'direction_of_sea_ice_velocity' 'degree' |
123 | 163 'direction_of_sea_water_velocity' 'degree' |
124 | 164 'direction_of_swell_wave_velocity' 'degree' |
125 | 165 'direction_of_wind_wave_velocity' 'degree' |
126 | 166 'dissipation_in_atmosphere_boundary_layer' 'W m-2' |
127 | 167 'divergence_of_sea_ice_velocity' 's-1' |
128 | 168 'divergence_of_wind' 's-1' |
129 | 169 'downward_eastward_momentum_flux_in_air' 'Pa' |
130 | 170 'downward_eastward_stress_at_sea_ice_base' 'Pa' |
131 | 171 'downward_heat_flux_in_air' 'W m-2' |
132 | 172 'downward_heat_flux_in_sea_ice' 'W m-2' |
133 | 173 'downward_heat_flux_in_soil' 'W m-2' |
134 | 174 'downward_northward_momentum_flux_in_air' 'Pa' |
135 | 175 'downward_northward_stress_at_sea_ice_base' 'Pa' |
136 | 176 'downwelling_photosynthetic_photon_flux_in_sea_water' 'mol m-2 s-1' |
137 | 177 'downwelling_spectral_radiative_flux_in_air' 'W m-2 m-1' |
138 | 178 'downwelling_spectral_radiative_flux_in_sea_water' 'W m-2 m-1' |
139 | 179 'eastward_momentum_flux_correction' 'Pa' |
140 | 180 'eastward_sea_ice_velocity' 'm s-1' |
141 | 181 'eastward_sea_water_velocity' 'm s-1' |
142 | 182 'eastward_wind' 'm s-1' |
143 | 183 'eastward_wind_shear' 's-1' |
144 | 184 'electromagnetic_wavelength' 'm' |
145 | 185 'equivalent_potential_temperature' 'K' |
146 | 186 'equivalent_temperature' 'K' |
147 | 187 'equivalent_thickness_at_stp_of_atmosphere_o3_content' 'm' |
148 | 188 'ertel_potential_vorticity' 'K m2 kg-1 s-1' |
149 | 189 'forecast_period' 's' |
150 | 190 'forecast_reference_time' 's' |
151 | 191 'freezing_level_altitude' 'm' |
152 | 192 'freezing_temperature_of_sea_water' 'K' |
153 | 193 'frozen_water_content_of_soil_layer' 'kg m-2' |
154 | 194 'geopotential' 'm2 s-2' |
155 | 195 'geopotential_height' 'm' |
156 | 196 'geopotential_height_anomaly' 'm' |
157 | 197 'grid_eastward_wind' 'm s-1' |
158 | 198 'grid_latitude' 'degree' |
159 | 199 'grid_longitude' 'degree' |
160 | 200 'grid_northward_wind' 'm s-1' |
161 | 201 'gross_primary_productivity_of_carbon' 'kg m-2 s-1' |
162 | 202 'heat_flux_correction' 'W m-2' |
163 | 203 'height' 'm' |
164 | 204 'height_at_cloud_top' 'm' |
165 | 205 'humidity_mixing_ratio' '1' |
166 | 206 'land_area_fraction' '1' |
167 | 207 'land_binary_mask' '1' |
168 | 208 'land_ice_area_fraction' '1' |
169 | 209 'large_scale_cloud_area_fraction' '1' |
170 | 210 'large_scale_precipitation_amount' 'kg m-2' |
171 | 211 'large_scale_rainfall_amount' 'kg m-2' |
172 | 212 'large_scale_rainfall_flux' 'kg m-2 s-1' |
173 | 213 'large_scale_rainfall_rate' 'm s-1' |
174 | 214 'large_scale_snowfall_amount' 'kg m-2' |
175 | 215 'large_scale_snowfall_flux' 'kg m-2 s-1' |
176 | 216 'latitude' 'degree_north' |
177 | 217 'leaf_area_index' '1' |
178 | 218 'litter_carbon_flux' 'kg m-2 s-1' |
179 | 219 'longitude' 'degree_east' |
180 | 220 'longwave_radiance' 'W m-2 sr-1' |
181 | 221 'lwe_convective_precipitation_rate' 'm s-1' |
182 | 222 'lwe_convective_snowfall_rate' 'm s-1' |
183 | 223 'lwe_large_scale_precipitation_rate' 'm s-1' |
184 | 224 'lwe_large_scale_snowfall_rate' 'm s-1' |
185 | 225 'lwe_precipitation_rate' 'm s-1' |
186 | 226 'lwe_snowfall_rate' 'm s-1' |
187 | 227 'lwe_thickness_of_atmosphere_water_vapor_content' 'm' |
188 | 228 'lwe_thickness_of_canopy_water_amount' 'm' |
189 | 229 'lwe_thickness_of_convective_precipitation_amount' 'm' |
190 | 230 'lwe_thickness_of_large_scale_precipitation_amount' 'm' |
191 | 231 'lwe_thickness_of_moisture_content_of_soil_layer' 'm' |
192 | 232 'lwe_thickness_of_snowfall_amount' 'm' |
193 | 233 'lwe_thickness_of_soil_moisture_content' 'm' |
194 | 234 'lwe_thickness_of_surface_snow_amount' 'm' |
195 | 235 'lwe_thickness_of_water_evaporation_amount' 'm' |
196 | 236 'lwe_water_evaporation_rate' 'm s-1' |
197 | 237 'mass_fraction_of_cloud_ice_in_air' '1' |
198 | 238 'mass_fraction_of_cloud_liquid_water_in_air' '1' |
199 | 239 'mass_fraction_of_convective_condensed_water_in_air' '1' |
200 | 240 'mass_fraction_of_frozen_water_in_soil_moisture' '1' |
201 | 241 'mass_fraction_of_o3_in_air' '1' |
202 | 242 'mass_fraction_of_unfrozen_water_in_soil_moisture' '1' |
203 | 243 'mass_fraction_of_water_in_air' '1' |
204 | 244 'mass_mixing_ratio' '1' |
205 | 245 'mass_transport' 'kg s-1' |
206 | 246 'model_level_number' '1' |
207 | 247 'moisture_content_of_soil_layer' 'kg m-2' |
208 | 248 'mole_fraction_of_o3_in_air' '1' |
209 | 249 'net_downward_longwave_flux_in_air' 'W m-2' |
210 | 250 'net_downward_radiative_flux_at_top_of_atmosphere_model' 'W m-2' |
211 | 251 'net_downward_shortwave_flux_in_air' 'W m-2' |
212 | 252 'net_primary_productivity_of_carbon' 'kg m-2 s-1' |
213 | 253 'net_upward_longwave_flux_in_air' 'W m-2' |
214 | 254 'net_upward_shortwave_flux_in_air' 'W m-2' |
215 | 255 'northward_atmosphere_heat_transport' 'W' |
216 | 256 'northward_momentum_flux_correction' 'Pa' |
217 | 257 'northward_ocean_freshwater_transport' 'kg s-1' |
218 | 258 'northward_ocean_heat_transport' 'W' |
219 | 259 'northward_ocean_salt_transport' 'kg s-1' |
220 | 260 'northward_sea_ice_velocity' 'm s-1' |
221 | 261 'northward_sea_water_velocity' 'm s-1' |
222 | 262 'northward_wind' 'm s-1' |
223 | 263 'northward_wind_shear' 's-1' |
224 | 264 'ocean_barotropic_streamfunction' 'm3 s-1' |
225 | 265 'ocean_isopycnal_layer_thickness_diffusivity' 'm2 s-1' |
226 | 266 'ocean_meridional_overturning_streamfunction' 'm3 s-1' |
227 | 267 'ocean_mixed_layer_thickness' 'm' |
228 | 268 'ocean_s_coordinate' '1' |
229 | 269 'ocean_sigma_coordinate' '1' |
230 | 270 'omega' 'Pa s-1' |
231 | 271 'planetary_albedo' '1' |
232 | 272 'plant_respiration_carbon_flux' 'kg m-2 s-1' |
233 | 273 'potential_vorticity_of_atmosphere_layer' 'Pa-1 s-1' |
234 | 274 'potential_vorticity_of_ocean_layer' 'm-1 s-1' |
235 | 275 'precipitation_amount' 'kg m-2' |
236 | 276 'precipitation_flux' 'kg m-2 s-1' |
237 | 277 'product_of_eastward_wind_and_air_temperature' 'K m s-1' |
238 | 278 'product_of_eastward_wind_and_geopotential_height' 'm2 s-1' |
239 | 279 'product_of_eastward_wind_and_northward_wind' 'm2 s-2' |
240 | 280 'product_of_eastward_wind_and_omega' 'Pa m s-2' |
241 | 281 'product_of_eastward_wind_and_specific_humidity' 'm s-1' |
242 | 282 'product_of_northward_wind_and_air_temperature' 'K m s-1' |
243 | 283 'product_of_northward_wind_and_geopotential_height' 'm2 s-1' |
244 | 284 'product_of_northward_wind_and_omega' 'Pa m s-2' |
245 | 285 'product_of_northward_wind_and_specific_humidity' 'm s-1' |
246 | 286 'product_of_omega_and_air_temperature' 'K Pa s-1' |
247 | 287 'product_of_omega_and_specific_humidity' 'Pa s-1' |
248 | 288 'projection_x_coordinate' 'm' |
249 | 289 'projection_y_coordinate' 'm' |
250 | 290 'pseudo_equivalent_potential_temperature' 'K' |
251 | 291 'pseudo_equivalent_temperature' 'K' |
252 | 292 'rainfall_flux' 'kg m-2 s-1' |
253 | 293 'rainfall_rate' 'm s-1' |
254 | 294 'region' 'string' |
255 | 295 'relative_humidity' '1' |
256 | 296 'root_depth' 'm' |
257 | 297 'runoff_flux' 'kg m-2 s-1' |
258 | 298 'sea_area_fraction' '1' |
259 | 299 'sea_floor_depth' 'm' |
260 | 300 'sea_ice_amount' 'kg m-2' |
261 | 301 'sea_ice_area' 'm2' |
262 | 302 'sea_ice_area_fraction' '1' |
263 | 303 'sea_ice_draft' 'm' |
264 | 304 'sea_ice_extent' 'm2' |
265 | 305 'sea_ice_freeboard' 'm' |
266 | 306 'sea_ice_mass' 'kg' |
267 | 307 'sea_ice_speed' 'm s-1' |
268 | 308 'sea_ice_thickness' 'm' |
269 | 309 'sea_ice_volume' 'm3' |
270 | 310 'sea_surface_elevation' 'm' |
271 | 311 'sea_surface_elevation_anomaly' 'm' |
272 | 312 'sea_surface_salinity' '1e-3' |
273 | 313 'sea_surface_temperature' 'K' |
274 | 314 'sea_water_density' 'kg m-3' |
275 | 315 'sea_water_electrical_conductivity' 'S m-1' |
276 | 316 'sea_water_potential_density' 'kg m-3' |
277 | 317 'sea_water_potential_temperature' 'K' |
278 | 318 'sea_water_salinity' '1e-3' |
279 | 319 'sea_water_sigma_t' 'kg m-3' |
280 | 320 'sea_water_sigma_theta' 'kg m-3' |
281 | 321 'sea_water_speed' 'm s-1' |
282 | 322 'sea_water_temperature' 'K' |
283 | 323 'shortwave_radiance' 'W m-2 sr-1' |
284 | 324 'significant_height_of_swell_waves' 'm' |
285 | 325 'significant_height_of_wind_and_swell_waves' 'm' |
286 | 326 'significant_height_of_wind_waves' 'm' |
287 | 327 'snowfall_amount' 'kg m-2' |
288 | 328 'snowfall_flux' 'kg m-2 s-1' |
289 | 329 'snow_grain_size' 'm' |
290 | 330 'snow_soot_content' 'kg m-2' |
291 | 331 'snow_temperature' 'K' |
292 | 332 'soil_albedo' '1' |
293 | 333 'soil_carbon_content' 'kg m-2' |
294 | 334 'soil_frozen_water_content' 'kg m-2' |
295 | 335 'soil_moisture_content' 'kg m-2' |
296 | 336 'soil_moisture_content_at_field_capacity' 'kg m-2' |
297 | 337 'soil_temperature' 'K' |
298 | 338 'specific_convective_available_potential_energy' 'J kg-1' |
299 | 339 'specific_humidity' '1' |
300 | 340 'specific_potential_energy' 'J kg-1' |
301 | 341 'spectral_radiance' 'W m-2 m-1 sr-1' |
302 | 342 'square_of_air_temperature' 'K2' |
303 | 343 'square_of_brunt_vaisala_frequency_in_air' 's-2' |
304 | 344 'square_of_eastward_wind' 'm2 s-2' |
305 | 345 'square_of_northward_wind' 'm2 s-2' |
306 | 346 'subsurface_runoff_amount' 'kg m-2' |
307 | 347 'subsurface_runoff_flux' 'kg m-2 s-1' |
308 | 348 'surface_air_pressure' 'Pa' |
309 | 349 'surface_albedo' '1' |
310 | 350 'surface_albedo_assuming_deep_snow' '1' |
311 | 351 'surface_albedo_assuming_no_snow' '1' |
312 | 352 'surface_altitude' 'm' |
313 | 353 'surface_downward_eastward_stress' 'Pa' |
314 | 354 'surface_downward_heat_flux_in_air' 'W m-2' |
315 | 355 'surface_downward_latent_heat_flux' 'W m-2' |
316 | 356 'surface_downward_northward_stress' 'Pa' |
317 | 357 'surface_downward_sensible_heat_flux' 'W m-2' |
318 | 358 'surface_downward_water_flux' 'kg m-2 s-1' |
319 | 359 'surface_downwelling_longwave_flux' 'W m-2' |
320 | 360 'surface_downwelling_longwave_flux_assuming_clear_sky' 'W m-2' |
321 | 361 'surface_downwelling_photosynthetic_photon_flux_in_sea_water' 'mol m-2 s-1' |
322 | 362 'surface_downwelling_shortwave_flux' 'W m-2' |
323 | 363 'surface_downwelling_shortwave_flux_assuming_clear_sky' 'W m-2' |
324 | 364 'surface_downwelling_spectral_radiative_flux_in_air' 'W m-2 m-1' |
325 | 365 'surface_downwelling_spectral_radiative_flux_in_sea_water' 'W m-2 m-1' |
326 | 366 'surface_net_downward_longwave_flux' 'W m-2' |
327 | 367 'surface_net_downward_shortwave_flux' 'W m-2' |
328 | 368 'surface_net_upward_longwave_flux' 'W m-2' |
329 | 369 'surface_net_upward_shortwave_flux' 'W m-2' |
330 | 370 'surface_roughness_length' 'm' |
331 | 371 'surface_runoff_amount' 'kg m-2' |
332 | 372 'surface_runoff_flux' 'kg m-2 s-1' |
333 | 373 'surface_snow_amount' 'kg m-2' |
334 | 374 'surface_snow_area_fraction' '1' |
335 | 375 'surface_snow_melt_amount' 'kg m-2' |
336 | 376 'surface_snow_melt_flux' 'kg m-2 s-1' |
337 | 377 'surface_snow_melt_heat_flux' 'W m-2' |
338 | 378 'surface_snow_thickness' 'm' |
339 | 379 'surface_snow_thickness_where_sea_ice' 'm' |
340 | 380 'surface_temperature' 'K' |
341 | 381 'surface_temperature_anomaly' 'K' |
342 | 382 'surface_upward_heat_flux_in_air' 'W m-2' |
343 | 383 'surface_upward_latent_heat_flux' 'W m-2' |
344 | 384 'surface_upward_sensible_heat_flux' 'W m-2' |
345 | 385 'surface_upward_water_flux' 'kg m-2 s-1' |
346 | 386 'surface_upwelling_longwave_flux' 'W m-2' |
347 | 387 'surface_upwelling_longwave_flux_assuming_clear_sky' 'W m-2' |
348 | 388 'surface_upwelling_shortwave_flux' 'W m-2' |
349 | 389 'surface_upwelling_shortwave_flux_assuming_clear_sky' 'W m-2' |
350 | 390 'surface_upwelling_spectral_radiative_flux_in_air' 'W m-2 m-1' |
351 | 391 'surface_upwelling_spectral_radiative_flux_in_sea_water' 'W m-2 m-1' |
352 | 392 'swell_wave_period' 's' |
353 | 393 'tendency_of_air_pressure' 'Pa s-1' |
354 | 394 'tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_diabatic_processes' 'K s-1' |
355 | 395 'tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_dry_convection' 'K s-1' |
356 | 396 'tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_large_scale_precipitation' 'K s-1' |
357 | 397 'tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_longwave_heating' 'K s-1' |
358 | 398 'tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_longwave_heating_assuming' 'K s-1' |
359 | 399 'tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_moist_convection' 'K s-1' |
360 | 400 'tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_shortwave_heating' 'K s-1' |
361 | 401 'tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_shortwave_heating_assumin' 'K s-1' |
362 | 402 'tendency_of_eastward_wind' 'm s-2' |
363 | 403 'tendency_of_eastward_wind_due_to_convection' 'm s-2' |
364 | 404 'tendency_of_eastward_wind_due_to_gravity_wave_drag' 'm s-2' |
365 | 405 'tendency_of_northward_wind' 'm s-2' |
366 | 406 'tendency_of_northward_wind_due_to_convection' 'm s-2' |
367 | 407 'tendency_of_northward_wind_due_to_gravity_wave_drag' 'm s-2' |
368 | 408 'tendency_of_ocean_barotropic_streamfunction' 'm3 s-2' |
369 | 409 'tendency_of_sea_ice_thickness_due_to_thermodynamics' 'm s-1' |
370 | 410 'tendency_of_specific_humidity_due_to_convection' 's-1' |
371 | 411 'tendency_of_specific_humidity_due_to_model_physics' 's-1' |
372 | 412 'tendency_of_surface_air_pressure' 'Pa s-1' |
373 | 413 'tendency_of_wind_speed_due_to_convection' 'm s-2' |
374 | 414 'tendency_of_wind_speed_due_to_gravity_wave_drag' 'm s-2' |
375 | 415 'thunderstorm_probability' '1' |
376 | 416 'time' 's' |
377 | 417 'toa_incoming_shortwave_flux' 'W m-2' |
378 | 418 'toa_net_downward_radiative_flux' 'W m-2' |
379 | 419 'toa_net_downward_shortwave_flux' 'W m-2' |
380 | 420 'toa_net_upward_longwave_flux' 'W m-2' |
381 | 421 'toa_net_upward_longwave_flux_assuming_clear_sky' 'W m-2' |
382 | 422 'toa_net_upward_shortwave_flux' 'W m-2' |
383 | 423 'toa_outgoing_longwave_flux' 'W m-2' |
384 | 424 'toa_outgoing_longwave_flux_assuming_clear_sky' 'W m-2' |
385 | 425 'toa_outgoing_shortwave_flux' 'W m-2' |
386 | 426 'toa_outgoing_shortwave_flux_assuming_clear_sky' 'W m-2' |
387 | 427 'transpiration_amount' 'kg m-2' |
388 | 428 'transpiration_flux' 'kg m-2 s-1' |
389 | 429 'tropopause_air_pressure' 'Pa' |
390 | 430 'tropopause_air_temperature' 'K' |
391 | 431 'tropopause_altitude' 'm' |
392 | 432 'tropopause_downwelling_longwave_flux' 'W m-2' |
393 | 433 'tropopause_net_downward_longwave_flux' 'W m-2' |
394 | 434 'tropopause_net_downward_shortwave_flux' 'W m-2' |
395 | 435 'tropopause_upwelling_shortwave_flux' 'W m-2' |
396 | 436 'upward_air_velocity' 'm s-1' |
397 | 437 'upward_air_velocity_expressed_as_tendency_of_sigma' 's-1' |
398 | 438 'upward_eastward_stress_at_sea_ice_base' 'Pa' |
399 | 439 'upward_heat_flux_in_air' 'W m-2' |
400 | 440 'upward_northward_stress_at_sea_ice_base' 'Pa' |
401 | 441 'upward_sea_ice_basal_heat_flux' 'W m-2' |
402 | 442 'upward_sea_water_velocity' 'm s-1' |
403 | 443 'upward_water_vapor_flux_in_air' 'kg m-2 s-1' |
404 | 444 'upwelling_spectral_radiative_flux_in_air' 'W m-2 m-1' |
405 | 445 'upwelling_spectral_radiative_flux_in_sea_water' 'W m-2 m-1' |
406 | 446 'vegetation_area_fraction' '1' |
407 | 447 'vegetation_carbon_content' 'kg m-2' |
408 | 448 'virtual_temperature' 'K' |
409 | 449 'visibility_in_air' 'm' |
410 | 450 'water_content_of_atmosphere_layer' 'kg m-2' |
411 | 451 'water_evaporation_amount' 'kg m-2' |
412 | 452 'water_evaporation_flux' 'kg m-2 s-1' |
413 | 453 'water_flux_correction' 'kg m-2 s-1' |
414 | 454 'water_flux_into_ocean' 'kg m-2 s-1' |
415 | 455 'water_flux_into_ocean_from_rivers' 'kg m-2 s-1' |
416 | 456 'water_vapor_content_of_atmosphere_layer' 'kg m-2' |
417 | 457 'water_vapor_pressure' 'Pa' |
418 | 458 'water_vapor_saturation_deficit' 'Pa' |
419 | 459 'wet_bulb_temperature' 'K' |
420 | 460 'wind_from_direction' 'degree' |
421 | 461 'wind_mixing_energy_flux_into_ocean' 'W m-2' |
422 | 462 'wind_speed' 'm s-1' |
423 | 463 'wind_speed_shear' 's-1' |
424 | 464 'wind_to_direction' 'degree' |
425 | 465 'wind_wave_period' 's' |
426 | 466 'wind_stress' 'Pa' |