1 | !!>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> |
2 | !! NEMO/OPA : 1 - run manager (namrun) |
3 | !! namelists 2 - Domain (namzgr, namzgr_sco, namdom) |
4 | !! 3 - Surface boundary (namsbc, namsbc_ana, namsbc_flx, namsbc_clio, namsbc_core |
5 | !! namsbc_cpl, namqsr, namsbc_rnf, namsbc_ssr, namsbc_alb) |
6 | !! 4 - lateral boundary (namlbc, namcla, namobc, namagrif, nambdy, nambdy_tide) |
7 | !! 5 - bottom boundary (nambfr, nambbc, nambbl) |
8 | !! 6 - Tracer (nameos, namtra_adv, namtra_ldf, namtra_dmp) |
9 | !! 7 - dynamics (namdyn_adv, namdyn_vor, namdyn_hpg, namdyn_spg, namdyn_ldf) |
10 | !! 8 - Verical physics (namzdf, namzdf_ric, namzdf_tke, namzdf_kpp, namzdf_ddm, namzdf_tmx) |
11 | !! 9 - diagnostics (namtrd, namgap, namspr, namflo, namptr) |
12 | !! 9 - miscellaneous (namsol, nammpp, nammpp_dyndist, namctl) |
13 | !!>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> |
14 | ! CAUTION: some scripts does not support CAPITALs for logical use .true./.false., not .TRUE./.FALSE. |
15 | |
16 | !!====================================================================== |
17 | !! *** Run management namelists *** |
18 | !!====================================================================== |
19 | !! namrun parameters of the run |
20 | !!====================================================================== |
21 | |
22 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
23 | &namrun ! parameters of the run |
24 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
25 | nn_no = 0 ! job number |
26 | cn_exp = "ORCA2" ! AUTO - experience name |
27 | nn_it000 = 1 ! AUTO - first time step |
28 | nn_itend = 5475 ! AUTO - last time step(std 5475) |
29 | nn_date0 = 010101 ! AUTO - initial calendar date yymmdd (used if nn_rstctl=1) |
30 | nn_leapy = 0 ! AUTO - Leap year calendar (1) or not (0) |
31 | nn_istate = 0 ! output the initial state (1) or not (0) |
32 | nn_stock = 5475 ! AUTO - frequency of creation of a restart file (modulo referenced to 1) |
33 | nn_write = 5475 ! AUTO - frequency of write in the output file (modulo referenced to nn_it000) |
34 | ln_dimgnnn = .false. ! DIMG file format: 1 file for all processors (F) or by processor (T) |
35 | ln_mskland = .true. ! mask land points in NetCDF outputs (costly: + ~15%) |
36 | ln_clobber = .false. ! clobber (overwrite) an existing file |
37 | nn_chunksz = 0 ! chunksize (bytes) for NetCDF file (working only with iom_nf90 routines) |
38 | ln_rstart = .false. ! AUTO - start from rest (F) or from a restart file (T) |
39 | nn_rstctl = 0 ! AUTO - restart control = 0 nn_it000 is not compared to the restart file value |
40 | ! = 1 use nn_date0 in namelist (not the value in the restart file) |
41 | ! = 2 calendar parameters read in the restart file |
42 | cn_ocerst_in = "restartopa"! suffix of ocean restart name (input) |
43 | cn_ocerst_out = "restart" ! suffix of ocean restart name (output) |
44 | / |
45 | !!====================================================================== |
46 | !! *** Domain namelists *** |
47 | !!====================================================================== |
48 | !! namzgr vertical coordinate |
49 | !! namzgr_sco s-coordinate or hybrid z-s-coordinate |
50 | !! namdom space and time domain (bathymetry, mesh, timestep) |
51 | !!====================================================================== |
52 | |
53 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
54 | &namzgr ! vertical coordinate |
55 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
56 | ln_zco = .false. ! z-coordinate - full steps (T/F) ("key_zco" may also be defined) |
57 | ln_zps = .true. ! z-coordinate - partial steps (T/F) |
58 | ln_sco = .false. ! s- or hybrid z-s-coordinate (T/F) |
59 | / |
60 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
61 | &namzgr_sco ! s-coordinate or hybrid z-s-coordinate |
62 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
63 | rn_sbot_min = 300. ! minimum depth of s-bottom surface (>0) (m) |
64 | rn_sbot_max = 5250. ! maximum depth of s-bottom surface (= ocean depth) (>0) (m) |
65 | rn_theta = 6.0 ! surface control parameter (0<=theta<=20) |
66 | rn_thetb = 0.75 ! bottom control parameter (0<=thetb<= 1) |
67 | rn_rmax = 0.15 ! maximum cut-off r-value allowed (0<r_max<1) |
68 | ln_s_sigma = .false. ! hybrid s-sigma coordinates |
69 | rn_bb = 0.8 ! stretching with s-sigma |
70 | rn_hc = 150.0 ! critical depth with s-sigma |
71 | / |
72 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
73 | &namdom ! space and time domain (bathymetry, mesh, timestep) |
74 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
75 | nn_bathy = 1 ! compute (=0) or read(=1) the bathymetry file |
76 | nn_closea = 1 ! closed seas and lakes are removed (=0) or kept (=1) from the ORCA domain |
77 | nn_msh = 0 ! AUTO create (=1) a mesh file (coordinates, scale factors, masks) or not (=0) |
78 | rn_e3zps_min= 20. ! the thickness of the partial step is set larger than the minimum |
79 | rn_e3zps_rat= 0.1 ! of e3zps_min and e3zps_rat * e3t (N.B. 0<e3zps_rat<1) |
80 | ! |
81 | rn_rdt = 5760. ! time step for the dynamics (and tracer if nacc=0) ==> 5760 |
82 | nn_baro = 64 ! number of barotropic time step (for the split explicit algorithm) ("key_dynspg_ts") |
83 | rn_atfp = 0.1 ! asselin time filter parameter |
84 | nn_acc = 0 ! acceleration of convergence : =1 used, rdt < rdttra(k) |
85 | ! =0, not used, rdt = rdttra |
86 | rn_rdtmin = 28800. ! minimum time step on tracers (used if nacc=1) |
87 | rn_rdtmax = 28800. ! maximum time step on tracers (used if nacc=1) |
88 | rn_rdth = 800. ! depth variation of tracer time step (used if nacc=1) |
89 | / |
90 | !!====================================================================== |
91 | !! *** Surface Boundary Condition namelists *** |
92 | !!====================================================================== |
93 | !! namsbc surface boundary condition |
94 | !! namsbc_ana analytical formulation |
95 | !! namsbc_flx flux formulation |
96 | !! namsbc_clio CLIO bulk formulea formulation |
97 | !! namsbc_core CORE bulk formulea formulation |
98 | !! namsbc_cpl CouPLed formulation ("key_coupled") |
99 | !! namtra_qsr penetrative solar radiation |
100 | !! namsbc_rnf river runoffs |
101 | !! namsbc_ssr sea surface restoring term (for T and/or S) |
102 | !! namsbc_alb albedo parameters |
103 | !!====================================================================== |
104 | |
105 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
106 | &namsbc ! Surface Boundary Condition (surface module) |
107 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
108 | nn_fsbc = 5 ! frequency of surface boundary condition computation |
109 | ! (= the frequency of sea-ice model call) |
110 | ln_ana = .false. ! analytical formulation (T => fill namsbc_ana ) |
111 | ln_flx = .false. ! flux formulation (T => fill namsbc_flx ) |
112 | ln_blk_clio = .false. ! CLIO bulk formulation (T => fill namsbc_clio) |
113 | ln_blk_core = .false. ! CORE bulk formulation (T => fill namsbc_core) |
114 | ln_cpl = .true. ! Coupled formulation (T => fill namsbc_cpl ) |
115 | nn_ice = 2 ! =0 no ice boundary condition , |
116 | ! =1 use observed ice-cover , |
117 | ! =2 ice-model used ("key_lim3" or "key_lim2) |
118 | nn_ico_cpl = 0 ! ice-ocean coupling : =0 each nn_fsbc |
119 | ! =1 stresses recomputed each ocean time step ("key_lim3" only) |
120 | ! =2 combination of 0 and 1 cases ("key_lim3" only) |
121 | ln_dm2dc = .false. ! daily mean to diurnal cycle short wave (qsr) |
122 | ln_rnf = .true. ! runoffs (T => fill namsbc_rnf) |
123 | ln_ssr = .false. ! Sea Surface Restoring on T and/or S (T => fill namsbc_ssr) |
124 | nn_fwb = 0 ! FreshWater Budget: =0 unchecked |
125 | ! =1 global mean of e-p-r set to zero at each time step |
126 | ! =2 annual global mean of e-p-r set to zero |
127 | ! =3 global emp set to zero and spread out over erp area |
128 | / |
129 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
130 | &namsbc_ana ! analytical surface boundary condition |
131 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
132 | nn_tau000 = 0 ! gently increase the stress over the first ntau_rst time-steps |
133 | rn_utau0 = 0.5 ! uniform value for the i-stress |
134 | rn_vtau0 = 0.e0 ! uniform value for the j-stress |
135 | rn_qns0 = 0.e0 ! uniform value for the total heat flux |
136 | rn_qsr0 = 0.e0 ! uniform value for the solar radiation |
137 | rn_emp0 = 0.e0 ! uniform value for the freswater budget (E-P) |
138 | / |
139 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
140 | &namsbc_flx ! surface boundary condition : flux formulation |
141 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
142 | ! ! file name ! frequency (hours) ! variable ! time interpol. ! clim ! 'yearly'/ ! weights ! rotation ! |
143 | ! ! ! (if <0 months) ! name ! (logical) ! (T/F) ! 'monthly' ! filename ! pairing ! |
144 | sn_utau = 'utau' , 24 , 'utau' , .false. , .false. , 'yearly' , '' , '' |
145 | sn_vtau = 'vtau' , 24 , 'vtau' , .false. , .false. , 'yearly' , '' , '' |
146 | sn_qtot = 'qtot' , 24 , 'qtot' , .false. , .false. , 'yearly' , '' , '' |
147 | sn_qsr = 'qsr' , 24 , 'qsr' , .false. , .false. , 'yearly' , '' , '' |
148 | sn_emp = 'emp' , 24 , 'emp' , .false. , .false. , 'yearly' , '' , '' |
149 | ! |
150 | cn_dir = './' ! root directory for the location of the flux files |
151 | / |
152 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
153 | &namsbc_clio ! namsbc_clio CLIO bulk formulea |
154 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
155 | ! ! file name ! frequency (hours) ! variable ! time interpol. ! clim ! 'yearly'/ ! weights ! rotation ! |
156 | ! ! ! (if <0 months) ! name ! (logical) ! (T/F) ! 'monthly' ! filename ! pairing ! |
157 | sn_utau = 'taux_1m' , -1 , 'sozotaux' , .true. , .true. , 'yearly' , '' , '' |
158 | sn_vtau = 'tauy_1m' , -1 , 'sometauy' , .true. , .true. , 'yearly' , '' , '' |
159 | sn_wndm = 'flx' , -1 , 'socliowi' , .true. , .true. , 'yearly' , '' , '' |
160 | sn_tair = 'flx' , -1 , 'socliot2' , .true. , .true. , 'yearly' , '' , '' |
161 | sn_humi = 'flx' , -1 , 'socliohu' , .true. , .true. , 'yearly' , '' , '' |
162 | sn_ccov = 'flx' , -1 , 'socliocl' , .false. , .true. , 'yearly' , '' , '' |
163 | sn_prec = 'flx' , -1 , 'socliopl' , .false. , .true. , 'yearly' , '' , '' |
164 | ! |
165 | cn_dir = './' ! root directory for the location of the bulk files are |
166 | / |
167 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
168 | &namsbc_core ! namsbc_core CORE bulk formulea |
169 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
170 | ! ! file name ! frequency (hours) ! variable ! time interpol. ! clim ! 'yearly'/ ! weights ! rotation ! |
171 | ! ! ! (if <0 months) ! name ! (logical) ! (T/F) ! 'monthly' ! filename ! pairing ! |
172 | sn_wndi = 'u10_core' , -1 , 'u10' , .true. , .true. , 'yearly' ,'bicubic_weights_orca2.nc' , 'U1' |
173 | sn_wndj = 'v10_core' , -1 , 'v10' , .true. , .true. , 'yearly' ,'bicubic_weights_orca2.nc' , 'V1' |
174 | sn_qsr = 'qsw_core' , -1 , 'swdn' , .true. , .true. , 'yearly' ,'bilinear_weights_orca2.nc', '' |
175 | sn_qlw = 'qlw_core' , -1 , 'lwdn' , .true. , .true. , 'yearly' ,'bilinear_weights_orca2.nc', '' |
176 | sn_tair = 't2_core' , -1 , 't2' , .true. , .true. , 'yearly' ,'bilinear_weights_orca2.nc', '' |
177 | sn_humi = 'q2_core' , -1 , 'q2' , .true. , .true. , 'yearly' ,'bilinear_weights_orca2.nc', '' |
178 | sn_prec = 'precip_core', -1 , 'precip' , .true. , .true. , 'yearly' ,'bilinear_weights_orca2.nc', '' |
179 | sn_snow = 'snow_core' , -1 , 'snow' , .true. , .true. , 'yearly' ,'bilinear_weights_orca2.nc', '' |
180 | sn_tdif = 'taudif_core', 24 , 'taudif' , .true. , .true. , 'yearly' ,'bilinear_weights_orca2.nc', '' |
181 | ! |
182 | cn_dir = './' ! root directory for the location of the bulk files |
183 | ln_2m = .true. ! air temperature and humidity referenced at 2m (T) instead 10m (F) |
184 | ln_taudif = .false. ! HF tau contribution: use "mean of stress module - module of the mean stress" data ? |
185 | rn_pfac = 1. ! multiplicative factor for precipitation (total & snow) |
186 | / |
187 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
188 | &namsbc_cpl ! coupled ocean/atmosphere model ("key_coupled") |
189 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
190 | ! send |
191 | cn_snd_temperature= 'weighted oce and ice' ! 'oce only' 'weighted oce and ice' 'mixed oce-ice' |
192 | cn_snd_albedo = 'weighted ice' ! 'none' 'weighted ice' 'mixed oce-ice' |
193 | cn_snd_thickness = 'none' ! 'none' 'weighted ice and snow' |
194 | cn_snd_crt_nature = 'mixed oce-ice' ! 'none' 'oce only' 'weighted oce and ice' 'mixed oce-ice' |
195 | cn_snd_crt_refere = 'cartesian' ! 'spherical' 'cartesian' |
196 | cn_snd_crt_orient = 'eastward-northward' ! 'eastward-northward' or 'local grid' |
197 | cn_snd_crt_grid = 'T' ! 'T' |
198 | ! receive |
199 | cn_rcv_w10m = 'coupled' ! 'none' 'coupled' |
200 | cn_rcv_taumod = 'none' ! 'none' 'coupled' |
201 | cn_rcv_tau_nature = 'mixed oce-ice' ! 'oce only' 'oce and ice' 'mixed oce-ice' |
202 | cn_rcv_tau_refere = 'cartesian' ! 'spherical' 'cartesian' |
203 | cn_rcv_tau_orient = 'eastward-northward' ! 'eastward-northward' or 'local grid' |
204 | cn_rcv_tau_grid = 'U,V' ! 'T' 'U,V' 'U,V,F' 'U,V,I' 'T,F' 'T,I' 'T,U,V' |
205 | cn_rcv_dqnsdt = 'coupled' ! 'none' 'coupled' |
206 | cn_rcv_qsr = 'conservative' ! 'conservative' 'oce and ice' 'mixed oce-ice' |
207 | cn_rcv_qns = 'conservative' ! 'conservative' 'oce and ice' 'mixed oce-ice' |
208 | cn_rcv_emp = 'conservative' ! 'conservative' 'oce and ice' 'mixed oce-ice' |
209 | cn_rcv_rnf = 'coupled' ! 'coupled' 'climato' 'mixed' |
210 | cn_rcv_cal = 'coupled' ! 'none' 'coupled' |
211 | / |
212 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
213 | &namsbc_cpl_co2 ! coupled ocean/biogeo/atmosphere model ("key_cpl_carbon_cycle") |
214 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
215 | cn_snd_co2 = 'coupled' ! send : 'none' 'coupled' |
216 | cn_rcv_co2 = 'coupled' ! receive : 'none' 'coupled' |
217 | / |
218 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
219 | &namtra_qsr ! penetrative solar radiation |
220 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
221 | ! ! file name ! frequency (hours) ! variable ! time interpol. ! clim ! 'yearly'/ ! weights ! rotation ! |
222 | ! ! ! (if <0 months) ! name ! (logical) ! (T/F) ! 'monthly' ! filename ! pairing ! |
223 | sn_chl = 'chlorophyll', -1 , 'CHLA' , .true. , .true. , 'yearly' , '' , '' |
224 | |
225 | cn_dir = './' ! root directory for the location of the runoff files |
226 | ln_traqsr = .true. ! Light penetration (T) or not (F) |
227 | ln_qsr_rgb = .true. ! RGB (Red-Green-Blue) light penetration |
228 | ln_qsr_2bd = .false. ! 2 bands light penetration |
229 | ln_qsr_bio = .false. ! bio-model light penetration |
230 | nn_chldta = 1 ! RGB : Chl data (=1) or cst value (=0) |
231 | rn_abs = 0.58 ! RGB & 2 bands: fraction of light (rn_si1) |
232 | rn_si0 = 0.35 ! RGB & 2 bands: shortess depth of extinction |
233 | rn_si1 = 23.0 ! 2 bands: longest depth of extinction |
234 | rn_si2 = 62.0 ! 3 bands: longest depth of extinction (for blue waveband & 0.01 mg/m2 Chl) |
235 | / |
236 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
237 | &namsbc_rnf ! runoffs namelist surface boundary condition |
238 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
239 | ! ! file name ! frequency (hours) ! variable ! time interpol. ! clim ! 'yearly'/ ! weights ! rotation ! |
240 | ! ! ! (if <0 months) ! name ! (logical) ! (T/F) ! 'monthly' ! filename ! pairing ! |
241 | sn_rnf = 'runoff_1m_nomask' , -1 , 'sorunoff' , .true. , .true. , 'yearly' , '' , '' |
242 | sn_cnf = 'runoff_1m_nomask' , 0 , 'socoefr' , .false. , .true. , 'yearly' , '' , '' |
243 | |
244 | cn_dir = './' ! root directory for the location of the runoff files |
245 | ln_rnf_emp = .true. ! runoffs included into precipitation field (T) or into a file (F) |
246 | ln_rnf_mouth = .true. ! specific treatment at rivers mouths |
247 | rn_hrnf = 15.e0 ! depth over which enhanced vertical mixing is used |
248 | rn_avt_rnf = 1.e-3 ! value of the additional vertical mixing coef. [m2/s] |
249 | rn_rfact = 1.e0 ! multiplicative factor for runoff |
250 | / |
251 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
252 | &namsbc_ssr ! surface boundary condition : sea surface restoring |
253 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
254 | ! ! file name ! frequency (hours) ! variable ! time interpol. ! clim ! 'yearly'/ ! weights ! rotation ! |
255 | ! ! ! (if <0 months) ! name ! (logical) ! (T/F) ! 'monthly' ! filename ! pairing ! |
256 | sn_sst = 'sst_data' , 24 , 'sst' , .false. , .false. , 'yearly' , '' , '' |
257 | sn_sss = 'sss_data' , -1 , 'sss' , .true. , .true. , 'yearly' , '' , '' |
258 | |
259 | cn_dir = './' ! root directory for the location of the runoff files |
260 | nn_sstr = 0 ! add a retroaction term in the surface heat flux (=1) or not (=0) |
261 | nn_sssr = 2 ! add a damping term in the surface freshwater flux (=2) |
262 | ! or to SSS only (=1) or no damping term (=0) |
263 | rn_dqdt = -40. ! magnitude of the retroaction on temperature [W/m2/K] |
264 | rn_deds = -27.7 ! magnitude of the damping on salinity [mm/day/psu] |
265 | ln_sssr_bnd = .true. ! flag to bound erp term (associated with nn_sssr=2) |
266 | rn_sssr_bnd = 4.e0 ! ABS(Max/Min) value of the damping erp term [mm/day] |
267 | / |
268 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
269 | &namsbc_alb ! albedo parameters |
270 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
271 | rn_cloud = 0.0 ! cloud correction to snow and ice albedo |
272 | rn_albice = 0.5 ! albedo of melting ice in the arctic and antarctic |
273 | rn_alphd = 0.80 ! coefficients for linear interpolation used to |
274 | rn_alphc = 0.65 ! compute albedo between two extremes values |
275 | rn_alphdi = 0.72 ! (Pyane, 1972) |
276 | / |
277 | |
278 | !!====================================================================== |
279 | !! *** Lateral boundary condition *** |
280 | !!====================================================================== |
281 | !! namlbc lateral momentum boundary condition |
282 | !! namcla cross land advection |
283 | !! namobc open boundaries parameters ("key_obc") |
284 | !! namagrif agrif nested grid ( read by child model only ) ("key_agrif") |
285 | !! nambdy Unstructured open boundaries ("key_bdy") |
286 | !! namtide Tidal forcing at open boundaries ("key_bdy_tides") |
287 | !!====================================================================== |
288 | |
289 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
290 | &namlbc ! lateral momentum boundary condition |
291 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
292 | rn_shlat = 2. ! shlat = 0 ! 0 < shlat < 2 ! shlat = 2 ! 2 < shlat |
293 | ! free slip ! partial slip ! no slip ! strong slip |
294 | / |
295 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
296 | &namcla ! cross land advection |
297 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
298 | nn_cla = 0 ! advection between 2 ocean pts separates by land |
299 | / |
300 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
301 | &namobc ! open boundaries parameters ("key_obc") |
302 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
303 | ln_obc_clim= .false. ! climatological obc data files (T) or not (F) |
304 | ln_vol_cst = .true. ! impose the total volume conservation (T) or not (F) |
305 | ln_obc_fla = .false. ! Flather open boundary condition |
306 | nn_obcdta = 1 ! = 0 the obc data are equal to the initial state |
307 | ! = 1 the obc data are read in 'obc.dta' files |
308 | cn_obcdta = 'annual' ! set to annual if obc datafile hold 1 year of data |
309 | ! set to monthly if obc datafile hold 1 month of data |
310 | rn_dpein = 1. ! damping time scale for inflow at east open boundary |
311 | rn_dpwin = 1. ! - - - west - - |
312 | rn_dpnin = 1. ! - - - north - - |
313 | rn_dpsin = 1. ! - - - south - - |
314 | rn_dpeob = 3000. ! time relaxation (days) for the east open boundary |
315 | rn_dpwob = 15. ! - - - west - - |
316 | rn_dpnob = 3000. ! - - - north - - |
317 | rn_dpsob = 15. ! - - - south - - |
318 | rn_volemp = 1. ! = 0 the total volume change with the surface flux (E-P-R) |
319 | ! = 1 the total volume remains constant |
320 | / |
321 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
322 | &namagrif ! AGRIF zoom ("key_agrif") |
323 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
324 | nn_cln_update = 3 ! baroclinic update frequency |
325 | ln_spc_dyn = .true. ! use 0 as special value for dynamics |
326 | rn_sponge_tra = 2880. ! coefficient for tracer sponge layer [s] |
327 | rn_sponge_dyn = 2880. ! coefficient for dynamics sponge layer [s] |
328 | / |
329 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
330 | &nambdy ! unstructured open boundaries ("key_bdy") |
331 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
332 | filbdy_mask = '' ! name of mask file (if ln_bdy_mask=.TRUE.) |
333 | filbdy_data_T = 'bdydata_grid_T.nc' ! name of data file (T-points) |
334 | filbdy_data_U = 'bdydata_grid_U.nc' ! name of data file (U-points) |
335 | filbdy_data_V = 'bdydata_grid_V.nc' ! name of data file (V-points) |
336 | ln_bdy_clim = .false. ! contain 1 (T) or 12 (F) time dumps and be cyclic |
337 | ln_bdy_vol = .true. ! total volume correction (see volbdy parameter) |
338 | ln_bdy_mask = .false. ! boundary mask from filbdy_mask (T) or boundaries are on edges of domain (F) |
339 | ln_bdy_tides = .true. ! Apply tidal harmonic forcing with Flather condition |
340 | ln_bdy_dyn_fla = .true. ! Apply Flather condition to velocities |
341 | ln_bdy_tra_frs = .false. ! Apply FRS condition to temperature and salinity |
342 | ln_bdy_dyn_frs = .false. ! Apply FRS condition to velocities |
343 | nbdy_dta = 1 ! = 0, bdy data are equal to the initial state |
344 | ! = 1, bdy data are read in 'bdydata .nc' files |
345 | nb_rimwidth = 9 ! width of the relaxation zone |
346 | volbdy = 0 ! = 0, the total water flux across open boundaries is zero |
347 | ! = 1, the total volume of the system is conserved |
348 | / |
349 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
350 | &nambdy_tide ! tidal forcing at unstructured boundaries |
351 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
352 | filtide = 'bdytide_' ! file name root of tidal forcing files |
353 | tide_cpt = 'M2','S1' ! names of tidal components used |
354 | tide_speed = 28.984106, 15.000001 ! phase speeds of tidal components (deg/hour) |
355 | ln_tide_date = .false. ! adjust tidal harmonics for start date of run |
356 | / |
357 | |
358 | !!====================================================================== |
359 | !! *** Bottom boundary condition *** |
360 | !!====================================================================== |
361 | !! nambfr bottom friction |
362 | !! nambbc bottom temperature boundary condition ("key_trabbc") |
363 | !! nambbl bottom boundary layer scheme ("key_trabbl_dif","key_trabbl_adv") |
364 | !!====================================================================== |
365 | |
366 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
367 | &nambfr ! bottom friction |
368 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
369 | nn_bfr = 1 ! type of bottom friction : = 0 : free slip, = 1 : linear friction |
370 | ! = 2 : nonlinear friction |
371 | rn_bfri1 = 4.e-4 ! bottom drag coefficient (linear case) |
372 | rn_bfri2 = 1.e-3 ! bottom drag coefficient (non linear case) |
373 | rn_bfeb2 = 2.5e-3 ! bottom turbulent kinetic energy background (m^2/s^2) |
374 | ln_bfr2d = .false. ! horizontal variation of the bottom friction coef (read a 2D mask file ) |
375 | rn_bfrien = 50. ! local multiplying factor of bfr (ln_bfr2d = .true.) |
376 | / |
377 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
378 | &nambbc ! bottom temperature boundary condition |
379 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
380 | nn_geoflx = 2 ! geothermal heat flux: = 0 no flux |
381 | ! = 1 constant flux |
382 | ! = 2 variable flux (read in geothermal_heating.nc in mW/m2) |
383 | rn_geoflx_cst = 86.4e-3 ! Constant value of geothermal heat flux [W/m2] |
384 | / |
385 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
386 | &nambbl ! bottom boundary layer scheme |
387 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
388 | ! ! diffusive bbl ("key_trabbl") |
389 | ! ! advective bbl ("key_trabbl_adv") |
390 | rn_ahtbbl = 10000. ! lateral mixing coefficient in the bbl [m2/s] |
391 | / |
392 | !!====================================================================== |
393 | !! Tracer (T & S ) namelists |
394 | !!====================================================================== |
395 | !! nameos equation of state |
396 | !! namtra_adv advection scheme |
397 | !! namtra_ldf lateral diffusion scheme |
398 | !! namtra_dmp T & S newtonian damping ("key_tradmp") |
399 | !!====================================================================== |
400 | |
401 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
402 | &nameos ! ocean physical parameters |
403 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
404 | nn_eos = 0 ! type of equation of state and Brunt-Vaisala frequency |
405 | ! = 0, UNESCO (formulation of Jackett and McDougall (1994) and of McDougall (1987) ) |
406 | ! = 1, linear: rho(T) = rau0 * ( 1.028 - ralpha * T ) |
407 | ! = 2, linear: rho(T,S) = rau0 * ( rbeta * S - ralpha * T ) |
408 | rn_alpha = 2.e-4 ! thermal expension coefficient (neos= 1 or 2) |
409 | rn_beta = 0.001 ! saline expension coefficient (neos= 2) |
410 | / |
411 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
412 | &namtra_adv ! advection scheme for tracer |
413 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
414 | ln_traadv_cen2 = .false. ! 2nd order centered scheme |
415 | ln_traadv_tvd = .true. ! TVD scheme |
416 | ln_traadv_muscl = .false. ! MUSCL scheme |
417 | ln_traadv_muscl2 = .false. ! MUSCL2 scheme + cen2 at boundaries |
418 | ln_traadv_ubs = .false. ! UBS scheme |
419 | / |
420 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
421 | &namtra_ldf ! lateral diffusion scheme for tracer |
422 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
423 | ! Type of the operator : |
424 | ln_traldf_lap = .true. ! laplacian operator |
425 | ln_traldf_bilap = .false. ! bilaplacian operator |
426 | ! Direction of action : |
427 | ln_traldf_level = .false. ! iso-level |
428 | ln_traldf_hor = .false. ! horizontal (geopotential) (require "key_ldfslp" when ln_sco=T) |
429 | ln_traldf_iso = .true. ! iso-neutral (require "key_ldfslp") |
430 | ! Coefficient |
431 | rn_aht_0 = 2000. ! horizontal eddy diffusivity for tracers [m2/s] |
432 | rn_ahtb_0 = 0. ! background eddy diffusivity for ldf_iso [m2/s] |
433 | rn_aeiv_0 = 2000. ! eddy induced velocity coefficient [m2/s] (require "key_traldf_eiv") |
434 | / |
435 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
436 | &namtra_dmp ! tracer: T & S newtonian damping ('key_tradmp') |
437 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
438 | nn_hdmp = -1 ! horizontal shape =-1, damping in Med and Red Seas only |
439 | ! =XX, damping poleward of XX degrees (XX>0) |
440 | ! + F(distance-to-coast) + Red and Med Seas |
441 | nn_zdmp = 1 ! vertical shape =0 damping throughout the water column |
442 | ! =1 no damping in the mixing layer (kz criteria) |
443 | ! =2 no damping in the mixed layer (rho crieria) |
444 | rn_surf = 50. ! surface time scale of damping [days] |
445 | rn_bot = 360. ! bottom time scale of damping [days] |
446 | rn_dep = 800. ! depth of transition between rn_surf and rn_bot [meters] |
447 | nn_file = 1 ! create a damping.coeff NetCDF file (=1) or not (=0) |
448 | / |
449 | !!====================================================================== |
450 | !! *** Dynamics namelists *** |
451 | !!====================================================================== |
452 | !! namdyn_adv formulation of the momentum advection |
453 | !! namdyn_vor advection scheme |
454 | !! namdyn_hpg hydrostatic pressure gradient |
455 | !! namdyn_spg surface pressure gradient (CPP key only) |
456 | !! namdyn_ldf lateral diffusion scheme |
457 | !!====================================================================== |
458 | |
459 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
460 | &namdyn_adv ! formulation of the momentum advection |
461 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
462 | ln_dynadv_vec = .true. ! vector form (T) or flux form (F) |
463 | ln_dynadv_cen2= .false. ! flux form - 2nd order centered scheme |
464 | ln_dynadv_ubs = .false. ! flux form - 3rd order UBS scheme |
465 | / |
466 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
467 | &namdyn_vor ! option of physics/algorithm (not control by CPP keys) |
468 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
469 | ln_dynvor_ene = .false. ! enstrophy conserving scheme |
470 | ln_dynvor_ens = .false. ! energy conserving scheme |
471 | ln_dynvor_mix = .false. ! mixed scheme |
472 | ln_dynvor_een = .true. ! energy & enstrophy scheme |
473 | / |
474 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
475 | &namdyn_hpg ! Hydrostatic pressure gradient option |
476 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
477 | ln_hpg_zco = .false. ! z-coordinate - full steps |
478 | ln_hpg_zps = .true. ! z-coordinate - partial steps (interpolation) |
479 | ln_hpg_sco = .false. ! s-coordinate (standard jacobian formulation) |
480 | ln_hpg_hel = .false. ! s-coordinate (helsinki modification) |
481 | ln_hpg_wdj = .false. ! s-coordinate (weighted density jacobian) |
482 | ln_hpg_djc = .false. ! s-coordinate (Density Jacobian with Cubic polynomial) |
483 | ln_hpg_rot = .false. ! s-coordinate (ROTated axes scheme) |
484 | rn_gamma = 0.e0 ! weighting coefficient (wdj scheme) |
485 | ln_dynhpg_imp = .false. ! time stepping: semi-implicit time scheme (T) |
486 | ! centered time scheme (F) |
487 | nn_dynhpg_rst = 0 ! =1 dynhpg restartable restart or not (=0) |
488 | / |
489 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
490 | !namdyn_spg ! surface pressure gradient (CPP key only) |
491 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
492 | ! ! explicit free surface ("key_dynspg_exp") |
493 | ! ! filtered free surface ("key_dynspg_flt") |
494 | ! ! split-explicit free surface ("key_dynspg_ts") |
495 | |
496 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
497 | &namdyn_ldf ! lateral diffusion on momentum |
498 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
499 | ! Type of the operator : |
500 | ln_dynldf_lap = .true. ! laplacian operator |
501 | ln_dynldf_bilap = .false. ! bilaplacian operator |
502 | ! Direction of action : |
503 | ln_dynldf_level = .false. ! iso-level |
504 | ln_dynldf_hor = .true. ! horizontal (geopotential) (require "key_ldfslp" in s-coord.) |
505 | ln_dynldf_iso = .false. ! iso-neutral (require "key_ldfslp") |
506 | ! Coefficient |
507 | rn_ahm_0 = 40000. ! horizontal eddy viscosity [m2/s] |
508 | rn_ahmb_0 = 0. ! background eddy viscosity for ldf_iso [m2/s] |
509 | / |
510 | !!====================================================================== |
511 | !! Tracers & Dynamics vertical physics namelists |
512 | !!====================================================================== |
513 | !! namzdf vertical physics |
514 | !! namzdf_ric richardson number dependent vertical mixing ("key_zdfric" ) |
515 | !! namzdf_tke TKE dependent vertical mixing ("key_zdftke" ) |
516 | !! namzdf_kpp KPP dependent vertical mixing ("key_zdfkpp" ) |
517 | !! namzdf_ddm double diffusive mixing parameterization ("key_zdfddm" ) |
518 | !! namzdf_tmx tidal mixing parameterization ("key_zdftmx" ) |
519 | !!====================================================================== |
520 | |
521 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
522 | &namzdf ! vertical physics |
523 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
524 | rn_avm0 = 1.2e-4 ! vertical eddy viscosity [m2/s] (background Kz if not "key_zdfcst") |
525 | rn_avt0 = 1.2e-5 ! vertical eddy diffusivity [m2/s] (background Kz if not "key_zdfcst") |
526 | nn_avb = 0 ! profile for background avt & avm (=1) or not (=0) |
527 | nn_havtb = 0 ! horizontal shape for avtb (=1) or not (=0) |
528 | ln_zdfevd = .true. ! enhanced vertical diffusion (evd) (T) or not (F) |
529 | nn_evdm = 0 ! evd apply on tracer (=0) or on tracer and momentum (=1) |
530 | rn_avevd = 100. ! evd mixing coefficient [m2/s] |
531 | ln_zdfnpc = .false. ! Non-Penetrative algorithm (T) or not (F) |
532 | nn_npc = 1 ! frequency of application of npc |
533 | nn_npcp = 365 ! npc control print frequency |
534 | ln_zdfexp = .false. ! time-stepping: split-explicit (T) or implicit (F) time stepping |
535 | nn_zdfexp = 3 ! number of sub-timestep for ln_zdfexp=T |
536 | / |
537 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
538 | &namzdf_ric ! richardson number dependent vertical diffusion ("key_zdfric" ) |
539 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
540 | rn_avmri = 100.e-4 ! maximum value of the vertical viscosity |
541 | rn_alp = 5. ! coefficient of the parameterization |
542 | nn_ric = 2 ! coefficient of the parameterization |
543 | / |
544 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
545 | &namzdf_tke ! turbulent eddy kinetic dependent vertical diffusion ("key_zdftke") |
546 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
547 | rn_ediff = 0.1 ! coef. for vertical eddy coef. (avt=rn_ediff*mxl*sqrt(e) ) |
548 | rn_ediss = 0.7 ! coef. of the Kolmogoroff dissipation |
549 | rn_ebb = 60. ! coef. of the surface input of tke |
550 | rn_emin = 1.e-6 ! minimum value of tke [m2/s2] |
551 | rn_emin0 = 1.e-4 ! surface minimum value of tke [m2/s2] |
552 | rn_bshear = 1.e-20 ! background shear (>0) |
553 | nn_mxl = 2 ! mixing length: = 0 bounded by the distance to surface and bottom |
554 | ! = 1 bounded by the local vertical scale factor |
555 | ! = 2 first vertical derivative of mixing length bounded by 1 |
556 | ! = 3 same criteria as case 2 but applied in a different way |
557 | nn_pdl = 1 ! Prandtl number function of richarson number (=1, avt=pdl(Ri)*avm) or not (=0, avt=avm) |
558 | ln_mxl0 = .true. ! mixing length scale surface value as function of wind stress (T) or not (F) |
559 | rn_lmin = 0.001 ! interior buoyancy lenght scale minimum value |
560 | rn_lmin0 = 0.01 ! surface buoyancy lenght scale minimum value |
561 | nn_etau = 0 ! exponentially deceasing penetration of tke due to internal & intertial waves |
562 | ! = 0 no penetration ( O(2 km) resolution) |
563 | ! = 1 additional tke source (rn_efr * en) |
564 | ! = 2 additional tke source (rn_efr * en) applied only at the base of the mixed layer |
565 | ! = 3 additional tke source (HF contribution: mean of stress module - module of mean stress) |
566 | nn_htau = 1 ! type of exponential decrease of tke penetration |
567 | ! = 0 constant 10 m length scale |
568 | ! = 1 0.5m at the equator to 30m at high latitudes |
569 | ! = 2 30 meters constant depth penetration |
570 | ! otion used only if nn_etau = 1 or 2: |
571 | rn_efr = 0.05 ! fraction of surface tke value which penetrates inside the ocean |
572 | ! otion used only if nn_etau = 3: |
573 | rn_addhft = -1.e-3 ! add offset applied to the "mean of stress module - module of mean stress" (always kept > 0) |
574 | rn_sclhft = 1. ! scale factor applied to the "mean of stress module - module of mean stress" |
575 | ln_lc = .true. ! Langmuir cell parameterisation |
576 | rn_lc = 0.15 ! coef. associated to Langmuir cells |
577 | / |
578 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
579 | &namzdf_kpp ! K-Profile Parameterization dependent vertical mixing ("key_zdfkpp", and optionnally: |
580 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------ "key_kppcustom" or "key_kpplktb") |
581 | ln_kpprimix = .true. ! shear instability mixing |
582 | rn_difmiw = 1.0e-04 ! constant internal wave viscosity [m2/s] |
583 | rn_difsiw = 0.1e-04 ! constant internal wave diffusivity [m2/s] |
584 | rn_riinfty = 0.8 ! local Richardson Number limit for shear instability |
585 | rn_difri = 0.0050 ! maximum shear mixing at Rig = 0 [m2/s] |
586 | rn_bvsqcon = -0.01e-07 ! Brunt-Vaisala squared for maximum convection [1/s2] |
587 | rn_difcon = 1. ! maximum mixing in interior convection [m2/s] |
588 | nn_avb = 0 ! horizontal averaged (=1) or not (=0) on avt and amv |
589 | nn_ave = 1 ! constant (=0) or profile (=1) background on avt |
590 | / |
591 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
592 | &namzdf_ddm ! double diffusive mixing parameterization ("key_zdfddm") |
593 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
594 | rn_avts = 1.e-4 ! maximum avs (vertical mixing on salinity) |
595 | rn_hsbfr = 1.6 ! heat/salt buoyancy flux ratio |
596 | / |
597 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
598 | &namzdf_tmx ! tidal mixing parameterization ("key_zdftmx") |
599 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
600 | rn_htmx = 500. ! vertical decay scale for turbulence (meters) |
601 | rn_n2min = 1.e-8 ! threshold of the Brunt-Vaisala frequency (s-1) |
602 | rn_tfe = 0.333 ! tidal dissipation efficiency |
603 | rn_me = 0.2 ! mixing efficiency |
604 | ln_tmx_itf = .TRUE. ! ITF specific parameterisation |
605 | rn_tfe_itf = 1. ! ITF tidal dissipation efficiency |
606 | / |
607 | !!====================================================================== |
608 | !! *** Miscelaneous namelists *** |
609 | !!====================================================================== |
610 | !! nammpp Massively Parallel Processing ("key_mpp_mpi) |
611 | !! nammpp_dyndist Massively Parallel domain decomposition ("key_agrif" && "key_mpp_dyndist") |
612 | !! namctl Control prints & Benchmark |
613 | !! namsol elliptic solver / island / free surface |
614 | !!====================================================================== |
615 | |
616 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
617 | &namsol ! elliptic solver / island / free surface |
618 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
619 | nn_solv = 1 ! elliptic solver: =1 preconditioned conjugate gradient (pcg) |
620 | ! =2 successive-over-relaxation (sor) |
621 | nn_sol_arp = 0 ! absolute/relative (0/1) precision convergence test |
622 | rn_eps = 1.e-6 ! absolute precision of the solver |
623 | nn_nmin = 300 ! minimum of iterations for the SOR solver |
624 | nn_nmax = 800 ! maximum of iterations for the SOR solver |
625 | nn_nmod = 10 ! frequency of test for the SOR solver |
626 | rn_resmax = 1.e-10 ! absolute precision for the SOR solver |
627 | rn_sor = 1.92 ! optimal coefficient for SOR solver (to be adjusted with the domain) |
628 | / |
629 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
630 | &nammpp ! Massively Parallel Processing ("key_mpp_mpi) |
631 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
632 | cn_mpi_send = 'S' ! mpi send/recieve type ='S', 'B', or 'I' for standard send, |
633 | ! buffer blocking send or immediate non-blocking sends, resp. |
634 | nn_buffer = 0 ! size in bytes of exported buffer ('B' case), 0 no exportation |
635 | / |
636 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
637 | &nammpp_dyndist ! Massively Parallel Distribution for AGRIF zoom ("key_agrif" && "key_mpp_dyndist") |
638 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
639 | jpni = 1 ! jpni number of processors following i |
640 | jpnj = 1 ! jpnj number of processors following j |
641 | jpnij = 1 ! jpnij number of local domains |
642 | / |
643 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
644 | &namctl ! Control prints & Benchmark |
645 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
646 | ln_ctl = .false. ! trends control print (expensive!) |
647 | nn_print = 0 ! level of print (0 no extra print) |
648 | nn_ictls = 0 ! start i indice of control sum (use to compare mono versus |
649 | nn_ictle = 0 ! end i indice of control sum multi processor runs |
650 | nn_jctls = 0 ! start j indice of control over a subdomain) |
651 | nn_jctle = 0 ! end j indice of control |
652 | nn_isplt = 1 ! number of processors in i-direction |
653 | nn_jsplt = 1 ! number of processors in j-direction |
654 | nn_bench = 0 ! Bench mode (1/0): CAUTION use zero except for bench |
655 | ! (no physical validity of the results) |
656 | nn_bit_cmp = 0 ! bit comparison mode (1/0): CAUTION use zero except for test |
657 | ! of comparison between single and multiple processor runs |
658 | / |
659 | |
660 | !!====================================================================== |
661 | !! *** Diagnostics namelists *** |
662 | !!====================================================================== |
663 | !! namtrd dynamics and/or tracer trends ("key_trddyn","key_trdtra","key_trdmld") |
664 | !! namgap level mean model-data gap ("key_diagap") |
665 | !! namflo float parameters ("key_float") |
666 | !! namptr Poleward Transport Diagnostics |
667 | !!====================================================================== |
668 | |
669 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
670 | &namtrd ! diagnostics on dynamics and/or tracer trends ("key_trddyn" and/or "key_trdtra") |
671 | ! ! or mixed-layer trends or barotropic vorticity ('key_trdmld' or "key_trdvor") |
672 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
673 | nn_trd = 365 ! time step frequency dynamics and tracers trends |
674 | nn_ctls = 0 ! control surface type in mixed-layer trends (0,1 or n<jpk) |
675 | rn_ucf = 1. ! unit conversion factor (=1 -> /seconds ; =86400. -> /day) |
676 | cn_trdrst_in = "restart_mld" ! suffix of ocean restart name (input) |
677 | cn_trdrst_out = "restart_mld" ! suffix of ocean restart name (output) |
678 | ln_trdmld_restart = .false. ! restart for ML diagnostics |
679 | ln_trdmld_instant = .false. ! flag to diagnose trends of instantantaneous or mean ML T/S |
680 | / |
681 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
682 | &namgap ! level mean model-data gap ('key_diagap') |
683 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
684 | nn_gap = 15 ! time-step frequency of model-data gap computation |
685 | nn_prg = 10 ! AUTO - time-step frequency of gap print in model output |
686 | / |
687 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
688 | &namflo ! float parameters ("key_float") |
689 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
690 | ln_rstflo = .false. ! float restart (T) or not (F) |
691 | nn_writefl= 75 ! frequency of writing in float output file |
692 | nn_stockfl= 5475 ! frequency of creation of the float restart file |
693 | ln_argo = .false. ! Argo type floats (stay at the surface each 10 days) |
694 | ln_flork4 = .false. ! trajectories computed with a 4th order Runge-Kutta (T) |
695 | ! or computed with Blanke' scheme (F) |
696 | / |
697 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
698 | &namptr ! Poleward Transport Diagnostic |
699 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
700 | ln_diaptr = .true. ! Poleward heat and salt transport (T) or not (F) |
701 | ln_diaznl = .true. ! Add zonal means and meridional stream functions |
702 | ln_subbas = .true. ! Atlantic/Pacific/Indian basins computation (T) or not |
703 | ! (orca configuration only, need input basins mask file named "subbasins.nc" |
704 | ln_ptrcomp = .true. ! Add decomposition : overturning |
705 | nf_ptr = 1 ! Frequency of ptr computation [time step] |
706 | nf_ptr_wri = 15 ! AUTO - Frequency of ptr outputs |
707 | / |