1 | #!/bin/ksh |
2 | set -xv |
3 | set verbose echo |
4 | # |
5 | # This script will interpolate horizontaly time series from IPSLCM5 model |
6 | # output to the desired model grid |
7 | # |
8 | # Contact Josefine Ghattas |
9 | ############################################################################### |
10 | ############################################################################### |
11 | ############################################################################### |
13 | ############################################################################### |
14 | |
15 | # gridfile : file grilles_gcm.nc containing longitudes and latitudes of the destination grid |
16 | gridfile=/work/cont003/p86ghatt/GUIDAGE/INTERP_FROM_TS/LMD96x95_grilles_gcm.nc |
17 | |
18 | |
19 | # indir : path for directory containing the files to interpolate |
20 | indir=/dmnfs/cont003/p86denv/IGCM_OUT/IPSLCM5A/PROD/rcp45/v3.rcp45.1/ATM/Analyse/TS_HF |
21 | |
22 | # varlist : list of variables to interpolate |
23 | #varlist="vitu vitv temp hur" |
24 | varlist="vitu" |
25 | |
26 | # filelist_var : list of files to interpolate for variable var |
27 | filelist_vitu="v3.rcp45.1_20060101_20151231_HF_vitu.nc v3.rcp45.1_20360101_20451231_HF_vitu.nc v3.rcp45.1_20660101_20751231_HF_vitu.nc v3.rcp45.1_20160101_20251231_HF_vitu.nc v3.rcp45.1_20460101_20551231_HF_vitu.nc v3.rcp45.1_20760101_20851231_HF_vitu.nc v3.rcp45.1_20260101_20351231_HF_vitu.nc v3.rcp45.1_20560101_20651231_HF_vitu.nc v3.rcp45.1_20860101_20951231_HF_vitu.nc" |
28 | |
29 | filelist_vitv="v3.rcp45.1_20060101_20151231_HF_vitv.nc v3.rcp45.1_20360101_20451231_HF_vitv.nc v3.rcp45.1_20660101_20751231_HF_vitv.nc v3.rcp45.1_20160101_20251231_HF_vitv.nc v3.rcp45.1_20460101_20551231_HF_vitv.nc v3.rcp45.1_20760101_20851231_HF_vitv.nc v3.rcp45.1_20260101_20351231_HF_vitv.nc v3.rcp45.1_20560101_20651231_HF_vitv.nc v3.rcp45.1_20860101_20951231_HF_vitv.nc" |
30 | |
31 | filelist_temp="v3.rcp45.1_20060101_20151231_HF_temp.nc v3.rcp45.1_20360101_20451231_HF_temp.nc v3.rcp45.1_20660101_20751231_HF_temp.nc v3.rcp45.1_20160101_20251231_HF_temp.nc v3.rcp45.1_20460101_20551231_HF_temp.nc v3.rcp45.1_20760101_20851231_HF_temp.nc v3.rcp45.1_20260101_20351231_HF_temp.nc v3.rcp45.1_20560101_20651231_HF_temp.nc v3.rcp45.1_20860101_20951231_HF_temp.nc" |
32 | |
33 | filelist_hur="v3.rcp45.1_20060101_20151231_HF_hur.nc v3.rcp45.1_20360101_20451231_HF_hur.nc v3.rcp45.1_20660101_20751231_HF_hur.nc v3.rcp45.1_20160101_20251231_HF_hur.nc v3.rcp45.1_20460101_20551231_HF_hur.nc v3.rcp45.1_20760101_20851231_HF_hur.nc v3.rcp45.1_20260101_20351231_HF_hur.nc v3.rcp45.1_20560101_20651231_HF_hur.nc v3.rcp45.1_20860101_20951231_HF_hur.nc" |
34 | |
35 | # Define variables for output |
36 | # Complet file name for output : $outdir/$year/$outprefix_$var_$year_$month.nc |
37 | # outdir : directory to store output files |
39 | |
40 | # outprefix : prefix to output files |
41 | outprefix=v3.rcp45.1_HF_ |
42 | # outsuffix : suffix to output files |
43 | outsuffix=.nc |
44 | |
45 | # Time variables |
46 | # first_year : first year to interpolate |
47 | first_year=2006 |
48 | # last_year : last year to interpolate |
49 | last_year=2095 |
50 | |
51 | # rundir : temporary run directory |
52 | rundir=$CSCRATCHDIR/RUNDIR/interprun |
53 | ############################################################################### |
55 | ############################################################################### |
56 | ############################################################################### |
57 | ############################################################################### |
58 | # Create and move to run directory |
59 | if [ ! -d ${rundir} ] ; then |
60 | mkdir -p ${rundir} |
61 | fi |
62 | cp -f era2gcm.ksh $rundir/. |
63 | cd $rundir |
64 | |
65 | # Create output directory if it does not exist |
66 | if [ ! -d $outdir ] ; then |
67 | mkdir -p $outdir |
68 | fi |
69 | |
70 | |
71 | ############################################################################### |
72 | # Loop over variable list |
73 | # * Loop over corresponding file list |
74 | # 1 - Interpolate the whole time-serie to destination grid |
75 | # 2 - Devide files into monthly files |
76 | # * Loop over all years for each variable |
77 | # 3 - Add a time step last in each file coming from next month |
78 | ############################################################################### |
79 | for var in $varlist ; do |
80 | case $var in |
81 | vitu) |
82 | filelist=$filelist_vitu ;; |
83 | vitv) |
84 | filelist=$filelist_vitv ;; |
85 | temp) |
86 | filelist=$fileslist_temp ;; |
87 | hur) |
88 | filelist=$filelist_hur ;; |
89 | esac |
90 | |
91 | echo $var : $filelist; echo |
92 | |
93 | for file in $filelist ; do |
94 | # 1 - Interpolate time serie to destiation grid |
95 | filein=$indir/$file |
96 | file2=$outdir/$file |
97 | cp -f $filein file1.nc |
98 | echo Interpolate file $filein and save in file $file2 |
99 | ./era2gcm.ksh $gridfile file1.nc file2.nc $var |
100 | |
101 | # 2 - Devide files into monthly files |
102 | cdo splityear file2.nc outyear_ |
103 | done |
104 | ls -lrt |
105 | |
106 | year=$first_year |
107 | while [[ ${year} -le ${last_year} ]] ; do |
108 | # split in month |
109 | cdo splitmon outyear_$year.nc outmonth_ |
110 | |
111 | # move monthly files to output directory |
112 | mkdir -p $outdir/$year |
113 | month=01 |
114 | for month in 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 ; do |
115 | mv outmonth_$month.nc $outdir/$year/${outprefix}${var}_${year}_${month}${outsuffix} |
116 | done |
117 | |
118 | # update year |
119 | year=`expr $year + 1` |
120 | done |
121 | |
122 | # Loop over all years for one variables |
123 | # 3 - Add first time step last in file |
124 | echo Before add step |
125 | ls -lrt $outdir |
126 | ls -lrt $outdir/* |
127 | |
128 | year=$first_year |
129 | month=01 |
130 | while [[ ${year} -le ${last_year} ]] ; do |
131 | case $month in |
132 | 12) |
133 | nextyear=`expr $year + 1` |
134 | nextmonth=01 |
135 | ;; |
136 | *) |
137 | nextyear=$year |
138 | nextmonth=`expr $month + 1` |
139 | if [[ $nextmonth -le 9 ]] ; then |
140 | nextmonth=0$nextmonth |
141 | fi |
142 | ;; |
143 | esac |
144 | |
145 | file=$outdir/$year/${outprefix}${var}_${year}_${month}${outsuffix} |
146 | nextfile=$outdir/$year/${outprefix}${var}_${nextyear}_${nextmonth}${outsuffix} |
147 | if [ -f ${nextfile} ] ; then |
148 | echo First time step from file ${nextfile} will be added last in file ${file} |
149 | cp -f $file file.nc |
150 | cp -f $nextfile next.nc |
151 | ncks -O -d time,0,0 next.nc tmp.nc |
152 | ncrcat -O file.nc tmp.nc tmptot.nc |
153 | mv tmptot.nc $file |
154 | else |
155 | echo Next file ${nextfile} does not exist. Nothing will be done for ${file} |
156 | fi |
157 | |
158 | # Update month and year |
159 | year=$nextyear |
160 | month=$nextmonth |
161 | |
162 | done |
163 | |
164 | # End of loop variable list |
165 | done |
166 | |
167 | ### Copy gridfile in output dir |
168 | cp -f $gridfile $outdir/grilles_gcm.nc |
169 | |
170 | exit |