1 | [Compatibility] |
2 | libIGCM=1.0 |
3 | |
4 | [UserChoices] |
5 | # The variable DefSuffix gives the suffix of the orchidee.def file to be used. |
6 | # By default the file orchidee.def_Choi will be selected. |
7 | # Sef DefSuffix=Choi (default) to activate default 2-layer Choisnel hydrology |
8 | # Set DefSuffix=CWRR to activate 11-layer CWRR hydrology |
9 | DefSuffix=CWRR |
10 | |
12 | |
13 | |
14 | # Specify output level for output files |
15 | # Only the files sechiba_history.nc, sechiba_out_2.nc and sechiba_history_4dim.nc can be set here. |
16 | # output_level_filename=0 : lowest level writing only variables needed for the monitoring |
17 | # output_level_filename=12 : highest level which will output all variables |
18 | # output_level_filename=NONE : deactivate the file |
19 | output_level_sechiba_history = 0 |
20 | output_level_sechiba_out_2 = 0 |
21 | output_level_sechiba_history_4dim = NONE |
22 | |
23 | # Specify output frequency for each file [1y, 1mo, 1d, 10800s, 1ts] |
24 | # Settings using WriteFrequency in config.card is not longer used |
25 | output_freq_sechiba_history = 1mo |
26 | output_freq_sechiba_out_2 = 1d |
27 | output_freq_sechiba_history_4dim = 1d |
28 | |
29 | |
30 | [InitialStateFiles] |
31 | List= (${R_IN}/SRF/soils_param.nc, . ), \ |
32 | (${R_IN}/SRF/reftemp.nc, . ), \ |
33 | (${R_IN}/SRF/routing.nc, . ), \ |
34 | (${R_IN}/SRF/albedo/alb_bg_modisopt_2D_ESA_v2.nc, alb_bg.nc ), \ |
35 | (${R_IN}/SRF/cartepente2d_15min.nc, .) |
36 | |
37 | [BoundaryFiles] |
38 | List= (${R_IN}/SRF/PFTMAPS/CMIP6/ESA-LUH2v2/historical/15PFT.v1/PFTmap_${year}.nc, PFTmap.nc) ,\ |
39 | (${R_IN}/SRF/WOODHARVEST/LUH2v2/historical/woodharvest_${year}.nc, woodharvest.nc) ,\ |
40 | (${R_IN}/CMIP6/${config_UserChoices_LongName}/${config_UserChoices_ExperimentName}/${config_UserChoices_Member}/${year}/dr2xml_orchidee.xml, .) |
41 | ListNonDel= () |
42 | |
43 | [SmoothFiles] |
44 | List= () |
45 | |
46 | [ParametersFiles] |
47 | List= (${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/orchidee.def_${DefSuffix}, orchidee.def) ,\ |
48 | (${MODIPSL}/modeles/ORCHIDEE/src_xml/file_def_orchidee.xml, .) ,\ |
49 | (${MODIPSL}/modeles/ORCHIDEE/src_xml/file_def_input_orchidee.xml, .) ,\ |
50 | (${MODIPSL}/modeles/ORCHIDEE/src_xml/context_orchidee.xml, .) ,\ |
51 | (${MODIPSL}/modeles/ORCHIDEE/src_xml/field_def_orchidee.xml, .) ,\ |
52 | (${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/ping_orchidee.xml, . ) |
53 | |
54 | [RestartFiles] |
55 | List= (sechiba_rest_out.nc, sechiba_rest.nc, sechiba_rest_in.nc) |
56 | |
57 | [OutputText] |
58 | List= (out_orchidee, orchidee.def, used_orchidee.def, iodef.xml, context_orchidee.xml, field_def_orchidee.xml, file_def_orchidee.xml, file_def_input_orchidee.xml, river_desc.nc) |
59 | |
60 | [OutputFiles] |
61 | List= (sechiba_history.nc, ${R_OUT_SRF_O_M}/${PREFIX}_1M_sechiba_history.nc, Post_1M_sechiba_history), \ |
62 | (sechiba_history_4dim.nc,${R_OUT_SRF_O_M}/${PREFIX}_1M_sechiba_history_4dim.nc, NONE), \ |
63 | (sechiba_out_2.nc, ${R_OUT_SRF_O_D}/${PREFIX}_DA_sechiba_out_2.nc, NONE) |
64 | |
65 | [Post_1M_sechiba_history] |
66 | Patches = () |
67 | GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, time_counter, Areas, Contfrac, time_centered, time_centered_bounds) |
68 | TimeSeriesVars2D = (nobiofrac, alb_nir, alb_vis, evap, fluxlat, fluxsens, rain, runoff, snow, snownobio, snowf, frac_snow, subli, tair, temp_sol, drainage, mrsos, mrso, TWBR, riverflow, coastalflow, DelSoilMoist_daily, DelIntercept_daily, DelSWE_daily, delstock_routing, LAImean, transpir, evapnu, lwdown, swdown, t2m, gppCrop, rhCrop) |
69 | ChunckJob2D = NONE |
70 | TimeSeriesVars3D = (lai, maxvegetfrac, vegetfrac, nee, gpp, growth_resp, hetero_resp, humrel, inter, maint_resp, npp, precisol) |
71 | ChunckJob3D = NONE |
72 | Seasonal = ON |
73 | |
74 | [Post_HF_sechiba_out_2] |
75 | Patches = () |
76 | GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, time_counter, Areas, Contfrac, time_centered, time_centered_bounds) |
77 | TimeSeriesVars2D = () |
78 | ChunckJob2D = NONE |
79 | TimeSeriesVars3D = (snowdz, snowtemp, snowrho) |
80 | ChunckJob3D = NONE |
81 | Seasonal = OFF |
82 | |