1 | !!>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> |
2 | !! NEMO/LIM3 : 1 - dynamics/advection/thermo (namicerun) |
3 | !! namelists 2 - ice intialisation (namiceini) |
4 | !! 3 - ice dynamic (namicedyn) |
5 | !! 4 - ice advection (namicetrp) |
6 | !! 5 - thermodynamic (namicethd) |
7 | !! 6 - ice salinity (namicesal) |
8 | !! 7 - mechanical redistribution of ice (namiceitdme) |
9 | !! 8 - ice diagnostics (namicedia) |
10 | !! 9 - ice outputs (namiceout) |
11 | !>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> |
12 | |
13 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
14 | &namicerun ! Share parameters for dynamics/advection/thermo |
15 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
16 | cn_icerst_in = "restart_ice" ! suffix of ice restart name (input) |
17 | cn_icerst_out = "restart_ice" ! suffix of ice restart name (output) |
18 | ln_limdyn = .true. ! ice dynamics (T) or thermodynamics only (F) |
19 | amax = 0.999 ! maximum ice concentration |
20 | cai = 1.40e-3 ! atmospheric drag over sea ice (clio) |
21 | cao = 1.00e-3 ! atmospheric drag over ocean (clio) |
22 | ln_nicep = .false. ! Ice points output for debug (yes or no) |
23 | ln_limdiahsb = .false. ! check the heat and salt budgets (T) or not (F) |
24 | ln_limdiaout = .true. ! output the heat and salt budgets (T) or not (F) |
25 | / |
26 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
27 | &namiceini ! ice initialisation |
28 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
29 | ln_limini = .false. ! activate ice initialization (T) or not (F) |
30 | thres_sst = 0.0 ! threshold water temperature for initial sea ice |
31 | hts_ini_n = 0.3 ! initial snow thickness in the north |
32 | hts_ini_s = 0.3 ! " " south |
33 | hti_ini_n = 1.0 ! initial ice thickness in the north |
34 | hti_ini_s = 1.0 ! " " south |
35 | ati_ini_n = 0.9 ! initial ice concentration in the north |
36 | ati_ini_s = 0.9 ! " " south |
37 | smi_ini_n = 6.301 ! initial ice salinity in the north |
38 | smi_ini_s = 6.301 ! " " south |
39 | tmi_ini_n = 270. ! initial ice/snw temp in the north |
40 | tmi_ini_s = 270. ! initial ice/snw temp in the south |
41 | / |
42 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
43 | &namicedyn ! ice dynamic |
44 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
45 | epsd = 1.0e-20 ! tolerance parameter |
46 | om = 0.5 ! relaxation constant |
47 | cw = 5.0e-03 ! drag coefficient for oceanic stress |
48 | angvg = 0.0 ! turning angle for oceanic stress |
49 | pstar = 2.0e+04 ! 1st bulk-rheology parameter |
50 | c_rhg = 20.0 ! 2nd bulk-rhelogy parameter |
51 | creepl = 1.0e-12 ! creep limit |
52 | ecc = 2.0 ! eccentricity of the elliptical yield curve |
53 | ahi0 = 350.e0 ! horizontal eddy diffusivity coefficient for sea-ice [m2/s] |
54 | nevp = 300 ! number of iterations for subcycling in EVP, SB, 400 |
55 | telast =9600.0 ! timescale for elastic waves, SB, 720.0 |
56 | alphaevp = 1.0 ! coefficient for the solution of internal ice stresses |
57 | hminrhg = 0.001 ! ice volume (a*h in m) below which ice velocity equal ocean velocity |
58 | / |
59 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
60 | &namicethd ! ice thermodynamic |
61 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
62 | hmelt = -0.15 ! maximum melting at the bottom |
63 | hiccrit = 0.1 ! ice thickness for lateral accretion |
64 | ! caution 1.0, 1.0 best value to be used!!! (gilles G.) ???? |
65 | fraz_swi = 0 ! use of frazil ice collection thickness in function of wind (1.0) or not (0.0) |
66 | maxfrazb = 0.0 ! maximum portion of frazil ice collecting at the ice bottom |
67 | vfrazb = 0.4166667 ! thresold drift speed for frazil ice collecting at the ice bottom |
68 | Cfrazb = 5.0 ! squeezing coefficient for frazil ice collecting at the ice bottom |
69 | hiclim = 0.10 ! minimum ice thickness |
70 | hnzst = 0.1 ! thickness of the surf. layer in temp. computation |
71 | parsub = 1.0 ! switch for snow sublimation or not |
72 | betas = 0.6 ! exponent in lead-ice fractionation of snow precipitation 0.66 |
73 | ! betas = 1 -> equipartition, betas < 1 -> more on leads |
74 | kappa_i = 1.0 ! extinction radiation parameter in sea ice (1.0) |
75 | nconv_i_thd = 50 ! maximal number of iterations for heat diffusion computation |
76 | maxer_i_thd = 0.0001 ! maximal error in temperature for heat diffusion computation |
77 | thcon_i_swi = 1 ! switch for computation of thermal conductivity in the ice |
78 | ! (0) Untersteiner (1964), (1) Pringle et al. (2007) |
79 | / |
80 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
81 | &namicesal ! ice salinity |
82 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
83 | num_sal = 2 ! salinity option: 1 -> S = bulk_sal |
84 | ! 2 -> S = S(z,t) with a simple parameterization |
85 | ! 3 -> S = S(z) profile of Scwharzacher [1959] |
86 | ! 4 -> S = S(h) Cox and Weeks [1974] |
87 | bulk_sal = 4.0 ! if 1 is used, it represents the ice salinity |
88 | sal_G = 5.00 ! restoring salinity for GD |
89 | time_G = 1.728e+6 ! restoring time for GD |
90 | sal_F = 2.00 ! restoring salinity for flushing |
91 | time_F = 8.640e+5 ! restoring time for flushing |
92 | s_i_max = 20.0 ! Maximum salinity |
93 | s_i_min = 0.1 ! Minimum tolerated ice salinity |
94 | s_i_0 = 3.5 ! 1st salinity for salinity profile |
95 | s_i_1 = 4.5 ! 2nd salinity for salinity profile |
96 | / |
97 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
98 | &namiceitdme ! parameters for mechanical redistribution of ice |
99 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
100 | ridge_scheme_swi = 0 ! which ridging scheme using (1=Rothrock,else=Hibler79) |
101 | Cs = 0.50 ! shearing energy contribution to ridging |
102 | Cf = 17.0 ! ratio of ridging work to PE change in ridging |
103 | fsnowrdg = 0.5 ! snow fraction that survives in ridging |
104 | fsnowrft = 0.5 ! snow fraction that survives in rafting |
105 | Gstar = 0.15 ! fractional area of thin ice being ridged |
106 | astar = 0.05 ! equivalent of gstar (0.05 for TH75 and 0.03 for weaker ice) |
107 | Hstar = 100.0 ! parameter determining the maximum thickness of ridged ice |
108 | raft_swi = 1 ! rafting or not |
109 | hparmeter = 0.75 ! threshold thickness for rafting or not |
110 | Craft = 5.0 ! coefficient used in the rafting function |
111 | ridge_por = 0.3 ! initial porosity of the ridged ice (typically 0.30) |
112 | partfun_swi = 1 ! participation function linear, TH75 (0) or exponential Letal07 (1) |
113 | brinstren_swi = 0 ! (1) use brine volume to diminish ice strength |
114 | / |
115 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
116 | &namicedia ! ice diagnostics |
117 | !----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
118 | fmtinf ='1PE13.5 ' ! format of the output values |
119 | nfrinf = 4 ! number of variables written in one line |
120 | ntmoy = 1 ! instantaneous values of ice evolution or averaging |
121 | ninfo = 1 ! frequency of ouputs on file ice_evolu in case of averaging |
122 | / |
123 | !!----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
124 | !&namicehsb ! Heat and salt budgets |
125 | !!----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
126 | !/ |
127 | |