1 | !!>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> |
2 | !! SI3 configuration namelist: Overwrites SHARED/namelist_ice_ref |
3 | !! 1 - Generic parameters (nampar) |
4 | !! 2 - Ice thickness discretization (namitd) |
5 | !! 3 - Ice dynamics (namdyn) |
6 | !! 4 - Ice ridging/rafting (namdyn_rdgrft) |
7 | !! 5 - Ice rheology (namdyn_rhg) |
8 | !! 6 - Ice advection (namdyn_adv) |
9 | !! 7 - Ice surface boundary conditions (namsbc) |
10 | !! 8 - Ice thermodynamics (namthd) |
11 | !! 9 - Ice heat diffusion (namthd_zdf) |
12 | !! 10 - Ice lateral melting (namthd_da) |
13 | !! 11 - Ice growth in open water (namthd_do) |
14 | !! 12 - Ice salinity (namthd_sal) |
15 | !! 13 - Ice melt ponds (namthd_pnd) |
16 | !! 14 - Ice initialization (namini) |
17 | !! 15 - Ice/snow albedos (namalb) |
18 | !! 16 - Ice diagnostics (namdia) |
19 | !!>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> |
20 | ! |
21 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
22 | &nampar ! Generic parameters |
23 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
24 | cn_icerst_in = "restart_ice_in" ! suffix of ice restart name (input) |
25 | rn_amax_n = 0.997 ! maximum tolerated ice concentration NH |
26 | rn_amax_s = 0.98 ! maximum tolerated ice concentration SH |
27 | / |
28 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
29 | &namitd ! Ice discretization |
30 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
31 | / |
32 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
33 | &namdyn ! Ice dynamics |
34 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
35 | / |
36 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
37 | &namdyn_rdgrft ! Ice ridging/rafting |
38 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
39 | / |
40 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
41 | &namdyn_rhg ! Ice rheology |
42 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
43 | ln_rhg_EVP = .true. ! EVP rheology |
44 | ln_aEVP = .false. ! adaptive rheology (Kimmritz et al. 2016 & 2017) |
45 | rn_creepl = 2.0e-9 ! creep limit [1/s] |
46 | rn_ecc = 2.0 ! eccentricity of the elliptical yield curve |
47 | nn_nevp = 120 ! number of EVP subcycles |
48 | rn_relast = 0.333 ! ratio of elastic timescale to ice time step: Telast = dt_ice * rn_relast |
49 | ! advised value: 1/3 (rn_nevp=120) or 1/9 (rn_nevp=300) |
50 | / |
51 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
52 | &namdyn_adv ! Ice advection |
53 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
54 | / |
55 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
56 | &namsbc ! Ice surface boundary conditions |
57 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
58 | rn_cio = 5.0e-03 ! ice-ocean drag coefficient (-) |
59 | nn_snwfra = 2 ! calculate the fraction of ice covered by snow (for zdf and albedo) |
60 | ! = 0 fraction = 1 (if snow) or 0 (if no snow) |
61 | ! = 1 fraction = 1-exp(-0.2*rhos*hsnw) [MetO formulation] |
62 | ! = 2 fraction = hsnw / (hsnw+0.02) [CICE formulation] |
63 | rn_snwblow = 0.66 ! mesure of snow blowing into the leads |
64 | ! = 1 => no snow blowing, < 1 => some snow blowing |
65 | ln_cndflx = .false. ! Use conduction flux as surface boundary conditions (i.e. for Jules coupling) |
66 | ln_cndemulate = .false. ! emulate conduction flux (if not provided in the inputs) |
67 | nn_qtrice = 0 ! Solar flux transmitted thru the surface scattering layer: |
68 | ! = 0 Grenfell and Maykut 1977 (depends on cloudiness and is 0 when there is snow) |
69 | ! = 1 Lebrun 2019 (equals 0.3 anytime with different melting/dry snw conductivities) |
70 | / |
71 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
72 | &namthd ! Ice thermodynamics |
73 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
74 | ln_icedH = .true. ! activate ice thickness change from growing/melting (T) or not (F) |
75 | ln_icedA = .true. ! activate lateral melting param. (T) or not (F) |
76 | ln_icedO = .true. ! activate ice growth in open-water (T) or not (F) |
77 | ln_icedS = .true. ! activate brine drainage (T) or not (F) |
78 | ! |
79 | ln_leadhfx = .false. ! heat in the leads is used to melt sea-ice before warming the ocean |
80 | / |
81 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
82 | &namthd_zdf ! Ice heat diffusion |
83 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
84 | rn_cnd_s = 0.50 ! thermal conductivity of the snow (0.31 W/m/K, Maykut and Untersteiner, 1971) |
85 | ! Obs: 0.1-0.5 (Lecomte et al, JAMES 2013) |
86 | / |
87 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
88 | &namthd_da ! Ice lateral melting |
89 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
90 | / |
91 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
92 | &namthd_do ! Ice growth in open water |
93 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
94 | / |
95 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
96 | &namthd_sal ! Ice salinity |
97 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
98 | / |
99 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
100 | &namthd_pnd ! Melt ponds |
101 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
102 | ln_pnd = .true. ! activate melt ponds or not |
103 | ln_pnd_LEV = .true. ! level ice melt ponds (from Flocco et al 2007,2010 & Holland et al 2012) |
104 | rn_apnd_min = 0.15 ! minimum ice fraction that contributes to melt pond. range: 0.0 -- 0.15 ?? |
105 | rn_apnd_max = 0.85 ! maximum ice fraction that contributes to melt pond. range: 0.7 -- 0.85 ?? |
106 | ln_pnd_CST = .false. ! constant melt ponds |
107 | rn_apnd = 0.2 ! prescribed pond fraction, at Tsu=0 degC |
108 | rn_hpnd = 0.05 ! prescribed pond depth, at Tsu=0 degC |
109 | ln_pnd_lids = .true. ! frozen lids on top of the ponds (only for ln_pnd_LEV) |
110 | ln_pnd_alb = .true. ! effect of melt ponds on ice albedo |
111 | / |
112 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
113 | &namini ! Ice initialization |
114 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
115 | nn_iceini_file = _AUTO_: DEFAULT=0 ! netcdf file provided for initialization |
116 | ! |
117 | rn_thres_sst = 2.0 ! max temp. above Tfreeze with initial ice = (sst - tfreeze) |
118 | rn_hti_ini_n = 3.0 ! initial ice thickness (m), North |
119 | rn_hti_ini_s = 1.0 ! " " South |
120 | rn_hts_ini_n = 0.3 ! initial snow thickness (m), North |
121 | rn_hts_ini_s = 0.3 ! " " South |
122 | rn_ati_ini_n = 0.9 ! initial ice concentration (-), North |
123 | rn_ati_ini_s = 0.9 ! " " South |
124 | rn_smi_ini_n = 6.3 ! initial ice salinity (g/kg), North |
125 | rn_smi_ini_s = 6.3 ! " " South |
126 | rn_tmi_ini_n = 270. ! initial ice temperature (K), North |
127 | rn_tmi_ini_s = 270. ! " " South |
128 | rn_tsu_ini_n = 270. ! initial surface temperature (K), North |
129 | rn_tsu_ini_s = 270. ! " " South |
130 | rn_tms_ini_n = 270. ! initial snw temperature (K), North |
131 | rn_tms_ini_s = 270. ! " " South |
132 | rn_apd_ini_n = 0.2 ! initial pond fraction (-), North |
133 | rn_apd_ini_s = 0.2 ! " " South |
134 | rn_hpd_ini_n = 0.05 ! initial pond depth (m), North |
135 | rn_hpd_ini_s = 0.05 ! " " South |
136 | rn_hld_ini_n = 0.0 ! initial pond lid depth (m), North |
137 | rn_hld_ini_s = 0.0 ! " " South |
138 | !______!______________________!___________________!___________!_____________!________!___________!__________________!__________!_______________! |
139 | ! ! file name ! frequency (hours) ! variable ! time interp.! clim ! 'yearly'/ ! weights filename ! rotation ! land/sea mask ! |
140 | ! ! ! (if <0 months) ! name ! (logical) ! (T/F) ! 'monthly' ! ! pairing ! filename ! |
141 | sn_hti = 'Ice_initialization' , -12 ,'sithic' , .false. , .true. , 'yearly' , '' , '', '' |
142 | sn_hts = 'Ice_initialization' , -12 ,'snthic' , .false. , .true. , 'yearly' , '' , '', '' |
143 | sn_ati = 'Ice_initialization' , -12 ,'siconc' , .false. , .true. , 'yearly' , '' , '', '' |
144 | sn_smi = 'Ice_initialization' , -12 ,'sisali' , .false. , .true. , 'yearly' , '' , '', '' |
145 | sn_tmi = 'Ice_initialization' , -12 ,'sitemp' , .false. , .true. , 'yearly' , '' , '', '' |
146 | sn_tsu = 'Ice_initialization' , -12 ,'sistem' , .false. , .true. , 'yearly' , '' , '', '' |
147 | sn_tms = 'NOT USED' , -12 ,'tms' , .false. , .true. , 'yearly' , '' , '', '' |
148 | ! melt ponds (be careful, sn_apd is the pond concentration (not fraction), so it differs from rn_apd) |
149 | sn_apd = 'NOT USED' , -12 ,'apd' , .false. , .true. , 'yearly' , '' , '', '' |
150 | sn_hpd = 'NOT USED' , -12 ,'hpd' , .false. , .true. , 'yearly' , '' , '', '' |
151 | cn_dir='./' |
152 | / |
153 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
154 | &namalb ! albedo parameters |
155 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
156 | / |
157 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
158 | &namdia ! Diagnostics |
159 | !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
160 | ln_icediahsb = .true. ! output the heat, mass & salt budgets (T) or not (F) |
161 | / |