1 | # |
2 | # $Id: vert_L79.def 2446 2016-02-16 12:32:59Z fairhead $ |
3 | # |
4 | #### Verticale discretisation |
5 | ## Modified verticale discretisation for stratospheric versions. |
6 | ## The new version can be controled by following parameters |
7 | ## Al the parameters are given in km assuming a given scalehigh |
8 | ## |
9 | ## This file is read by both LMDZ and DYNAMICO. |
10 | ## Parameters in section 1 are only read by LMDZ when running without DYNAMICO |
11 | ## Parameters in section 2 are only read by DYNAMCIO |
12 | ## Parameters in section 3 are shared between LMDZ/dynamics and DYNAMCIO |
13 | |
14 | ## Section 1: Following paramereters are read only when running LMDZ without DYNAMCIO |
15 | ##################################################################################### |
16 | vert_sampling=strato_custom |
17 | # Couche eponge dans les couches de pression plus faible que 100 fois la pression de la derniere couche |
18 | iflag_top_bound=2 |
19 | # Coefficient pour la couche eponge (valeur derniere couche) |
20 | tau_top_bound=5.e-4 |
21 | # mode_top_bound (defaults: 3) |
22 | mode_top_bound=3 |
23 | |
24 | ## Section 2: Following paramereters are read only when running with DYNAMCIO |
25 | ############################################################################# |
26 | # Number of vertical layer (llm) : integer (default=19) |
27 | llm=95 |
28 | # disvert : vertical discretisation : string (default='std') : std, ncar, ncar30l |
29 | disvert=strato_custom |
30 | # sponge parmeters |
31 | iflag_sponge=2 |
32 | tau_sponge=5.e-4 |
33 | mode_sponge=1 |
34 | |
35 | ## Section 3: Following paramereters are shared between LMDZ/dynamics and DYNAMICO |
36 | ## They will be read either by LMDZ or DYNAMCIO |
37 | ################################################################################## |
38 | ## scale hight |
39 | vert_scale=7. |
40 | ## width of first layer |
41 | vert_dzmin=0.017 |
42 | ## dz in the low atmosphere |
43 | vert_dzlow=0.009 |
44 | ## height at which resolution recches dzlow |
45 | vert_z0low=2. |
46 | ## dz in the mid atmsophere |
47 | vert_dzmid=1.1 |
48 | ## height at which resolution recches dzmid |
49 | vert_z0mid=6 |
50 | ## width of the transition |
51 | vert_h_mid=17 |
52 | ## dz in the high atmsophere |
53 | vert_dzhig=10 |
54 | ## height at which resolution recches dz |
55 | vert_z0hig=75. |
56 | ## width of the transition |
57 | vert_h_hig=20. |
58 | ## vert_prof_dissip used to choose the vertical profile |
59 | ## of horizontal dissipation (values are 0 and 1) |
60 | vert_prof_dissip = 1 |
61 | dissip_zref = 50 |
62 | ## Avec ou sans strato |
63 | # ok_strato est lu dans LMDZ/dynamique et phylmd (necessaire avec ou sans DYNAMICO) |
64 | ok_strato=y |
65 | ## Activation ou non de la parametrisation de Hines pour la strato |
66 | # ok_hines est lu par LMDZ/phylmd (avec ou sans DYNAMICO) |
67 | ok_hines=n |
68 | |