1 | PROGRAM testhist1 |
2 | !- |
3 | !$Id$ |
4 | !--------------------------------------------------------------------- |
5 | !- This program provide a an example of the basic usage of HIST. |
6 | !- No secial features are used but just the basics. |
7 | !--------------------------------------------------------------------- |
8 | USE ioipsl |
9 | ! |
11 | ! |
12 | INTEGER,PARAMETER :: iim=96, jjm=96, llm=12, nbreg=200 |
13 | ! |
14 | REAL :: champ1(iim,jjm), champ2(iim,jjm,llm), champ3(iim,jjm) |
15 | REAL :: lon(iim,jjm),lat(iim,jjm), lev(llm) |
16 | REAL :: lon_test(iim),lat_test(jjm) |
17 | REAL :: x |
18 | ! |
19 | INTEGER :: i, j, l, id, it, ij, sig_id, hori_id |
20 | INTEGER :: day=15, month=2, year=1997 |
21 | INTEGER :: itau=0, index(nbreg), start |
22 | ! |
23 | REAL :: julday |
24 | REAL :: deltat=60., dt_wrt, dt_op |
25 | CHARACTER(LEN=20) :: histname |
26 | ! |
27 | REAL :: pi=3.1415 |
28 | !--------------------------------------------------------------------- |
29 | !- |
30 | ! 1.0 Define a few variables we will need. These are the coordinates |
31 | ! the file name and the date. |
32 | !- |
33 | DO i=1,iim |
34 | DO j=1,jjm |
35 | lon(i,j) = ((float(iim/2)+0.5)-float(i))*pi/float(iim/2) & |
36 | & *(-1.)*180./pi |
37 | lat(i,j) = 180./pi*ASIN(((float(jjm/2)+0.5)-float(j)) & |
38 | & /float(jjm/2)) |
39 | ENDDO |
40 | ENDDO |
41 | !- |
42 | lon_test(:) = lon(:,1) |
43 | lat_test(:) = lat(1,:) |
44 | !- |
45 | DO l=1,llm |
46 | lev(l) = REAL(l)/llm |
47 | ENDDO |
48 | ! |
49 | histname = 'testhist1.nc' |
50 | !- |
51 | ! 1.1 The chosen date is 15 Feb. 1997 as stated above. |
52 | ! It has to be transformed into julian days using |
53 | ! the calendar provided by IOIPSL. |
54 | !- |
55 | CALL ymds2ju(year, month, day, 0.,julday) |
56 | dt_wrt = 3*deltat |
57 | dt_op = 3*deltat |
58 | !- |
59 | ! 2.0 Do all the declarations for hist. That is define the file, |
60 | ! the vertical coordinate and the variables in the file. |
61 | !- |
62 | CALL ioconf_modname('testhist1 produced this file') |
63 | !- |
64 | CALL histbeg (histname,iim,lon_test,jjm,lat_test, & |
65 | & 1,iim,1,jjm,itau,julday,deltat,hori_id,id) |
66 | !- |
67 | CALL histvert (id,"sigma","Sigma levels","-",llm,lev,sig_id) |
68 | !- |
69 | CALL histdef (id,"champ1","Some field","m", & |
70 | & iim,jjm,hori_id,1,1,1,-99,32,"inst(scatter(x))", & |
71 | & dt_op,dt_wrt,var_range=(/1.,-1./)) |
72 | !- |
73 | CALL histdef (id,"champ2","Another field","m", & |
74 | & iim,jjm,hori_id,llm,1,llm,sig_id,32,"t_max(max(x,1.0)*2)", & |
75 | & deltat,dt_wrt,var_range=(/0.,90./)) |
76 | !- |
77 | CALL histdef (id,"champ3","A field without time","m", & |
78 | & iim,jjm,hori_id,1,1,1,-99, 32,"once", & |
79 | & deltat,dt_wrt) |
80 | !- |
81 | CALL histend (id) |
82 | !- |
83 | ! 2.1 The filed we are going to write are computes |
84 | !- |
85 | x = 10. |
87 | CALL RANDOM_NUMBER(champ1) |
88 | champ3 = champ1 |
89 | DO l=1,llm |
90 | champ2(:,:,l) = champ1*l |
91 | ENDDO |
92 | !- |
93 | ! 3.0 Start the time steping and write the data as we go along. |
94 | !- |
95 | start = 1 |
96 | !- |
97 | DO it=1,12 |
98 | !--- |
99 | ! 3.1 In the 2D filed we will have a set of random numbers |
100 | ! which move through the map. |
101 | !--- |
102 | ij = 0 |
103 | DO j=1,nbreg/10 |
104 | DO i=1,10 |
105 | ij = ij+1 |
106 | index(ij) = iim*(j+20)+(i+start) |
107 | ENDDO |
108 | ENDDO |
109 | !--- |
110 | IF (start < iim-10) THEN |
111 | start = start+10 |
112 | ELSE |
113 | start = 1 |
114 | ENDIF |
115 | !--- |
116 | itau = itau + 1 |
117 | !--- |
118 | ! 3.2 Pass the data to HIST for operation and writing. |
119 | !--- |
120 | CALL histwrite (id,"champ1",itau,champ1,nbreg,index) |
121 | CALL histwrite (id,"champ2",itau,champ2,iim*jjm*llm,index) |
122 | CALL histwrite (id,"champ3",itau,champ3,iim*jjm,index) |
123 | champ1 = champ1+1 |
124 | champ2 = champ2+2 |
125 | ENDDO |
126 | !- |
127 | ! 4.0 The HIST routines are ended and netCDF is closed |
128 | !- |
129 | ! CALL histclo |
130 | ! This line should work but there seems to be a bug |
131 | ! in the optional argument on SUN ! |
132 | !- |
133 | CALL histclo(id) |
134 | !-------------------- |
135 | END PROGRAM testhist1 |