1 | ; 1.11 01/10/07 |
2 | ; |
3 | ; Takes an IDL structure and writes to NetCDF much as netcdf_read |
4 | ; but from the opposite direction. |
5 | ; |
6 | ; Dimension variables are identified as the first vector in the structure |
7 | ; of a certain length, and linked to all following vectors and multi-D |
8 | ; arrays with dimensions the same size. |
9 | ; |
10 | ; The approach is simple and powerful but with one big flaw - arrays |
11 | ; with non-unique dimension sizes (e.g. fltarr[36,36,5] rather than |
12 | ; fltarr[36,37,5]) cannot be written unless: |
13 | ; |
14 | ; a) A quick and dirty solution that breaks the NetCDF dimension |
15 | ; links: the DIM_ALL keyword is used. |
16 | ; |
17 | ; b) A tedious but exact solution: the dimensions are explicilty |
18 | ; specified with the DIMENSIONS keyword. |
19 | ; |
20 | ; It will be possible to actually define which are dimensions etc... |
21 | ; ...in a later version... perhaps by defining "d_latitude" or "d_pressure" |
22 | ; as indicating a dimension? Or if this is not flexible enough |
23 | ; just write your own netcdf file following the Chapter 6 of the IDL |
24 | ; Scientific Data Formats manual |
25 | ; |
26 | ; Parameters |
27 | ; ---------- |
28 | ; |
29 | ; I: file string containing filename and path to be written |
30 | ; I: field IDL structure to be written to file, arranged as |
31 | ; in the example below |
32 | ; |
33 | ; Keywords |
34 | ; -------- |
35 | ; |
36 | ; CLOBBER - overwrite any existing file (otherwise, we fail with error |
37 | ; status if there's an exisitng file there) |
38 | ; |
39 | ; DIM_ALL - treat all vectors as dimensions. This is needed in order to |
40 | ; write arrays non-unique dimension sizes, e.g. fltarr[36,36,5] |
41 | ; |
42 | ; DIMENSIONS - specify the exact dimensions and links. See below for |
43 | ; an example. |
44 | ; |
45 | ; ATTRIBUTES - pass in a structure containing the attributes for each |
46 | ; dimension and variable, in the order they are found in the data |
47 | ; structure we are writing to file. The structure should contain a |
48 | ; strarr for each attribute. The attribute name when written to |
49 | ; file will be the variable name in the struture, in lowercase. |
50 | ; |
51 | ; Example |
52 | ; ------- |
53 | ; |
54 | ; To add "units" and "long_name" attributes to each variable |
55 | ; for a partial compatability with the NetCDF standard, e.g. when |
56 | ; writing the 3D array/structure ozone: |
57 | ; |
58 | ; ozone = {lon:fltarr(96),lat:fltarr(73),pressure:fltarr(50),$ |
59 | ; ozone:fltarr(96,73,50)} |
60 | ; |
61 | ; attributes = {units:strarr(4),long_name:strarr(4)} |
62 | ; attributes.units = ['degrees_east','degrees_north','Pa','kg kg-1'] |
63 | ; attributes.long_name = ['Longitude','Latitude','Pressure',$ |
64 | ; 'Ozone'] |
65 | ; |
66 | ; netcdfwrite, 'filename', ozone, attributes=attributes |
67 | ; |
68 | ; On the unix command line "ncdump -h filename" produces: |
69 | ; |
70 | ; netcdf filename { |
71 | ; dimensions: |
72 | ; LON = 96 ; |
73 | ; LAT = 73 ; |
74 | ; PRESSURE = 50 ; |
75 | ; variables: |
76 | ; float LON(LON) ; |
77 | ; LON:units = "degrees_east" ; |
78 | ; LON:long_name = "Longitude" ; |
79 | ; float LAT(LAT) ; |
80 | ; LAT:units = "degrees_north" ; |
81 | ; LAT:long_name = "Latitude" ; |
82 | ; float PRESSURE(PRESSURE) ; |
83 | ; PRESSURE:units = "Pa" ; |
84 | ; PRESSURE:long_name = "Pressure" ; |
85 | ; float OZONE(PRESSURE, LAT, LON) ; |
86 | ; OZONE:units = "kg kg-1" ; |
87 | ; OZONE:long_name = "Ozone" ; |
88 | ; } |
89 | ; |
90 | ; Note that NCDUMP reverses the order of the dimensions in multi- |
91 | ; dimensional arrays compared to IDL. |
92 | ; |
93 | ; To explicitly specify the dimensions and linkages (not needed in most |
94 | ; cases including this example: it's only needed if the rule of matching |
95 | ; dimensions by length breaks down because there are two dimensions of the |
96 | ; same length): |
97 | ; |
98 | ; dimensions = {isdim:intarr(4), links:intarr(5,4)} |
99 | ; dimensions.isdim = [1,1,1,0] ; (1=dimension, 0=variable) |
100 | ; dimensions.links = [[-1,-1,-1,-1,-1],[-1,-1,-1,-1,-1],$ |
101 | ; [-1,-1,-1,-1,-1],[0,1,2,-1,-1]] |
102 | ; |
103 | ; netcdfwrite, 'filename', ozone, attributes=attributes, $ |
104 | ; dimensions=dimensions |
105 | ; |
106 | ; |
107 | ; |
108 | ; AJG 22/5/2003 |
109 | ; |
110 | |
111 | ; ------------------------------------------------------------------ |
112 | ; |
113 | ; Add a non-string variable to the NetCDF file |
114 | ; |
115 | ; INPUTS |
116 | ; |
117 | ; var_type - IDL type code - see IDL help for SIZE function |
118 | ; ncid, name, dim_ids - parameters passed to ncdf_vardef (see IDL help here too) |
119 | ; |
120 | ; RETURNS |
121 | ; |
122 | ; NetCDF variable ID |
123 | ; |
124 | function add_var, var_type, ncid, name, dim_ids |
125 | |
126 | case var_type of |
127 | ; byte |
128 | 1: var_id = ncdf_vardef(ncid, name, dim_ids, /BYTE) |
129 | |
130 | ; int |
131 | 2: var_id = ncdf_vardef(ncid, name, dim_ids, /SHORT) |
132 | |
133 | ; long |
134 | 3: var_id = ncdf_vardef(ncid, name, dim_ids, /LONG) |
135 | |
136 | ; float |
137 | 4: var_id = ncdf_vardef(ncid, name, dim_ids, /FLOAT) |
138 | |
139 | ; double |
140 | 5: var_id = ncdf_vardef(ncid, name, dim_ids, /DOUBLE) |
141 | |
142 | ; catch all (will probably catch us out some-day...) |
143 | else: var_id = ncdf_vardef(ncid, name, dim_ids, /FLOAT) |
144 | endcase |
145 | |
146 | return, var_id |
147 | |
148 | end |
149 | |
150 | ; ------------------------------------------------------------------ |
151 | ; |
152 | ; Main function |
153 | ; |
154 | |
155 | pro netcdfwrite, file, field, clobber=clobber, dim_all=dim_all, $ |
156 | attributes=attributes, dimensions=dimensions |
157 | |
158 | on_error, 2 ; on error, return to caller (could be improved |
159 | ; at a later date to catch IO errors and close the |
160 | ; file correctly). |
161 | |
162 | if ~keyword_set(clobber) then clobber = 0 |
163 | |
164 | tag_names = tag_names(field) |
165 | nTags = N_TAGS(field) |
166 | |
167 | if keyword_set(attributes) then begin |
168 | ; Attributes are being supplied. Check they match the |
169 | ; data structure also supplied. |
170 | att_names = tag_names(attributes) |
171 | nAtts = n_tags(attributes) |
172 | nInAtt = lonarr(nAtts) |
173 | for i=0,nAtts-1 do nInAtt[i] = n_elements(attributes.(i)) |
174 | if ~array_equal(nInAtt,replicate(nTags,nAtts)) then message, $ |
175 | 'Each attribute must have a member for each data structure element' |
176 | endif |
177 | |
178 | ncid = ncdf_create(file, clobber = clobber) |
179 | |
180 | ; Run through all data "tags" to identify "dimensions" and |
181 | ; "variables". For this to work, the data structure must always |
182 | ; have dimensions before normal variables |
183 | struct_dims, field, dimension_sizes, is_string_max, var_type, $ |
184 | nDimensions, dim_num, iDimLink, dim_all=dim_all, dimensions=dimensions |
185 | |
186 | dim_ids = intarr(nTags) |
187 | var_ids = intarr(nTags) |
188 | string_id = 0 ; a unique ID for any hidden string dimensions |
189 | |
190 | ; initialise file, defining the dimensions and variables |
191 | ncdf_control, ncid, /fill |
192 | for iTag=0, nTags-1 do begin |
193 | |
194 | if dim_num[iTag] eq 0 then begin |
195 | |
196 | ; Each dimension will have an associated variable |
197 | ; containing the values at each point |
198 | dim_ids[iTag] = ncdf_dimdef(ncid, tag_names[iTag], $ |
199 | dimension_sizes[iTag]) |
200 | |
201 | var_ids[iTag] = add_var(var_type[iTag], ncid, tag_names[iTag], $ |
202 | dim_ids[iTag]) |
203 | |
204 | endif else begin |
205 | if is_string_max[iTag] eq 0 then begin |
206 | |
207 | var_ids[iTag] = add_var(var_type[iTag], ncid, tag_names[iTag], $ |
208 | dim_ids[reform(iDimlink[iTag,0:dim_num[iTag]-1])]) |
209 | |
210 | endif else begin |
211 | |
212 | ; Deal with the string array special case |
213 | |
214 | ; * Note that a string variable will gain an extra, hidden |
215 | ; dimension when we write it to file because of NetCDF |
216 | ; limitations. |
217 | |
218 | ; Create a new dimension for the array of characters which forms |
219 | ; a string, with its length being that of the longest string |
220 | ; in the original array of strings. Don't bother defining |
221 | ; a variable for the dimension. |
222 | string_id = string_id+1 |
223 | string_dim = ncdf_dimdef(ncid, $ |
224 | 'STRING'+string(format='(i0)', string_id), $ |
225 | is_string_max[iTag]) |
226 | |
227 | ; Combine the "IDL" dimensions with the extra hidden |
228 | ; string dimension (which must be the first, "fastest varying") |
229 | string_dim_ids = $ |
230 | [string_dim, dim_ids[reform(iDimlink[iTag,0:dim_num[iTag]-1])]] |
231 | var_ids[iTag] = ncdf_vardef(ncid, tag_names[iTag], $ |
232 | string_dim_ids, /CHAR) |
233 | |
234 | endelse |
235 | endelse |
236 | |
237 | ; Write any associated atributes |
238 | if keyword_set(attributes) then begin |
239 | for iAtt = 0, nAtts-1 do begin |
240 | ncdf_attput, ncid, var_ids[iTag], strlowcase(att_names[iAtt]), $ |
241 | attributes.(iAtt)[iTag] |
242 | endfor |
243 | endif |
244 | |
245 | endfor |
246 | ncdf_control, ncid, /endef |
247 | |
248 | ; write the data |
249 | for iTag=0, nTags-1 do begin |
250 | |
251 | ncdf_varput, ncid, var_ids[iTag], field.(iTag) |
252 | |
253 | endfor |
254 | |
255 | ; close the file |
256 | ncdf_close, ncid |
257 | |
258 | end |