1 | #!/bin/bash |
2 | ### =========================================================================== |
3 | ### |
4 | ### Creates initial state for coupler, ocean side |
5 | ### Take data from NEMO grid_T and icemod files |
6 | ### |
7 | ### =========================================================================== |
8 | ## |
9 | ## Warning, to install, configure, run, use any of Olivier Marti's |
10 | ## software or to read the associated documentation you'll need at least |
11 | ## one (1) brain in a reasonably working order. Lack of this implement |
12 | ## will void any warranties (either express or implied). |
13 | ## O. Marti assumes no responsability for errors, omissions, |
14 | ## data loss, or any other consequences caused directly or indirectly by |
15 | ## the usage of his software by incorrectly or partially configured |
16 | ## personal. |
17 | ## |
18 | ### |
19 | ### Documentation : https://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/igcmg/wiki/IPSLCM6/MOSAIX |
20 | ### |
21 | ## SVN information |
22 | # $Author$ |
23 | # $Date$ |
24 | # $Revision$ |
25 | # $Id$ |
26 | # $HeadURL$ |
27 | |
28 | # Usage exemples : |
29 | # CreateRestartOce4Oasis.bash /ccc/store/cont003/dsm/p25sepul/IGCM_OUT/IPSLCM5A2/PROD/piControl/CM5A2.1.pi.00/OCE/Output/MO/CM5A2.1.pi.00_40100101_40191231_1M_grid_T.nc/ccc/store/c# CreateRestartOce4Oasis.bash /ccc/store/cont003/gencmip6/p86mart/IGCM_OUT/IPSLCM6/DEVT/pdControl/CM6010.2.rivgeo-LR-pdCtrl/OCE/Output/MO/CM6010.2.rivgeo-LR-pdCtrl_22400101_22491231_1M_grid_T.nc |
30 | ## =========================================================================== |
31 | ## |
32 | ## You should not change anything below this line .... |
33 | ## |
34 | ## =========================================================================== |
35 | |
36 | ## |
37 | ## Command line parameters |
38 | ## =========================================================================== |
39 | # Default values |
40 | Comment="Preliminary attempt - Do not trust !" |
41 | IceVar=ice_pres # siconc #> Variable containing sea ice fraction [0-1] |
42 | |
43 | # |
44 | # Defines computer |
45 | # ================ |
46 | if [[ $(hostname) = curie* ]] ; then arch=curie ; center=tgcc ; fi |
47 | if [[ $(hostname) = irene* ]] ; then arch=irene ; center=tgcc ; fi |
48 | |
49 | case ${arch} in |
50 | ( curie | irene ) |
51 | set +vx |
52 | module unload cdo nco ferret |
53 | module unload netcdf hdf5 |
54 | module load python # /2.7.12 |
55 | module load netcdf/ # Version for XIOS |
56 | module load nco |
57 | R_IN=$(ccc_home -u igcmg --cccwork)/IGCM |
60 | ;; |
61 | ( * ) |
62 | exit -1 |
63 | ;; |
64 | esac |
65 | set -o verbose |
66 | set -o xtrace |
67 | set -e |
68 | |
69 | while [[ ${1} = -* ]] ; do |
70 | case ${1} in |
71 | ( -- ) shift ; break ;; |
72 | ( -c | --comment ) shift ; Comment=${1} ;; |
73 | ( -i | --ice ) shift ; IceVar=${1} ;; |
74 | ( -a | --alb ) shift ; AlbVar=${1} ;; |
75 | ( -v | --verbose ) set -o verbose ;; |
76 | ( -x | --xtrace ) set -o xtrace ;; |
77 | ( -xv | -vx ) set -o xtrace verbose ;; |
78 | ( -e ) set -e ;; |
79 | ( -V | --noverbose ) set +o verbose ;; |
80 | ( -X | --noxtrace ) set +o xtrace ;; |
81 | ( -XV | -VX ) set +o xtrace verbose ;; |
82 | ( -E ) set +e ;; |
83 | ( -* ) echo ${Bold}"Unknown option : ${1}"${Norm} ; return 1 ;; |
84 | esac |
85 | shift |
86 | done |
87 | |
88 | OceFile=${1:-/ccc/store/cont003/dsm/p25sepul/IGCM_OUT/IPSLCM5A2/PROD/piControl/CM5A2.1.pi.00/OCE/Output/MO/CM5A2.1.pi.00_40100101_40191231_1M_grid_T.nc} |
89 | |
90 | #OceFile=${1:-/ccc/store/cont003/gencmip6/p86mart/IGCM_OUT/IPSLCM6/DEVT/pdControl/CM6010.2.rivgeo-LR-pdCtrl/OCE/Output/MO/CM6010.2.rivgeo-LR-pdCtrl_22400101_22491231_1M_grid_T.nc} |
91 | # |
92 | |
93 | # |
94 | # Format for OASIS files : should be NetCDF3 classic or NetCDF3 64 bits |
95 | # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
96 | FL_FMT=64bit |
97 | |
98 | ## |
99 | ## Defines associated sea ice file |
100 | ## =========================================================================== |
101 | IceFile=$(echo ${OceFile} | sed 's=/OCE/=/ICE/=' | sed 's=grid_T=icemod=') |
102 | |
103 | ## |
104 | ## Extract variables |
105 | ## =========================================================================== |
106 | ncks --overwrite --fl_fmt=${FL_FMT} --history -d time_counter,0,0 --variable ${IceVar} ${IceFile} sstoce_fields.nc |
107 | ncks --overwrite --fl_fmt=${FL_FMT} --history -d time_counter,0,0 --variable tos ${OceFile} oce_fields.nc |
108 | ncks --append --fl_fmt=${FL_FMT} --history oce_fields.nc sstoce_fields.nc |
109 | ncwa --overwrite --fl_fmt=${FL_FMT} --history --average time_counter sstoce_fields.nc sstoce_fields_notime.nc # Remove time dimension |
110 | ncatted --history --attribute history,global,d,c,"" sstoce_fields_notime.nc # Clean attributes |
111 | |
112 | ## |
113 | ## Find ocean name |
114 | ## =========================================================================== |
115 | dim_y=$(ncdump -h sstoce_fields_notime.nc | grep "y *=" | awk '{print $3}' ) |
116 | dim_x=$(ncdump -h sstoce_fields_notime.nc | grep "x *=" | awk '{print $3}' ) |
117 | echo ${dim_x} ${dim_y} |
118 | |
119 | [[ ${dim_x} = 182 && ${dim_y} = 149 ]] && OCE=ORCA2.3 |
120 | [[ ${dim_x} = 362 && ${dim_y} = 332 ]] && OCE=eORCA2.1 |
121 | |
122 | |
123 | ## |
124 | ## Creates sstoce file |
125 | ## =========================================================================== |
126 | |
127 | cat <<EOF > create_sstoce.nco |
128 | OIceFrc = double ( ${IceVar}(:,:) ) ; |
129 | //tos.simple_fill_miss(tos) ; |
130 | O_SSTSST[y,x] = double ( (tos (:,:) + 273.15d) * (1.0d-OIceFrc) ) ; |
131 | //O_AlbIce[y,x] = double ( ialb (:,:) * OIceFrc(:,:) ) ; |
132 | //O_TepIce[y,x] = double ( (tsice (:,:) + 273.15d) * OIceFrc(:,:) ) ; |
133 | O_AlbIce[y,x] = double ( 0.65d * OIceFrc(:,:) ) ; |
134 | O_TepIce[y,x] = double ( (-20.0d + 273.15d) * OIceFrc(:,:) ) ; |
135 | O_OCurx1[y,x] = 0.0d ; |
136 | O_OCury1[y,x] = 0.0d ; |
137 | O_OCurz1[y,x] = 0.0d ; |
138 | EOF |
139 | |
140 | ncap2 --overwrite --fl_fmt=${FL_FMT} --history --script-file create_sstoce.nco sstoce_fields_notime.nc tmp_sstoc.nc |
141 | |
142 | ncks --fl_fmt=${FL_FMT} --overwrite --history --variable OIceFrc,O_SSTSST,O_AlbIce,O_TepIce,O_OCurx1,O_OCury1,O_OCurz1 tmp_sstoc.nc sstoc.nc |
143 | |
144 | ncatted --history --attribute comment,O_SSTSST,o,c,"SST weighted by fraction of open ocean" sstoc.nc |
145 | ncatted --history --attribute comment,O_SSTSST,o,c,"Albedo weighted by fraction of sea ice" sstoc.nc |
146 | ncatted --history --attribute comment,O_SSTSST,o,c,"Ice temperature weighted by fraction of sea ice" sstoc.nc |
147 | |
148 | ## |
149 | ## Add some information in file headers |
150 | ## =========================================================================== |
151 | |
152 | UUID=$(uuid) |
153 | NCO="$(ncks --version |& tail -1|sed 's/ncks //')" |
154 | ncatted --history \ |
155 | --attribute nco_openmp_thread_number,global,d,, \ |
156 | --attribute source,global,o,c,"IPSL Earth system model" \ |
157 | --attribute group,global,o,c,"ICMC IPSL Climate Modelling Center" \ |
158 | --attribute Institution,global,o,c,"IPSL https://www.ipsl.fr" \ |
159 | --attribute Model,global,o,c,"${OCE} https://www.nemo-ocean.eu" \ |
160 | --attribute production,global,o,c,"$(finger ${LOGNAME} | head -1 | awk '{print $4, $5}')" \ |
161 | --attribute originalFiles,global,o,c,"${OceFile} ${IceFile}" \ |
162 | --attribute directory,global,o,c,"$(pwd)" \ |
163 | --attribute description,global,o,c,"Fields needed by OASIS-MCT" \ |
164 | --attribute timeStamp,global,o,c,"$(date)" \ |
165 | --attribute uuid,global,o,c,"${UUID}" \ |
166 | --attribute Program,global,o,c,"Generated by ${0}" \ |
167 | --attribute HOSTNAME,global,o,c,"$(hostname)" \ |
168 | --attribute LOGNAME,global,o,c,"$(whoami)" \ |
169 | --attribute NCO,global,o,c,"NCO netCDF Operator ${NCO} http://nco.sourceforge.net" \ |
170 | --attribute OS,global,o,c,"$(uname -o)" \ |
171 | --attribute release,global,o,c,"$(uname -r)" \ |
172 | --attribute hardware,global,o,c,"$(uname -i)" \ |
173 | --attribute directory,global,o,c,"$(pwd)" \ |
174 | --attribute Comment,global,o,c,"${Comment}" \ |
175 | --attribute SVN_Author,global,o,c,"$Author$" \ |
176 | --attribute SVN_Date,global,o,c,"$Date$" \ |
177 | --attribute SVN_Revision,global,o,c,"$Revision$" \ |
178 | --attribute SVN_Id,global,o,c,"$Id$" \ |
179 | sstoc.nc |
180 | |
181 | ## |
182 | ## Cleaning |
183 | ## =========================================================================== |
184 | rm -f sstoce_fields.nc sstoce_fields_notime.nc tmp_flxat.nc oce_fields.nc |
185 | |
186 | mv sstoc.nc sstoc_${OCE}.nc |
187 | |
188 | ## =========================================================================== |
189 | ## |
190 | ## That's all folk's !!! |
191 | ## |
192 | ## =========================================================================== |