1 | #!/bin/bash |
2 | #MSUB -r WeightsMask # Job name |
3 | #MSUB -o Out_WeightsMask # Standard output |
4 | #MSUB -e Out_WeightsMask # Error output |
5 | #MSUB -eo |
6 | #MSUB -n 16 # Number of processors |
7 | #MSUB -T 7200 # Time limit (seconds) |
8 | #MSUB -q skylake |
9 | #MSUB -p gen2212 |
10 | #MSUB -m work |
11 | |
12 | ### =========================================================================== |
13 | ### |
14 | ### Creates interpolation weights between ORCA and atmosphere grids. |
15 | ### Interpolates ORCA mask to atmosphere grid. |
16 | ### Weight files are at OASIS-MCT format. |
17 | ### |
18 | ### Atmosphere grid may be lon/lat LMDZ or DYNAMICO icosahedron |
19 | ### |
20 | ### Documentation : https://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/igcmg/wiki/IPSLCM6/MOSAIX |
21 | ### =========================================================================== |
22 | ## |
23 | ## Warning, to install, configure, run, use any of Olivier Marti's |
24 | ## software or to read the associated documentation you'll need at least |
25 | ## one (1) brain in a reasonably working order. Lack of this implement |
26 | ## will void any warranties (either express or implied). |
27 | ## O. Marti assumes no responsability for errors, omissions, |
28 | ## data loss, or any other consequences caused directly or indirectly by |
29 | ## the usage of his software by incorrectly or partially configured |
30 | ## personal. |
31 | ## |
32 | ## SVN information |
33 | # $Author$ |
34 | # $Date$ |
35 | # $Revision$ |
36 | # $Id$ |
37 | # $HeadURL$ |
38 | # |
39 | # CplModel=eORCA1.2xLMD144142 ; qsub -r ${CplModel} -o Out_${CplModel} -e Out_${CplModel} CreateWeightsMask.bash |
40 | # |
41 | |
42 | set +vx |
43 | export Bold=$(tput bold) |
44 | export Unde=$(tput smul) ; export OffUnde=$(tput rmul) |
45 | export Stou=$(tput smso) ; export OffStou=$(tput rmso) |
46 | export Reve=$(tput rev ) |
47 | couleurs=( "Black" "Blue" "Green" "Cyan" "Red" "Magenta" "Yellow" "White" ) |
48 | for i in $(seq 0 7 ) ; do eval "export ${couleurs[$i]}=$(tput setf $i)" ; done |
49 | export Norm=$(tput sgr0) |
50 | export Titre=${Bold}${Blue} |
51 | |
52 | ## |
53 | ## Configuration |
54 | ## =========================================================================== |
55 | set -e |
56 | |
57 | # |
58 | echo ${Titre}"Defines models"${Norm} |
59 | # ================================== |
60 | OCE=ORCA2.3 |
61 | #OCE=eORCA1.2 |
62 | #OCE=eORCA025 |
63 | |
64 | ATM=ICO30 |
65 | #ATM=ICO40 |
66 | #ATM=ICO450 |
67 | #ATM=LMD9695 |
68 | #ATM=LMD144142 |
69 | #ATM=LMD256256 |
70 | |
71 | |
72 | Comment="Preliminary attempt - Do not trust !" |
73 | Version="v0" |
74 | |
75 | CplModel=${OCE}x${ATM} |
76 | if [[ X${SLURM_JOB_NAME} = X*ORC* || X${SLURM_JOB_NAME} = X*LMD* || X${SLURM_JOB_NAME} = X*ICO* ]] ; then |
77 | CplModel=${SLURM_JOB_NAME} ; OCE=${CplModel//x*} ; ATM=${CplModel##*x} |
78 | fi |
79 | |
80 | echo ${Titre}"ATM model : ${ATM}"${Norm} |
81 | echo ${Titre}"OCE model : ${OCE}"${Norm} |
82 | echo ${Titre}"Cpl model : ${CplModel}"${Norm} |
83 | |
84 | # Runoff parameter. atmCoastWidth and oceCoastWidth in grid points, searchRadius in km |
85 | atmCoastWidth=2 ; oceCoastWidth=2 ; searchRadius=600.0 |
86 | runOff_atmQuantity=Quantity runOff_oceQuantity=Surfacic |
87 | |
88 | [[ ${ATM} = ICO* ]] && atmCoastWidth=0 # Parameter relevant for LMD rectilinear grid only |
89 | [[ ${ATM} = LMD* ]] && atmCoastWidth=2 |
90 | [[ ${OCE} = ORCA2.3 ]] && oceCoastWidth=1 |
91 | [[ ${OCE} = eORCA1.2 ]] && oceCoastWidth=3 |
92 | [[ ${OCE} = eORCA025 ]] && oceCoastWidth=1 |
93 | |
94 | |
95 | # Default values, used to create ocean fraction on atmospheric grid |
96 | DefaultValues=( Direction=o2a,oceGrid=t,atmGrid=t,Order=1st,Quantity=false,Renormalize=false,useArea=false,maskSrc=true,maskDst=false,Name=OceFrac ) |
97 | |
98 | ## List of weights to build |
99 | ## ==================================================================================================================================== |
100 | # |
101 | # Each item in CommandList describes the properties of interpolation weights to generate. |
102 | # White spaces separate analysis. No spaces in any analysis. |
103 | # |
104 | # Specific commands : 'Runoff', 'Calving' |
105 | # |
106 | # Keywords : |
107 | # Direction : o2a for ocean to atmosphere, a2o for atmosphere to ocean |
108 | # Order : 1st or 2nd |
109 | # Quantity : true if integrated quantity over a grid box, false for flux (quantity / m^2) |
110 | # or intensive value (temperature, salinity, sea-ice fraction, ...) |
111 | # Renormalize : used when source grid is masked, to use values on non masked points only |
112 | # oceGrid : t, u or v point for NEMO C grid |
113 | # atmGrid : up to know, only t grid used in the atmosphere |
114 | # useArea : if true area from the model metrics is used. If false, areas are computed by XIOS from grid corners |
115 | # maskSrc : true to use the source grid mask, false to used all grid points |
116 | # maskDst : true to use the destination grid mask, false to use all grid points |
117 | # |
118 | # Classic cases for IPSLCM6 |
119 | AtmOceFluxes=" Direction=a2o,Order=1st,Quantity=false,Renormalize=false,atmGrid=t,oceGrid=t,useArea=true,maskSrc=true,maskDst=true,Name=HeatWaterFluxes" # Heat and water fluxes |
120 | OceAtmTemp=" Direction=o2a,Order=1st,Quantity=false,Renormalize=true,oceGrid=t,atmGrid=t,useArea=false,maskSrc=true,maskDst=true,Name=TempIceAlb" # Temperature, sea-ice fraction, albedo |
121 | AtmOceStressU=" Direction=a2o,Order=2nd,Quantity=false,Renormalize=false,atmGrid=t,oceGrid=u,useArea=true,maskSrc=true,maskDst=true,Name=WindStress" # Wind stress to NEMO U point |
122 | AtmOceStressV=" Direction=a2o,Order=2nd,Quantity=false,Renormalize=false,atmGrid=t,oceGrid=v,useArea=true,maskSrc=true,maskDst=true,Name=WindStress" # Wind stress to NEMO V point |
123 | AtmOceQuantity="Direction=a2o,Order=1st,Quantity=true,Renormalize=false,atmGrid=t,oceGrid=t,useArea=false,maskSrc=true,maskDst=true,Name=Quantity" # e.g. runoff |
124 | # Other cases |
125 | OceAtmFluxes=" Direction=o2a,Order=1st,Quantity=false,Renormalize=false,atmGrid=t,oceGrid=t,useArea=true,maskSrc=true,maskDst=true,Name=OceAtmFluxes" # e.g. CO2 fluxes |
126 | AtmOceTemp=" Direction=o2a,Order=1st,Quantity=false,Renormalize=true,oceGrid=t,atmGrid=t,useArea=false,maskSrc=true,maskDst=true,Name=OceTemp" # e.g. T and S correction from DWL parametrization |
127 | |
128 | # Standard list for IPSLCM6 |
129 | #CommandList=( ${AtmOceFluxes} ${OceAtmTemp} ${AtmOceStressU} ${AtmOceStressV} ${OceAtmFluxes} Runoff Calving Grids ) |
130 | |
131 | # More comprehesive list for IPSLCM6 with new features |
132 | CommandList=( ${AtmOceFluxes} ${OceAtmTemp} ${AtmOceStressU} ${AtmOceStressV} ${OceAtmFluxes} ${AtmOceTemp} Runoff Calving Grids ) |
133 | |
134 | # Debugs |
135 | #CommandList=( Runoff ) |
136 | #CommandList=( ${AtmOceFluxes} ${OceAtmTemp} Runoff Calving Grids ) |
137 | #CommandList=( ${AtmOceFluxes} Runoff Calving Grids ) |
138 | CommandList=( ${AtmOceFluxes} ) |
139 | #CommandList=( Calving ) |
140 | #CommandList=( Grids ) |
141 | |
142 | |
143 | |
144 | ## =========================================================================== |
145 | ## |
146 | ## You should not change anything below this line .... |
147 | ## |
148 | ## =========================================================================== |
149 | Tag="MOSAIX" |
150 | SUBMIT_DIR=$(pwd) |
151 | |
152 | # Functions to handle command parameters |
153 | # ====================================== |
154 | function read_Command { |
155 | # Decipher the command line to set bash variables |
156 | local l_Debug="no" l_Element |
157 | while [[ ${1} = -* ]] ; do |
158 | case ${1} in |
159 | ( -- ) shift ; break ;; |
160 | ( -d | --debug ) l_Debug="true" ; shift ;; |
161 | esac |
162 | done |
163 | local l_Command=${1} |
164 | for l_Element in $(echo ${l_Command} | tr "," "\n" ) ; do |
165 | [[ "X${l_Debug}" = "Xtrue" ]] && echo ${l_Element} |
166 | eval export ${l_Element} |
167 | done |
168 | } |
169 | |
170 | function setValues { |
171 | # |
172 | read_Command "Direction=None,Order=None,Quantity=None,Renormalize=None,atmGrid=None,oceGrid=None,useArea=None,maskSrc=None,maskDst=None" |
173 | read_Command ${1} |
174 | # |
175 | oceGrid=${oceGrid,,} ; atmGrid=${atmGrid,,} |
176 | OCEGRID=${oceGrid^^} ; ATMGRID=${atmGrid^^} |
177 | |
178 | case ${Order} in |
179 | ( 1st ) numOrder=1 ;; |
180 | ( 2nd ) numOrder=2 ;; |
181 | esac |
182 | case ${Renormalize} in |
183 | ( true ) NormName=Normalized ;; |
184 | ( false ) NormName=UnNormalized ;; |
185 | esac |
186 | case ${Quantity} in |
187 | ( true ) QuantName=Integrated ;; |
188 | ( false ) QuantName=Surfacic ;; |
189 | esac |
190 | case ${useArea} in |
191 | ( true ) AreaName=Area ;; |
192 | ( false ) AreaName=NoArea ;; |
193 | esac |
194 | |
195 | if [[ "${Name}" != "None" ]] ; then |
196 | FullName=${Name} |
197 | else |
198 | FullName=${Order}Order_${NormName}_${QuantName}_${AreaName} |
199 | fi |
200 | |
201 | case ${Direction} in |
202 | ( o2a ) |
203 | src=${oce} ; SRC=${OCE} ; srcGrid=${oceGrid} ; srcDomainType=${oceDomainType} ; SRCGRID=${OCEGRID} ; srcArea=area_grid_${OCEGRID} |
204 | dst=${atm} ; DST=${ATM} ; dstGrid=${atmGrid} ; dstDomainType=${atmDomainType} ; DSTGRID=${ATMGRID} ; dstArea=aire |
205 | ;; |
206 | ( a2o ) |
207 | src=${atm} ; SRC=${ATM} ; srcGrid=${atmGrid} ; srcDomainType=${atmDomainType} ; SRCGRID=${ATMGRID} ; srcArea=aire |
208 | dst=${oce} ; DST=${OCE} ; dstGrid=${oceGrid} ; dstDomainType=${oceDomainType} ; DSTGRID=${OCEGRID} ; dstArea=area_grid_${OCEGRID} |
209 | ;; |
210 | esac |
211 | echo ${Green}"${SRC} ${SRCGRID} toward ${DST} ${DSTGRID} - ${Order} Order - Normalize: ${Renormalize} - Quantity: ${QuantName} - Area: ${AreaName} "${Norm} |
212 | echo ${Green}"FullName : ${FullName}"${Norm} |
213 | } |
214 | |
215 | # |
216 | # Defines computer |
217 | # ================ |
218 | if [[ $(hostname) = irene* ]] ; then arch=irene ; center=tgcc ; fi |
219 | if [[ $(hostname) = lsce* ]] ; then arch=spip ; center=spip ; fi |
220 | |
221 | PROGRAM=$(basename ${0}) |
222 | |
223 | case ${arch} in |
224 | ( irene ) |
225 | set +vx |
226 | R_IN=$(ccc_home -u igcmg --cccwork)/IGCM |
230 | MpiRun="time ccc_mprun" |
231 | PyRun="time ccc_mprun -n 1" # Needed to force python to run on one process only |
232 | source ${SUBMIT_DIR}/arch.env |
233 | module load nco |
234 | #source $(ccc_home -u igcmg)/MachineEnvironment/irene/env_irene |
235 | module load python3 |
236 | module load datadir/igcmg |
237 | module list |
238 | ;; |
239 | ( spip ) |
240 | R_IN=${HOME}/Scratch/IGCM |
241 | TMPDIR=${HOME}/Scratch/TMP |
242 | SUBMIT_DIR=$(pwd) |
243 | MpiRun="/opt/local/bin/mpirun -n 4" |
244 | PyRun="time" |
245 | ;; |
246 | ( * ) exit -1 ;; |
247 | esac |
248 | |
249 | set -x ; set -e |
250 | |
251 | mkdir -p ${TMPDIR}/${CplModel} || exit 1 |
252 | cd ${TMPDIR}/${CplModel} || exit 1 |
253 | rm -fr * |
254 | |
255 | # |
256 | # Suffixes |
257 | # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
258 | |
259 | case ${OCE} in |
260 | ( *ORC* ) oce=orc ; oceDomainType=curvilinear ;; |
261 | esac |
262 | |
263 | case ${ATM} in |
264 | ( *dynamico* ) atm=ico ; atmDomainType=unstructured ;; |
265 | ( *ICO* ) atm=ico ; atmDomainType=unstructured ;; |
266 | ( *lmd* | *LMD* ) atm=lmd ; atmDomainType=rectilinear ;; |
267 | esac |
268 | |
269 | case ${OCE} in # Periodicity type of ORCA grid |
270 | ( ORCA2.3* ) OcePerio=4 ;; |
271 | ( ORCA1* | eORCA1* ) OcePerio=6 ;; |
272 | ( ORCA025* | eORCA025 ) OcePerio=6 ;; |
273 | esac |
274 | # |
275 | echo ${Titre}"Format for OASIS files : should be NetCDF3 classic or NetCDF3 64 bits"${Norm} |
276 | # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
277 | FMT_OASIS=64bit |
278 | FMT_XIOS=netcdf4 |
279 | |
280 | cp ${SUBMIT_DIR}/bin/interpol.exe . |
281 | cp ${SUBMIT_DIR}/*.py . |
282 | cp ${SUBMIT_DIR}/iodef_atm_to_oce.xml . |
283 | cp ${SUBMIT_DIR}/iodef_oce_to_atm.xml . |
284 | |
285 | cp ${R_IN}/OCE/NEMO/${OCE}/${OCE}_coordinates_mask.nc . |
286 | cp ${R_IN}/ATM/GRID/${ATM}_grid.nc . |
287 | |
288 | # |
289 | # echo ${Titre}"Creates OCEAN C grid : redundant points removed to compute proper integrals # A passer dans CreateWeights"${Norm} |
290 | # # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
291 | # cat <<EOF >add_c_grid.nco |
292 | # defdim("x_grid_C", \$x_grid_T.size) ; |
293 | # defdim("y_grid_C", \$y_grid_T.size) ; |
294 | # defdim("nvertex_grid_C", 4) ; |
295 | # nav_lon_grid_C[y_grid_C,x_grid_C] = nav_lon_grid_T(:,:) ; |
296 | # nav_lat_grid_C[y_grid_C,x_grid_C] = nav_lat_grid_T(:,:) ; |
297 | # bounds_lon_grid_C[y_grid_C,x_grid_C,nvertex_grid_C] = bounds_lon_grid_T(:,:,:) ; |
298 | # bounds_lat_grid_C[y_grid_C,x_grid_C,nvertex_grid_C] = bounds_lat_grid_T(:,:,:) ; |
299 | # mask_C[y_grid_C,x_grid_C] = maskutil_T(:,:) ; |
300 | # area_grid_C[y_grid_C,x_grid_C] = area_grid_T(:,:) ; |
301 | # EOF |
302 | |
303 | # ncap2 --overwrite --history --script-file add_c_grid.nco ${OCE}_coordinates_mask.nc tmp_${OCE}_coordinates_mask.nc |
304 | # ncatted --history --attribute bounds,nav_lon_grid_C,m,c,"bounds_lon_grid_C" tmp_${OCE}_coordinates_mask.nc |
305 | # ncatted --history --attribute bounds,nav_lat_grid_C,m,c,"bounds_lat_grid_C" tmp_${OCE}_coordinates_mask.nc |
306 | # ncks --history --overwrite --variable nav_lon_grid_C,nav_lat_grid_C tmp_${OCE}_coordinates_mask.nc C_${OCE}_coordinates_mask.nc |
307 | # ncks --history --append --variable bounds_lon_grid_C,bounds_lat_grid_C tmp_${OCE}_coordinates_mask.nc C_${OCE}_coordinates_mask.nc |
308 | # ncks --history --append --variable area_grid_C tmp_${OCE}_coordinates_mask.nc C_${OCE}_coordinates_mask.nc |
309 | |
310 | # ncks --history --append C_${OCE}_coordinates_mask.nc ${OCE}_coordinates_mask.nc |
311 | # rm C_${OCE}_coordinates_mask.nc |
312 | |
313 | # ls -al |
314 | |
315 | ## |
316 | echo ${Titre}"NEMO T point towards ATM - 1st order"${Norm} |
317 | ## =========================================================================== |
318 | echo "Command parameters : ${Command}" |
319 | setValues ${DefaultValues} |
320 | |
321 | cp iodef_oce_to_atm.xml iodef.xml |
322 | |
323 | python3 update_xml.py -i iodef.xml -n 'context[@id="interpol_read"]/file_definition/file[@id="file_src"]/field[@id="mask_src"]' -k name -v maskutil_T |
324 | python3 update_xml.py -i iodef.xml -n 'context[@id="interpol_read"]/file_definition/file[@id="file_src"]/field[@id="area_src"]' -k name -v area_grid_T |
325 | python3 update_xml.py -i iodef.xml -n 'context[@id="interpol_read"]/domain_definition/domain[@id="domain_src"]' -k type -v ${srcDomainType} |
326 | python3 update_xml.py -i iodef.xml -n 'context[@id="interpol_read"]/domain_definition/domain[@id="domain_dst"]' -k type -v ${dstDomainType} |
327 | python3 update_xml.py -i iodef.xml -n 'context[@id="interpol_run"]/domain_definition/domain[@id="domain_dst"]/interpolate_domain' -k order -v 1 |
328 | python3 update_xml.py -i iodef.xml -n 'context[@id="interpol_run"]/domain_definition/domain[@id="domain_dst"]/interpolate_domain' -k quantity -v false |
329 | python3 update_xml.py -i iodef.xml -n 'context[@id="interpol_run"]/domain_definition/domain[@id="domain_dst"]/interpolate_domain' -k renormalize -v false |
330 | python3 update_xml.py -i iodef.xml -n 'context[@id="interpol_run"]/domain_definition/domain[@id="domain_dst"]/interpolate_domain' -k use_area -v false |
331 | python3 update_xml.py -i iodef.xml -n 'context[@id="interpol_run"]/file_definition/file[@id="file_src"]/field[@id="mask_source"]' -k name -v maskutil_T |
332 | python3 update_xml.py -i iodef.xml -n 'context[@id="interpol_run"]/file_definition/file[@id="file_src"]/field[@id="area_source"]' -k name -v area_grid_T |
333 | python3 update_xml.py -i iodef.xml -n 'context[@id="interpol_run"]/file_definition/file[@id="dia"]' -k name -v dia_${srcGrid}${src}_to_${dstGrid}${dst}_${FullName} |
334 | python3 update_xml.py -i iodef.xml -n 'context[@id="interpol_run"]/file_definition/file[@id="dia"]/variable[@name="title"]' -t "${SRC} mask interpolated to ${DST}" |
335 | python3 update_xml.py -i iodef.xml -n 'context[@id="interpol_run"]/file_definition/file[@id="dia"]/variable[@name="source_grid"]' -t ${srcDomainType} |
336 | python3 update_xml.py -i iodef.xml -n 'context[@id="interpol_run"]/file_definition/file[@id="dia"]/variable[@name="dest_grid"]' -t ${dstDomainType} |
337 | python3 update_xml.py -i iodef.xml -n 'context[@id="interpol_run"]/file_definition/file[@id="dia"]/variable[@name="order"]' -t 1 |
338 | python3 update_xml.py -i iodef.xml -n 'context[@id="interpol_run"]/domain_definition/domain[@id="domain_src"]' -k type -v ${srcDomainType} |
339 | python3 update_xml.py -i iodef.xml -n 'context[@id="interpol_run"]/domain_definition/domain[@id="domain_dst"]' -k type -v ${dstDomainType} |
340 | python3 update_xml.py -i iodef.xml -n 'context[@id="interpol_run"]/domain_definition/domain[@id="domain_dst"]/interpolate_domain' -k weight_filename -v rmp_${srcGrid}${src}_to_${dstGrid}${dst}_${FullName}.nc |
341 | python3 update_xml.py -i iodef.xml -n 'context[@id="interpol_run"]/domain_definition/domain[@id="domain_dst"]/interpolate_domain' -k order -v 1 |
342 | python3 update_xml.py -i iodef.xml -n 'context[@id="interpol_run"]/file_definition/file[@id="dia"]/variable[@name="normalization"]' -t false |
343 | python3 update_xml.py -i iodef.xml -n 'context[@id="interpol_run"]/file_definition/file[@id="dia"]/variable[@name="quantity"]' -t false |
344 | python3 update_xml.py -i iodef.xml -n 'context[@id="interpol_run"]/file_definition/file[@id="dia"]/variable[@name="use_area"]' -t false |
345 | python3 update_xml.py -i iodef.xml -n 'context[@id="interpol_run"]/domain_definition/domain[@id="domain_dst"]/interpolate_domain' -k renormalize -v false |
346 | python3 update_xml.py -i iodef.xml -n 'context[@id="interpol_run"]/domain_definition/domain[@id="domain_dst"]/interpolate_domain' -k quantity -v false |
347 | python3 update_xml.py -i iodef.xml -n 'context[@id="interpol_run"]/domain_definition/domain[@id="domain_dst"]/interpolate_domain' -k use_area -v false |
348 | |
349 | cp iodef.xml iodef_${srcGrid}${src}_to_${dstGrid}${dst}_${FullName}.xml |
350 | ln -fs ${OCE}_coordinates_mask.nc oce_grid.nc |
351 | ln -fs ${ATM}_grid.nc atm_grid.nc |
352 | |
353 | ${MpiRun} ./interpol.exe --mask_src=${maskSrc} --mask_dst=${maskDst} --use_area=${useArea} |
354 | |
355 | ## |
356 | echo ${Titre}"Correct spurious values (extremes)"${Norm} |
357 | ## =========================================================================== |
358 | cat <<EOF > correction_masque.nco |
359 | where (OceFrac < 0.00001 ) OceFrac=OceFrac.get_miss() ; |
360 | where (OceFrac > 0.99999 ) OceFrac=1.0 ; |
361 | OceFrac.delete_miss() ; |
362 | // Fill masked values to land values |
363 | where (OceFrac > 1.0 ) OceFrac=0.0 ; |
364 | where (OceFrac < 0.0 ) OceFrac=0.0 ; |
365 | EOF |
366 | ncap2 --history --overwrite --script-file correction_masque.nco dia_t${oce}_to_t${atm}_${FullName}.nc tmp_dia_t${oce}_to_t${atm}_${FullName}.nc ; mv tmp_dia_t${oce}_to_t${atm}_${FullName}.nc dia_t${oce}_to_t${atm}_${FullName}.nc |
367 | ncatted --history -a missing_value,OceFrac,d,,"" -a _FillValue,OceFrac,d,,"" dia_t${oce}_to_t${atm}_${FullName}.nc |
368 | |
369 | ## |
370 | echo ${Titre}"Creates ocean fractions on ATM grid"${Norm} |
371 | ## =========================================================================== |
372 | cp dia_t${oce}_to_t${atm}_${FullName}.nc dia_t${oce}_to_t${atm}_${FullName}_mask.nc |
373 | ncks --alphabetize --history --overwrite --variable OceFrac dia_t${oce}_to_t${atm}_${FullName}_mask.nc ${ATM}_grid_maskFrom_${OCE}.nc |
374 | |
375 | cat <<EOF > creation_masque.nco |
376 | where (OceFrac > 0.0 ) OceFrac=1 ; |
377 | where (OceFrac <= 0.0 ) OceFrac=0 ; |
378 | EOF |
379 | |
380 | ncap2 --history --overwrite --script-file creation_masque.nco dia_t${oce}_to_t${atm}_${FullName}_mask.nc tmp_dia_t${oce}_to_t${atm}_${FullName}_mask.nc ; mv tmp_dia_t${oce}_to_t${atm}_${FullName}_mask.nc dia_t${oce}_to_t${atm}_${FullName}_mask.nc |
381 | ncrename --history --variable OceFrac,OceMask dia_t${oce}_to_t${atm}_${FullName}_mask.nc |
382 | |
383 | ncks --overwrite --history --variable OceMask dia_t${oce}_to_t${atm}_${FullName}_mask.nc tmp_OceMask.nc |
384 | ncks --history --append tmp_OceMask.nc ${ATM}_grid_maskFrom_${OCE}.nc |
385 | rm dia_t${oce}_to_t${atm}_${FullName}_mask.nc |
386 | |
387 | echo "Change dimension names, and some attributes accordingly" |
388 | if [[ $(ncdump -h ${ATM}_grid_maskFrom_${OCE}.nc | grep domain_dst | wc -l) -gt 0 ]] ; then |
389 | case ${atm} in |
390 | ( *ico* ) |
391 | ncrename --history --dimension cell_domain_dst,cell ${ATM}_grid_maskFrom_${OCE}.nc |
392 | ncrename --history --dimension nvertex_domain_dst,nvertex ${ATM}_grid_maskFrom_${OCE}.nc |
393 | ncrename --history --variable lat_domain_dst,lat ${ATM}_grid_maskFrom_${OCE}.nc |
394 | ncrename --history --variable lon_domain_dst,lon ${ATM}_grid_maskFrom_${OCE}.nc |
395 | ncrename --history --variable bounds_lat_domain_dst,bounds_lat ${ATM}_grid_maskFrom_${OCE}.nc |
396 | ncrename --history --variable bounds_lon_domain_dst,bounds_lon ${ATM}_grid_maskFrom_${OCE}.nc |
397 | ncatted --history --attribute bounds,lat,m,c,"bounds_lat" ${ATM}_grid_maskFrom_${OCE}.nc |
398 | ncatted --history --attribute bounds,lon,m,c,"bounds_lon" ${ATM}_grid_maskFrom_${OCE}.nc |
399 | ;; |
400 | ( *lmd* ) |
401 | ncrename --history --dimension lon_domain_dst,lon ${ATM}_grid_maskFrom_${OCE}.nc |
402 | ncrename --history --dimension lat_domain_dst,lat ${ATM}_grid_maskFrom_${OCE}.nc |
403 | ;; |
404 | esac |
405 | ncatted --history --attribute coordinates,OceFrac,m,c,"lat lon" ${ATM}_grid_maskFrom_${OCE}.nc |
406 | ncatted --history --attribute coordinates,OceMask,m,c,"lat lon" ${ATM}_grid_maskFrom_${OCE}.nc |
407 | |
408 | fi |
409 | |
410 | ncks --history --alphabetize --append --variable aire atm_grid.nc ${ATM}_grid_maskFrom_${OCE}.nc |
411 | [[ ${atm} = *ico* ]] && ncks --alphabetize --history --append --variable bounds_lon,bounds_lat atm_grid.nc ${ATM}_grid_maskFrom_${OCE}.nc |
412 | |
413 | ## |
414 | #echo ${Titre}"Creates mask of coastal OCE points"${Norm} |
415 | ## =========================================================================== |
416 | #${PyRun} python3 -u ComputeNemoCoast.py -n ${OcePerio} -i ${OCE}_coordinates_mask.nc # Creates OceCoastal |
417 | |
418 | ## |
419 | #echo ${Titre}"Creates mask of coastal ATM points"${Norm} |
420 | ## =========================================================================== |
421 | #cat <<EOF > coastal.nco |
422 | #AtmCoastal = OceFrac * 0.0 ; |
423 | #where (OceFrac > 0.0 && OceFrac < 1.0 ) AtmCoastal = 1.0 ; |
424 | #EOF |
425 | #ncap2 --history --overwrite --script-file coastal.nco ${ATM}_grid_maskFrom_${OCE}.nc ${ATM}_coastal_maskFrom_${OCE}.nc |
426 | #ncks --history --append --variable AtmCoastal ${ATM}_coastal_maskFrom_${OCE}.nc ${ATM}_grid_maskFrom_${OCE}.nc |
427 | #rm ${ATM}_coastal_maskFrom_${OCE}.nc |
428 | |
429 | ## |
430 | echo ${Titre}"Other weights files"${Norm} |
431 | ## =========================================================================== |
432 | # Loop on commands |
433 | for Command in ${CommandList[@]} |
434 | do |
435 | echo "Command parameters : ${Command}" |
436 | setValues ${Command} |
437 | if [[ ${Command} = "Runoff" ]] ; then okRunoff=yes ; continue ; fi |
438 | if [[ ${Command} = "Calving" ]] ; then okCalving=yes ; continue ; fi |
439 | if [[ ${Command} = "Grids" ]] ; then okGrids=yes ; continue ; fi |
440 | |
441 | ln -fs ${OCE}_coordinates_mask.nc oce_grid.nc |
442 | ln -fs ${ATM}_grid.nc atm_grid.nc |
443 | |
444 | case ${Direction} in |
445 | ( o2a ) |
446 | cp iodef_oce_to_atm.xml iodef.xml |
447 | |
448 | python3 update_xml.py -i iodef.xml -n 'context[@id="interpol_read"]/file_definition/file[@id="file_src"]/field[@id="mask_src"]' -k name -v mask_${DSTGRID} |
449 | python3 update_xml.py -i iodef.xml -n 'context[@id="interpol_read"]/file_definition/file[@id="file_dst"]/field[@id="mask_dst"]' -k name -v OceMask |
450 | |
451 | python3 update_xml.py -i iodef.xml -n 'context[@id="interpol_run"]/file_definition/file[@id="file_src"]/field[@id="mask_source"]' -k name -v maskutil_${SRCGRID} |
452 | python3 update_xml.py -i iodef.xml -n 'context[@id="interpol_run"]/file_definition/file[@id="file_src"]/field[@id="area_source"]' -k name -v area_grid_${SRCGRID} |
453 | python3 update_xml.py -i iodef.xml -n 'context[@id="interpol_run"]/file_definition/file[@id="file_dst"]/field[@id="mask_dest"]' -k name -v OceMask |
454 | python3 update_xml.py -i iodef.xml -n 'context[@id="interpol_run"]/file_definition/file[@id="file_dst"]/field[@id="area_dest"]' -k name -v aire |
455 | ;; |
456 | ( a2o ) |
457 | cp iodef_atm_to_oce.xml iodef.xml |
458 | |
459 | python3 update_xml.py -i iodef.xml -n 'context[@id="interpol_read"]/file_definition/file[@id="file_src"]/field[@id="mask_src"]' -k name -v OceMask |
460 | python3 update_xml.py -i iodef.xml -n 'context[@id="interpol_read"]/file_definition/file[@id="file_dst"]/field[@id="mask_dst"]' -k name -v mask_${DSTGRID} |
461 | |
462 | python3 update_xml.py -i iodef.xml -n 'context[@id="interpol_run"]/file_definition/file[@id="file_src"]/field[@id="mask_source"]' -k name -v OceMask |
463 | python3 update_xml.py -i iodef.xml -n 'context[@id="interpol_run"]/file_definition/file[@id="file_src"]/field[@id="area_source"]' -k name -v aire |
464 | python3 update_xml.py -i iodef.xml -n 'context[@id="interpol_run"]/file_definition/file[@id="file_dst"]/field[@id="mask_dest"]' -k name -v mask_${DSTGRID} |
465 | python3 update_xml.py -i iodef.xml -n 'context[@id="interpol_run"]/file_definition/file[@id="file_dst"]/field[@id="area_dest"]' -k name -v area_grid_${DSTGRID} |
466 | ;; |
467 | esac |
468 | |
469 | python3 update_xml.py -i iodef.xml -n 'context[@id="interpol_read"]/domain_definition/domain[@id="domain_dst"]' -k type -v ${dstDomainType} |
470 | python3 update_xml.py -i iodef.xml -n 'context[@id="interpol_read"]/domain_definition/domain[@id="domain_src"]' -k type -v ${srcDomainType} |
471 | |
472 | python3 update_xml.py -i iodef.xml -n 'context[@id="interpol_run"]/domain_definition/domain[@id="domain_src"]' -k type -v ${srcDomainType} |
473 | python3 update_xml.py -i iodef.xml -n 'context[@id="interpol_run"]/domain_definition/domain[@id="domain_dst"]' -k type -v ${dstDomainType} |
474 | |
475 | python3 update_xml.py -i iodef.xml -n 'context[@id="interpol_run"]/domain_definition/domain[@id="domain_dst"]/interpolate_domain' -k weight_filename -v rmp_${srcGrid}${src}_to_${dstGrid}${dst}_${FullName}.nc |
476 | python3 update_xml.py -i iodef.xml -n 'context[@id="interpol_run"]/domain_definition/domain[@id="domain_dst"]/interpolate_domain' -k order -v ${numOrder} |
477 | python3 update_xml.py -i iodef.xml -n 'context[@id="interpol_run"]/domain_definition/domain[@id="domain_dst"]/interpolate_domain' -k quantity -v ${Quantity} |
478 | python3 update_xml.py -i iodef.xml -n 'context[@id="interpol_run"]/domain_definition/domain[@id="domain_dst"]/interpolate_domain' -k renormalize -v ${Renormalize} |
479 | python3 update_xml.py -i iodef.xml -n 'context[@id="interpol_run"]/domain_definition/domain[@id="domain_dst"]/interpolate_domain' -k use_area -v ${useArea} |
480 | |
481 | python3 update_xml.py -i iodef.xml -n 'context[@id="interpol_run"]/file_definition/file[@id="dia"]' -k name -v dia_${srcGrid}${src}_to_${dstGrid}${dst}_${FullName} |
482 | python3 update_xml.py -i iodef.xml -n 'context[@id="interpol_run"]/file_definition/file[@id="dia"]/variable[@name="title"]' -t "${SRC} mask interpolated to ${DST}" |
483 | python3 update_xml.py -i iodef.xml -n 'context[@id="interpol_run"]/file_definition/file[@id="dia"]/variable[@name="dest_grid"]' -t ${dstDomainType} |
484 | python3 update_xml.py -i iodef.xml -n 'context[@id="interpol_run"]/file_definition/file[@id="dia"]/variable[@name="source_grid"]' -t ${srcDomainType} |
485 | python3 update_xml.py -i iodef.xml -n 'context[@id="interpol_run"]/file_definition/file[@id="dia"]/variable[@name="normalization"]' -t ${Renormalize} |
486 | python3 update_xml.py -i iodef.xml -n 'context[@id="interpol_run"]/file_definition/file[@id="dia"]/variable[@name="order"]' -t ${numOrder} |
487 | python3 update_xml.py -i iodef.xml -n 'context[@id="interpol_run"]/file_definition/file[@id="dia"]/variable[@name="quantity"]' -t ${Quantity} |
488 | python3 update_xml.py -i iodef.xml -n 'context[@id="interpol_run"]/file_definition/file[@id="dia"]/variable[@name="use_area"]' -t ${useArea} |
489 | |
490 | cp iodef.xml iodef_${srcGrid}${src}_to_${dstGrid}${dst}_${FullName}.xml |
491 | ${MpiRun} ./interpol.exe --mask_src=${maskSrc} --mask_dst=${maskDst} --use_area=${useArea} |
492 | done |
493 | |
494 | echo ${Titre}"Add time axis and coordinates information"${Norm} |
495 | ## (needed if files need to be read by XIOS) |
496 | ## =========================================================================== |
497 | ncap2 --overwrite --history --script 'defdim("time_counter",1) ;' ${ATM}_grid_maskFrom_${OCE}.nc tmp_${ATM}_grid_maskFrom_${OCE}.nc ; mv tmp_${ATM}_grid_maskFrom_${OCE}.nc ${ATM}_grid_maskFrom_${OCE}.nc |
498 | |
499 | if [[ ${atm} = ico ]] ; then |
500 | cat <<EOF > add_time.nco |
501 | OceFrac [time_counter,cell] = OceFrac [cell] ; |
502 | OceMask [time_counter,cell] = OceMask [cell] ; |
503 | EOF |
504 | ncap2 --overwrite --history --script-file add_time.nco ${ATM}_grid_maskFrom_${OCE}.nc tmp_${ATM}_grid_maskFrom_${OCE}.nc ; mv tmp_${ATM}_grid_maskFrom_${OCE}.nc ${ATM}_grid_maskFrom_${OCE}.nc |
505 | ncatted --history \ |
506 | -a coordinates,OceFrac,m,c,"time_counter lat lon" \ |
507 | -a coordinates,OceMask,m,c,"time_counter lat lon" \ |
508 | -a coordinates,aire,c,c,"lat lon" \ |
509 | ${ATM}_grid_maskFrom_${OCE}.nc |
510 | fi |
511 | |
512 | if [[ ${atm} = lmd ]] ; then |
513 | cat <<EOF > add_time.nco |
514 | OceFrac [time_counter,lat,lon] = OceFrac [lat,lon] ; |
515 | OceMask [time_counter,lat,lon] = OceMask [lat,lon] ; |
516 | EOF |
517 | ncap2 --overwrite --history --script-file add_time.nco ${ATM}_grid_maskFrom_${OCE}.nc tmp_${ATM}_grid_maskFrom_${OCE}.nc |
518 | ncdump -h tmp_${ATM}_grid_maskFrom_${OCE}.nc |
519 | mv tmp_${ATM}_grid_maskFrom_${OCE}.nc ${ATM}_grid_maskFrom_${OCE}.nc |
520 | |
521 | ncatted --history \ |
522 | -a coordinates,OceFrac,m,c,"time_counter lat lon" \ |
523 | -a coordinates,OceMask,m,c,"time_counter lat lon" \ |
524 | -a coordinates,aire,m,c,"lat lon" \ |
525 | ${ATM}_grid_maskFrom_${OCE}.nc |
526 | fi |
527 | ncks --alphabetize --history --overwrite --mk_rec time_counter ${ATM}_grid_maskFrom_${OCE}.nc tmp_${ATM}_grid_maskFrom_${OCE}.nc ; mv tmp_${ATM}_grid_maskFrom_${OCE}.nc ${ATM}_grid_maskFrom_${OCE}.nc |
528 | |
529 | ## |
530 | echo ${Titre}"Add some metadata in file headers"${Norm} |
531 | ## =========================================================================== |
532 | |
533 | UUID=$(uuid) |
534 | NCO="$(ncks --version |& tail -1|sed 's/ncks //')" |
535 | PYTHON_VER=$( python3 -c "import sys ; print (sys.version.split(' ')[0])" ) |
536 | for InFile in $(ls *${oce}_to_*${atm}_*.nc *${atm}_to_*${oce}_*.nc ${ATM}_grid_maskFrom_${OCE}.nc 2> /dev/null) ; do |
537 | ncatted --history \ |
538 | --attribute uuid,global,d,, \ |
539 | --attribute LongName,global,d,, \ |
540 | --attribute nco_openmp_thread_number,global,d,, \ |
541 | --attribute Conventions,global,o,c,"CF-1.6" \ |
542 | --attribute source,global,o,c,"IPSL Earth system model" \ |
543 | --attribute group,global,o,c,"ICMC IPSL Climate Modelling Center" \ |
544 | --attribute Institution,global,o,c,"IPSL https://www.ipsl.fr" \ |
545 | --attribute Ocean,global,o,c,"${OCE} https://www.nemo-ocean.eu" \ |
546 | --attribute Atmosphere,global,o,c,"${ATM} http://lmdz.lmd.jussieu.fr" \ |
547 | --attribute production,global,o,c,"$(finger ${LOGNAME} | head -1 | awk '{print $4, $5}') " \ |
548 | --attribute originalFiles,global,o,c,"${OCE}_coordinates_mask.nc ${ATM}_grid_mask.nc" \ |
549 | --attribute associatedFiles,global,o,c,"grids_${CplModel}.nc areas_${CplModel}.nc masks_${CplModel}.nc" \ |
550 | --attribute directory,global,o,c,"$(pwd)" \ |
551 | --attribute description,global,o,c,"Fields needed by OASIS-MCT" \ |
552 | --attribute title,global,o,c,"${InFile}.nc" \ |
553 | --attribute Program,global,o,c,"Generated by ${PROGRAM}" \ |
554 | --attribute timeStamp,global,o,c,"$(date)" \ |
555 | --attribute uuid,global,o,c,"${UUID}" \ |
556 | --attribute HOSTNAME,global,o,c,"$(hostname)" \ |
557 | --attribute LOGNAME,global,o,c,"$(whoami)" \ |
558 | --attribute NCO,global,o,c,"NCO netCDF Operator ${NCO} http://nco.sourceforge.net" \ |
559 | --attribute Python,global,o,c,"Python3 version ${PYTHON_VER}" \ |
560 | --attribute OS,global,o,c,"$(uname -o)" \ |
561 | --attribute release,global,o,c,"$(uname -r)" \ |
562 | --attribute directory,global,o,c,"$(pwd)" \ |
563 | --attribute description,global,o,c,"Generated with XIOS http://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/ioserver and MOSAIX https://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/igcmg/browser/TOOLS/MOSAIX" \ |
564 | --attribute SVN_Author,global,o,c,'$Author$' \ |
565 | --attribute SVN_Date,global,o,c,'$Date$' \ |
566 | --attribute SVN_Revision,global,o,c,'$Revision$' \ |
567 | --attribute SVN_Id,global,o,c,'$Id$' \ |
568 | ${InFile} |
569 | done |
570 | ## |
571 | echo ${Titre}"Update and complete weight files to fit OASIS requested format"${Norm} |
572 | ## =========================================================================== |
573 | cat <<EOF > add_dim.nco |
574 | defdim("num_wgts",1) ; |
575 | weight[n_weight, num_wgts] = weight ; |
576 | EOF |
577 | |
578 | for rmpFile in rmp_*.nc ; do |
579 | mv ${rmpFile} tmp_${rmpFile} |
580 | ncap2 --history --script-file add_dim.nco tmp_${rmpFile} ${rmpFile} ; rm tmp_${rmpFile} |
581 | |
582 | ncrename --history --dimension n_weight,num_links ${rmpFile} |
583 | ncrename --history --variable src_idx,src_address ${rmpFile} |
584 | ncrename --history --variable dst_idx,dst_address ${rmpFile} |
585 | ncrename --history --variable weight,remap_matrix ${rmpFile} |
586 | case ${rmpFile} in |
587 | ( *1storder* ) ncatted --history --attribute map_method,global,o,c,"Conservative Remapping - 1st order" ${rmpFile} ;; |
588 | ( *2ndorder* ) ncatted --history --attribute map_method,global,o,c,"Conservative Remapping - 2nd order" ${rmpFile} ;; |
589 | esac |
590 | case ${rmpFile} in |
591 | ( *_Normalized* ) ncatted --history --attribute map_method,global,o,c,"Normalization: true" ${rmpFile} ;; |
592 | ( *_UnNormalized* ) ncatted --history --attribute map_method,global,o,c,"Normalization: false" ${rmpFile} ;; |
593 | esac |
594 | case ${rmpFile} in |
595 | ( *Integrated* ) ncatted --history --attribute map_method,global,o,c,"Quantity: true" ${rmpFile} ;; |
596 | ( *Surfacic* ) ncatted --history --attribute map_method,global,o,c,"Quantity: false" ${rmpFile} ;; |
597 | esac |
598 | ncatted --history --attribute conventions,global,o,c,"SCRIP" ${rmpFile} |
599 | ncatted --history --attribute normalization,global,o,c,"none" ${rmpFile} |
600 | |
601 | case ${rmpFile} in |
602 | ( rmp_*${oce}_to_t${atm}_* ) |
603 | ncatted --history \ |
604 | --attribute title,global,o,c,"Weights ${OCE} to ${ATM}" \ |
605 | --attribute source_grid,global,o,c,"${oceDomainType}" \ |
606 | --attribute dest_grid,global,o,c,"${atmDomainType}" \ |
607 | ${rmpFile} |
608 | ;; |
609 | ( rmp_*${atm}_to_*${oce}_* ) |
610 | ncatted --history \ |
611 | --attribute title,global,o,c,"Weights ${ATM} to ${OCE}" \ |
612 | --attribute source_grid,global,o,c,"${atmDomainType}" \ |
613 | --attribute dest_grid,global,o,c,"${oceDomainType}" \ |
614 | ${rmpFile} |
615 | ;; |
616 | esac |
617 | done |
618 | |
619 | ls |
620 | ## |
621 | echo ${Titre}"Add missing variables in rmp files"${Norm} |
622 | ## =========================================================================== |
623 | for rmpFile in $(ls rmp_?${atm}_to_[tuv]${oce}_*.nc rmp_[tuv]${oce}_to_t${atm}_*.nc 2>& /dev/null ) ; do |
624 | echo ${rmpFile} |
625 | a_to_o=false ; o_to_a=false |
626 | case ${rmpFile} in |
627 | ( rmp_?${oce}_to_?${atm}_*.nc ) o_to_a=true ;; |
628 | ( rmp_?${atm}_to_?${oce}_*.nc ) a_to_o=true ;; |
629 | esac |
630 | |
631 | for Grid in t u v o c ; do # Identify grids |
632 | [[ ${rmpFile} = rmp_${Grid}${oce}_to_?${atm}_*.nc ]] && ogrid=${Grid} |
633 | [[ ${rmpFile} = rmp_?${oce}_to_${Grid}${atm}_*.nc ]] && agrid=${Grid} |
634 | [[ ${rmpFile} = rmp_${Grid}${atm}_to_?${oce}_*.nc ]] && agrid=${Grid} |
635 | [[ ${rmpFile} = rmp_?${atm}_to_${Grid}${oce}_*.nc ]] && ogrid=${Grid} |
636 | done |
637 | OGRID=${ogrid^} |
638 | AGRID=${agrid^} |
639 | |
640 | cat <<EOF >add_varoce.nco |
641 | defdim ("src_grid_size" , \$x_grid_${OGRID}.size*\$y_grid_${OGRID}.size) ; |
642 | defdim ("src_grid_corners", 4) ; |
643 | defdim ("src_grid_rank" , 2) ; |
644 | // |
645 | src_grid_dims[src_grid_rank] = { \$y_grid_${OGRID}.size, \$x_grid_${OGRID}.size } ; |
646 | // |
647 | src_grid_center_lat [src_grid_size] = 0.0d ; |
648 | src_grid_center_lon [src_grid_size] = 0.0d ; |
649 | src_grid_center_lat (:) = nav_lat_grid_${OGRID}(:,:) ; |
650 | src_grid_center_lon (:) = nav_lon_grid_${OGRID}(:,:) ; |
651 | // |
652 | src_grid_corner_lat [src_grid_size, src_grid_corners] = 0.0d ; |
653 | src_grid_corner_lon [src_grid_size, src_grid_corners] = 0.0d ; |
654 | src_grid_corner_lat(:,:) = bounds_lat_grid_${OGRID}(:,:,:) ; |
655 | src_grid_corner_lon(:,:) = bounds_lon_grid_${OGRID}(:,:,:) ; |
656 | // |
657 | src_grid_imask [src_grid_size] = 0 ; |
658 | src_grid_area [src_grid_size] = 0.0d ; |
659 | src_grid_frac [src_grid_size] = 1.0d ; |
660 | src_grid_imask (:) = 1 - mask_${OGRID}(:,:) ; |
661 | src_grid_imask.int() ; |
662 | src_grid_area (:) = area_grid_${OGRID}(:,:) ; |
663 | EOF |
664 | |
665 | cp add_varoce.nco add_varoce_$(basename ${rmpFile} .nc)_o_to_a.nco |
666 | [[ ${o_to_a} = true ]] && ncap2 --history --append --script-file add_varoce_$(basename ${rmpFile} .nc)_o_to_a.nco ${OCE}_coordinates_mask.nc ${rmpFile} |
667 | sed --in-place "s/src_/dst_/g" add_varoce.nco |
668 | cp add_varoce.nco add_varoce_$(basename ${rmpFile} .nc)_a_to_o.nco |
669 | [[ ${a_to_o} = true ]] && ncap2 --history --append --script-file add_varoce_$(basename ${rmpFile} .nc)_a_to_o.nco ${OCE}_coordinates_mask.nc ${rmpFile} |
670 | |
671 | if [[ ${atm} = ico ]] ; then |
672 | cat <<EOF >add_varatm.nco |
673 | defdim ("dst_grid_size" , \$cell.size) ; |
674 | defdim ("dst_grid_corners", 6) ; |
675 | defdim ("dst_grid_rank" , 2) ; |
676 | // |
677 | dst_grid_dims[dst_grid_rank] = { \$cell.size, 1 } ; |
678 | // |
679 | dst_grid_center_lat [dst_grid_size] = 0.0d ; |
680 | dst_grid_center_lon [dst_grid_size] = 0.0d ; |
681 | dst_grid_center_lat (:) = lat(:) ; |
682 | dst_grid_center_lon (:) = lon(:) ; |
683 | // |
684 | dst_grid_corner_lat [dst_grid_size, dst_grid_corners] = 0.0d ; |
685 | dst_grid_corner_lon [dst_grid_size, dst_grid_corners] = 0.0d ; |
686 | dst_grid_corner_lat(:,:) = bounds_lat(:,:) ; |
687 | dst_grid_corner_lon(:,:) = bounds_lon(:,:) ; |
688 | // |
689 | dst_grid_imask [dst_grid_size] = 0 ; |
690 | dst_grid_area [dst_grid_size] = 0.0d ; |
691 | dst_grid_frac [dst_grid_size] = 1.0d ; |
692 | dst_grid_imask (:) = 1 - OceMask(0,:) ; |
693 | dst_grid_imask.int() ; |
694 | dst_grid_area (:) = aire(:) ; |
695 | dst_grid_frac (:) = OceFrac(0,:) ; |
696 | EOF |
697 | cp add_varatm.nco add_varatm_$(basename ${rmpFile} .nc)_o_to_a.nco |
698 | if [[ ${o_to_a} = true ]] ; then |
699 | ncap2 --history --append --script-file add_varatm_$(basename ${rmpFile} .nc)_o_to_a.nco ${ATM}_grid_maskFrom_${OCE}.nc ${rmpFile} |
700 | ncks --alphabetize --history --overwrite --variable src_address,dst_address,remap_matrix,src_grid_dims,src_grid_center_lat,src_grid_center_lon,src_grid_corner_lon,src_grid_corner_lat,src_grid_area,src_grid_imask,dst_grid_dims,dst_grid_center_lat,dst_grid_center_lon,dst_grid_corner_lon,dst_grid_corner_lat,dst_grid_area,dst_grid_imask ${rmpFile} rmp_tmp.nc |
701 | mv rmp_tmp.nc ${rmpFile} |
702 | fi |
703 | |
704 | sed --in-place "s/dst_/src_/g" add_varatm.nco |
705 | cp add_varatm.nco add_varatm_$(basename ${rmpFile} .nc)_a_to_o.nco |
706 | if [[ ${a_to_o} = true ]] ; then |
707 | ncap2 --history --append --script-file add_varatm_$(basename ${rmpFile} .nc)_a_to_o.nco ${ATM}_grid_maskFrom_${OCE}.nc ${rmpFile} |
708 | ncks --alphabetize --history --overwrite --variable src_address,dst_address,remap_matrix,src_grid_dims,src_grid_center_lat,src_grid_center_lon,src_grid_corner_lon,src_grid_corner_lat,src_grid_area,src_grid_imask,dst_grid_dims,dst_grid_center_lat,dst_grid_center_lon,dst_grid_corner_lon,dst_grid_corner_lat,dst_grid_area,dst_grid_imask ${rmpFile} rmp_tmp.nc |
709 | mv rmp_tmp.nc ${rmpFile} |
710 | fi |
711 | fi |
712 | |
713 | if [[ ${atm} = lmd ]] ; then |
714 | cat <<EOF >add_varatm.nco |
715 | defdim ("dst_grid_size" , \$lon.size*\$lat.size) ; |
716 | defdim ("dst_grid_corners", 4) ; |
717 | defdim ("dst_grid_rank" , 2) ; |
718 | // |
719 | dst_grid_dims[dst_grid_rank] = { \$lat.size, \$lon.size } ; |
720 | // |
721 | dst_grid_center_lat [dst_grid_size] = 0.0d ; |
722 | dst_grid_center_lon [dst_grid_size] = 0.0d ; |
723 | lat0lon[lat,lon] = lat(:)+0*lon(:) ; |
724 | lon0lat[lat,lon] = lon(:)+0*lat(:) ; |
725 | dst_grid_center_lat (:) = lat0lon(:,:) ; |
726 | dst_grid_center_lon (:) = lon0lat(:,:) ; |
727 | // |
728 | //dst_grid_corner_lat [dst_grid_size, dst_grid_corners] = 0.0d ; // Not available for LMDZ lon/lat grid |
729 | //dst_grid_corner_lon [dst_grid_size, dst_grid_corners] = 0.0d ; |
730 | //dst_grid_corner_lat(:,:) = bounds_lat(:,:) ; |
731 | //dst_grid_corner_lon(:,:) = bounds_lon(:,:) ; |
732 | // |
733 | dst_grid_imask [dst_grid_size] = 0 ; |
734 | dst_grid_area [dst_grid_size] = 0.0d ; |
735 | dst_grid_frac [dst_grid_size] = 1.0d ; |
736 | dst_grid_imask (:) = 1 - OceMask(0,:,:) ; |
737 | dst_grid_imask.int() ; |
738 | dst_grid_area (:) = aire(:,:) ; |
739 | dst_grid_frac (:) = OceFrac(0,:,:) ; |
740 | EOF |
741 | cp add_varatm.nco add_varatm_$(basename ${rmpFile} .nc)_o_to_a.nco |
742 | if [[ ${o_to_a} = true ]] ; then |
743 | ncap2 --history --append --script-file add_varatm_$(basename ${rmpFile} .nc)_o_to_a.nco ${ATM}_grid_maskFrom_${OCE}.nc ${rmpFile} |
744 | ncks --alphabetize --history --overwrite --variable src_address,dst_address,remap_matrix,src_grid_dims,src_grid_center_lat,src_grid_center_lon,src_grid_corner_lon,src_grid_corner_lat,src_grid_area,src_grid_imask,dst_grid_dims,dst_grid_center_lat,dst_grid_center_lon,dst_grid_area,dst_grid_imask ${rmpFile} rmp_tmp.nc |
745 | mv rmp_tmp.nc ${rmpFile} |
746 | fi |
747 | |
748 | sed --in-place "s/dst/src/g" add_varatm.nco |
749 | cp add_varatm.nco add_varatm_$(basename ${rmpFile} .nc)_a_to_o.nco |
750 | if [[ ${a_to_o} = true ]] ; then |
751 | ncap2 --history --append --script-file add_varatm_$(basename ${rmpFile} .nc)_a_to_o.nco ${ATM}_grid_maskFrom_${OCE}.nc ${rmpFile} |
752 | ncks --alphabetize --history --overwrite --variable src_address,dst_address,remap_matrix,src_grid_dims,src_grid_center_lat,src_grid_center_lon,src_grid_area,src_grid_imask,dst_grid_dims,dst_grid_center_lat,dst_grid_center_lon,dst_grid_corner_lon,dst_grid_corner_lat,dst_grid_area,dst_grid_imask ${rmpFile} rmp_tmp.nc |
753 | mv rmp_tmp.nc ${rmpFile} |
754 | fi |
755 | fi |
756 | done |
757 | ls -al ${OCE}_coordinates_mask.nc |
758 | |
759 | ## |
760 | ## ============================================================================ |
761 | echo ${Titre}"Creates and save auxiliary files for OASIS : grids.nc, areas.nc and masks.nc"${Norm} |
762 | cp ${SUBMIT_DIR}/CreateOasisGrids.bash . |
763 | bash CreateOasisGrids.bash --oce ${OCE} --atm ${ATM} |
764 | |
765 | |
766 | ## |
767 | echo ${Titre}"Runoff weights"${Norm} |
768 | ## =========================================================================== |
769 | #if [[ "X${okRunoff}" = "Xyes" && "${atm}" = "lmd" ]] ; then |
770 | if [[ "X${okRunoff}" = "Xyes" ]] ; then |
771 | ${PyRun} python3 -u RunoffWeights.py --oce=${OCE} --atm=${ATM} \ |
772 | --atmCoastWidth=${atmCoastWidth} --oceCoastWidth=${oceCoastWidth} --searchRadius=${searchRadius} \ |
773 | --grids=grids_${CplModel}.nc --areas=areas_${CplModel}.nc --masks=masks_${CplModel}.nc \ |
774 | --o2a=${ATM}_grid_maskFrom_${OCE}.nc --output=rmp_t${atm}_to_t${oce}_runoff_${runOff_atmQuantity}_to_${runOff_oceQuantity}.nc \ |
775 | --fmt=${FMT_XIOS} \ |
776 | --atmQuantity=${runOff_atmQuantity} --oceQuantity=${runOff_oceQuantity} |
777 | fi |
778 | |
779 | ## |
780 | echo ${Titre}"Calving weights"${Norm} |
781 | ## =========================================================================== |
782 | if [[ "X${okCalving}" = "Xyes" ]] ; then |
783 | case ${OCE} in |
784 | ( eORCA025 ) |
785 | cp /ccc/work/cont003/gencmip6/deshayej/eORCA_R025_runoff_v1.2.nc . |
786 | ${PyRun} python3 -u CalvingWeights.py --output=rmp_t${atm}_to_t${oce}_calving_nosouth.nc --fmt=${FMT_XIOS} \ |
787 | --oce=${OCE} --atm=${ATM} --type=nosouth --dir=. |
788 | ${PyRun} python3 -u CalvingWeights.py --output=rmp_t${atm}_to_t${oce}_calving_iceberg.nc --fmt=${FMT_XIOS} \ |
789 | --oce=${OCE} --atm=${ATM} --type=iceberg --dir=. --repartition_file=eORCA_R025_runoff_v1.2.nc --repartition_var=Icb_flux |
790 | ${PyRun} python3 -u CalvingWeights.py --output=rmp_t${atm}_to_t${oce}_calving_iceshelf.nc --fmt=${FMT_XIOS} \ |
791 | --oce=${OCE} --atm=${ATM} --type=iceshelf --dir=. --repartition_file=eORCA_R025_runoff_v1.2.nc --repartition_var=sornfisf |
792 | ;; |
793 | |
794 | ( eORCA1.2 ) |
795 | cp ${R_IN}/OCE/NEMO/ORCA1_LIM3_PISCES/v3.6_stable/runoff-icb_DaiTrenberth_Depoorter_eORCA1_JD.nc . |
796 | ${PyRun} python3 -u CalvingWeights.py --output=rmp_t${atm}_to_t${oce}_calving_nosouth.nc --fmt=${FMT_XIOS}\ |
797 | --oce=${OCE} --atm=${ATM} --type=nosouth --dir=. |
798 | ${PyRun} python3 -u CalvingWeights.py --output=rmp_t${atm}_to_t${oce}_calving_iceberg.nc --fmt=${FMT_XIOS}\ |
799 | --oce=${OCE} --atm=${ATM} --type=iceberg --dir=. --repartition_file=runoff-icb_DaiTrenberth_Depoorter_eORCA1_JD.nc --repartition_var=Icb_flux |
800 | ${PyRun} python3 -u CalvingWeights.py --output=rmp_t${atm}_to_t${oce}_calving_iceshelf.nc --fmt=${FMT_XIOS}\ |
801 | --oce=${OCE} --atm=${ATM} --type=iceshelf --dir=. --repartition_file=runoff-icb_DaiTrenberth_Depoorter_eORCA1_JD.nc --repartition_var=sornfisf |
802 | ;; |
803 | |
804 | ( * ) |
805 | ${PyRun} python3 -u CalvingWeights.py --output=rmp_t${atm}_to_t${oce}_calving_full.nc --fmt=${FMT_XIOS} \ |
806 | --oce=${OCE} --atm=${ATM} --type=full --dir=. |
807 | ;; |
808 | |
809 | esac |
810 | fi |
811 | |
812 | ## |
813 | echo ${Titre}"Simplifies headers, add version and comment"${Norm} |
814 | ## =========================================================================== |
815 | for File in $(ls dia_*.nc rmp_*.nc ${ATM}_grid_maskFrom_${OCE}*.nc areas_${OCE}x${ATM}*.nc grids_${OCE}x${ATM}*.nc masks_${OCE}x${ATM}*.nc 2> /dev/null ) ; do |
816 | ncatted --history --attribute history_of_appended_files,global,d,c,"" ${File} |
817 | ncatted --history --attribute history,global,d,c,"" ${File} |
818 | [[ "X${Comment}" != "X" ]] && ncatted --history --attribute Comment,global,o,c,"${Comment}" ${File} |
819 | [[ "X${Version}" != "X" ]] && ncatted --history --attribute Version,global,o,c,"${Version}" ${File} |
820 | [[ "X${Tag}" != "X" ]] && ncatted --history --attribute Version,global,o,c,"${Tag}" ${File} |
821 | done |
822 | |
823 | ## |
824 | echo ${Titre}"Rename rmp and dia files"${Norm} |
825 | ## =========================================================================== |
826 | for File in $(ls dia_*.nc rmp_*.nc 2>& /dev/null ); do |
827 | NewFile=$(echo ${File} | sed -e "s/${atm}/${ATM}/" -e "s/${oce}/${OCE}/" ) |
828 | mv ${File} ${SUBMIT_DIR}/${NewFile} |
829 | done |
830 | |
831 | ## |
832 | echo ${Titre}"Add Tag"${Norm} |
833 | ## =========================================================================== |
834 | if [[ "X${Tag}" != "X" ]] ; then |
835 | for File in $(ls dia_*.nc rmp_*.nc ${ATM}_grid_maskFrom_${OCE}*.nc areas_${OCE}x${ATM}*.nc grids_${OCE}x${ATM}*.nc masks_${OCE}x${ATM}*.nc 2> /dev/null ) ; do |
836 | mv ${File} $(basename ${File} .nc)_${Tag}.nc |
837 | done |
838 | fi |
839 | ## |
840 | echo ${Titre}"Add Version"${Norm} |
841 | ## =========================================================================== |
842 | if [[ "X${Version}" != "X" ]] ; then |
843 | for File in $(ls dia_*.nc rmp_*.nc ${ATM}_grid_maskFrom_${OCE}*.nc areas_${OCE}x${ATM}*.nc grids_${OCE}x${ATM}*.nc masks_${OCE}x${ATM}*.nc 2> /dev/null ) ; do |
844 | mv ${File} $(basename ${File} .nc)_${Version}.nc |
845 | done |
846 | fi |
847 | |
848 | ## =========================================================================== |
849 | echo ${Titre}"Save results"${Norm} |
850 | ## =========================================================================== |
851 | for File in $(ls dia_*.nc rmp_*.nc ${ATM}_grid_maskFrom_${OCE}*.nc areas_${OCE}x${ATM}*.nc grids_${OCE}x${ATM}*.nc masks_${OCE}x${ATM}*.nc 2> /dev/null ) ; do |
852 | cp ${File} ${SUBMIT_DIR} |
853 | done |
854 | |
855 | |
856 | ## |
857 | echo ${Titre}"Creates a README.txt file"${Norm} |
858 | ## =========================================================================== |
859 | [[ -f README.txt ]] && rm README.txt |
860 | |
861 | cat <<EOF > README.txt |
862 | Files produced by CreateWeightsMask.bash and CreateOasisGrids.bash |
863 | |
864 | rmp_* are weights files |
865 | dia_* are diagnostic files not needed for the coupler |
866 | grids_${CplModel}.nc areas_${CplModel}.nc masks_${CplModel}.nc are auxiliary file needed by OASIS-MCT |
867 | All files have the same uuid in the global attributes |
868 | |
869 | Description : Weigths and auxiliary files for coupling ${OCE} and ${ATM} needed by OASIS-MCT |
870 | Conventions : CF-1.6 |
871 | source : IPSL Earth system model |
872 | group : ICMC IPSL Climate Modelling Center |
873 | Institution : IPSL https://www.ipsl.fr |
874 | Ocean : ${OCE} https://www.nemo-ocean.eu |
875 | Atmosphere : ${ATM} http://lmdz.lmd.jussieu.fr |
876 | production : $(finger ${LOGNAME} | head -1 | awk '{print $4, $5}') |
877 | originalFiles : ${OCE}_coordinates_mask.nc ${ATM}_grid_mask.nc |
878 | associatedFiles : grids_${CplModel}.nc areas_${CplModel}.nc masks_${CplModel}.nc |
879 | directory : $(pwd) |
880 | timeStamp : $(date) |
881 | uuid : ${UUID} |
882 | HOSTNAME : $(hostname) |
883 | LOGNAME : $(whoami) |
884 | NCO : NCO netCDF Operator ${NCO} http://nco.sourceforge.net |
885 | Python version : ${PYTHON_VER} |
886 | OS : $(uname -o) |
887 | release : $(uname -r) |
888 | hardware : $(uname -i) |
889 | EOF |
890 | |
891 | echo 'SVN Information : ' >> README.txt |
892 | echo '$Author$ ' >> README.txt |
893 | echo '$Date$ ' >> README.txt |
894 | echo '$Revision$ ' >> README.txt |
895 | echo '$Id$ ' >> README.txt |
896 | echo '$HeadURL$ ' >> README.txt |
897 | |
898 | echo ${Titre}"Compute checksums and add them to README"${Norm} |
899 | # ------------------------------------------------------------ |
900 | cat << EOF >> README.txt |
901 | UUID common to all files : ${UUID} |
902 | |
903 | Files produced, with checksum produced by Unix command shasum (version $(shasum --version)) with default algorithm |
904 | |
905 | EOF |
906 | |
907 | for file in $(ls dia_*.nc rmp_*.nc ${ATM}_grid_maskFrom_${OCE}*.nc areas_${OCE}x${ATM}*.nc grids_${OCE}x${ATM}*.nc masks_${OCE}x${ATM}*.nc 2> /dev/null ) ; do |
908 | echo "$(shasum ${file})" >> README.txt |
909 | done |
910 | |
911 | cat <<EOF >> README.txt |
912 | |
913 | ================= That's all folk's ! ======================== |
914 | EOF |
915 | |
916 | cp README.txt ${SUBMIT_DIR}/README_${CplModel}_MOSAIX.txt |
917 | |
918 | ## =========================================================================== |
919 | ## |
920 | echo ${Titre}" That's all folk's !!! "${Norm} |
921 | ## |
922 | ## =========================================================================== |
923 | |