Changeset 122 for IOIPSL/trunk/example

08/03/07 15:42:20 (17 years ago)

JB: some cleaning (-> fortran 90)

1 edited


  • IOIPSL/trunk/example/testrest.f90

    r16 r122  
    4   ! 
     5!- This program provide a an example of the basic usage of REST. 
     6!- Here the test the time sampling and averaging. Thus a long 
     7!- time-series is produced and sampled in different ways. 
    59  USE ioipsl 
    6   ! 
    7   !     This program provide a an example of the basic usage of REST. 
    8   !     Here the test the time sampling and averaging. Thus a long 
    9   !     time-series is produced and sampled in different ways. 
    10   ! 
    1111  IMPLICIT NONE 
    12   ! 
    13   INTEGER :: iim, jjm, llm 
     13  INTEGER :: iim,jjm,llm 
    1414  PARAMETER (iim=12,jjm=10,llm=2) 
    15   ! 
    16   REAL :: champ1(iim,jjm,llm), champ2(iim,jjm,llm+1), champ3(iim,jjm,llm) 
     16  REAL :: champ1(iim,jjm,llm),champ2(iim,jjm,llm+1),champ3(iim,jjm,llm) 
    1717  REAL :: champ4(iim,jjm) 
    1818  REAL :: champ_read(iim,jjm,llm) 
    19   REAL :: lon(iim,jjm),lat(iim,jjm), lev(llm) 
     19  REAL :: lon(iim,jjm),lat(iim,jjm),lev(llm) 
    2020  REAL :: x 
    21   ! 
    22   INTEGER :: i, j, l, fid, t, ij, sig_id, hori_id, it 
    23   INTEGER :: day=1, month=1, year=1997 
    24   INTEGER :: itau=1, start, INDEX(1) 
    25   ! 
    26   REAL :: julday, un_mois, un_an 
    27   REAL :: deltat=86400, dt_wrt, dt_op, dt_wrt2, dt_op2 
    28   CHARACTER*20 :: fnamein, fnameout, keyword, value 
    29   ! 
     22  INTEGER :: i,j,l,fid,t,ij,sig_id,hori_id,it 
     23  INTEGER :: day=1,month=1,year=1997 
     24  INTEGER :: itau=1,start,INDEX(1) 
     26  REAL :: julday,un_mois,un_an 
     27  REAL :: deltat=86400,dt_wrt,dt_op,dt_wrt2,dt_op2 
     28  CHARACTER*20 :: fnamein,fnameout,keyword,value 
    3030  REAL :: pi=3.1415 
    31   ! 
    32   !     0.0 Choose a  gregorian calendar 
    33   ! 
    34   CALL ioconf_calendar('gregorian') 
    35   ! 
    36   !     1.0 Define a few variables we will need. These are the coordinates 
    37   !         the file name and the date. 
    38   ! 
    39   DO i = 1, iim 
    40     DO j = 1, jjm 
    41       lon(i,j) = ((float(iim/2)+0.5)-float(i))*pi/float(iim/2) & 
    42          &           *(-1.)*180./pi 
    43       lat(i,j) = 180./pi * ASIN(((float(jjm/2)+0.5) - float(j)) & 
    44          &           /float(jjm/2)) 
     33! 0.0 Choose a  gregorian calendar 
     35  CALL ioconf_calendar ('gregorian') 
     37! 1.0 Define a few variables we will need. 
     38!     These are the coordinates the file name and the date. 
     40  DO i=1,iim 
     41    DO j=1,jjm 
     42      lon(i,j) = & 
     43 &     ((float(iim/2)+0.5)-float(i))*pi/float(iim/2)*(-1.)*180./pi 
     44      lat(i,j) = & 
     45 &     (180./pi)*ASIN(((float(jjm/2)+0.5)-float(j))/float(jjm/2)) 
    4546    ENDDO 
    4647  ENDDO 
    47   ! 
    4849  DO l=1,llm 
    4950    lev(l) = float(l)/llm 
    5051  ENDDO 
    51   ! 
    52   !    1.1 The chosen date is 15 Feb. 1997 as stated above. It has to be  
    53   !         transformed into julian days using the calendar provided by  
    54   !         IOIPSL. 
    55   ! 
    56   CALL ymds2ju(year, month, day, 0.,julday) 
    57   CALL ioget_calendar(un_an) 
     53! 1.1 The chosen date is 15 Feb. 1997 as stated above. It has to be  
     54!     transformed into julian days using the calendar provided by  
     55!     IOIPSL. 
     57  CALL ymds2ju (year,month,day,0.,julday) 
     58  CALL ioget_calendar (un_an) 
    5859  un_mois = un_an/12. 
    5960  dt_wrt = un_mois*deltat 
    6162  dt_wrt2 = -1. 
    6263  dt_op2 = deltat 
    63   ! 
    64   ! 
    6565  fnamein = 'NONE' 
    6666  fnameout = 'restfile' 
    67   ! 
    68   ! 2.0 Create a restart file from nothing ! 
    69   ! 
    70   CALL restini(fnamein, iim, jjm, lon, lat, llm, lev, fnameout, & 
    71      &     itau, julday, deltat, fid) 
    72   ! 
     68! 2.0 Create a restart file from nothing ! 
     70  CALL restini (fnamein,iim,jjm,lon,lat,llm,lev,fnameout, & 
     71 &              itau,julday,deltat,fid) 
    7373  champ1(:,:,:) = ASIN(1.0) 
    7474  champ2(:,:,:) = EXP(ASIN(1.0)) 
    75   ! 
    76   CALL ioconf_setatt('units', '?') 
    77   CALL ioconf_setatt('long_name', 'Tests 1 for a real variable') 
    78   CALL restput(fid, 'test1', iim, jjm, llm, itau, champ1) 
    79   ! 
    80   CALL ioconf_setatt('units', '?') 
    81   CALL ioconf_setatt('long_name', 'Tests 2 for a real variable') 
    82   CALL restput(fid, 'test2', iim, jjm, llm+1, itau, champ2) 
    83   ! 
    84   CALL restclo() 
    85   ! 
     76  CALL ioconf_setatt ('units','?') 
     77  CALL ioconf_setatt ('long_name','Tests 1 for a real variable') 
     78  CALL restput (fid,'test1',iim,jjm,llm,itau,champ1) 
     80  CALL ioconf_setatt ('units','?') 
     81  CALL ioconf_setatt ('long_name','Tests 2 for a real variable') 
     82  CALL restput (fid,'test2',iim,jjm,llm+1,itau,champ2) 
     84  CALL restclo () 
    8686  WRITE(*,*) '============== FIRST FILE CLOSED ==============' 
    87   ! 
    88   !  3.0 Reopen the restart file and check that the values read are correct 
    89   ! 
     88!  3.0 Reopen the restart file and check that the values read are correct 
    9090  fnamein = 'restfile' 
    9191  fnameout = 'restfilebis' 
    92   ! 
    93   !  
    94   CALL restini(fnamein, iim, jjm, lon, lat, llm, lev, fnameout, & 
    95      &     itau, julday, deltat, fid) 
    96   ! 
    97   CALL restget(fid, 'test1', iim, jjm, llm,itau, .FALSE., champ_read) 
    98   ! 
     93  CALL restini (fnamein,iim,jjm,lon,lat,llm,lev,fnameout, & 
     94 &              itau,julday,deltat,fid) 
     96  CALL restget (fid,'test1',iim,jjm,llm,itau,.FALSE.,champ_read) 
    9998  itau = itau+10 
    100   CALL restput(fid, 'test1', iim, jjm, llm, itau, champ_read) 
    101   CALL restput(fid, 'test2', iim, jjm, llm+1, itau, champ2) 
    102   ! 
    103   itau = itau + 10 
    104   champ3(:,:,:) = champ_read(:,:,:) + champ2(:,:,1:llm)  
    105   CALL restput(fid, 'test1', iim, jjm, llm, itau, champ3) 
    106   ! 
    107   CALL restclo() 
    108   ! 
     99  CALL restput (fid,'test1',iim,jjm,llm,itau,champ_read) 
     100  CALL restput (fid,'test2',iim,jjm,llm+1,itau,champ2) 
     102  itau = itau+10 
     103  champ3(:,:,:) = champ_read(:,:,:)+champ2(:,:,1:llm)  
     104  CALL restput (fid,'test1',iim,jjm,llm,itau,champ3) 
     106  CALL restclo () 
    109108  WRITE(*,'(a25,e36.30)') 'The input data : ',champ1(1,1,1) 
    110109  WRITE(*,'(a25,e36.30)') 'The restart data : ',champ_read(1,1,1) 
    111   ! 
    112   !  4.0 Reopen the restart file and add another time step 
    113   ! 
     111!  4.0 Reopen the restart file and add another time step 
    114113  fnamein = 'restfilebis' 
    115114  fnameout = 'restfilebis' 
    116   ! 
    117   !  
    118   CALL restini(fnamein, iim, jjm, lon, lat, llm, lev, fnameout, & 
    119      &     itau, julday, deltat, fid) 
    120   ! 
    121   itau = itau + 10 
    122   CALL restput(fid, 'test1', iim, jjm, llm, itau, champ1) 
    123   CALL ioconf_setatt('units', '?') 
    124   CALL ioconf_setatt('long_name', 'Test a variable with another dimension') 
    125   CALL restput(fid, 'test4', iim, jjm, 0, itau, champ4) 
    126   ! 
    127   CALL restclo() 
    128   ! 
    129   STOP 
    130   ! 
     116  CALL restini (fnamein,iim,jjm,lon,lat,llm,lev,fnameout, & 
     117 &              itau,julday,deltat,fid) 
     119  itau = itau+10 
     120  CALL restput (fid,'test1',iim,jjm,llm,itau,champ1) 
     121  CALL ioconf_setatt ('units','?') 
     122  CALL ioconf_setatt ('long_name', & 
     123 &                    'Test a variable with another dimension') 
     124  CALL restput (fid,'test4',iim,jjm,0,itau,champ4) 
     126  CALL restclo () 
    131128END PROGRAM testrest 
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