- Timestamp:
- 01/19/11 23:53:02 (14 years ago)
- Location:
- CMIP5/rcp45/v3.rcp45.1
- Files:
- 7 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r1239 r1268 41 41 [BoundaryFiles] 42 42 List= () 43 ListNonDel= (${R_BC}/ATM/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/IPCC_AR5/ HISTORIQUE/SOLARANDVOLCANOES_1610_2008.txt, .),\44 (${R_BC}/ATM/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/IPCC_AR5/ HISTORIQUE/CO2_1765_2005.txt, .),\45 (${R_BC}/ATM/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/IPCC_AR5/ HISTORIQUE/CH4_1765_2005.txt, .),\46 (${R_BC}/ATM/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/IPCC_AR5/ HISTORIQUE/N2O_1765_2005.txt, .),\47 (${R_BC}/ATM/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/IPCC_AR5/ HISTORIQUE/CFC11_1765_2005.txt, .),\48 (${R_BC}/ATM/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/IPCC_AR5/ HISTORIQUE/CFC12_1765_2005.txt, .),\43 ListNonDel= (${R_BC}/ATM/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/IPCC_AR5/RCPs/SolarConstant/SOLAR_1765_2500.txt, .),\ 44 (${R_BC}/ATM/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/IPCC_AR5/RCPs/RCP45/CO2_1765_2500.txt, .),\ 45 (${R_BC}/ATM/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/IPCC_AR5/RCPs/RCP45/CH4_1765_2500.txt, .),\ 46 (${R_BC}/ATM/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/IPCC_AR5/RCPs/RCP45/N2O_1765_2500.txt, .),\ 47 (${R_BC}/ATM/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/IPCC_AR5/RCPs/RCP45/CFC11_1765_2500.txt, .),\ 48 (${R_BC}/ATM/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/IPCC_AR5/RCPs/RCP45/CFC12_1765_2500.txt, .),\ 49 49 (${R_BC}/ATM/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/${RESOL_ATM}/AR5/HISTORIQUE/aerosols_11YearsClim_1855_v3.nc, aerosols.nat.nc) 50 50 … … 52 52 # With AR5 aerosols (including ASSO4M(=SO4), CSSO4M, AIBCM, ASBCM, AIPOMM, ASPOMM, ASSSM, CSSSM, SSSSM, CIDUSTM) 53 53 # With AR5 ozone(tropo + strato from LMDZOR-INCA-REPROBUS simulations) 54 List= (${R_BC}/ATM/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/${RESOL_ATM}/AR5/ HISTORIQUE/aerosols_11YearsClim_${year}_v3.nc, aerosols${year}.nc, 1:12:), \55 (${R_BC}/ATM/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/${RESOL_ATM}/AR5/ HISTORIQUE/climoz_LMDZ_${year}_v2.nc, climoz_LMDZ.nc, 1:12:)54 List= (${R_BC}/ATM/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/${RESOL_ATM}/AR5/RCP45/aerosols_11YearsClim_${year}_v3.nc, aerosols${year}.nc, 1:12:), \ 55 (${R_BC}/ATM/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/${RESOL_ATM}/AR5/RCP45/climoz_LMDZ_${year}_v2.nc, climoz_LMDZ.nc, 1:12:) 56 56 57 57 [ParametersFiles] … … 124 124 GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, presnivs, time_counter, time_counter_bnds) 125 125 TimeSeriesVars2D = (bils, cldh, cldl, cldm, cldq, cldt, evap, flat, iwp, lwp, pbase, ptop, precip, pluc, plul, prw, psol, rh2m, rh2m_min, rh2m_max, q2m, sens, sicf, slp, soll, sols, LWdnSFC, LWdnSFCclr, SWdnSFC, SWdnSFCclr, SWdnTOA, LWupSFCclr,SWupSFC, SWupSFCclr, SWupTOA, SWupTOAclr, t2m, t2m_max, t2m_min, topl, topl0, tops, tsol, u10m, v10m, wind10m, wind10max) 126 ChunckJob2D = 50Y126 ChunckJob2D = 200Y 127 127 TimeSeriesVars3D = (lwcon, iwcon, mc, rhum, temp, theta, ovap, geop, vitu, vitv, vitw, pres, paprs) 128 128 ChunckJob3D = 10Y … … 133 133 GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, pressure2, height, sza, time_counter, time_counter_bnds) 134 134 TimeSeriesVars2D = (cllcalipso, clmcalipso, clhcalipso, cltcalipso, tclisccp, albisccp, ctpisccp) 135 ChunckJob2D = 200Y135 ChunckJob2D = OFF 136 136 TimeSeriesVars3D = (clcalipso, clisccp2_c01, clisccp2_c02, clisccp2_c03, clisccp2_c04, clisccp2_c05, clisccp2_c06, clisccp2_c07, parasol_refl) 137 ChunckJob3D = 10Y137 ChunckJob3D = OFF 138 138 Seasonal=OFF 139 139 -
r1172 r1268 150 150 151 151 ##-- GHG forcing for the current year 152 IPCC_SOLAR=`grep Annee_${year} SOLARANDVOLCANOES_1610_2008.txt | awk -F= '{print $2}'` 153 IPCC_CO2=`grep Annee_${year} CO2_1765_2005.txt | awk -F= '{print $2}'` 154 IPCC_CH4=`grep Annee_${year} CH4_1765_2005.txt | awk -F= '{print $2}'` 155 IPCC_N2O=`grep Annee_${year} N2O_1765_2005.txt | awk -F= '{print $2}'` 156 IPCC_CFC11=`grep Annee_${year} CFC11_1765_2005.txt | awk -F= '{print $2}'` 157 IPCC_CFC12=`grep Annee_${year} CFC12_1765_2005.txt | awk -F= '{print $2}'` 158 159 ##-- For historical daily cosp must be output during 1979-2005 period 160 [ ${year} -ge 1979 ] && LMDZ_COSP_daily=y 152 IPCC_SOLAR=`grep Annee_${year} SOLAR_1765_2500.txt | awk -F= '{print $2}'` 153 IPCC_CO2=`grep Annee_${year} CO2_1765_2500.txt | awk -F= '{print $2}'` 154 IPCC_CH4=`grep Annee_${year} CH4_1765_2500.txt | awk -F= '{print $2}'` 155 IPCC_N2O=`grep Annee_${year} N2O_1765_2500.txt | awk -F= '{print $2}'` 156 IPCC_CFC11=`grep Annee_${year} CFC11_1765_2500.txt | awk -F= '{print $2}'` 157 IPCC_CFC12=`grep Annee_${year} CFC12_1765_2500.txt | awk -F= '{print $2}'` 161 158 162 159 ## physiq.def parameters modified from initial physiq_L${RESOL_ATM_Z} -
r1171 r1268 15 15 16 16 [SmoothFiles] 17 List=(${R_BC}/SRF/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/PFTmap_1850to2005_AR5_LUHa.rc2/PFTmap_IPCC_${year_p1}.nc, PFTmap.nc, 12:12:) 17 List=(${R_BC}/SRF/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/PFTmap_2006to2100_AR5_RCP4.5_MiniCAM/PFTmap_IPCC_${year_p1}.nc, PFTmap.nc, 12:12:), \ 18 (${R_BC}/SRF/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/PFTmap_2006to2100_AR5_RCP4.5_MiniCAM/PFTmap_IPCC_2006.nc, PFTmap.nc, 1:1:1) 18 19 19 20 [ParametersFiles] -
r1050 r1268 101 101 fi 102 102 103 [ ${CumulPeriod} -eq 1 ] && ORCHIDEE_sed VEGET_REINIT y 104 103 105 #IGCM_sys_Cp ${RUN_DIR}/orchidee.def ${RUN_DIR}/run.def 104 106 #IGCM_sys_Put_Out ${RUN_DIR}/run.def ${R_SAVE}/${PREFIX}_run.def -
r1019 r1268 59 59 60 60 ##-- GHG forcing for the current year 61 IPCC_PIS_CO2=`grep Annee_${year} CO2_1765_2 005.txt | awk -F= '{print $2}'`61 IPCC_PIS_CO2=`grep Annee_${year} CO2_1765_2500.txt | awk -F= '{print $2}'` 62 62 63 63 ##-- Update namelist_top and namelist_pisces -
r1248 r1268 435 435 <field ref="ice_cover" name="soicecov" description="sea_ice_area_fraction" /> 436 436 <field ref="BLT" name="blt" description="Barrier Layer Thickness" level="3" /> 437 <field ref="mld|dt|" name="mld _dt02" description="Mixed Layer Depth |dt|=0.2 (ref.10m)"level="3" />437 <field ref="mld|dt|" name="mld|dt|" description="Mixed Layer Depth |dt|=0.2 (ref.10m)" level="3" /> 438 438 439 439 </file> -
r1171 r1268 9 9 [UserChoices] 10 10 #============================ 11 JobName= EXP0011 JobName=v3.rcp45.1 12 12 #----- Short Name of Experiment 13 ExperimentName= historical13 ExperimentName=rcp45 14 14 #----- DEVT TEST PROD 15 SpaceName= DEVT16 LongName="IPSLCM5A CMIP5 DEVT phase historical example with large outputs"15 SpaceName=PROD 16 LongName="IPSLCM5A CMIP5 PROD phase rcp45 run with large outputs starting 2005-12-31 from v3.historical1" 17 17 TagName=IPSLCM5A 18 18 #============================ … … 21 21 #-- Experiment dates : Beginning and ending 22 22 #-- "YYYY-MM-DD" 23 DateBegin= 1850-01-0124 DateEnd= 1850-12-3123 DateBegin=2006-01-01 24 DateEnd=2100-12-31 25 25 #============================ 26 26 #-- 1Y, 1M, 5D, 1D Period Length of one trunk of simulation … … 56 56 OverRule=y 57 57 #D- Last day of the experience used as restart for all components 58 RestartDate= 1899-12-3158 RestartDate=2005-12-31 59 59 #D- Define restart simulation name for all components 60 # For historical simulation you have to start from an other simulation 61 RestartJobName=XXXXXXX 60 RestartJobName=v3.historical1 62 61 #D- Path Server Group Login 63 RestartPath= ${ARCHIVE}/IGCM_OUT/IPSLCM5A/DEVT/piControl62 RestartPath=/dmnfs/cont003/p86denv/IGCM_OUT/IPSLCM5A/PROD/historical 64 63 65 64 #======================================================================== … … 192 191 #D- Do we rebuild parallel output, this flag determines 193 192 #D- frequency of rebuild submission (use NONE for DRYRUN=3) 194 RebuildFrequency= 5Y193 RebuildFrequency=2Y 195 194 #D- Do we rebuild parallel output from archive (use NONE to use SCRATCHDIR as buffer) 196 RebuildFromArchive= true195 RebuildFromArchive=NONE 197 196 #D- If you want to produce time series, this flag determines 198 197 #D- frequency of post-processing submission (NONE if you don't want)
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