- Timestamp:
- 09/14/12 17:53:40 (12 years ago)
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r1879 r1882 1 1 #!/bin/bash 2 set -vx3 2 listToProcessFile="${1}" 4 3 # exemple de fichier liste : -
r1879 r1882 1 1 #!/bin/bash 2 set -vx3 2 #============================================== 4 3 # -
r1881 r1882 12 12 old_IFS=$IFS # sauvegarde du séparateur de champ 13 13 IFS=$'\n' # nouveau séparateur de champ, le caractère fin de ligne 14 for cmdReport in $( cat $logFileOfPrevPack )14 for cmdReport in $( cat $logFileOfPrevPack | grep -e '^#executed by process' ) 15 15 do 16 hasCmdGoodFormat=`echo $cmdReport | grep -e '^#executed by process' | wc -l `17 if [ "x${hasCmdGoodFormat}" == "x0" ]18 then19 continue20 fi21 22 16 local resCmd=`echo $cmdReport | awk '{print $9}' ` 23 24 if [ "x$resCmd" != "x0" ] 17 # Status 50 = FAILED mais pas de ressoumission 18 if [ "x$resCmd" != "x0" ] && [ "x$resCmd" != "x50" ] 25 19 then 26 20 local cmdToPrint=`echo $cmdReport | awk '{print $NF}' ` … … 208 202 do 209 203 list_tar=`echo $list | sed 's;output_ncrcat;output_tar;' ` 210 isInLstsToProcess=`grep $list_tar $listsToProcessFile | 204 isInLstsToProcess=`grep $list_tar $listsToProcessFile | wc -l ` 211 205 if [ "x${isInLstsToProcess}" != "x0" ] 212 206 then 213 lineNbInRmvFile=`grep -n $list _tar$listToRmvFile | awk -F":" '{print $1}' `207 lineNbInRmvFile=`grep -n $list $listToRmvFile | awk -F":" '{print $1}' ` 214 208 sed -i "${lineNbInRmvFile}d" ${listToRmvFile} 215 209 fi … … 219 213 do 220 214 list_ncrcat=`echo $list | sed 's;output_tar;output_ncrcat;' ` 221 isInLstsToProcess=`grep $list_ncrcat $listsToProcessFile | 215 isInLstsToProcess=`grep $list_ncrcat $listsToProcessFile | wc -l ` 222 216 if [ "x${isInLstsToProcess}" != "x0" ] 223 217 then 224 lineNbInRmvFile=`grep -n $list _ncrcat$listToRmvFile | awk -F":" '{print $1}' `218 lineNbInRmvFile=`grep -n $list $listToRmvFile | awk -F":" '{print $1}' ` 225 219 sed -i "${lineNbInRmvFile}d" ${listToRmvFile} 226 fi 227 done 220 fi 221 222 # Si la liste est a detruire ET a traiter alors on l enleve de la liste a traiter 223 isInLstsToProcess=`grep $list $listsToProcessFile | wc -l ` 224 if [ "x${isInLstsToProcess}" != "x0" ] 225 then 226 lineNbInProcessFile=`grep -n $list $listsToProcessFile | awk -F":" '{print $1}' ` 227 sed -i "${lineNbInProcessFile}d" ${listsToProcessFile} 228 fi 229 done 230 228 231 IFS=$old_IFS # rétablissement du séparateur de champ par défaut 229 232 … … 331 334 #MSUB -r pack_ipsl # Nom du job 332 335 ### mutable directives ### 333 #MSUB -o /ccc/dmfbuf/i mport_data.2/ccrt/dmnfs12/cont003/bacasable/GUILLAUME/PSEUDO_DMNFS_PROGRESS/zIGCM_OUT_only_2_simu/LMDZ4OR_v2/detailed_pack_output/pack_ipsl_%I.o334 #MSUB -e /ccc/dmfbuf/i mport_data.2/ccrt/dmnfs12/cont003/bacasable/GUILLAUME/PSEUDO_DMNFS_PROGRESS/zIGCM_OUT_only_2_simu/LMDZ4OR_v2/detailed_pack_output/pack_ipsl_%I.e335 #MSUB -n 7336 #MSUB -o /ccc/dmfbuf/ipsl_logs/dsm/bacasable/ARNAUD/PSEUDO_DMNFS_PROGRESS/zIGCM_OUT/IPSLCM5/detailed_pack_output/pack_ipsl_%I.o 337 #MSUB -e /ccc/dmfbuf/ipsl_logs/dsm/bacasable/ARNAUD/PSEUDO_DMNFS_PROGRESS/zIGCM_OUT/IPSLCM5/detailed_pack_output/pack_ipsl_%I.e 338 #MSUB -n 16 336 339 #MSUB -T 1500 337 340 #MSUB -A tgcc0013 … … 477 480 478 481 ccc_mprun ./glost_launch -R $timeLimitBeforeEnd ${inputCmd} 2>${output} 482 if [ "x$?" != "x0" ] 483 then 484 echo "Temps limite atteint pour l'essai : ${numCurrentTry}; instance : ${numNewInstance}" >> $badFailureFile 485 fi 479 486 480 487 ### ccc_mprun ./cmd_launch.exe ${inputCmd} 2>${output} … … 571 578 572 579 573 574 575 576 580 # ----- Fin suppression de donnees ------------------------------------------------------- 577 581 -
r1863 r1882 2 2 3 3 # Variables d'environnement 4 export IGCM_DEM="/ccc/dmfbuf/import_data.2/ccrt/dmnfs12/cont003/bacasable/GUILLAUME/IGCM_DEM" 5 export INPUT_DMF_DATA="/ccc/dmfbuf/import_data.2/ccrt/dmnfs12/cont003/bacasable/GUILLAUME_DATAS" 6 export OUTPUT_STORE="/ccc/dmfbuf/import_data.2/ccrt/dmnfs12/cont003/bacasable/GUILLAUME/PSEUDO_DMNFS_STORE" 7 export OUTPUT_WORK="/ccc/dmfbuf/import_data.2/ccrt/dmnfs12/cont003/bacasable/GUILLAUME/PSEUDO_DMNFS_WORK" 8 export OUTPUT_CHECK="/ccc/dmfbuf/import_data.2/ccrt/dmnfs12/cont003/bacasable/GUILLAUME/PSEUDO_DMNFS_CHECK" 9 export OUTPUT_PROGRESS="/ccc/dmfbuf/import_data.2/ccrt/dmnfs12/cont003/bacasable/GUILLAUME/PSEUDO_DMNFS_PROGRESS" 4 export TMP_MIGR_DATA="/ccc/dmfbuf/ipsl_logs/dsm/bacasable/ARNAUD" 5 export INPUT_DMF_DATA="/ccc/dmfbuf/import_data.2/ccrt/dmnfs12/cont003/bacasable" 6 export OUTPUT_STORE="/ccc/dmfbuf/import_data.2/ccrt/dmnfs12/cont003/bacasable/ARNAUD/PSEUDO_DMNFS_STORE" 7 export OUTPUT_WORK="/ccc/dmfbuf/import_data.2/ccrt/dmnfs12/cont003/bacasable/ARNAUD/PSEUDO_DMNFS_WORK" 8 9 export IGCM_DEM=${TMP_MIGR_DATA}"/IGCM_DEM" 10 export OUTPUT_CHECK=${TMP_MIGR_DATA}"/PSEUDO_DMNFS_CHECK" 11 export OUTPUT_PROGRESS=${TMP_MIGR_DATA}"/PSEUDO_DMNFS_PROGRESS" 12 10 13 11 14 # Sur curie en sequentiel -
r1880 r1882 244 244 numNewTry=$(( $numPreviousTry + 1 )) 245 245 246 246 247 # Pas de 4eme essai permis 247 248 # ---------------------------- 248 if [ $numNewTry -ge 4]249 then 250 echo "Pas de 4eme essai permis"249 if [ $numNewTry -ge 3 ] 250 then 251 echo "Pas de 3eme essai permis" 251 252 exit 1 252 253 fi -
r1874 r1882 7 7 8 8 switchtotar=0 # gpdebug : a modifier --> s'occuper des options du script orig enlarge.sh 9 maxtries= 39 maxtries=2 10 10 11 11 # On renseigne les variables d'environnement … … 257 257 #----------------------------------- 258 258 # Skip the set if last line of the status file is "COMPLETED" or "DELEGATE" 259 if tail -1 $statusfile | grep -q -E '(COMPLETED |DELEGATE)' ; then259 if tail -1 $statusfile | grep -q -E '(COMPLETED)' ; then 260 260 printf "====> " 261 tail -1 $statusfile 262 exit 0 261 tail -1 $statusfile 263 262 fi 264 263 … … 314 313 echo "====> FAILED at try #$nbtries" 315 314 echo "FAILED at try #$nbtries ; $datestr1 ; $datestr2 ; $tarcmd $taroptions $outputfile $(cat $set) ; $logfile" >> $statusfile 316 exit 1315 exit 50 317 316 fi 318 317 rm -f $set".local" … … 341 340 #----------------------------------- 342 341 # Skip the set if last line of the status file is "COMPLETED" or "DELEGATE" 343 if tail -1 $statusfile | grep -q -E '(COMPLETED |DELEGATE)' ; then342 if tail -1 $statusfile | grep -q -E '(COMPLETED)' ; then 344 343 printf "====> " 345 344 tail -1 $statusfile … … 391 390 echo "====> FAILED at try #$nbtries" 392 391 echo "FAILED at try #$nbtries ; $datestr1 ; $datestr2 ; $tarcmd $taroptions $outputfile $(cat $set) ; $logfile" >> $statusfile 393 exit 1392 exit 50 394 393 fi 395 394 … … 418 417 #----------------------------------- 419 418 # Skip the set if last line of the status file is "COMPLETED" or "DELEGATE" 420 if tail -1 $statusfile | grep -q -E '(COMPLETED |DELEGATE)' ; then419 if tail -1 $statusfile | grep -q -E '(COMPLETED)' ; then 421 420 printf "====> " 422 421 tail -1 $statusfile … … 467 466 echo "====> FAILED at try #$nbtries" 468 467 echo "FAILED at try #$nbtries ; $datestr1 ; $datestr2 ; $tarcmd $taroptions $outputfile $(cat $set) ; $logfile" >> $statusfile 469 exit 1468 exit 50 470 469 fi 471 470 … … 493 492 #----------------------------------- 494 493 # Skip the set if last line of the status file is "COMPLETED" or "DELEGATE" 495 if tail -1 $statusfile | grep -q -E '(COMPLETED |DELEGATE)' ; then494 if tail -1 $statusfile | grep -q -E '(COMPLETED)' ; then 496 495 printf "====> " 497 496 tail -1 $statusfile … … 537 536 echo "====> FAILED at try #$nbtries" 538 537 echo "FAILED at try #$nbtries ; $datestr1 ; $datestr2 ; $cpcmd $cpoptions $file $diroutputfile ; $logfile" >> $statusfile 539 exit 1538 exit 50 540 539 fi 541 540 … … 563 562 #----------------------------------- 564 563 # Skip the set if last line of the status file is "COMPLETED" or "DELEGATE" 565 if tail -1 $statusfile | grep -q -E '(COMPLETED |DELEGATE)' ; then564 if tail -1 $statusfile | grep -q -E '(COMPLETED)' ; then 566 565 printf "====> " 567 566 tail -1 $statusfile … … 606 605 echo "====> FAILED at try #$nbtries" 607 606 echo "FAILED at try #$nbtries ; $datestr1 ; $datestr2 ; $cpcmd $cpoptions $file $diroutputfile ; $logfile" >> $statusfile 608 exit 1607 exit 50 609 608 fi 610 609 … … 637 636 #----------------------------------- 638 637 # Skip the set if last line of the status file is "COMPLETED" or "DELEGATE" 639 if tail -1 $statusfile | grep -q -E '(COMPLETED |DELEGATE)' ; then638 if tail -1 $statusfile | grep -q -E '(COMPLETED)' ; then 640 639 printf "====> " 641 640 tail -1 $statusfile … … 691 690 echo "====> FAILED at try #$nbtries" 692 691 echo "FAILED at try #$nbtries ; $datestr1 ; $datestr2 ; $tarcmd $taroptions $outputfile $(cat $set) ; $logfile" >> $statusfile 693 exit 1692 exit 50 694 693 fi 695 694
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