Changeset 2362
- Timestamp:
- 11/07/14 14:32:14 (10 years ago)
- Location:
- Files:
- 14 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r2284 r2362 26 26 [OutputFiles] 27 27 List= (${config_UserChoices_JobName}, ${R_OUT_ICE_O_M}/${PREFIX}, Post_1M_icemod ), \ 28 (${config_UserChoices_JobName}, ${R_OUT_ICE_O_D}/${PREFIX}, Post_1D_icemod)28 (${config_UserChoices_JobName}, ${R_OUT_ICE_O_D}/${PREFIX}, NONE ) 29 29 30 30 [Post_1M_icemod] 31 31 Patches = () 32 GatherWithInternal = (nav_lon, nav_lat, time_counter )33 TimeSeriesVars2D = ( bmelt, evap, grLateral, ialb, ice_pres, iicetemp, iicethic, iicevelu, iicevelv, ileadfra, isnowthi, prsn, rsdssi, sblsi, sim, snoToIce, snomelt, soicecov, strairx, strairy, tmelt, transifs, transix, transiy, tsice)32 GatherWithInternal = (nav_lon, nav_lat, time_counter, time_counter_bounds) 33 TimeSeriesVars2D = (ice_pres, iicetemp, iicethic, iicevelu, iicevelv, isnowthi) 34 34 ChunckJob2D = NONE 35 35 TimeSeriesVars3D = () … … 39 39 [Post_1D_icemod] 40 40 Patches = () 41 GatherWithInternal = (nav_lon, nav_lat, time_counter )41 GatherWithInternal = (nav_lon, nav_lat, time_counter, time_counter_bounds) 42 42 TimeSeriesVars2D = (iicethic, iicevelu, iicevelv, ileadfra) 43 43 ChunckJob2D = 200Y -
r2343 r2362 30 30 # Number of periods where to set parameter adjust=y before switching to adjust=n 31 31 # For adjust=n, set LMDZ_NbPeriod_ajust=0. 32 LMDZ_NbPeriod_adjust= 332 LMDZ_NbPeriod_adjust=0 33 33 34 34 # To force usage of specific Bands file, set LMDZ_NbPeriod_adjust=0 and replace XXXXXXX by Restart experiment 35 35 # LMDZ_Bands_file_name=${ARCHIVE}/IGCM_OUT/IPSLCM5A/DEVT/pdControl/XXXXXX/ATM/Debug/pdControl_XXXXXXX_Bands_96x95x19_3prc.dat_3 36 #LMDZ_Bands_file_name=/ccc/cont003/home/dsm/p86mart/Bands_144x142x39_40prc.dat_337 36 38 37 # Set OutLevel to choose the level of output files from LMDZ. The file PARAM/output.def_$OutLevel will be used. … … 101 100 [OutputFiles] 102 101 List= (, ${R_OUT_ATM_O_M}/${PREFIX}, Post_1M_histmth), \ 103 (, ${R_OUT_ATM_O_M}/${PREFIX}, Post_1M_histmthCOSP), \102 (, ${R_OUT_ATM_O_M}/${PREFIX}, NONE), \ 104 103 (, ${R_OUT_ATM_O_M}/${PREFIX}, Post_1M_histmthNMC), \ 105 (, ${R_OUT_ATM_O_M}/${PREFIX}, Post_1M_dynzon), \104 (, ${R_OUT_ATM_O_M}/${PREFIX}, NONE), \ 106 105 (, ${R_OUT_ATM_O_M}/${PREFIX}, Post_1M_paramLMDZ_phy), \ 107 106 (, ${R_OUT_ATM_O_D}/${PREFIX}, Post_1D_histday), \ 108 (, ${R_OUT_ATM_O_D}/${PREFIX}, Post_1D_histdayCOSP), \107 (, ${R_OUT_ATM_O_D}/${PREFIX}, NONE), \ 109 108 (, ${R_OUT_ATM_O_D}/${PREFIX}, Post_1D_histdayNMC), \ 110 (, ${R_OUT_ATM_O_H}/${PREFIX}, Post_HF_histhf), \111 (, ${R_OUT_ATM_O_H}/${PREFIX}, Post_HF_histhfCOSP), \112 (, ${R_OUT_ATM_O_H}/${PREFIX}, Post_HF_histhfNMC), \113 (, ${R_OUT_ATM_O_H}/${PREFIX}, Post_3H_histhf3h)109 (, ${R_OUT_ATM_O_H}/${PREFIX}, NONE), \ 110 (, ${R_OUT_ATM_O_H}/${PREFIX}, NONE), \ 111 (, ${R_OUT_ATM_O_H}/${PREFIX}, NONE), \ 112 (, ${R_OUT_ATM_O_H}/${PREFIX}, NONE) 114 113 115 114 [Post_1M_histmth] 116 115 Patches= () 117 GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, presnivs, time_counter, aire)116 GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, presnivs, time_counter, time_counter_bounds, aire) 118 117 TimeSeriesVars2D = (bils, cldh, cldl, cldm, cldq, cldt, evap, flat, ftime_con, iwp, lwp, LWdnSFC, LWdnSFCclr, LWupSFCclr, LWdn200, LWdn200clr, LWup200, LWup200clr, precip, prw, pluc, psol, q2m, rh2m, sens, sicf, slp, snow, soll0, soll, sols0, sols, SWdnSFC, SWupSFC, SWup200, SWdnTOA, SWupTOA, SWdn200, SWdnSFCclr, SWupSFCclr, SWupTOAclr, t2m, t2m_max, t2m_min, taux, taux_ter, taux_sic, taux_lic, taux_oce, tauy, tauy_ter, tauy_sic, tauy_lic, tauy_oce, lat_ter, lat_sic, lat_lic, lat_oce, nettop, pbase, ptop, topl0, topl, tops0, tops, topswad, topswai, tsol, tsol_ter, tsol_lic, tsol_oce, tsol_sic , u10m, u500, v10m, v500, w500, pourc_ter, pourc_oce, pourc_sic, pourc_lic, wind10m, od550aer, od550lt1aer, absvisaer, loadoa, loadbc, loadso4, loaddust, loadss, sconcoa, sconcbc, sconcso4, sconcdust, sconcss, reffclwtop, cldncl, swtoaas_ant, swtoacs_ant, swtoacf_ant, swsrfas_ant, swsrfcs_ant, swsrfcf_ant, swtoaas_nat, swtoacs_nat, swtoacf_nat, swsrfas_nat, swsrfcs_nat, swsrfcf_nat, solswai, swtoacf_zero, swsrfcf_zero) 119 118 ChunckJob2D = NONE 120 TimeSeriesVars3D = (upwd, lwcon, iwcon, lcc3dcon, lcc3dstra, temp, theta, ovap, ovapinit, geop, vitu, vitv, vitw, pres, rneb, rnebcon, rhum, mc, paprs, scdnc, ec550aer, concoa, concbc, concso4, concss, concdust, reffclws, reffclwc, rlu, rsu, rld, rsd, rlucs, rsucs, rldcs, rsdcs, tnt, dtdyn, dtphy, dtlschr, tntr, tnt c, tntscpbl, tnhus, dqdyn, tnhusc, dqvdf, tnhusscpbl, dqphy, evu, kz, mcd)119 TimeSeriesVars3D = (upwd, lwcon, iwcon, lcc3dcon, lcc3dstra, temp, theta, ovap, ovapinit, geop, vitu, vitv, vitw, pres, rneb, rnebcon, rhum, mc, paprs, scdnc, ec550aer, concoa, concbc, concso4, concss, concdust, reffclws, reffclwc, rlu, rsu, rld, rsd, rlucs, rsucs, rldcs, rsdcs, tnt, dtdyn, dtphy, dtlschr, tntr, tntscpbl, tnhus, dqdyn, dqvdf, tnhusscpbl, dqphy, evu, kz, mcd) 121 120 ChunckJob3D = 100Y 122 121 Seasonal=ON … … 124 123 [Post_1M_histmthCOSP] 125 124 Patches = () 126 GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, pressure2, height, sza, time_counter )125 GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, pressure2, height, sza, time_counter, time_counter_bounds) 127 126 TimeSeriesVars2D = (cllcalipso, clmcalipso, clhcalipso, cltcalipso, tclisccp, albisccp, ctpisccp) 128 127 ChunckJob2D = OFF … … 133 132 [Post_1M_histmthNMC] 134 133 Patches = () 135 GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, plev, time_counter )134 GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, plev, time_counter, time_counter_bounds) 136 135 TimeSeriesVars2D = () 137 136 ChunckJob2D = NONE … … 142 141 [Post_1M_dynzon] 143 142 Patches = () 144 GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, presnivs, time_counter )143 GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, presnivs, time_counter, time_counter_bounds) 145 144 TimeSeriesVars2D = () 146 145 ChunckJob2D = NONE … … 151 150 [Post_1M_paramLMDZ_phy] 152 151 Patches=() 153 GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, time_counter )152 GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, time_counter, time_counter_bnds) 154 153 TimeSeriesVars2D =(R_ecc, R_peri, R_incl, solaire, co2_ppm, CH4_ppb, N2O_ppb, CFC11_ppt, CFC12_ppt) 155 154 ChunckJob2D = NONE … … 160 159 [Post_1D_histday] 161 160 Patches= () 162 GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, presnivs, time_counter )163 TimeSeriesVars2D = (bils, cldh, cldl, cldm, cldq, cldt, evap, flat, iwp, lwp, pbase, ptop, precip, pluc, plul, prw, psol, rh2m, rh2m_min, rh2m_max, q2m, sens, sicf, slp, soll, sols, snow, LWdnSFC, LWdnSFCclr, SWdnSFC, SWdnSFCclr, SWdnTOA, LWupSFCclr, SWupSFC, SWupSFCclr, SWupTOA, SWupTOAclr, t2m, t2m_max, t2m_min, topl, topl0, tops, tsol, t700, u10m, v10m, wind10m, wind10max, w500)161 GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, presnivs, time_counter, time_counter_bounds) 162 TimeSeriesVars2D = (bils, cldh, cldl, cldm, cldq, cldt, evap, flat, precip, pluc, plul, prw, psol, q2m, sens, sicf, slp, soll, sols, snow, SWdnSFC, t2m, t2m_max, t2m_min, topl, tops, tsol, u10m, v10m, wind10m, wind10max) 164 163 ChunckJob2D = 50Y 165 164 TimeSeriesVars3D = (lwcon, iwcon, mc, rhum, rneb, temp, theta, ovap, geop, vitu, vitv, vitw, pres, paprs) … … 169 168 [Post_1D_histdayCOSP] 170 169 Patches = () 171 GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, pressure2, height, sza, time_counter )170 GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, pressure2, height, sza, time_counter, time_counter_bounds) 172 171 TimeSeriesVars2D = (cllcalipso, clmcalipso, clhcalipso, cltcalipso, tclisccp, albisccp, ctpisccp) 173 172 ChunckJob2D = OFF … … 178 177 [Post_1D_histdayNMC] 179 178 Patches = () 180 GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, plev, time_counter )179 GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, plev, time_counter, time_counter_bounds) 181 180 TimeSeriesVars2D = () 182 181 ChunckJob2D = NONE … … 187 186 [Post_HF_histhf] 188 187 Patches= () 189 GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, presnivs, time_counter )188 GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, presnivs, time_counter, time_counter_bounds) 190 189 TimeSeriesVars2D = (cldt, psol, q2m, slp, precip, pluc, plul, t2m, tsol, u10m, v10m) 191 190 ChunckJob2D = 50Y … … 196 195 [Post_HF_histhfCOSP] 197 196 Patches = () 198 GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, height, sza, time_counter )197 GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, height, sza, time_counter, time_counter_bounds) 199 198 TimeSeriesVars2D = (cllcalipso, clmcalipso, clhcalipso, cltcalipso) 200 199 ChunckJob2D = OFF … … 205 204 [Post_HF_histhfNMC] 206 205 Patches = () 207 GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, plev, time_counter )206 GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, plev, time_counter, time_counter_bounds) 208 207 TimeSeriesVars2D = () 209 208 ChunckJob2D = NONE … … 214 213 [Post_3H_histhf3h] 215 214 Patches= () 216 GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, presnivs, time_counter )215 GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, presnivs, time_counter, time_counter_bounds) 217 216 TimeSeriesVars2D = (phis, tsol, t2m, q2m, u10m, v10m, psol, topl, bils) 218 217 ChunckJob2D = OFF -
r2308 r2362 3 3 4 4 [UserChoices] 5 OutputMode= y5 OutputMode=n 6 6 FreqCoupling=86400 7 Lucia=n 7 8 8 9 [InitialStateFiles] -
r2317 r2362 4 4 [UserChoices] 5 5 ORCA_version=ORCA2.3 6 io_xml=y7 6 mesh_mask=n 8 7 iceflx="linear" … … 47 46 [OutputFiles] 48 47 List= ( , ${R_OUT_OCE_O}/${config_UserChoices_JobName}, NONE),\ 49 (${config_UserChoices_JobName}, ${R_OUT_OCE_O_Y}/${PREFIX}, Post_1Y_scalar),\50 (${config_UserChoices_JobName}, ${R_OUT_OCE_O_Y}/${PREFIX}, Post_1Y_grid_T),\51 (${config_UserChoices_JobName}, ${R_OUT_OCE_O_Y}/${PREFIX}, Post_1Y_grid_U),\52 (${config_UserChoices_JobName}, ${R_OUT_OCE_O_Y}/${PREFIX}, Post_1Y_grid_V),\53 (${config_UserChoices_JobName}, ${R_OUT_OCE_O_Y}/${PREFIX}, Post_1Y_grid_W),\54 (${config_UserChoices_JobName}, ${R_OUT_OCE_O_M}/${PREFIX}, Post_1M_scalar),\48 (${config_UserChoices_JobName}, ${R_OUT_OCE_O_Y}/${PREFIX}, NONE),\ 49 (${config_UserChoices_JobName}, ${R_OUT_OCE_O_Y}/${PREFIX}, NONE),\ 50 (${config_UserChoices_JobName}, ${R_OUT_OCE_O_Y}/${PREFIX}, NONE),\ 51 (${config_UserChoices_JobName}, ${R_OUT_OCE_O_Y}/${PREFIX}, NONE),\ 52 (${config_UserChoices_JobName}, ${R_OUT_OCE_O_Y}/${PREFIX}, NONE),\ 53 (${config_UserChoices_JobName}, ${R_OUT_OCE_O_M}/${PREFIX}, NONE),\ 55 54 (${config_UserChoices_JobName}, ${R_OUT_OCE_O_M}/${PREFIX}, Post_1M_grid_T),\ 56 55 (${config_UserChoices_JobName}, ${R_OUT_OCE_O_M}/${PREFIX}, Post_1M_grid_U),\ … … 68 67 [Post_1M_scalar] 69 68 Patches = () 70 GatherWithInternal = (time_counter )69 GatherWithInternal = (time_counter, time_counter_bounds) 71 70 TimeSeriesVars2D = (masso, volo, zosga, zossga, zostoga, thetaoga, soga) 72 71 ChunckJob2D = NONE … … 77 76 [Post_1M_grid_T] 78 77 Patches = () 79 GatherWithInternal = (nav_lon, nav_lat, time_counter )78 GatherWithInternal = (nav_lon, nav_lat, time_counter, time_counter_bounds) 80 79 TimeSeriesVars2D = (sohefldo, soicecov, somixhgt, somxl010, sosaline, soshfldo, sossheig, sosstsst, sowaflup, sowindsp) 81 80 ChunckJob2D = NONE 82 TimeSeriesVars3D = ( thkcello,vosaline,votemper)81 TimeSeriesVars3D = (vosaline,votemper) 83 82 ChunckJob3D = 50Y 84 83 Seasonal=ON … … 86 85 [Post_1M_grid_U] 87 86 Patches = () 88 GatherWithInternal = (nav_lon, nav_lat, time_counter )87 GatherWithInternal = (nav_lon, nav_lat, time_counter, time_counter_bounds) 89 88 TimeSeriesVars2D = (sozotaux) 90 89 ChunckJob2D = NONE … … 95 94 [Post_1M_grid_V] 96 95 Patches = () 97 GatherWithInternal = (nav_lon, nav_lat, time_counter )96 GatherWithInternal = (nav_lon, nav_lat, time_counter, time_counter_bounds) 98 97 TimeSeriesVars2D = (sometauy) 99 98 ChunckJob2D = NONE … … 104 103 [Post_1M_grid_W] 105 104 Patches = () 106 GatherWithInternal = (nav_lon, nav_lat, time_counter )105 GatherWithInternal = (nav_lon, nav_lat, time_counter, time_counter_bounds) 107 106 TimeSeriesVars2D = (soleaeiw, soleahtw) 108 107 ChunckJob2D = NONE … … 113 112 [Post_1M_diaptr] 114 113 Patches = () 115 GatherWithInternal = (nav_lat, time_counter )114 GatherWithInternal = (nav_lat, time_counter, time_counter_bounds) 116 115 TimeSeriesVars2D = (zotemglo, zosalglo, zomsfglo, zotematl, zosalatl, zomsfatl, zotempac, zosalpac, zomsfpac, zotemind, zosalind, zomsfind, zotemipc, zosalipc, zomsfipc, sohtatl, sostatl, sohtpac, sostpac, sohtind, sostind, sohtipc, sostipc, sophtadv, sophtove, sophtldf, sopstadv, sopstove, zomsfeiv, sophteiv, sopsteiv) 117 116 ChunckJob2D = NONE … … 124 123 [Post_1D_grid_T] 125 124 Patches = () 126 GatherWithInternal = (nav_lon, nav_lat, time_counter )127 TimeSeriesVars2D = ( omldamax, sosstsst, tossq)125 GatherWithInternal = (nav_lon, nav_lat, time_counter, time_counter_bounds) 126 TimeSeriesVars2D = (sosstsst) 128 127 ChunckJob2D = 200Y 129 128 TimeSeriesVars3D = (vosaline,votemper) … … 133 132 [Post_1D_grid_U] 134 133 Patches = () 135 GatherWithInternal = (nav_lon, nav_lat, time_counter )134 GatherWithInternal = (nav_lon, nav_lat, time_counter, time_counter_bounds) 136 135 TimeSeriesVars2D = () 137 136 ChunckJob2D = 200Y … … 142 141 [Post_1D_grid_V] 143 142 Patches = () 144 GatherWithInternal = (nav_lon, nav_lat, time_counter )143 GatherWithInternal = (nav_lon, nav_lat, time_counter, time_counter_bounds) 145 144 TimeSeriesVars2D = () 146 145 ChunckJob2D = 200Y … … 153 152 [Post_1Y_scalar] 154 153 Patches = () 155 GatherWithInternal = (time_counter, time_counter )154 GatherWithInternal = (time_counter, time_counter, time_counter_bounds) 156 155 TimeSeriesVars2D = (masso, volo, zosga, zossga, zostoga, thetaoga, soga) 157 156 ChunckJob2D = NONE … … 162 161 [Post_1Y_grid_T] 163 162 Patches = () 164 GatherWithInternal = (nav_lon, nav_lat, time_counter )163 GatherWithInternal = (nav_lon, nav_lat, time_counter, time_counter_bounds) 165 164 TimeSeriesVars2D = (evs, ficeberg, friver, fsitherm, hfcorr, hfevapds, hfibthermds, hfrainds, hfrunoffds, hfsithermds, hfsnthermds, nshfls, omlmax, pbo, pr, prsn, sfdsi, so20chgt, so28chgt, sohefldo, sohtc300, soicecov, somixhgt, somxl010, sosaline, soshfldo, sossheig, sosstsst, sotaumod, sowaflcd, sowaflup, sowindsp, tossq, vsfsit, wfcorr, zossq) 166 165 ChunckJob2D = NONE … … 171 170 [Post_1Y_grid_U] 172 171 Patches = () 173 GatherWithInternal = (nav_lon, nav_lat, time_counter )172 GatherWithInternal = (nav_lon, nav_lat, time_counter, time_counter_bounds) 174 173 TimeSeriesVars2D = (hfx, hfxba, hfxdiff, sozotaux) 175 174 ChunckJob2D = NONE … … 180 179 [Post_1Y_grid_V] 181 180 Patches = () 182 GatherWithInternal = (nav_lon, nav_lat, time_counter )181 GatherWithInternal = (nav_lon, nav_lat, time_counter, time_counter_bounds) 183 182 TimeSeriesVars2D = (hfy, hfyba, hfydiff, sometauy) 184 183 ChunckJob2D = NONE … … 189 188 [Post_1Y_grid_W] 190 189 Patches = () 191 GatherWithInternal = (nav_lon, nav_lat, time_counter )190 GatherWithInternal = (nav_lon, nav_lat, time_counter, time_counter_bounds) 192 191 TimeSeriesVars2D = (soleaeiw, soleahtw) 193 192 ChunckJob2D = NONE … … 198 197 [Post_1Y_diaptr] 199 198 Patches = () 200 GatherWithInternal = (nav_lat, time_counter )199 GatherWithInternal = (nav_lat, time_counter, time_counter_bounds) 201 200 TimeSeriesVars2D = (zotemglo, zosalglo, zomsfglo, zotematl, zosalatl, zomsfatl, zotempac, zosalpac, zomsfpac, zotemind, zosalind, zomsfind, zotemipc, zosalipc, zomsfipc, sohtatl, sostatl, sohtpac, sostpac, sohtind, sostind, sohtipc, sostipc, sophtadv, sophtove, sophtldf, sopstadv, sopstove, zomsfeiv, sophteiv, sopsteiv) 202 201 ChunckJob2D = NONE -
r2327 r2362 20 20 21 21 [BoundaryFiles] 22 List= ( )22 List= (${R_INIT}/SRF/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/, . ) 23 23 ListNonDel= () 24 24 … … 41 41 [OutputFiles] 42 42 List= (, ${R_OUT_SRF_O_M}/${PREFIX}, Post_1M_sechiba_history), \ 43 (, ${R_OUT_SRF_O_H}/${PREFIX}, Post_HF_sechiba_out_2), \43 (, ${R_OUT_SRF_O_H}/${PREFIX}, NONE), \ 44 44 (, ${R_OUT_SRF_O_M}/${PREFIX}, NONE) 45 45 46 46 [Post_1M_sechiba_history] 47 47 Patches = () 48 GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, time_counter, Areas, Contfrac )48 GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, time_counter, Areas, Contfrac, time_counter_bounds) 49 49 TimeSeriesVars2D = (nobiofrac, alb_nir, alb_vis, bqsb, evap, fluxlat, fluxsens, gqsb, netrad, qair, rain, runoff, snow, snownobio, snowf, subli, tair, temp_sol, tsol_max, tsol_min, drainage,mrsos, mrso, mrros, mrro, prveg, evspsblveg, evspsblsoi, tran, treeFrac, grassFrac, cropFrac, baresoilFrac, residualFrac) 50 50 ChunckJob2D = NONE 51 TimeSeriesVars3D = (lai, maxvegetfrac, vegetfrac, CO2FLUX,ptn, nee)51 TimeSeriesVars3D = (lai, maxvegetfrac, vegetfrac, ptn, nee) 52 52 ChunckJob3D = NONE 53 53 Seasonal=ON … … 55 55 [Post_HF_sechiba_out_2] 56 56 Patches= () 57 GatherWithInternal= (lon, lat, time_counter, Areas, Contfrac )57 GatherWithInternal= (lon, lat, time_counter, Areas, Contfrac, time_counter_bounds) 58 58 TimeSeriesVars2D= (mrsos, mrro) 59 59 ChunckJob2D= 50Y -
r2318 r2362 47 47 [Post_1M_ptrc_T] 48 48 Patches = () 49 GatherWithInternal = (nav_lon, nav_lat, time_counter )49 GatherWithInternal = (nav_lon, nav_lat, time_counter, time_counter_bounds) 50 50 TimeSeriesVars2D = () 51 51 ChunckJob2D = OFF 52 TimeSeriesVars3D = (Alkalini, BFe, BSi, CaCO3, DCHL, DFe, DIC, DOC, DSi, Fer, GOC, NCHL, NFe, NH4, NO3, O2, PHY, PHY2, PO4, POC, SFe, Si, ZOO, ZOO2)52 TimeSeriesVars3D = (Alkalini, DCHL, DIC, Fer, NCHL, NO3, O2, PO4) 53 53 ChunckJob3D = 50Y 54 54 Seasonal=ON … … 56 56 [Post_1M_diad_T] 57 57 Patches = () 58 GatherWithInternal = (nav_lon, nav_lat, time_counter )59 TimeSeriesVars2D = (Cflx, Dpco2 , Dpo2, EPC100, EPCAL100, EPFE100, EPSI100, Heup, Irondep, Kg, Nfix, Oflx)58 GatherWithInternal = (nav_lon, nav_lat, time_counter, time_counter_bounds) 59 TimeSeriesVars2D = (Cflx, Dpco2) 60 60 ChunckJob2D = NONE 61 61 TimeSeriesVars3D = ( ) … … 65 65 [Post_1M_dbio_T] 66 66 Patches = () 67 GatherWithInternal = (nav_lon, nav_lat, time_counter )67 GatherWithInternal = (nav_lon, nav_lat, time_counter, time_counter_bounds) 68 68 TimeSeriesVars2D = (INTDIC, INTNFIX, INTPBFE, INTPBSI, INTPCAL, INTPNEW, INTPP, INTPPPHY, INTPPPHY2, O2MIN, ZO2MIN ) 69 69 ChunckJob2D = NONE -
r2309 r2362 31 31 [Post_1M_stomate_history] 32 32 Patches= () 33 GatherWithInternal= (lon, lat, PFT, time_counter, Areas )33 GatherWithInternal= (lon, lat, PFT, time_counter, Areas, time_counter_bounds) 34 34 TimeSeriesVars2D= (T2M_MONTH,CONTFRAC,RESOLUTION_X,RESOLUTION_Y,CONVFLUX,CFLUX_PROD10,CFLUX_PROD100,HARVEST_ABOVE) 35 35 ChunckJob2D = NONE 36 TimeSeriesVars3D = ( CO2FLUX_MONTHLY,LAI,VEGET,VEGET_MAX,NPP,GPP,HET_RESP,MAINT_RESP,GROWTH_RESP,AGE,HEIGHT,TOTAL_M,TOTAL_BM_LITTER,TOTAL_SOIL_CARB,CO2_FIRE,TOTAL_TURN)36 TimeSeriesVars3D = (LAI,VEGET_MAX,NPP,GPP,HET_RESP,MAINT_RESP,GROWTH_RESP,AGE,HEIGHT,TOTAL_M,TOTAL_BM_LITTER,TOTAL_SOIL_CARB,CO2_FIRE,TOTAL_TURN) 37 37 ChunckJob3D = NONE 38 38 Seasonal=ON … … 40 40 [Post_1M_stomate_ipcc_history] 41 41 Patches= () 42 GatherWithInternal= (lon, lat, PFT, time_counter, Areas, CONTFRAC )42 GatherWithInternal= (lon, lat, PFT, time_counter, Areas, CONTFRAC, time_counter_bounds) 43 43 TimeSeriesVars2D=(cVeg, cLitter, cSoil, cProduct, lai, gpp, ra, npp, rh, fFire, fHarvest, fLuc, nbp, fVegLitter, fLitterSoil, cLeaf, cWood, cRoot, cMisc, cLitterAbove, cLitterBelow, cSoilFast, cSoilMedium, cSoilSlow, landCoverFrac, treeFracPrimDec, treeFracPrimEver, c3PftFrac, c4PftFrac, rGrowth, rMaint, nppLeaf, nppWood, nppRoot, nep) 44 44 ChunckJob2D = NONE -
r2192 r2362 27 27 #============================ 28 28 #-- 1Y, 1M, 5D, 1D Period Length of one trunk of simulation 29 PeriodLength=1 M29 PeriodLength=1Y 30 30 #============================ 31 31 #-- Total Number of Processors (minimum is 2 for a coupled configuration) … … 59 59 [ATM] 60 60 # 61 WriteFrequency="1M 1D HF"61 WriteFrequency="1M 1D" 62 62 # If config_Restarts_OverRule == 'n' next 4 params are read 63 63 Restart= n … … 115 115 #D-- SRF - 116 116 [SRF] 117 WriteFrequency="1M HF"117 WriteFrequency="1M" 118 118 # If config_Restarts_OverRule == 'n' next 4 params are read 119 119 Restart=n … … 151 151 RestartJobName=EXP00 152 152 RestartPath=${ARCHIVE}/IGCM_OUT/IPSLCM5A/DEVT/piControl 153 # Old component name for restart (if empty, use new name) 154 OldName= 155 156 #======================================================================== 157 #D-- IOS - 158 [IOS] 159 WriteFrequency="" 160 # If config_Restarts_OverRule == 'n' next 4 params are read 161 Restart= n 162 ##-- Last day of the experience used as restart for this component if Restart=y 163 RestartDate= 164 # Define restart simulation name for this component 165 RestartJobName= 166 RestartPath= 153 167 # Old component name for restart (if empty, use new name) 154 168 OldName= … … 165 179 MBG= (pisces, CMIP5_IPSL) 166 180 CPL= (oasis, OASIS3-MCT) 181 IOS= (xios, XIOS) 167 182 168 183 #======================================================================== … … 170 185 [Executable] 171 186 #D- For each component, Real name of executable, Name of executable for oasis 172 ATM= (gcm.e, lmdz.x, 27MPI )187 ATM= (gcm.e, lmdz.x, 27MPI, 4OMP) 173 188 SRF= ("" ,"" ) 174 189 SBG= ("" ,"" ) 175 OCE= (opa, opa.xx , 5MPI)190 OCE= (opa, opa.xx, 19MPI) 176 191 ICE= ("" ,"" ) 177 192 MBG= ("" ,"" ) 178 193 CPL= ("", "" ) 194 IOS= (xios_server.exe, xios.x, 1MPI) 179 195 180 196 #======================================================================== … … 184 200 #D- frequency of rebuild submission (use NONE for DRYRUN=3) 185 201 RebuildFrequency=1Y 202 PackFrequency=10Y 186 203 #D- Do we rebuild parallel output from archive (use true on vargas) 187 204 RebuildFromArchive=NONE -
r2343 r2362 69 69 (( LagOce = 86400 / ORCA_NPDT_JOUR )) 70 70 71 ## Use of Lucia ## 72 lucia_ok="" 73 if [ ${oasis_UserChoices_Lucia} = y ] ; then 74 lucia_ok="-1" 75 fi 76 71 77 ############ Update Parameter Files ############## 72 78 sed -e "s/<total_time>/${D_JOB_SEC}/" \ 79 -e "s/<lucia_ok>/${lucia_ok}/" \ 73 80 -e "s/<output_mode>/${CPL_OutputVar}/g" \ 74 81 -e "s/<freq_coupling>/${FreqCoupling}/g" \ … … 101 108 fi 102 109 103 /ccc/scratch/cont003/dsm/p86caub/LUCIA/lucia 110 ## Use of Lucia ## 111 if [ ${oasis_UserChoices_Lucia} = y ] ; then 112 echo "Use of LUCIA" 113 # To be changed 114 # On Curie 115 # /ccc/scratch/cont003/dsm/p86caub/LUCIA/lucia 116 # On Ada 117 # /linkhome/rech/psl/rpsl035/LUCIA/lucia 118 fi 104 119 105 120 echo FINALIZE CPL !!! -
r2343 r2362 16 16 17 17 <!-- We must have buffer_size > jpi*jpj*jpk*8 (with jpi and jpj the subdomain size) --> 18 <variable id="buffer_size" type="integer"> 50000000</variable>18 <variable id="buffer_size" type="integer">10000000</variable> 19 19 <variable id="buffer_server_factor_size" type="integer">2</variable> 20 20 <variable id="info_level" type="integer">1</variable> -
r2307 r2362 40 40 # 41 41 $NLOGPRT 42 2 -142 2 <lucia_ok> 43 43 $END 44 44 # -
r2307 r2362 40 40 # 41 41 $NLOGPRT 42 2 -142 2 <lucia_ok> 43 43 $END 44 44 # -
r2307 r2362 40 40 # 41 41 $NLOGPRT 42 2 42 2 <lucia_ok> 43 43 $END 44 44 # -
r2307 r2362 40 40 # 41 41 $NLOGPRT 42 2 42 2 <lucia_ok> 43 43 $END 44 44 #
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