Changeset 2372 for CONFIG/UNIFORM
- Timestamp:
- 11/27/14 17:45:52 (10 years ago)
- Location:
- Files:
- 15 added
- 21 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r2362 r2372 88 88 (${MODIPSL}/modeles/LMDZ/DefLists/file_def_histmthNMC_lmdz.xml, . ),\ 89 89 (${MODIPSL}/modeles/LMDZ/DefLists/file_def_histdayNMC_lmdz.xml, . ),\ 90 (${MODIPSL}/modeles/LMDZ/DefLists/file_def_histhfNMC_lmdz.xml, . ) 90 (${MODIPSL}/modeles/LMDZ/DefLists/file_def_histhfNMC_lmdz.xml, . ),\ 91 (${MODIPSL}/modeles/LMDZ/DefLists/file_def_histmthCOSP_lmdz.xml, .),\ 92 (${MODIPSL}/modeles/LMDZ/DefLists/file_def_histdayCOSP_lmdz.xml, .),\ 93 (${MODIPSL}/modeles/LMDZ/DefLists/file_def_histhfCOSP_lmdz.xml, .) 91 94 92 95 [RestartFiles] … … 115 118 Patches= () 116 119 GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, presnivs, time_counter, time_counter_bounds, aire) 117 TimeSeriesVars2D = (bils, cldh, cldl, cldm, cldq, cldt, evap, flat, ftime_con, iwp, lwp, LWdnSFC, LWdnSFCclr, LWupSFCclr, LWdn200, LWdn200clr, LWup200, LWup200clr, precip, prw, pluc, psol, q2m, rh2m, sens, sicf, slp, snow, soll0, soll, sols0, sols, SWdnSFC, SWupSFC, SWup200, SWdnTOA, SWupTOA, SWdn200, SWdnSFCclr, SWupSFCclr, SWupTOAclr, t2m, t2m_max, t2m_min, taux, taux_ter, taux_sic, taux_lic, taux_oce, tauy, tauy_ter, tauy_sic, tauy_lic, tauy_oce, lat_ter, lat_sic, lat_lic, lat_oce, nettop, pbase, ptop, topl0, topl, tops0, tops, topswad, topswai, tsol, tsol_ter, tsol_lic, tsol_oce, tsol_sic , u10m, u500, v10m, v500, w500, pourc_ter, pourc_oce, pourc_sic, pourc_lic, wind10m, od550aer, od550lt1aer, absvisaer, loadoa, loadbc, loadso4, loaddust, loadss, sconcoa, sconcbc, sconcso4, sconcdust, sconcss, reffclwtop, cldncl, swtoaas_ant, swtoacs_ant, swtoacf_ant, swsrfas_ant, swsrfcs_ant, swsrfcf_ant, swtoaas_nat, swtoacs_nat, swtoacf_nat, swsrfas_nat, swsrfcs_nat, swsrfcf_nat, solswai, s wtoacf_zero, swsrfcf_zero)118 ChunckJob2D = NONE 119 TimeSeriesVars3D = (upwd, lwcon, iwcon, lcc3dcon, lcc3dstra, temp, theta, ovap, ovapinit, geop, vitu, vitv, vitw, pres, rneb, rnebcon, rhum, mc, paprs, scdnc, ec550aer, concoa, concbc, concso4, concss, concdust, reffclws, reffclwc, rlu, rsu, rld, rsd, rlucs, rsucs, rldcs, rsdcs, tnt, dtdyn, dtphy, dtlschr, tntr, tntscpbl, tnhus, dqdyn, dqvdf, tnhusscpbl, dqphy, evu, kz, mcd)120 TimeSeriesVars2D = (bils, cldh, cldl, cldm, cldq, cldt, evap, flat, ftime_con, iwp, lwp, LWdnSFC, LWdnSFCclr, LWupSFCclr, LWdn200, LWdn200clr, LWup200, LWup200clr, precip, prw, pluc, psol, q2m, rh2m, sens, sicf, slp, snow, soll0, soll, sols0, sols, SWdnSFC, SWupSFC, SWup200, SWdnTOA, SWupTOA, SWdn200, SWdnSFCclr, SWupSFCclr, SWupTOAclr, t2m, t2m_max, t2m_min, taux, taux_ter, taux_sic, taux_lic, taux_oce, tauy, tauy_ter, tauy_sic, tauy_lic, tauy_oce, lat_ter, lat_sic, lat_lic, lat_oce, nettop, pbase, ptop, topl0, topl, tops0, tops, topswad, topswai, tsol, tsol_ter, tsol_lic, tsol_oce, tsol_sic , u10m, u500, v10m, v500, w500, pourc_ter, pourc_oce, pourc_sic, pourc_lic, wind10m, od550aer, od550lt1aer, absvisaer, loadoa, loadbc, loadso4, loaddust, loadss, sconcoa, sconcbc, sconcso4, sconcdust, sconcss, reffclwtop, cldncl, swtoaas_ant, swtoacs_ant, swtoacf_ant, swsrfas_ant, swsrfcs_ant, swsrfcf_ant, swtoaas_nat, swtoacs_nat, swtoacf_nat, swsrfas_nat, swsrfcs_nat, swsrfcf_nat, solswai, solswad, swtoacf_zero, swsrfcf_zero) 121 ChunckJob2D = NONE 122 TimeSeriesVars3D = (upwd, lwcon, iwcon, lcc3dcon, lcc3dstra, temp, theta, ovap, ovapinit, geop, vitu, vitv, vitw, pres, rneb, rnebcon, rhum, mc, paprs, scdnc, ec550aer, concoa, concbc, concso4, concss, concdust, reffclws, reffclwc, tnt, dtdyn, dtphy, dtlschr, tntr, tntscpbl, tnhus, dqdyn, dqvdf, tnhusscpbl, dqphy, evu, mcd) 120 123 ChunckJob3D = 100Y 121 124 Seasonal=ON -
r2362 r2372 55 55 (${config_UserChoices_JobName}, ${R_OUT_OCE_O_M}/${PREFIX}, Post_1M_grid_U),\ 56 56 (${config_UserChoices_JobName}, ${R_OUT_OCE_O_M}/${PREFIX}, Post_1M_grid_V),\ 57 (${config_UserChoices_JobName}, ${R_OUT_OCE_O_M}/${PREFIX}, Post_1M_grid_W),\ 57 (${config_UserChoices_JobName}, ${R_OUT_OCE_O_M}/${PREFIX}, NONE),\ 58 (${config_UserChoices_JobName}, ${R_OUT_OCE_O_M}/${PREFIX}, Post_1M_diaptr),\ 58 59 (${config_UserChoices_JobName}, ${R_OUT_OCE_O_D}/${PREFIX}, Post_1D_grid_T),\ 59 60 (${config_UserChoices_JobName}, ${R_OUT_OCE_O_D}/${PREFIX}, Post_1D_grid_U),\ -
r2362 r2372 50 50 TimeSeriesVars2D = () 51 51 ChunckJob2D = OFF 52 TimeSeriesVars3D = (Alkalini, DCHL, DIC, Fer, NCHL, NO3, O2, PO4)52 TimeSeriesVars3D = (Alkalini, BFe, CaCO3, DCHL, DFe, DIC, DOC, DSi, Fer, GOC, GSi, NCHL, NFe, NH4, NO3, O2, PHY, PHY2, PO4, POC, SFe, Si, ZOO, ZOO2) 53 53 ChunckJob3D = 50Y 54 54 Seasonal=ON … … 57 57 Patches = () 58 58 GatherWithInternal = (nav_lon, nav_lat, time_counter, time_counter_bounds) 59 TimeSeriesVars2D = (Cflx, Dpco2 )59 TimeSeriesVars2D = (Cflx, Dpco2, Dpo2, EPC100, EPCAL100, EPFE100, EPSI100, Heup, Irondep, Kg, Nfix, Oflx) 60 60 ChunckJob2D = NONE 61 TimeSeriesVars3D = ( 61 TimeSeriesVars3D = (PPPHY, PPPHY2, PPNEWN, PPNEWD, PAR, PH) 62 62 ChunckJob3D = 50Y 63 63 Seasonal=ON -
r2277 r2372 55 55 TOP_NRSTTR=0 56 56 57 PISCES_LRIVER=. FALSE.57 PISCES_LRIVER=.TRUE. 58 58 59 59 # If we start from IPSLCM5* restart files. -
r2270 r2372 97 97 <field field_ref="iceprod_cea" name="iiceprod" /> 98 98 <field field_ref="ist_ipa" name="iicetemp" /> 99 <field field_ref="ioceflxb" name="ioceflxb" />100 99 <field field_ref="uice_ipa" name="iicevelu" /> 101 100 <field field_ref="vice_ipa" name="iicevelv" /> … … 107 106 </file> 108 107 109 <file id="file8" name_suffix="_ptrc_T" description="pisces sms variables" > 110 <field field_ref="DIC" /> 111 <field field_ref="Alkalini" /> 112 <field field_ref="O2" /> 113 <field field_ref="PO4" /> 114 <field field_ref="Si" /> 115 <field field_ref="Fer" /> 116 <field field_ref="NCHL" /> 117 <field field_ref="DCHL" /> 118 <field field_ref="NO3" /> 108 <file id="file8" name_suffix="_diaptr" description="diaptr variables" enabled=".FALSE."> 109 <field field_ref="zotemglo" /> 110 <field field_ref="zosalglo" /> 111 <field field_ref="zosrfglo" /> 112 <field field_ref="zomsfglo" /> 113 <field field_ref="zomsfeiv" /> 114 <field field_ref="zotematl" /> 115 <field field_ref="zosalatl" /> 116 <field field_ref="zosrfatl" /> 117 <field field_ref="zomsfatl" /> 118 <field field_ref="zotempac" /> 119 <field field_ref="zosalpac" /> 120 <field field_ref="zosrfpac" /> 121 <field field_ref="zomsfpac" /> 122 <field field_ref="zotemind" /> 123 <field field_ref="zosalind" /> 124 <field field_ref="zosrfind" /> 125 <field field_ref="zomsfind" /> 126 <field field_ref="zotemipc" /> 127 <field field_ref="zosalipc" /> 128 <field field_ref="zosrfipc" /> 129 <field field_ref="zomsfipc" /> 130 <field field_ref="sophtadv" /> 131 <field field_ref="sophteiv" /> 132 <field field_ref="sophtldf" /> 133 <field field_ref="sophtove" /> 134 <field field_ref="sohtatl" /> 135 <field field_ref="sohtpac" /> 136 <field field_ref="sohtind" /> 137 <field field_ref="sohtipc" /> 138 <field field_ref="sopstadv" /> 139 <field field_ref="sopsteiv" /> 140 <field field_ref="sopstldf" /> 141 <field field_ref="sopstove" /> 142 <field field_ref="sostatl" /> 143 <field field_ref="sostpac" /> 144 <field field_ref="sostind" /> 145 <field field_ref="sostipc" /> 146 </file> 147 148 <file id="file9" name_suffix="_ptrc_T" description="pisces sms variables" > 149 <field field_ref="DIC" /> 150 <field field_ref="Alkalini" /> 151 <field field_ref="O2" /> 152 <field field_ref="CaCO3" /> 153 <field field_ref="PO4" /> 154 <field field_ref="POC" /> 155 <field field_ref="Si" /> 156 <field field_ref="PHY" /> 157 <field field_ref="ZOO" /> 158 <field field_ref="DOC" /> 159 <field field_ref="PHY2" /> 160 <field field_ref="ZOO2" /> 161 <field field_ref="DSi" /> 162 <field field_ref="Fer" /> 163 <field field_ref="BFe" /> 164 <field field_ref="GOC" /> 165 <field field_ref="SFe" /> 166 <field field_ref="DFe" /> 167 <field field_ref="GSi" /> 168 <field field_ref="NFe" /> 169 <field field_ref="NCHL" /> 170 <field field_ref="DCHL" /> 171 <field field_ref="NO3" /> 172 <field field_ref="NH4" /> 119 173 </file> 120 174 121 <file id="file9" name_suffix="_diad_T" description="additional pisces diagnostics" > 122 <field field_ref="Cflx" /> 123 <field field_ref="Dpco2" /> 124 </file> 125 126 </file_group> 175 <file id="file10" name_suffix="_diad_T" description="additional pisces diagnostics" > 176 <field field_ref="PH" /> 177 <field field_ref="CO3" /> 178 <field field_ref="CO3sat" /> 179 <field field_ref="PAR" /> 180 <field field_ref="PPPHY" /> 181 <field field_ref="PPPHY2" /> 182 <field field_ref="PPNEWN" /> 183 <field field_ref="PPNEWD" /> 184 <field field_ref="PBSi" /> 185 <field field_ref="PFeN" /> 186 <field field_ref="PFeD" /> 187 <field field_ref="xfracal" /> 188 <field field_ref="PCAL" /> 189 <field field_ref="DCAL" /> 190 <field field_ref="GRAZ1" /> 191 <field field_ref="GRAZ2" /> 192 <field field_ref="EPC100" /> 193 <field field_ref="EPFE100" /> 194 <field field_ref="EPSI100" /> 195 <field field_ref="EPCAL100" /> 196 <field field_ref="Cflx" /> 197 <field field_ref="Oflx" /> 198 <field field_ref="Kg" /> 199 <field field_ref="Dpco2" /> 200 <field field_ref="Dpo2" /> 201 <field field_ref="Heup" /> 202 <field field_ref="Irondep" /> 203 <field field_ref="Ironsed" /> 204 <field field_ref="Ironice" /> 205 <field field_ref="Nfix" /> 206 <field field_ref="MuN" /> 207 <field field_ref="MuD" /> 208 <field field_ref="LNnut" /> 209 <field field_ref="LDnut" /> 210 <field field_ref="LNFe" /> 211 <field field_ref="LDFe" /> 212 <field field_ref="LNlight" /> 213 <field field_ref="LDlight" /> 214 <field field_ref="pdust" /> 215 <field field_ref="Fe3" /> 216 <field field_ref="FeL1" /> 217 <field field_ref="TL1" /> 218 <field field_ref="Sdenit" /> 219 <field field_ref="Totlig" /> 220 </file> 221 222 </file_group> 127 223 128 224 <file_group id="1y" output_freq="1y" output_level="10" enabled="_1Y_ENABLE_"> <!-- real yearly files --> 129 225 130 <file id="file1 0" name_suffix="_ptrc_T" description="pisces sms variables" >131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 </file> 156 157 <file id="file1 1" name_suffix="_diad_T" description="additional pisces diagnostics" >158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 226 <file id="file11" name_suffix="_ptrc_T" description="pisces sms variables" > 227 <field field_ref="DIC" /> 228 <field field_ref="Alkalini" /> 229 <field field_ref="O2" /> 230 <field field_ref="CaCO3" /> 231 <field field_ref="PO4" /> 232 <field field_ref="POC" /> 233 <field field_ref="Si" /> 234 <field field_ref="PHY" /> 235 <field field_ref="ZOO" /> 236 <field field_ref="DOC" /> 237 <field field_ref="PHY2" /> 238 <field field_ref="ZOO2" /> 239 <field field_ref="DSi" /> 240 <field field_ref="Fer" /> 241 <field field_ref="BFe" /> 242 <field field_ref="GOC" /> 243 <field field_ref="SFe" /> 244 <field field_ref="DFe" /> 245 <field field_ref="GSi" /> 246 <field field_ref="NFe" /> 247 <field field_ref="NCHL" /> 248 <field field_ref="DCHL" /> 249 <field field_ref="NO3" /> 250 <field field_ref="NH4" /> 251 </file> 252 253 <file id="file12" name_suffix="_diad_T" description="additional pisces diagnostics" > 254 <field field_ref="PH" /> 255 <field field_ref="CO3" /> 256 <field field_ref="CO3sat" /> 257 <field field_ref="PAR" /> 258 <field field_ref="PPPHY" /> 259 <field field_ref="PPPHY2" /> 260 <field field_ref="PPNEWN" /> 261 <field field_ref="PPNEWD" /> 262 <field field_ref="PBSi" /> 263 <field field_ref="PFeN" /> 264 <field field_ref="PFeD" /> 265 <field field_ref="xfracal" /> 266 <field field_ref="PCAL" /> 267 <field field_ref="DCAL" /> 268 <field field_ref="GRAZ1" /> 269 <field field_ref="GRAZ2" /> 270 <field field_ref="EPC100" /> 271 <field field_ref="EPFE100" /> 272 <field field_ref="EPSI100" /> 273 <field field_ref="EPCAL100" /> 274 <field field_ref="Cflx" /> 275 <field field_ref="Oflx" /> 276 <field field_ref="Kg" /> 277 <field field_ref="Dpco2" /> 278 <field field_ref="Dpo2" /> 279 <field field_ref="Heup" /> 280 <field field_ref="Irondep" /> 281 <field field_ref="Ironsed" /> 282 <field field_ref="Ironice" /> 283 <field field_ref="Nfix" /> 284 <field field_ref="MuN" /> 285 <field field_ref="MuD" /> 286 <field field_ref="LNnut" /> 287 <field field_ref="LDnut" /> 288 <field field_ref="LNFe" /> 289 <field field_ref="LDFe" /> 290 <field field_ref="LNlight" /> 291 <field field_ref="LDlight" /> 292 <field field_ref="pdust" /> 293 <field field_ref="Fe3" /> 294 <field field_ref="FeL1" /> 295 <field field_ref="TL1" /> 296 <field field_ref="Sdenit" /> 297 <field field_ref="Totlig" /> 202 298 </file> 203 299 -
r2270 r2372 5 5 <!-- My zoom: example of hand defined zoom --> 6 6 <domain id="myzoom" zoom_ibegin="10" zoom_jbegin="10" zoom_ni="5" zoom_nj="5" /> 7 <!-- Eq section --> 7 <domain id="1point" zoom_ibegin="10" zoom_jbegin="10" zoom_ni="1" zoom_nj="1" /> 8 <domain id="ptr" zoom_ibegin="0000" zoom_jbegin="1" zoom_ni="1" zoom_nj="0000" /> 9 <!-- Eq section --> 8 10 <domain id="EqT" zoom_ibegin="1" zoom_jbegin="0000" zoom_ni="0000" zoom_nj="1" /> 9 11 <!-- TAO --> … … 170 172 <domain_group id="scalarpoint"> 171 173 <domain id="scalarpoint" long_name="scalar"/> 174 <!-- 172 175 <domain id="1point" zoom_ibegin="1" zoom_jbegin="1" zoom_ni="1" zoom_nj="1" /> 176 --> 173 177 </domain_group> 174 178 -
r2270 r2372 29 29 <field id="mldr10_1" long_name="Mixed Layer Depth 0.01 ref.10m" unit="m" /> 30 30 <field id="rhop" long_name="potential density (sigma0)" unit="kg/m3" grid_ref="grid_T_3D"/> 31 <field id="heatc" long_name="Heat content vertically integrated" unit="J/m2" /> 32 <field id="saltc" long_name="Salt content vertically integrated" unit="PSU*kg/m2" /> 31 33 <field id="eken" long_name="kinetic energy" unit="m2/s2" grid_ref="grid_T_3D"/> 32 34 <field id="hdiv" long_name="horizontal divergence" unit="s-1" grid_ref="grid_T_3D"/> … … 158 160 159 161 <!-- *_oce variables available with ln_blk_clio or ln_blk_core --> 160 <field id="qns_oce" long_name="Non solar Downward Heat Flux over open ocean" unit="W/m2" />161 162 <field id="qlw_oce" long_name="Longwave Downward Heat Flux over open ocean" unit="W/m2" /> 162 163 <field id="qsb_oce" long_name="Sensible Downward Heat Flux over open ocean" unit="W/m2" /> … … 194 195 <field id="ice_cover" long_name="Ice fraction" unit="1" /> 195 196 196 <field id="ioceflxb" long_name="Oceanic flux at the ice base" unit="W/m2" />197 197 <field id="qsr_ai_cea" long_name="Air-Ice downward solar heat flux (cell average)" unit="W/m2" /> 198 198 <field id="qns_ai_cea" long_name="Air-Ice downward non-solar heat flux (cell average)" unit="W/m2" /> … … 222 222 223 223 <field id="iceconc" long_name="ice concentration" unit="%" /> 224 <field id="icebopr" long_name="daily bottom thermo ice prod." unit="km3/day" />225 <field id="icedypr" long_name="daily dynamic ice prod." unit="km3/day" />226 <field id="ioceflxb" long_name="Oceanic flux at the ice base" unit="W/m2" />227 224 <field id="uice_ipa" long_name="Ice velocity along i-axis at I-point (ice presence average)" unit="m/s" /> 228 225 <field id="vice_ipa" long_name="Ice velocity along j-axis at I-point (ice presence average)" unit="m/s" /> … … 232 229 <field id="qsr_oce" long_name="solar heat flux at ocean surface" unit="W/m2" /> 233 230 <field id="qns_oce" long_name="non-solar heat flux at ocean surface" unit="W/m2" /> 234 <field id="hfbri" long_name="heat flux due to brine release" unit="W/m2" /> 231 <field id="qt_ice" long_name="total flux at ice surface" unit="W/m2" /> 232 <field id="qsr_ice" long_name="solar heat flux at ice surface" unit="W/m2" /> 233 <field id="qns_ice" long_name="non-solar heat flux at ice surface" unit="W/m2" /> 234 <field id="qtr_ice" long_name="solar heat flux transmitted thru the ice" unit="W/m2" /> 235 235 <field id="utau_ice" long_name="Wind stress along i-axis over the ice at i-point" unit="N/m2" /> 236 236 <field id="vtau_ice" long_name="Wind stress along j-axis over the ice at i-point" unit="N/m2" /> 237 <field id="qsr_io" long_name="Ice-Oce downward solar heat flux" unit="W/m2" />238 <field id="qns_io" long_name="Ice-Oce downward non-solar heat flux" unit="W/m2" />239 237 <field id="micesalt" long_name="Mean ice salinity" unit="psu" /> 240 238 <field id="miceage" long_name="Mean ice age" unit="years" /> 241 <field id="icelapr" long_name="daily lateral thermo ice prod." unit="km3/day" /> 242 <field id="icesipr" long_name="daily snowice ice prod." unit="km3/day" /> 239 240 <field id="iceage_cat" long_name="Ice age for categories" unit="days" axis_ref="ncatice" /> 241 <field id="iceconc_cat" long_name="Ice concentration for categories" unit="%" axis_ref="ncatice" /> 242 <field id="icethic_cat" long_name="Ice thickness for categories" unit="m" axis_ref="ncatice" /> 243 <field id="snowthic_cat" long_name="Snow thicknessi for categories" unit="m" axis_ref="ncatice" /> 244 <field id="salinity_cat" long_name="Sea-Ice Bulk salinity for categories" unit="ppt" axis_ref="ncatice" /> 245 <field id="brinevol_cat" long_name="Brine volume for categories" unit="%" axis_ref="ncatice" /> 246 243 247 <field id="micet" long_name="Mean ice temperature" unit="degC" /> 244 <field id="icehc" long_name="ice total heat content" unit="10^9 248 <field id="icehc" long_name="ice total heat content" unit="10^9J" /> 245 249 <field id="isnowhc" long_name="snow total heat content" unit="10^9J" /> 246 250 <field id="icest" long_name="ice surface temperature" unit="degC" /> 247 <field id="sfxbri" long_name="brine salt flux" unit="psu*kg/m2/day" />248 <field id="sfxthd" long_name="equivalent FW salt flux" unit="psu*kg/m2/day" />249 251 <field id="ibrinv" long_name="brine volume" unit="%" /> 250 252 <field id="icecolf" long_name="frazil ice collection thickness" unit="m" /> 251 253 <field id="icestr" long_name="ice strength" unit="N/m" /> 252 254 <field id="icevel" long_name="ice velocity" unit="m/s" /> 253 <field id="isume" long_name="surface melt" unit="km3/day" />254 <field id="ibome" long_name="bottom melt" unit="km3/day" />255 255 <field id="idive" long_name="divergence" unit="10-8s-1" /> 256 256 <field id="ishear" long_name="shear" unit="10-8s-1" /> 257 <field id="icerepr" long_name="daily resultant ice prod./melting from limupdate" unit="km3/day" /> 258 <field id="icevolu" long_name="ice volume" unit="km3" /> 259 <field id="snowvol" long_name="snow volume" unit="km3" /> 260 <field id="sfxmec" long_name="salt flux from ridging rafting" unit="psu*kg/m2/day" /> 257 <field id="icevolu" long_name="ice volume" unit="m" /> 258 <field id="snowvol" long_name="snow volume" unit="m" /> 259 260 <field id="icetrp" long_name="ice volume transport" unit="m/day" /> 261 <field id="snwtrp" long_name="snw volume transport" unit="m/day" /> 262 <field id="deitrp" long_name="advected ice enhalpy" unit="W/m2" /> 263 <field id="destrp" long_name="advected snw enhalpy" unit="W/m2" /> 264 265 <field id="sfxbri" long_name="brine salt flux" unit="psu*kg/m2/day" /> 266 <field id="sfxdyn" long_name="salt flux from ridging rafting" unit="psu*kg/m2/day" /> 261 267 <field id="sfxres" long_name="salt flux from lipupdate (resultant)" unit="psu*kg/m2/day" /> 262 <field id="icetrp" long_name="ice volume transport" unit="km3/day" /> 263 268 <field id="sfxbog" long_name="salt flux from bot growth" unit="psu*kg/m2/day" /> 269 <field id="sfxbom" long_name="salt flux from bot melt" unit="psu*kg/m2/day" /> 270 <field id="sfxsum" long_name="salt flux from surf melt" unit="psu*kg/m2/day" /> 271 <field id="sfxsni" long_name="salt flux from snow-ice formation" unit="psu*kg/m2/day" /> 272 <field id="sfxopw" long_name="salt flux from open water ice formation" unit="psu*kg/m2/day" /> 273 <field id="sfx" long_name="salt flux total" unit="psu*kg/m2/day" /> 274 275 <field id="vfxbog" long_name="daily bottom thermo ice prod." unit="m/day" /> 276 <field id="vfxdyn" long_name="daily dynamic ice prod." unit="m/day" /> 277 <field id="vfxopw" long_name="daily lateral thermo ice prod." unit="m/day" /> 278 <field id="vfxsni" long_name="daily snowice ice prod." unit="m/day" /> 279 <field id="vfxsum" long_name="surface melt" unit="m/day" /> 280 <field id="vfxbom" long_name="bottom melt" unit="m/day" /> 281 <field id="vfxres" long_name="daily resultant ice prod./melting from limupdate" unit="m/day" /> 282 <field id="vfxice" long_name="ice melt/growth" unit="m/day" /> 283 <field id="vfxsnw" long_name="snw melt/growth" unit="m/day" /> 284 <field id="vfxsub" long_name="snw sublimation" unit="m/day" /> 285 <field id="vfxspr" long_name="snw precipitation on ice" unit="m/day" /> 286 287 <field id="hfxsum" long_name="heat fluxes causing surface ice melt" unit="W/m2" /> 288 <field id="hfxbom" long_name="heat fluxes causing bottom ice melt" unit="W/m2" /> 289 <field id="hfxbog" long_name="heat fluxes causing bottom ice growth" unit="W/m2" /> 290 <field id="hfxdif" long_name="heat fluxes causing ice temperature change" unit="W/m2" /> 291 <field id="hfxopw" long_name="heat fluxes causing open water ice formation" unit="W/m2" /> 292 <field id="hfxsnw" long_name="heat fluxes causing snow melt" unit="W/m2" /> 293 <field id="hfxerr" long_name="heat fluxes error after heat diffusion" unit="W/m2" /> 294 <field id="hfxerr_rem" long_name="heat fluxes error after remapping" unit="W/m2" /> 295 <field id="hfxout" long_name="total heat fluxes received by the ocean" unit="W/m2" /> 296 <field id="hfxin" long_name="total heat fluxes at the ice/ocean surface" unit="W/m2" /> 297 298 <!-- heat flux associated with mass exchange --> 299 <field id="hfxthd" long_name="heat fluxes from ice-ocean mass exchange during thermo" unit="W/m2" /> 300 <field id="hfxdyn" long_name="heat fluxes from ice-ocean mass exchange during dynamic" unit="W/m2" /> 301 <field id="hfxres" long_name="heat fluxes from ice-ocean mass exchange during resultant" unit="W/m2" /> 302 <field id="hfxsub" long_name="heat fluxes from ice-atm. mass exchange during sublimation" unit="W/m2" /> 303 <field id="hfxspr" long_name="heat fluxes from ice-atm. mass exchange during snow precip" unit="W/m2" /> 304 305 <!-- diags --> 306 <field id="hfxdhc" long_name="Heat content variation in snow and ice" unit="W/m2" /> 307 <field id="hfxtur" long_name="turbulent heat flux at the ice base" unit="W/m2" /> 264 308 265 309 </field_group> … … 284 328 <field id="u_masstr" long_name="ocean eulerian mass transport along i-axis" unit="kg/s" grid_ref="grid_U_3D" /> 285 329 <field id="u_heattr" long_name="ocean eulerian heat transport along i-axis" unit="W" /> 330 <field id="u_salttr" long_name="ocean eulerian salt transport along i-axis" unit="PSU*kg/s" /> 286 331 <field id="ueiv_heattr" long_name="ocean bolus heat transport along i-axis" unit="W" /> 287 332 <field id="udiff_heattr" long_name="ocean diffusion heat transport along i-axis" unit="W" /> … … 307 352 <field id="v_masstr" long_name="ocean eulerian mass transport along j-axis" unit="kg/s" grid_ref="grid_V_3D" /> 308 353 <field id="v_heattr" long_name="ocean eulerian heat transport along j-axis" unit="W" /> 354 <field id="v_salttr" long_name="ocean eulerian salt transport along i-axis" unit="PSU*kg/s" /> 309 355 <field id="veiv_heattr" long_name="ocean bolus heat transport along j-axis" unit="W" /> 310 356 <field id="vdiff_heattr" long_name="ocean diffusion heat transport along j-axis" unit="W" /> … … 340 386 341 387 <field_group id="scalar" domain_ref="1point" > 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 388 <field id="voltot" long_name="global mean volume" unit="m3" /> 389 <field id="sshtot" long_name="global mean ssh" unit="m" /> 390 <field id="sshsteric" long_name="global mean ssh steric" unit="m" /> 391 <field id="sshthster" long_name="global mean ssh thermosteric" unit="m" /> 392 <field id="masstot" long_name="global mean mass" unit="kg" /> 393 <field id="temptot" long_name="global mean temperature" unit="degC" /> 394 <field id="saltot" long_name="global mean salinity" unit="psu" /> 395 <field id="fram_trans" long_name="Sea Ice Mass Transport Through Fram Strait" unit="kg/s" /> 350 396 <!-- available with ln_diahsb --> 351 <field id="bgtemper" long_name="global mean temperature" unit="degC" /> 352 <field id="bgsaline" long_name="global mean salinity" unit="psu" /> 353 <field id="bgheatco" long_name="global mean heat content" unit="10^9J" /> 354 <field id="bgsaltco" long_name="global mean salt content" unit="psu*m3" /> 355 <field id="bgvolssh" long_name="global mean ssh volume" unit="km3" /> 356 <field id="bgvoltot" long_name="global mean volume" unit="km3" /> 357 <field id="bgsshtot" long_name="global mean ssh" unit="m" /> 358 <field id="bgfrcvol" long_name="global mean volume from forcing" unit="km3" /> 359 <field id="bgfrctem" long_name="global mean heat content from forcing" unit="10^9J" /> 360 <field id="bgfrcsal" long_name="global mean salt content from forcing" unit="psu*km3" /> 397 <field id="bgtemper" long_name="global mean temperature variation" unit="degC"/> 398 <field id="bgsaline" long_name="global mean salinity variation" unit="psu"/> 399 <field id="bgheatco" long_name="global mean heat content variation" unit="10^20J"/> 400 <field id="bgsaltco" long_name="global mean salt content variation" unit="psu*km3" /> 401 <field id="bgvolssh" long_name="global mean volume variation (ssh)" unit="km3"/> 402 <field id="bgvole3t" long_name="global mean volume variation (e3t)" unit="km3"/> 403 <field id="bgfrcvol" long_name="global mean volume variation from forcing" unit="km3"/> 404 <field id="bgfrctem" long_name="global mean forcing from heat content variation" unit="degC"/> 405 <field id="bgfrcsal" long_name="global mean forcing salt content variation" unit="psu"/> 406 <field id="bgmistem" long_name="global mean temperature error due to free surface" unit="degC"/> 407 <field id="bgmissal" long_name="global mean salinity error due to free surface" unit="psu"/> 361 408 </field_group> 362 409 363 410 <field_group id="SBC_scalar" domain_ref="1point" > 364 <!-- available with ln_limdia hsb-->411 <!-- available with ln_limdiaout --> 365 412 <field id="ibgvoltot" long_name="global mean ice volume" unit="km3" /> 366 413 <field id="sbgvoltot" long_name="global mean snow volume" unit="km3" /> … … 368 415 <field id="ibgsaline" long_name="global mean ice salinity" unit="psu" /> 369 416 <field id="ibgtemper" long_name="global mean ice temperature" unit="degC" /> 370 <field id="ibgheatco" long_name="global mean ice heat content" unit="10^9J" /> 417 <field id="ibgheatco" long_name="global mean ice heat content" unit="10^20J" /> 418 <field id="sbgheatco" long_name="global mean snow heat content" unit="10^20J" /> 371 419 <field id="ibgsaltco" long_name="global mean ice salt content" unit="psu*km3" /> 372 <field id="sbgheatco" long_name="global mean snow heat content" unit="10^9J" /> 373 <field id="ibgfrcsfx" long_name="global mean salt content from sfx" unit="psu*km3" /> 374 <field id="ibgfrcemp" long_name="global mean volume from emp" unit="km3" /> 375 <field id="ibgsfx" long_name="global mean emps" unit="psu*kg/m2/day" /> 376 <field id="ibgemp" long_name="global mean emp" unit="kg/m2/day" /> 377 <field id="ibgsfxbri" long_name="global mean ice sfx_bri" unit="psu*kg/m2/day" /> 378 <field id="ibgsfxthd" long_name="global mean ice sfx_thd" unit="psu*kg/m2/day" /> 379 <field id="ibgsfxres" long_name="global mean ice sfx_res" unit="psu*kg/m2/day" /> 380 <field id="ibgsfxmec" long_name="global mean ice fsalt_rpo" unit="psu*kg/m2/day" /> 381 <field id="ibggrpme" long_name="global mean ice growth+melt volume" unit="km3" /> 420 421 <field id="ibgvfx" long_name="global mean volume flux (emp)" unit="m/day" /> 422 <field id="ibgvfxbog" long_name="global mean volume flux (bottom growth)" unit="m/day" /> 423 <field id="ibgvfxopw" long_name="global mean volume flux (open water growth)" unit="m/day" /> 424 <field id="ibgvfxsni" long_name="global mean volume flux (snow-ice growth)" unit="m/day" /> 425 <field id="ibgvfxdyn" long_name="global mean volume flux (dynamic growth)" unit="m/day" /> 426 <field id="ibgvfxbom" long_name="global mean volume flux (bottom melt)" unit="m/day" /> 427 <field id="ibgvfxsum" long_name="global mean volume flux (surface melt)" unit="m/day" /> 428 <field id="ibgvfxres" long_name="global mean volume flux (resultant)" unit="m/day" /> 429 <field id="ibgvfxspr" long_name="global mean volume flux (snow precip)" unit="m/day" /> 430 <field id="ibgvfxsnw" long_name="global mean volume flux (snow melt)" unit="m/day" /> 431 <field id="ibgvfxsub" long_name="global mean volume flux (snow sublimation)" unit="m/day" /> 432 433 <field id="ibgsfx" long_name="global mean salt flux (total)" unit="psu*m/day" /> 434 <field id="ibgsfxbri" long_name="global mean salt flux (brines)" unit="psu*m/day" /> 435 <field id="ibgsfxdyn" long_name="global mean salt flux (dynamic)" unit="psu*m/day" /> 436 <field id="ibgsfxres" long_name="global mean salt flux (resultant)" unit="psu*m/day" /> 437 <field id="ibgsfxbog" long_name="global mean salt flux (thermo)" unit="psu*m/day" /> 438 <field id="ibgsfxopw" long_name="global mean salt flux (thermo)" unit="psu*m/day" /> 439 <field id="ibgsfxsni" long_name="global mean salt flux (thermo)" unit="psu*m/day" /> 440 <field id="ibgsfxbom" long_name="global mean salt flux (thermo)" unit="psu*m/day" /> 441 <field id="ibgsfxsum" long_name="global mean salt flux (thermo)" unit="psu*m/day" /> 442 443 444 <field id="ibghfxdhc" long_name="Heat content variation in snow and ice" unit="W" /> 445 <field id="ibghfxspr" long_name="Heat content of snow precip" unit="W" /> 446 447 <field id="ibghfxthd" long_name="heat fluxes from ice-ocean exchange during thermo" unit="W" /> 448 <field id="ibghfxsum" long_name="heat fluxes causing surface ice melt" unit="W" /> 449 <field id="ibghfxbom" long_name="heat fluxes causing bottom ice melt" unit="W" /> 450 <field id="ibghfxbog" long_name="heat fluxes causing bottom ice growth" unit="W" /> 451 <field id="ibghfxdif" long_name="heat fluxes causing ice temperature change" unit="W" /> 452 <field id="ibghfxopw" long_name="heat fluxes causing open water ice formation" unit="W" /> 453 <field id="ibghfxdyn" long_name="heat fluxes from ice-ocean exchange during dynamic" unit="W" /> 454 <field id="ibghfxres" long_name="heat fluxes from ice-ocean exchange during resultant" unit="W" /> 455 <field id="ibghfxsub" long_name="heat fluxes from sublimation" unit="W" /> 456 <field id="ibghfxsnw" long_name="heat fluxes from snow-ocean exchange" unit="W" /> 457 <field id="ibghfxout" long_name="non solar heat fluxes received by the ocean" unit="W" /> 458 <field id="ibghfxin" long_name="total heat fluxes at the ice surface" unit="W" /> 459 460 <field id="ibgfrcvol" long_name="global mean forcing volume (emp)" unit="km3" /> 461 <field id="ibgfrcsfx" long_name="global mean forcing salt (sfx)" unit="psu*km3" /> 462 <field id="ibgvolgrm" long_name="global mean ice growth+melt volume" unit="km3" /> 382 463 </field_group> 383 464 … … 408 489 <field id="berg_real_calving" long_name="icb calving into iceberg class" unit="kg/s" axis_ref="icbcla" /> 409 490 <field id="berg_stored_ice" long_name="icb accumulated ice mass by class" unit="kg" axis_ref="icbcla" /> 491 </field_group> 492 493 <!-- PTR --> 494 <field_group id="diaptr" domain_ref="ptr" grid_ref="grid_T_3D" enabled=".FALSE."> <!-- time step automaticaly defined based on nn_fptr --> 495 <field id="zotemglo" long_name="Zonal Mean Temperature" unit="C" /> 496 <field id="zosalglo" long_name="Zonal Mean Salinity" unit="PSU" /> 497 <field id="zosrfglo" long_name="Zonal Mean Surface" unit="m2" /> 498 <field id="zomsfglo" long_name="Meridional Stream-Function: Global" unit="Sv" /> 499 <field id="zomsfeiv" long_name="Bolus Meridional Stream-Function: Global" unit="Sv" /> 500 <field id="zotematl" long_name="Zonal Mean Temperature : Atlantic" unit="C" /> 501 <field id="zosalatl" long_name="Zonal Mean Salinity : Atlantic" unit="PSU" /> 502 <field id="zosrfatl" long_name="Zonal Mean Surface : Atlantic" unit="m2" /> 503 <field id="zomsfatl" long_name="Meridional Stream-Function: Atlantic" unit="Sv" /> 504 <field id="zotempac" long_name="Zonal Mean Temperature : Pacific" unit="C" /> 505 <field id="zosalpac" long_name="Zonal Mean Salinity : Pacific" unit="PSU" /> 506 <field id="zosrfpac" long_name="Zonal Mean Surface : Pacific" unit="m2" /> 507 <field id="zomsfpac" long_name="Meridional Stream-Function: Pacific" unit="Sv" /> 508 <field id="zotemind" long_name="Zonal Mean Temperature : Indian" unit="C" /> 509 <field id="zosalind" long_name="Zonal Mean Salinity : Indian" unit="PSU" /> 510 <field id="zosrfind" long_name="Zonal Mean Surface : Indian" unit="m2" /> 511 <field id="zomsfind" long_name="Meridional Stream-Function: Indian" unit="Sv" /> 512 <field id="zotemipc" long_name="Zonal Mean Temperature : Pacific+Indian" unit="C" /> 513 <field id="zosalipc" long_name="Zonal Mean Salinity : Pacific+Indian" unit="PSU" /> 514 <field id="zosrfipc" long_name="Zonal Mean Surface : Pacific+Indian" unit="m2" /> 515 <field id="zomsfipc" long_name="Meridional Stream-Function: Pacific+Indian" unit="Sv" /> 516 <field id="sophtadv" long_name="Advective Heat Transport" unit="PW" grid_ref="grid_T_2D" /> 517 <field id="sophteiv" long_name="Bolus Advective Heat Transport" unit="PW" grid_ref="grid_T_2D" /> 518 <field id="sophtldf" long_name="Diffusive Heat Transport" unit="PW" grid_ref="grid_T_2D" /> 519 <field id="sophtove" long_name="Overtuning Heat Transport" unit="PW" grid_ref="grid_T_2D" /> 520 <field id="sohtatl" long_name="Heat Transport Atlantic" unit="PW" grid_ref="grid_T_2D" /> 521 <field id="sohtpac" long_name="Heat Transport Pacific" unit="PW" grid_ref="grid_T_2D" /> 522 <field id="sohtind" long_name="Heat Transport Indian" unit="PW" grid_ref="grid_T_2D" /> 523 <field id="sohtipc" long_name="Heat Transport Pacific+Indian" unit="PW" grid_ref="grid_T_2D" /> 524 <field id="sopstadv" long_name="Advective Salt Transport" unit="Giga g/s" grid_ref="grid_T_2D" /> 525 <field id="sopsteiv" long_name="Bolus Advective Salt Transport" unit="Giga g/s" grid_ref="grid_T_2D" /> 526 <field id="sopstldf" long_name="Diffusive Salt Transport" unit="Giga g/s" grid_ref="grid_T_2D" /> 527 <field id="sopstove" long_name="Overtuning Salt Transport" unit="Giga g/s" grid_ref="grid_T_2D" /> 528 <field id="sostatl" long_name="Salt Transport Atlantic" unit="Giga g/s" grid_ref="grid_T_2D" /> 529 <field id="sostpac" long_name="Salt Transport Pacific" unit="Giga g/s" grid_ref="grid_T_2D" /> 530 <field id="sostind" long_name="Salt Transport Indian" unit="Giga g/s" grid_ref="grid_T_2D" /> 531 <field id="sostipc" long_name="Salt Transport Pacific+Indian" unit="Giga g/s" grid_ref="grid_T_2D" /> 410 532 </field_group> 411 533 -
r2265 r2372 183 183 / 184 184 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 185 &namc1d ! 1D configuration options ("key_c1d") 186 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 187 rn_lat1d = 50 ! Column latitude (default at PAPA station) 188 rn_lon1d = -145 ! Column longitude (default at PAPA station) 189 ln_c1d_locpt= .true. ! Localization of 1D config in a grid (T) or independant point (F) 190 / 191 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 185 192 &namtsd ! data : Temperature & Salinity 186 193 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- … … 240 247 ln_cdgw = .false. ! Neutral drag coefficient read from wave model (T => fill namsbc_wave) 241 248 ln_sdw = .false. ! Computation of 3D stokes drift (T => fill namsbc_wave) 249 nn_lsm = 0 ! =0 land/sea mask for input fields is not applied (keep empty land/sea mask filename field) , 250 ! =1:n number of iterations of land/sea mask application for input fields (fill land/sea mask filename field) 242 251 cn_iceflx = 'linear' ! redistribution of solar input into ice categories during coupling ice/atm. 243 252 / … … 559 568 nn_tra_dta = 0 ! = 0, bdy data are equal to the initial state 560 569 ! = 1, bdy data are read in 'bdydata .nc' files 570 cn_ice_lim = 'none' ! 571 nn_ice_lim_dta = 0 ! = 0, bdy data are equal to the initial state 572 ! = 1, bdy data are read in 'bdydata .nc' files 573 rn_ice_tem = 270. ! lim3 only: arbitrary temperature of incoming sea ice 574 rn_ice_sal = 10. ! lim3 only: -- salinity -- 575 rn_ice_age = 30. ! lim3 only: -- age -- 576 561 577 ln_tra_dmp =.false. ! open boudaries conditions for tracers 562 578 ln_dyn3d_dmp =.false. ! open boundary condition for baroclinic velocities … … 579 595 bn_tem = 'amm12_bdyT_tra' , 24 , 'votemper' , .true. , .false. , 'daily' , '' , '' , '' 580 596 bn_sal = 'amm12_bdyT_tra' , 24 , 'vosaline' , .true. , .false. , 'daily' , '' , '' , '' 597 ! for lim2 598 ! bn_frld = 'amm12_bdyT_ice' , 24 , 'ileadfra' , .true. , .false. , 'daily' , '' , '' , '' 599 ! bn_hicif = 'amm12_bdyT_ice' , 24 , 'iicethic' , .true. , .false. , 'daily' , '' , '' , '' 600 ! bn_hsnif = 'amm12_bdyT_ice' , 24 , 'isnowthi' , .true. , .false. , 'daily' , '' , '' , '' 601 ! for lim3 602 ! bn_a_i = 'amm12_bdyT_ice' , 24 , 'ileadfra' , .true. , .false. , 'daily' , '' , '' , '' 603 ! bn_ht_i = 'amm12_bdyT_ice' , 24 , 'iicethic' , .true. , .false. , 'daily' , '' , '' , '' 604 ! bn_ht_s = 'amm12_bdyT_ice' , 24 , 'isnowthi' , .true. , .false. , 'daily' , '' , '' , '' 581 605 cn_dir = 'bdydta/' 582 606 ln_full_vel = .false. … … 957 981 ! (no physical validity of the results) 958 982 nn_timing = 0 ! timing by routine activated (=1) creates timing.output file, or not (=0) 959 /960 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------961 &namc1d ! 1D configuration options ("key_c1d")962 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------963 rn_lat = 50 ! Column latitude964 rn_lon = -145 ! Column longitude965 983 / 966 984 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- -
r2221 r2372 183 183 / 184 184 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 185 &namc1d ! 1D configuration options ("key_c1d") 186 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 187 rn_lat1d = 50 ! Column latitude (default at PAPA station) 188 rn_lon1d = -145 ! Column longitude (default at PAPA station) 189 ln_c1d_locpt= .true. ! Localization of 1D config in a grid (T) or independant point (F) 190 / 191 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 185 192 &namtsd ! data : Temperature & Salinity 186 193 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- … … 240 247 ln_cdgw = .false. ! Neutral drag coefficient read from wave model (T => fill namsbc_wave) 241 248 ln_sdw = .false. ! Computation of 3D stokes drift (T => fill namsbc_wave) 249 nn_lsm = 0 ! =0 land/sea mask for input fields is not applied (keep empty land/sea mask filename field) , 250 ! =1:n number of iterations of land/sea mask application for input fields (fill land/sea mask filename field) 242 251 cn_iceflx = 'linear' ! redistribution of solar input into ice categories during coupling ice/atm. 243 252 / … … 559 568 nn_tra_dta = 0 ! = 0, bdy data are equal to the initial state 560 569 ! = 1, bdy data are read in 'bdydata .nc' files 570 cn_ice_lim = 'none' ! 571 nn_ice_lim_dta = 0 ! = 0, bdy data are equal to the initial state 572 ! = 1, bdy data are read in 'bdydata .nc' files 573 rn_ice_tem = 270. ! lim3 only: arbitrary temperature of incoming sea ice 574 rn_ice_sal = 10. ! lim3 only: -- salinity -- 575 rn_ice_age = 30. ! lim3 only: -- age -- 576 561 577 ln_tra_dmp =.false. ! open boudaries conditions for tracers 562 578 ln_dyn3d_dmp =.false. ! open boundary condition for baroclinic velocities … … 579 595 bn_tem = 'amm12_bdyT_tra' , 24 , 'votemper' , .true. , .false. , 'daily' , '' , '' , '' 580 596 bn_sal = 'amm12_bdyT_tra' , 24 , 'vosaline' , .true. , .false. , 'daily' , '' , '' , '' 597 ! for lim2 598 ! bn_frld = 'amm12_bdyT_ice' , 24 , 'ileadfra' , .true. , .false. , 'daily' , '' , '' , '' 599 ! bn_hicif = 'amm12_bdyT_ice' , 24 , 'iicethic' , .true. , .false. , 'daily' , '' , '' , '' 600 ! bn_hsnif = 'amm12_bdyT_ice' , 24 , 'isnowthi' , .true. , .false. , 'daily' , '' , '' , '' 601 ! for lim3 602 ! bn_a_i = 'amm12_bdyT_ice' , 24 , 'ileadfra' , .true. , .false. , 'daily' , '' , '' , '' 603 ! bn_ht_i = 'amm12_bdyT_ice' , 24 , 'iicethic' , .true. , .false. , 'daily' , '' , '' , '' 604 ! bn_ht_s = 'amm12_bdyT_ice' , 24 , 'isnowthi' , .true. , .false. , 'daily' , '' , '' , '' 581 605 cn_dir = 'bdydta/' 582 606 ln_full_vel = .false. … … 957 981 ! (no physical validity of the results) 958 982 nn_timing = 0 ! timing by routine activated (=1) creates timing.output file, or not (=0) 959 /960 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------961 &namc1d ! 1D configuration options ("key_c1d")962 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------963 rn_lat = 50 ! Column latitude964 rn_lon = -145 ! Column longitude965 983 / 966 984 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- -
r2265 r2372 8 8 !! 7 - mechanical redistribution of ice (namiceitdme) 9 9 !! 8 - ice diagnostics (namicedia) 10 !! 9 - ice outputs (namiceout)11 10 !>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 12 11 … … 23 22 &namicedyn ! ice dynamic 24 23 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 25 pstar = 4.0e+04 ! 1st bulk-rheology parameter 24 ahi0 = 175.e0 ! horizontal eddy diffusivity coefficient for sea-ice [m2/s] 25 telast = 3600.0 ! timescale for EVP elastic waves 26 26 / 27 27 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- … … 46 46 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 47 47 / 48 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------49 &namiceout ! parameters for outputs50 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------51 / -
r2265 r2372 15 15 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 16 16 cn_icerst_in = "restart_ice" ! suffix of ice restart name (input) 17 cn_icerst_out = "restart_ice" 18 ln_limdyn = .true.! ice dynamics (T) or thermodynamics only (F)19 amax = 0.999! maximum ice concentration20 cai = 1.40e-3 ! atmospheric drag over sea ice21 cao = 1.00e-3 ! atmospheric drag over ocean22 ln_nicep = .false.! Ice points output for debug (yes or no)23 ln_limdiahsb = .false. ! check the heat and salt budgets (T) or not (F)24 ln_limdiaout = . false.! output the heat and salt budgets (T) or not (F)17 cn_icerst_out = "restart_ice" ! suffix of ice restart name (output) 18 ln_limdyn = .true. ! ice dynamics (T) or thermodynamics only (F) 19 amax = 0.999 ! maximum ice concentration 20 cai = 1.40e-3 ! atmospheric drag over sea ice (clio) 21 cao = 1.00e-3 ! atmospheric drag over ocean (clio) 22 ln_nicep = .false. ! Ice points output for debug (yes or no) 23 ln_limdiahsb = .false. ! check the heat and salt budgets (T) or not (F) 24 ln_limdiaout = .true. ! output the heat and salt budgets (T) or not (F) 25 25 / 26 26 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 27 27 &namiceini ! ice initialisation 28 28 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 29 ttest = 2.0 ! threshold water temperature for initial sea ice 30 hninn = 0.3 ! initial snow thickness in the north 31 hnins = 0.1 ! " " south 32 hginn = 3.50 ! initial undeformed ice thickness in the north 33 hgins = 1.0 ! " " " south 34 aginn = 0.95 ! initial undeformed ice concentration in the north 35 agins = 0.9 ! " " " south 36 sinn = 6.301 ! initial salinity in the north 37 sins = 6.301 ! " " south 29 ln_limini = .false. ! activate ice initialization (T) or not (F) 30 thres_sst = 0.0 ! threshold water temperature for initial sea ice 31 hts_ini_n = 0.3 ! initial snow thickness in the north 32 hts_ini_s = 0.3 ! " " south 33 hti_ini_n = 1.0 ! initial ice thickness in the north 34 hti_ini_s = 1.0 ! " " south 35 ati_ini_n = 0.9 ! initial ice concentration in the north 36 ati_ini_s = 0.9 ! " " south 37 smi_ini_n = 6.301 ! initial ice salinity in the north 38 smi_ini_s = 6.301 ! " " south 39 tmi_ini_n = 270. ! initial ice/snw temp in the north 40 tmi_ini_s = 270. ! initial ice/snw temp in the south 38 41 / 39 42 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- … … 41 44 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 42 45 epsd = 1.0e-20 ! tolerance parameter 43 alpha = 0.5 ! coefficient for semi-implicit coriolis44 dm = 0.6e+03 ! diffusion constant for dynamics45 nbiter = 1 ! number of sub-time steps for relaxation46 nbitdr = 500 ! maximum number of iterations for relaxation47 46 om = 0.5 ! relaxation constant 48 resl = 5.0e-05 ! maximum value for the residual of relaxation49 47 cw = 5.0e-03 ! drag coefficient for oceanic stress 50 48 angvg = 0.0 ! turning angle for oceanic stress 51 49 pstar = 2.0e+04 ! 1st bulk-rheology parameter 52 50 c_rhg = 20.0 ! 2nd bulk-rhelogy parameter 53 etamn = 0.0e+07 ! minimun value for viscosity54 51 creepl = 1.0e-12 ! creep limit 55 52 ecc = 2.0 ! eccentricity of the elliptical yield curve … … 61 58 / 62 59 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 63 &namicetrp ! ice transport64 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------65 bound = 0. ! boundary conditions (=0.0 no-slip, =1.0 free-slip)66 /67 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------68 60 &namicethd ! ice thermodynamic 69 61 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 70 62 hmelt = -0.15 ! maximum melting at the bottom 71 hiccrit = 0.1 , 0.1 ! ice thickness for lateral accretion in the Northern (Southern) Hemisphere63 hiccrit = 0.1 ! ice thickness for lateral accretion 72 64 ! caution 1.0, 1.0 best value to be used!!! (gilles G.) ???? 73 fraz_swi = 0 .0! use of frazil ice collection thickness in function of wind (1.0) or not (0.0)65 fraz_swi = 0 ! use of frazil ice collection thickness in function of wind (1.0) or not (0.0) 74 66 maxfrazb = 0.0 ! maximum portion of frazil ice collecting at the ice bottom 75 67 vfrazb = 0.4166667 ! thresold drift speed for frazil ice collecting at the ice bottom 76 68 Cfrazb = 5.0 ! squeezing coefficient for frazil ice collecting at the ice bottom 77 hicmin = 0.2 ! ice thickness corr. to max. energy stored in brine pocket78 69 hiclim = 0.10 ! minimum ice thickness 79 sbeta = 1. ! numerical caracteritic of the scheme for diffusion in ice80 ! Cranck-Nicholson (=0.5), implicit (=1), explicit (=0)81 parlat = 0.0 ! percentage of energy used for lateral ablation82 hakspl = 0.25 ! slope of distr. for Hakkinen-Mellor's lateral melting83 hibspl = 0.5 ! slope of distribution for Hibler's lateral melting84 exld = 2.0 ! exponent for leads-closure rate85 hakdif = 1.0 ! coefficient for diffusions of ice and snow86 thth = 0.2 ! threshold thickness for comp. of eq. thermal conductivity87 70 hnzst = 0.1 ! thickness of the surf. layer in temp. computation 88 71 parsub = 1.0 ! switch for snow sublimation or not 89 alphs = 1.0 ! coefficient for snow density when snow ice formation90 72 betas = 0.6 ! exponent in lead-ice fractionation of snow precipitation 0.66 91 73 ! betas = 1 -> equipartition, betas < 1 -> more on leads … … 124 106 astar = 0.05 ! equivalent of gstar (0.05 for TH75 and 0.03 for weaker ice) 125 107 Hstar = 100.0 ! parameter determining the maximum thickness of ridged ice 126 raft swi= 1 ! rafting or not108 raft_swi = 1 ! rafting or not 127 109 hparmeter = 0.75 ! threshold thickness for rafting or not 128 110 Craft = 5.0 ! coefficient used in the rafting function 129 111 ridge_por = 0.3 ! initial porosity of the ridged ice (typically 0.30) 130 sal_max_ridge = 15.0 ! maximum ridged ice salinity131 112 partfun_swi = 1 ! participation function linear, TH75 (0) or exponential Letal07 (1) 132 transfun_swi = 0 ! transfer function uniform of H80 (0) or exponential Letal07 (1)133 113 brinstren_swi = 0 ! (1) use brine volume to diminish ice strength 134 114 / … … 144 124 !&namicehsb ! Heat and salt budgets 145 125 !!----------------------------------------------------------------------- 146 !147 126 !/ 148 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------149 &namiceout ! parameters for outputs150 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------151 noumef = 43 ! number of fields152 add_diag_swi= 1 ! 1 -> diagnose distribution in thickness space153 ! 0 -> only simple diagnostics154 !155 ! ! title of the field ! name ! units ! save ! multipl. ! additive !156 ! ! ! ! ! or not ! factor ! factor !157 field_1 = 'Ice concentration ', 'iiceconc', '% ', 1 , 1.0 , 0.0158 field_2 = 'Ice thickness ', 'iicethic', 'm ', 1 , 1.0 , 0.0159 field_3 = 'Snow thickness ', 'isnowthi', 'm ', 1 , 1.0 , 0.0160 field_4 = 'Daily bottom thermo ice production ', 'iicebopr', 'km3/day ', 1 , 1.0e-9 , 0.0161 field_5 = 'Daily dynamic ice production ', 'iicedypr', 'km3/day ', 1 , 1.0e-9 , 0.0162 field_6 = 'Oceanic flux at the ice base ', 'ioceflxb', 'w/m2 ', 1 , 1.0 , 0.0163 field_7 = 'Ice velocity u ', 'iicevelu', 'm/s ', 1 , 1.0 , 0.0164 field_8 = 'Ice velocity v ', 'iicevelv', 'm/s ', 1 , 1.0 , 0.0165 field_9 = 'Sea surface temperature ', 'isstempe', 'C ', 1 , 1.0 , -273.15166 field_10 = 'Sea surface salinity ', 'isssalin', 'PSU ', 1 , 1.0 , 0.0167 field_11 = 'Total flux at ocean surface ', 'iocetflx', 'w/m2 ', 1 , 1.0 , 0.0168 field_12 = 'Solar flux at ocean surface ', 'iocesflx', 'w/m2 ', 1 , 1.0 , 0.0169 field_13 = 'Non-solar flux at ocean surface ', 'iocwnsfl', 'w/m2 ', 1 , 1.0 , 0.0170 field_14 = 'Heat flux due to brine release ', 'iocehebr', 'w/m2 ', 1 , 1.0 , 0.0171 field_15 = 'Wind stress u ', 'iocestru', 'Pa ', 1 , 1.0 , 0.0172 field_16 = 'Wind stress v ', 'iocestrv', 'Pa ', 1 , 1.0 , 0.0173 field_17 = 'Solar flux at ice/ocean surface ', 'iicesflx', 'w/m2 ', 1 , 1.0 , 0.0174 field_18 = 'Non-solar flux at ice/ocean surface', 'iicenflx', 'w/m2 ', 1 , 1.0 , 0.0175 field_19 = 'Snow precipitation ', 'isnowpre', 'kg/m2/d ', 1 , 1.0 , 0.0176 field_20 = 'Mean ice salinity ', 'iicesali', 'psu ', 1 , 1.0 , 0.0177 field_21 = 'Mean ice age ', 'iiceages', 'years ', 1 , 0.002739, 0.0178 field_22 = 'Daily lateral thermo ice prod. ', 'iicelapr', 'km3/day ', 1 ,1.0e-9 , 0.0179 field_23 = 'Daily snowice ice production ', 'iicesipr', 'km3/day ', 1 ,1.0e-9 , 0.0180 field_24 = 'Mean ice temperature ', 'iicetemp', 'C ', 1 , 1.0 , -273.15181 field_25 = 'Ice total heat content ', 'iiceheco', '10^9 J ', 1 , 1.0 , 0.0182 field_26 = 'Ice surface temperature ', 'iicesurt', 'C ', 1 , 1.0 , -273.15183 field_27 = 'Snow temperature ', 'isnotem2', 'C ', 1 , 1.0 , -273.15184 field_28 = 'Fsbri - brine salt flux ', 'iicefsbr', 'kg/m2/d ', 1 , 1.0 , 0.0185 field_29 = 'Fseqv - equivalent FW salt flux ', 'iicefseq', 'kg/m2/d ', 1 , 1.0 , 0.0186 field_30 = 'Brine volume ', 'ibrinvol', '% ', 1 , 100.0 , 0.0187 field_31 = 'Frazil ice collection thickness ', 'iicecolf', 'm ', 1 , 1.0 , 0.0188 field_32 = 'Ice strength ', 'iicestre', 'N/m ', 1 , 0.001 , 0.0189 field_33 = 'Ice velocity ', 'iicevelo', 'm/s ', 1 , 1.0 , 0.0190 field_34 = 'Surface melt ', 'iicesume', 'km3/day ', 1 ,1.0e-9 , 0.0191 field_35 = 'Bottom melt ', 'iicebome', 'km3/day ', 1 ,1.0e-9 , 0.0192 field_36 = 'Divergence ', 'iicedive', '10-8s-1 ', 1 , 1.0e8 , 0.0193 field_37 = 'Shear ', 'iiceshea', '10-8s-1 ', 1 , 1.0e8 , 0.0194 field_38 = 'Daily resultant ice prod/melt ', 'iicerepr', 'km3/day ', 1 , 1.0e-9 , 0.0195 field_39 = 'Ice volume ', 'iicevolu', 'km3 ', 1 , 1.0e-9 , 0.0196 field_40 = 'Snow volume ', 'isnowvol', 'km3 ', 1 , 1.0e-9 , 0.0197 field_41 = 'Fsrpo - salt flux from ridg/raft ', 'iicefsrp', 'kg/m2/d ', 1 , 1.0 , 0.0198 field_42 = 'Fsres - salt flux from limupdate ', 'iicefsre', 'kg/m2/d ', 1 , 1.0 , 0.0199 field_43 = 'Ice volume transport ', 'iicevtrp', 'km3/day ', 1 ,1.0e-9 , 0.0200 /201 127 -
r2221 r2372 8 8 !! 7 - mechanical redistribution of ice (namiceitdme) 9 9 !! 8 - ice diagnostics (namicedia) 10 !! 9 - ice outputs (namiceout)11 10 !>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 12 11 … … 46 45 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 47 46 / 48 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------49 &namiceout ! parameters for outputs50 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------51 / -
r2221 r2372 15 15 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 16 16 cn_icerst_in = "restart_ice" ! suffix of ice restart name (input) 17 cn_icerst_out = "restart_ice" 18 ln_limdyn = .true.! ice dynamics (T) or thermodynamics only (F)19 amax = 0.999! maximum ice concentration20 cai = 1.40e-3 ! atmospheric drag over sea ice21 cao = 1.00e-3 ! atmospheric drag over ocean22 ln_nicep = .false.! Ice points output for debug (yes or no)23 ln_limdiahsb = .false. ! check the heat and salt budgets (T) or not (F)24 ln_limdiaout = . false.! output the heat and salt budgets (T) or not (F)17 cn_icerst_out = "restart_ice" ! suffix of ice restart name (output) 18 ln_limdyn = .true. ! ice dynamics (T) or thermodynamics only (F) 19 amax = 0.999 ! maximum ice concentration 20 cai = 1.40e-3 ! atmospheric drag over sea ice (clio) 21 cao = 1.00e-3 ! atmospheric drag over ocean (clio) 22 ln_nicep = .false. ! Ice points output for debug (yes or no) 23 ln_limdiahsb = .false. ! check the heat and salt budgets (T) or not (F) 24 ln_limdiaout = .true. ! output the heat and salt budgets (T) or not (F) 25 25 / 26 26 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 27 27 &namiceini ! ice initialisation 28 28 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 29 ttest = 2.0 ! threshold water temperature for initial sea ice 30 hninn = 0.3 ! initial snow thickness in the north 31 hnins = 0.1 ! " " south 32 hginn = 3.50 ! initial undeformed ice thickness in the north 33 hgins = 1.0 ! " " " south 34 aginn = 0.95 ! initial undeformed ice concentration in the north 35 agins = 0.9 ! " " " south 36 sinn = 6.301 ! initial salinity in the north 37 sins = 6.301 ! " " south 29 ln_limini = .false. ! activate ice initialization (T) or not (F) 30 thres_sst = 0.0 ! threshold water temperature for initial sea ice 31 hts_ini_n = 0.3 ! initial snow thickness in the north 32 hts_ini_s = 0.3 ! " " south 33 hti_ini_n = 1.0 ! initial ice thickness in the north 34 hti_ini_s = 1.0 ! " " south 35 ati_ini_n = 0.9 ! initial ice concentration in the north 36 ati_ini_s = 0.9 ! " " south 37 smi_ini_n = 6.301 ! initial ice salinity in the north 38 smi_ini_s = 6.301 ! " " south 39 tmi_ini_n = 270. ! initial ice/snw temp in the north 40 tmi_ini_s = 270. ! initial ice/snw temp in the south 38 41 / 39 42 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- … … 41 44 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 42 45 epsd = 1.0e-20 ! tolerance parameter 43 alpha = 0.5 ! coefficient for semi-implicit coriolis44 dm = 0.6e+03 ! diffusion constant for dynamics45 nbiter = 1 ! number of sub-time steps for relaxation46 nbitdr = 500 ! maximum number of iterations for relaxation47 46 om = 0.5 ! relaxation constant 48 resl = 5.0e-05 ! maximum value for the residual of relaxation49 47 cw = 5.0e-03 ! drag coefficient for oceanic stress 50 48 angvg = 0.0 ! turning angle for oceanic stress 51 49 pstar = 2.0e+04 ! 1st bulk-rheology parameter 52 50 c_rhg = 20.0 ! 2nd bulk-rhelogy parameter 53 etamn = 0.0e+07 ! minimun value for viscosity54 51 creepl = 1.0e-12 ! creep limit 55 52 ecc = 2.0 ! eccentricity of the elliptical yield curve … … 61 58 / 62 59 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 63 &namicetrp ! ice transport64 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------65 bound = 0. ! boundary conditions (=0.0 no-slip, =1.0 free-slip)66 /67 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------68 60 &namicethd ! ice thermodynamic 69 61 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 70 62 hmelt = -0.15 ! maximum melting at the bottom 71 hiccrit = 0.1 , 0.1 ! ice thickness for lateral accretion in the Northern (Southern) Hemisphere63 hiccrit = 0.1 ! ice thickness for lateral accretion 72 64 ! caution 1.0, 1.0 best value to be used!!! (gilles G.) ???? 73 fraz_swi = 0 .0! use of frazil ice collection thickness in function of wind (1.0) or not (0.0)65 fraz_swi = 0 ! use of frazil ice collection thickness in function of wind (1.0) or not (0.0) 74 66 maxfrazb = 0.0 ! maximum portion of frazil ice collecting at the ice bottom 75 67 vfrazb = 0.4166667 ! thresold drift speed for frazil ice collecting at the ice bottom 76 68 Cfrazb = 5.0 ! squeezing coefficient for frazil ice collecting at the ice bottom 77 hicmin = 0.2 ! ice thickness corr. to max. energy stored in brine pocket78 69 hiclim = 0.10 ! minimum ice thickness 79 sbeta = 1. ! numerical caracteritic of the scheme for diffusion in ice80 ! Cranck-Nicholson (=0.5), implicit (=1), explicit (=0)81 parlat = 0.0 ! percentage of energy used for lateral ablation82 hakspl = 0.25 ! slope of distr. for Hakkinen-Mellor's lateral melting83 hibspl = 0.5 ! slope of distribution for Hibler's lateral melting84 exld = 2.0 ! exponent for leads-closure rate85 hakdif = 1.0 ! coefficient for diffusions of ice and snow86 thth = 0.2 ! threshold thickness for comp. of eq. thermal conductivity87 70 hnzst = 0.1 ! thickness of the surf. layer in temp. computation 88 71 parsub = 1.0 ! switch for snow sublimation or not 89 alphs = 1.0 ! coefficient for snow density when snow ice formation90 72 betas = 0.6 ! exponent in lead-ice fractionation of snow precipitation 0.66 91 73 ! betas = 1 -> equipartition, betas < 1 -> more on leads … … 124 106 astar = 0.05 ! equivalent of gstar (0.05 for TH75 and 0.03 for weaker ice) 125 107 Hstar = 100.0 ! parameter determining the maximum thickness of ridged ice 126 raft swi= 1 ! rafting or not108 raft_swi = 1 ! rafting or not 127 109 hparmeter = 0.75 ! threshold thickness for rafting or not 128 110 Craft = 5.0 ! coefficient used in the rafting function 129 111 ridge_por = 0.3 ! initial porosity of the ridged ice (typically 0.30) 130 sal_max_ridge = 15.0 ! maximum ridged ice salinity131 112 partfun_swi = 1 ! participation function linear, TH75 (0) or exponential Letal07 (1) 132 transfun_swi = 0 ! transfer function uniform of H80 (0) or exponential Letal07 (1)133 113 brinstren_swi = 0 ! (1) use brine volume to diminish ice strength 134 114 / … … 144 124 !&namicehsb ! Heat and salt budgets 145 125 !!----------------------------------------------------------------------- 146 !147 126 !/ 148 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------149 &namiceout ! parameters for outputs150 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------151 noumef = 43 ! number of fields152 add_diag_swi= 1 ! 1 -> diagnose distribution in thickness space153 ! 0 -> only simple diagnostics154 !155 ! ! title of the field ! name ! units ! save ! multipl. ! additive !156 ! ! ! ! ! or not ! factor ! factor !157 field_1 = 'Ice concentration ', 'iiceconc', '% ', 1 , 1.0 , 0.0158 field_2 = 'Ice thickness ', 'iicethic', 'm ', 1 , 1.0 , 0.0159 field_3 = 'Snow thickness ', 'isnowthi', 'm ', 1 , 1.0 , 0.0160 field_4 = 'Daily bottom thermo ice production ', 'iicebopr', 'km3/day ', 1 , 1.0e-9 , 0.0161 field_5 = 'Daily dynamic ice production ', 'iicedypr', 'km3/day ', 1 , 1.0e-9 , 0.0162 field_6 = 'Oceanic flux at the ice base ', 'ioceflxb', 'w/m2 ', 1 , 1.0 , 0.0163 field_7 = 'Ice velocity u ', 'iicevelu', 'm/s ', 1 , 1.0 , 0.0164 field_8 = 'Ice velocity v ', 'iicevelv', 'm/s ', 1 , 1.0 , 0.0165 field_9 = 'Sea surface temperature ', 'isstempe', 'C ', 1 , 1.0 , -273.15166 field_10 = 'Sea surface salinity ', 'isssalin', 'PSU ', 1 , 1.0 , 0.0167 field_11 = 'Total flux at ocean surface ', 'iocetflx', 'w/m2 ', 1 , 1.0 , 0.0168 field_12 = 'Solar flux at ocean surface ', 'iocesflx', 'w/m2 ', 1 , 1.0 , 0.0169 field_13 = 'Non-solar flux at ocean surface ', 'iocwnsfl', 'w/m2 ', 1 , 1.0 , 0.0170 field_14 = 'Heat flux due to brine release ', 'iocehebr', 'w/m2 ', 1 , 1.0 , 0.0171 field_15 = 'Wind stress u ', 'iocestru', 'Pa ', 1 , 1.0 , 0.0172 field_16 = 'Wind stress v ', 'iocestrv', 'Pa ', 1 , 1.0 , 0.0173 field_17 = 'Solar flux at ice/ocean surface ', 'iicesflx', 'w/m2 ', 1 , 1.0 , 0.0174 field_18 = 'Non-solar flux at ice/ocean surface', 'iicenflx', 'w/m2 ', 1 , 1.0 , 0.0175 field_19 = 'Snow precipitation ', 'isnowpre', 'kg/m2/d ', 1 , 1.0 , 0.0176 field_20 = 'Mean ice salinity ', 'iicesali', 'psu ', 1 , 1.0 , 0.0177 field_21 = 'Mean ice age ', 'iiceages', 'years ', 1 , 0.002739, 0.0178 field_22 = 'Daily lateral thermo ice prod. ', 'iicelapr', 'km3/day ', 1 ,1.0e-9 , 0.0179 field_23 = 'Daily snowice ice production ', 'iicesipr', 'km3/day ', 1 ,1.0e-9 , 0.0180 field_24 = 'Mean ice temperature ', 'iicetemp', 'C ', 1 , 1.0 , -273.15181 field_25 = 'Ice total heat content ', 'iiceheco', '10^9 J ', 1 , 1.0 , 0.0182 field_26 = 'Ice surface temperature ', 'iicesurt', 'C ', 1 , 1.0 , -273.15183 field_27 = 'Snow temperature ', 'isnotem2', 'C ', 1 , 1.0 , -273.15184 field_28 = 'Fsbri - brine salt flux ', 'iicefsbr', 'kg/m2/d ', 1 , 1.0 , 0.0185 field_29 = 'Fseqv - equivalent FW salt flux ', 'iicefseq', 'kg/m2/d ', 1 , 1.0 , 0.0186 field_30 = 'Brine volume ', 'ibrinvol', '% ', 1 , 100.0 , 0.0187 field_31 = 'Frazil ice collection thickness ', 'iicecolf', 'm ', 1 , 1.0 , 0.0188 field_32 = 'Ice strength ', 'iicestre', 'N/m ', 1 , 0.001 , 0.0189 field_33 = 'Ice velocity ', 'iicevelo', 'm/s ', 1 , 1.0 , 0.0190 field_34 = 'Surface melt ', 'iicesume', 'km3/day ', 1 ,1.0e-9 , 0.0191 field_35 = 'Bottom melt ', 'iicebome', 'km3/day ', 1 ,1.0e-9 , 0.0192 field_36 = 'Divergence ', 'iicedive', '10-8s-1 ', 1 , 1.0e8 , 0.0193 field_37 = 'Shear ', 'iiceshea', '10-8s-1 ', 1 , 1.0e8 , 0.0194 field_38 = 'Daily resultant ice prod/melt ', 'iicerepr', 'km3/day ', 1 , 1.0e-9 , 0.0195 field_39 = 'Ice volume ', 'iicevolu', 'km3 ', 1 , 1.0e-9 , 0.0196 field_40 = 'Snow volume ', 'isnowvol', 'km3 ', 1 , 1.0e-9 , 0.0197 field_41 = 'Fsrpo - salt flux from ridg/raft ', 'iicefsrp', 'kg/m2/d ', 1 , 1.0 , 0.0198 field_42 = 'Fsres - salt flux from limupdate ', 'iicefsre', 'kg/m2/d ', 1 , 1.0 , 0.0199 field_43 = 'Ice volume transport ', 'iicevtrp', 'km3/day ', 1 ,1.0e-9 , 0.0200 /201 127 -
r2024 r2372 54 54 ### Only concerning the program ce0l : for creating file 55 55 grilles_gcm_netcdf=_AUTO_ 56 56 ### To activate XIOS ouputs only 57 ok_all_xml=y -
r1503 r2372 54 54 od550lt1aer_forcing | "od550lt1aer" | "" | "od550lt1aer[d=1]" | "Fine mode optical depth" | "-" | "aire[d=1]" 55 55 absvisaer_forcing | "absvisaer" | "" | "absvisaer[d=1]" | "Absorption aerosol visible optical depth" | "-" | "aire[d=1]" 56 swtoaas_ant_forcing | "swtoaas_ant" | "" | "swtoaas_ant[d=1]" | "Anthropogenic aerosol radiative forcing all-sky at TOA" | "W/m^2" | "aire[d=1]"57 swtoacs_ant_forcing | "swtoacs_ant" | "" | "swtoacs_ant[d=1]" | "Anthropogenic aerosol radiative forcing clear-sky at TOA" | "W/m^2" | "aire[d=1]"58 swtoacf_ant_forcing | "swtoacf_ant" | "" | "swtoacf_ant[d=1]" | "Anthropogenic aerosol impact on cloud radiative forcing at TOA" | "W/m^2" | "aire[d=1]"59 swsrfas_ant_forcing | "swsrfas_ant" | "" | "swsrfas_ant[d=1]" | "Anthropogenic aerosol radiative forcing all-sky at SRF" | "W/m^2" | "aire[d=1]"60 swsrfcs_ant_forcing | "swsrfcs_ant" | "" | "swsrfcs_ant[d=1]" | "Anthropogenic aerosol radiative forcing clear-sky at SRF" | "W/m^2" | "aire[d=1]"61 swsrfcf_ant_forcing | "swsrfcf_ant" | "" | "swsrfcf_ant[d=1]" | "Anthropogenic aerosol impact on cloud radiative forcing at SRF" | "W/m^2" | "aire[d=1]"62 swtoaas_nat_forcing | "swtoaas_nat" | "" | "swtoaas_nat[d=1]" | "Natural aerosol radiative forcing all-sky at TOA" | "W/m^2" | "aire[d=1]"63 swtoacs_nat_forcing | "swtoacs_nat" | "" | "swtoacs_nat[d=1]" | "Natural aerosol radiative forcing clear-sky at TOA" | "W/m^2" | "aire[d=1]"64 swtoacf_nat_forcing | "swtoacf_nat" | "" | "swtoacf_nat[d=1]" | "Natural aerosol impact on cloud radiative forcing at TOA" | "W/m^2" | "aire[d=1]"65 swsrfas_nat_forcing | "swsrfas_nat" | "" | "swsrfas_nat[d=1]" | "Natural aerosol radiative forcing all-sky at SRF" | "W/m^2" | "aire[d=1]"66 swsrfcs_nat_forcing | "swsrfcs_nat" | "" | "swsrfcs_nat[d=1]" | "Natural aerosol radiative forcing clear-sky at SRF" | "W/m^2" | "aire[d=1]"67 swsrfcf_nat_forcing | "swsrfcf_nat" | "" | "swsrfcf_nat[d=1]" | "Natural aerosol impact on cloud radiative forcing at SRF" | "W/m^2" | "aire[d=1]"68 56 topswai_forcing | "topswai" | "" | "topswai[d=1]" | "AIE at TOA" | "W/m^2" | "aire[d=1]" 69 57 solswai_forcing | "solswai" | "" | "solswai[d=1]" | "AIE at SRF" | "W/m^2" | "aire[d=1]" 70 swtoacf_zero_forcing | "swtoacf_zero" | "" | "swtoacf_zero[d=1]" | "Cloud radiative forcing (allsky-clearsky fluxes) at TOA"| "W/m^2" | "aire[d=1]"71 s wsrfcf_zero_forcing | "swsrfcf_zero" | "" | "swsrfcf_zero[d=1]" | "Cloud radiative forcing (allsky-clearsky fluxes) at SRF" | "W/m^2" | "aire[d=1]"58 topswad_forcing | "topswad" | "" | "topswad[d=1]" | "ADE at TOA" | "W/m^2" | "aire[d=1]" 59 solswad_forcing | "solswad" | "" | "solswad[d=1]" | "ADE at SRF" | "W/m^2" | "aire[d=1]" 72 60 tro3_strato_forcing | "tro3" | "" | "tro3[x=@din,y=@din,k=1:7@sum,d=1]" | "ozone strato k=1:7@sum" | "Mole" | "" 73 61 tro3_tropo_forcing | "tro3" | "" | "tro3[x=@din,y=@din,k=8:17@sum,d=1]" | "ozone trop k=8:17@sum" | "Mole" | "" -
r2297 r2372 39 39 # field | files patterns | files additionnal | operations | title | units | calcul of area 40 40 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 41 no3_global | "NO3" | "" | "(NO3[k=1,d=1]*1e6/7.6)" | "Nitrate Conc. at surf. (GLOBAL)" | "umolN/L" | "mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]" 42 dic_global | "DIC" | "" | "(DIC[k=1,d=1]*1e6)" | "DIC conc. at surf. (GLOBAL)" | "umolC/L" | "mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]" 43 alk_global | "Alkalini" | "" | "(Alkalini[k=1,d=1]*1e6)" | "Alkalinity conc. at surf. (GLOBAL)" | "umolC/L" | "mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]" 44 cflx_global | "Cflx" | "" | "(Cflx[d=1]*3600*24*365*12)" | "Ocean carbon flux (GLOBAL)" | "gC/m2/yr" | "mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]" 41 no3_global | "NO3" | "" | "(NO3[k=1,d=1])" | "Nitrate Conc. at surf. (GLOBAL)" | "mmol/m3" | "mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]" 42 dic_global | "DIC" | "" | "(DIC[k=1,d=1])" | "DIC conc. at surf. (GLOBAL)" | "mmol/m3" | "mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]" 43 alk_global | "Alkalini" | "" | "(Alkalini[k=1,d=1])" | "Alkalinity conc. at surf. (GLOBAL)" | "mmol/m3" | "mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]" 44 o2_global | "O2" | "" | "(O2[k=1,d=1])" | "Oxygen Conc. at surf. (GLOBAL)" | "mmol/m3" | "mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]" 45 si_global | "Si" | "" | "(Si[k=1,d=1])" | "Silicate Conc. at surf. (GLOBAL)" | "mmol/m3" | "mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]" 46 cflx_global | "Cflx" | "" | "(Cflx[d=1]*3600*24*365*12)" | "Ocean carbon flux (GLOBAL)" | "gC/m2/yr" | "mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]" 47 epc_global | "EPC100" | "" | "(EPC100[d=1]*3600*24*365*12)" | "Carbon export at 100m (GLOBAL)" | "gC/m2/yr" | "mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]" 45 48 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -
r2297 r2372 39 39 # field | files patterns | files additionnal | operations | title | units | calcul of area 40 40 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 41 no3_global | "NO3" | "" | "(NO3[k=1,d=1]*1e6/7.6)" | "Nitrate Conc. at surf. (GLOBAL)" | "umolN/L" | "mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]" 42 dic_global | "DIC" | "" | "(DIC[k=1,d=1]*1e6)" | "DIC conc. at surf. (GLOBAL)" | "umolC/L" | "mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]" 43 alk_global | "Alkalini" | "" | "(Alkalini[k=1,d=1]*1e6)" | "Alkalinity conc. at surf. (GLOBAL)" | "umolC/L" | "mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]" 44 cflx_global | "Cflx" | "" | "(Cflx[d=1]*3600*24*365*12)" | "Ocean carbon flux (GLOBAL)" | "gC/m2/yr" | "mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]" 41 no3_global | "NO3" | "" | "(NO3[k=1,d=1])" | "Nitrate Conc. at surf. (GLOBAL)" | "mmol/m3" | "mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]" 42 dic_global | "DIC" | "" | "(DIC[k=1,d=1])" | "DIC conc. at surf. (GLOBAL)" | "mmol/m3" | "mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]" 43 alk_global | "Alkalini" | "" | "(Alkalini[k=1,d=1])" | "Alkalinity conc. at surf. (GLOBAL)" | "mmol/m3" | "mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]" 44 o2_global | "O2" | "" | "(O2[k=1,d=1])" | "Oxygen Conc. at surf. (GLOBAL)" | "mmol/m3" | "mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]" 45 si_global | "Si" | "" | "(Si[k=1,d=1])" | "Silicate Conc. at surf. (GLOBAL)" | "mmol/m3" | "mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]" 46 cflx_global | "Cflx" | "" | "(Cflx[d=1]*3600*24*365*12)" | "Ocean carbon flux (GLOBAL)" | "gC/m2/yr" | "mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]" 47 epc_global | "EPC100" | "" | "(EPC100[d=1]*3600*24*365*12)" | "Carbon export at 100m (GLOBAL)" | "gC/m2/yr" | "mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]" 45 48 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -
r2302 r2372 290 290 IF ( llaction ) THEN 291 291 292 kinfo = OASIS_Rcv293 292 pdata(nldi:nlei, nldj:nlej,jc) = exfld(:,:) 294 293 … … 308 307 WRITE(numout,*) '****************' 309 308 ENDIF 309 310 ! Ideally we would not reuse kinfo, but define a separate variable 311 ! for use as the return code from this routine to avoid confusion 312 ! with the return code previously obtained from the coupler. 313 kinfo = OASIS_Rcv 310 314 311 315 ELSE -
r2251 r2372 26 26 USE dom_ice ! sea-ice domain 27 27 USE in_out_manager ! I/O manager 28 USE lbclnk ! lateral boundary condition - MPP exchanges29 28 USE lib_mpp ! MPP library 30 29 USE lib_fortran ! Fortran utilities (allows no signed zero when 'key_nosignedzero' defined) 31 30 USE wrk_nemo ! work arrays 31 USE cpl_oasis3, ONLY : lk_cpl 32 32 33 33 IMPLICIT NONE … … 38 38 !! * Module variables 39 39 ! !!** init namelist (namiceini) ** 40 REAL(wp) :: ttest ! threshold water temperature for initial sea ice 41 REAL(wp) :: hninn ! initial snow thickness in the north 42 REAL(wp) :: hnins ! initial snow thickness in the south 43 REAL(wp) :: hginn ! initial ice thickness in the north 44 REAL(wp) :: hgins ! initial ice thickness in the south 45 REAL(wp) :: aginn ! initial leads area in the north 46 REAL(wp) :: agins ! initial leads area in the south 47 REAL(wp) :: sinn ! initial salinity 48 REAL(wp) :: sins 49 40 REAL(wp) :: thres_sst ! threshold water temperature for initial sea ice 41 REAL(wp) :: hts_ini_n ! initial snow thickness in the north 42 REAL(wp) :: hts_ini_s ! initial snow thickness in the south 43 REAL(wp) :: hti_ini_n ! initial ice thickness in the north 44 REAL(wp) :: hti_ini_s ! initial ice thickness in the south 45 REAL(wp) :: ati_ini_n ! initial leads area in the north 46 REAL(wp) :: ati_ini_s ! initial leads area in the south 47 REAL(wp) :: smi_ini_n ! initial salinity 48 REAL(wp) :: smi_ini_s ! initial salinity 49 REAL(wp) :: tmi_ini_n ! initial temperature 50 REAL(wp) :: tmi_ini_s ! initial temperature 51 52 LOGICAL :: ln_limini ! initialization or not 50 53 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- 51 54 !! LIM 3.0, UCL-LOCEAN-IPSL (2008) 52 !! $Id: limistate.F90 4 335 2013-12-17 14:40:19Z clem$55 !! $Id: limistate.F90 4765 2014-09-16 12:55:11Z rblod $ 53 56 !! Software governed by the CeCILL licence (modipsl/doc/NEMO_CeCILL.txt) 54 57 !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- … … 90 93 INTEGER :: i_hemis, i_fill, jl0 91 94 REAL(wp) :: ztest_1, ztest_2, ztest_3, ztest_4, ztests, zsigma, zarg, zA, zV, zA_cons, zV_cons, zconv 92 REAL(wp), POINTER, DIMENSION(:) :: zh m_i_ini, zat_i_ini, zvt_i_ini, zhm_s_ini, zsm_i_ini93 REAL(wp), POINTER, DIMENSION(:,:) :: zh t_i_ini, za_i_ini, zv_i_ini94 REAL(wp), POINTER, DIMENSION(:,:) :: z idto! ice indicator95 REAL(wp), POINTER, DIMENSION(:) :: zht_i_ini, zat_i_ini, zvt_i_ini, zht_s_ini, zsm_i_ini, ztm_i_ini 96 REAL(wp), POINTER, DIMENSION(:,:) :: zh_i_ini, za_i_ini, zv_i_ini 97 REAL(wp), POINTER, DIMENSION(:,:) :: zswitch ! ice indicator 95 98 INTEGER, POINTER, DIMENSION(:,:) :: zhemis ! hemispheric index 96 99 !-------------------------------------------------------------------- 97 100 98 CALL wrk_alloc( jpi, jpj, z idto)101 CALL wrk_alloc( jpi, jpj, zswitch ) 99 102 CALL wrk_alloc( jpi, jpj, zhemis ) 100 CALL wrk_alloc( jpl, 2, zht_i_ini, za_i_ini, zv_i_ini ) 101 CALL wrk_alloc( 2, zhm_i_ini, zat_i_ini, zvt_i_ini, zhm_s_ini, zsm_i_ini ) 102 103 epsi20 = 1.0e-20 103 CALL wrk_alloc( jpl, 2, zh_i_ini, za_i_ini, zv_i_ini ) 104 CALL wrk_alloc( 2, zht_i_ini, zat_i_ini, zvt_i_ini, zht_s_ini, zsm_i_ini, ztm_i_ini ) 105 106 epsi20 = 1.e-20_wp 107 104 108 IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) 105 109 IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) 'lim_istate : Ice initialization ' … … 112 116 CALL lim_istate_init ! reading the initials parameters of the ice 113 117 114 !!gm in lim2 the initialisation if only done if required in the namelist : 115 !!gm IF( .NOT. ln_limini ) THEN 116 !!gm this should be added in lim3 namelist... 118 ! surface temperature 119 DO jl = 1, jpl ! loop over categories 120 t_su (:,:,jl) = rtt * tms(:,:) 121 tn_ice(:,:,jl) = rtt * tms(:,:) 122 END DO 123 ! Basal temperature is set to the freezing point of seawater in Kelvin 124 t_bo(:,:) = ( tfreez( tsn(:,:,1,jp_sal) ) + rt0 ) * tms(:,:) 125 126 IF( ln_limini ) THEN 117 127 118 128 !-------------------------------------------------------------------- 119 129 ! 2) Basal temperature, ice mask and hemispheric index 120 130 !-------------------------------------------------------------------- 121 122 ! Basal temperature is set to the freezing point of seawater in Celsius 123 t_bo(:,:) = tfreez( tsn(:,:,1,jp_sal) ) * tmask(:,:,1) ! freezing/melting point of sea water [Celcius] 124 125 DO jj = 1, jpj ! ice if sst <= t-freez + ttest 131 ! ice if sst <= t-freez + thres_sst 132 DO jj = 1, jpj 126 133 DO ji = 1, jpi 127 IF( tsn(ji,jj,1,jp_tem) - t_bo(ji,jj) >= ttest ) THEN ; zidto(ji,jj) = 0._wp ! no ice 128 ELSE ; zidto(ji,jj) = 1._wp ! ice 134 IF( ( tsn(ji,jj,1,jp_tem) - ( t_bo(ji,jj) - rt0 ) ) * tms(ji,jj) >= thres_sst ) THEN 135 zswitch(ji,jj) = 0._wp * tms(ji,jj) ! no ice 136 ELSE 137 zswitch(ji,jj) = 1._wp * tms(ji,jj) ! ice 129 138 ENDIF 130 139 END DO 131 140 END DO 132 141 133 t_bo(:,:) = t_bo(:,:) + rt0 ! conversion to Kelvin134 142 135 143 ! Hemispheric index … … 153 161 ! 3.1) Hemisphere-dependent arrays 154 162 !----------------------------- 155 ! assign initial thickness, concentration, snow depth and salinity to 156 ! an hemisphere-dependent array 157 zhm_i_ini(1) = hginn ; zhm_i_ini(2) = hgins ! ice thickness 158 zat_i_ini(1) = aginn ; zat_i_ini(2) = agins ! ice concentration 159 zvt_i_ini(:) = zhm_i_ini(:) * zat_i_ini(:) ! ice volume 160 zhm_s_ini(1) = hninn ; zhm_s_ini(2) = hnins ! snow depth 161 zsm_i_ini(1) = sinn ; zsm_i_ini(2) = sins ! bulk ice salinity 163 ! assign initial thickness, concentration, snow depth and salinity to an hemisphere-dependent array 164 zht_i_ini(1) = hti_ini_n ; zht_i_ini(2) = hti_ini_s ! ice thickness 165 zht_s_ini(1) = hts_ini_n ; zht_s_ini(2) = hts_ini_s ! snow depth 166 zat_i_ini(1) = ati_ini_n ; zat_i_ini(2) = ati_ini_s ! ice concentration 167 zsm_i_ini(1) = smi_ini_n ; zsm_i_ini(2) = smi_ini_s ! bulk ice salinity 168 ztm_i_ini(1) = tmi_ini_n ; ztm_i_ini(2) = tmi_ini_s ! temperature (ice and snow) 169 170 zvt_i_ini(:) = zht_i_ini(:) * zat_i_ini(:) ! ice volume 162 171 163 172 !--------------------------------------------------------------------- … … 183 192 ! *** 1 category to fill 184 193 IF ( i_fill .EQ. 1 ) THEN 185 zh t_i_ini(1,i_hemis) = zhm_i_ini(i_hemis)186 za_i_ini(1,i_hemis) 187 zh t_i_ini(2:jpl,i_hemis) = 0._wp188 za_i_ini(2:jpl,i_hemis) 194 zh_i_ini(1,i_hemis) = zht_i_ini(i_hemis) 195 za_i_ini(1,i_hemis) = zat_i_ini(i_hemis) 196 zh_i_ini(2:jpl,i_hemis) = 0._wp 197 za_i_ini(2:jpl,i_hemis) = 0._wp 189 198 ELSE 190 199 191 ! *** >1 categores to fill192 !--- Ice thicknesses in the i_fill - 1 first categories200 ! *** >1 categores to fill 201 !--- Ice thicknesses in the i_fill - 1 first categories 193 202 DO jl = 1, i_fill - 1 194 zh t_i_ini(jl,i_hemis) = 0.5 * ( hi_max(jl) + hi_max(jl-1) )203 zh_i_ini(jl,i_hemis) = 0.5 * ( hi_max(jl) + hi_max(jl-1) ) 195 204 END DO 196 197 !--- jl0: most likely index where cc will be maximum205 206 !--- jl0: most likely index where cc will be maximum 198 207 DO jl = 1, jpl 199 IF ( ( zh m_i_ini(i_hemis) .GT. hi_max(jl-1) ) .AND. &200 ( zhm_i_ini(i_hemis) .LE. hi_max(jl) ) ) THEN208 IF ( ( zht_i_ini(i_hemis) .GT. hi_max(jl-1) ) .AND. & 209 ( zht_i_ini(i_hemis) .LE. hi_max(jl) ) ) THEN 201 210 jl0 = jl 202 211 ENDIF 203 212 END DO 204 213 jl0 = MIN(jl0, i_fill) 205 206 !--- Concentrations214 215 !--- Concentrations 207 216 za_i_ini(jl0,i_hemis) = zat_i_ini(i_hemis) / SQRT(REAL(jpl)) 208 217 DO jl = 1, i_fill - 1 209 218 IF ( jl .NE. jl0 ) THEN 210 zsigma = 0.5 * zh m_i_ini(i_hemis)211 zarg = ( zh t_i_ini(jl,i_hemis) - zhm_i_ini(i_hemis) ) / zsigma219 zsigma = 0.5 * zht_i_ini(i_hemis) 220 zarg = ( zh_i_ini(jl,i_hemis) - zht_i_ini(i_hemis) ) / zsigma 212 221 za_i_ini(jl,i_hemis) = za_i_ini(jl0,i_hemis) * EXP(-zarg**2) 213 222 ENDIF 214 END DO 215 223 END DO 224 216 225 zA = 0. ! sum of the areas in the jpl categories 217 226 DO jl = 1, i_fill - 1 … … 221 230 IF ( i_fill .LT. jpl ) za_i_ini(i_fill+1:jpl, i_hemis) = 0._wp 222 231 223 !--- Ice thickness in the last category232 !--- Ice thickness in the last category 224 233 zV = 0. ! sum of the volumes of the N-1 categories 225 234 DO jl = 1, i_fill - 1 226 zV = zV + za_i_ini(jl,i_hemis)*zh t_i_ini(jl,i_hemis)235 zV = zV + za_i_ini(jl,i_hemis)*zh_i_ini(jl,i_hemis) 227 236 END DO 228 zh t_i_ini(i_fill,i_hemis) = ( zvt_i_ini(i_hemis) - zV ) / za_i_ini(i_fill,i_hemis)229 IF ( i_fill .LT. jpl ) zh t_i_ini(i_fill+1:jpl, i_hemis) = 0._wp230 231 !--- volumes232 zv_i_ini(:,i_hemis) = za_i_ini(:,i_hemis) * zh t_i_ini(:,i_hemis)237 zh_i_ini(i_fill,i_hemis) = ( zvt_i_ini(i_hemis) - zV ) / za_i_ini(i_fill,i_hemis) 238 IF ( i_fill .LT. jpl ) zh_i_ini(i_fill+1:jpl, i_hemis) = 0._wp 239 240 !--- volumes 241 zv_i_ini(:,i_hemis) = za_i_ini(:,i_hemis) * zh_i_ini(:,i_hemis) 233 242 IF ( i_fill .LT. jpl ) zv_i_ini(i_fill+1:jpl, i_hemis) = 0._wp 234 243 … … 262 271 263 272 ! Test 3: thickness of the last category is in-bounds ? 264 IF ( zh t_i_ini(i_fill, i_hemis) .GT. hi_max(i_fill-1) ) THEN273 IF ( zh_i_ini(i_fill, i_hemis) .GT. hi_max(i_fill-1) ) THEN 265 274 ztest_3 = 1 266 275 ELSE 267 276 ! this write is useful 268 IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' * TEST 3 THICKNESS OF THE LAST CATEGORY OUT OF BOUNDS *** zh t_i_ini(i_fill,i_hemis) = ', &269 zh t_i_ini(i_fill,i_hemis), ' hi_max(jpl-1) = ', hi_max(i_fill-1)277 IF(lwp) WRITE(numout,*) ' * TEST 3 THICKNESS OF THE LAST CATEGORY OUT OF BOUNDS *** zh_i_ini(i_fill,i_hemis) = ', & 278 zh_i_ini(i_fill,i_hemis), ' hi_max(jpl-1) = ', hi_max(i_fill-1) 270 279 ztest_3 = 0 271 280 ENDIF … … 291 300 IF ( ztests .NE. 4 ) THEN 292 301 WRITE(numout,*) 293 WRITE(numout,*), ' !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ' 294 WRITE(numout,*), ' !!!! RED ALERT !!! ' 295 WRITE(numout,*), ' !!!! BIIIIP BIIIP BIIIIP BIIIIP !!!' 302 WRITE(numout,*), ' !!!! ALERT !!! ' 296 303 WRITE(numout,*), ' !!!! Something is wrong in the LIM3 initialization procedure ' 297 WRITE(numout,*), ' !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! '298 304 WRITE(numout,*) 299 305 WRITE(numout,*), ' *** ztests is not equal to 4 ' 300 306 WRITE(numout,*), ' *** ztest_i (i=1,4) = ', ztest_1, ztest_2, ztest_3, ztest_4 301 307 WRITE(numout,*), ' zat_i_ini : ', zat_i_ini(i_hemis) 302 WRITE(numout,*), ' zh m_i_ini : ', zhm_i_ini(i_hemis)308 WRITE(numout,*), ' zht_i_ini : ', zht_i_ini(i_hemis) 303 309 ENDIF ! ztests .NE. 4 304 310 ENDIF … … 314 320 DO jj = 1, jpj 315 321 DO ji = 1, jpi 316 a_i(ji,jj,jl) = z idto(ji,jj) * za_i_ini (jl,zhemis(ji,jj)) ! concentration317 ht_i(ji,jj,jl) = z idto(ji,jj) * zht_i_ini(jl,zhemis(ji,jj)) ! ice thickness318 ht_s(ji,jj,jl) = ht_i(ji,jj,jl) * ( zh m_s_ini( zhemis(ji,jj) ) / zhm_i_ini( zhemis(ji,jj) ) ) ! snow depth319 sm_i(ji,jj,jl) = z idto(ji,jj) * zsm_i_ini(zhemis(ji,jj)) + ( 1._wp - zidto(ji,jj) ) * s_i_min ! salinity320 o_i(ji,jj,jl) = z idto(ji,jj) * 1._wp + ( 1._wp - zidto(ji,jj) ) ! age321 t_su(ji,jj,jl) = z idto(ji,jj) * 270.0 + ( 1._wp - zidto(ji,jj) ) * 270.0! surf temp322 a_i(ji,jj,jl) = zswitch(ji,jj) * za_i_ini (jl,zhemis(ji,jj)) ! concentration 323 ht_i(ji,jj,jl) = zswitch(ji,jj) * zh_i_ini(jl,zhemis(ji,jj)) ! ice thickness 324 ht_s(ji,jj,jl) = ht_i(ji,jj,jl) * ( zht_s_ini( zhemis(ji,jj) ) / zht_i_ini( zhemis(ji,jj) ) ) ! snow depth 325 sm_i(ji,jj,jl) = zswitch(ji,jj) * zsm_i_ini(zhemis(ji,jj)) !+ ( 1._wp - zswitch(ji,jj) ) * s_i_min ! salinity 326 o_i(ji,jj,jl) = zswitch(ji,jj) * 1._wp + ( 1._wp - zswitch(ji,jj) ) ! age 327 t_su(ji,jj,jl) = zswitch(ji,jj) * ztm_i_ini(zhemis(ji,jj)) + ( 1._wp - zswitch(ji,jj) ) * rtt ! surf temp 322 328 323 329 ! This case below should not be used if (ht_s/ht_i) is ok in namelist … … 343 349 DO jj = 1, jpj 344 350 DO ji = 1, jpi 345 t_s(ji,jj,jk,jl) = z idto(ji,jj) * 270.0 + ( 1._wp - zidto(ji,jj) ) * rtt351 t_s(ji,jj,jk,jl) = zswitch(ji,jj) * ztm_i_ini(zhemis(ji,jj)) + ( 1._wp - zswitch(ji,jj) ) * rtt 346 352 ! Snow energy of melting 347 e_s(ji,jj,jk,jl) = z idto(ji,jj) * rhosn * ( cpic * ( rtt - t_s(ji,jj,jk,jl) ) + lfus )353 e_s(ji,jj,jk,jl) = zswitch(ji,jj) * rhosn * ( cpic * ( rtt - t_s(ji,jj,jk,jl) ) + lfus ) 348 354 ! Change dimensions 349 355 e_s(ji,jj,jk,jl) = e_s(ji,jj,jk,jl) / unit_fac 350 ! Multiply by volume, so that heat content in 10^9Joules356 ! Multiply by volume, so that heat content in Joules 351 357 e_s(ji,jj,jk,jl) = e_s(ji,jj,jk,jl) * area(ji,jj) * v_s(ji,jj,jl) / nlay_s 352 358 END DO ! ji … … 360 366 DO jj = 1, jpj 361 367 DO ji = 1, jpi 362 t_i(ji,jj,jk,jl) = z idto(ji,jj) * 270.00 + ( 1._wp - zidto(ji,jj) ) * rtt363 s_i(ji,jj,jk,jl) = z idto(ji,jj) * zsm_i_ini(zhemis(ji,jj)) + ( 1._wp - zidto(ji,jj) ) * s_i_min368 t_i(ji,jj,jk,jl) = zswitch(ji,jj) * ztm_i_ini(zhemis(ji,jj)) + ( 1._wp - zswitch(ji,jj) ) * rtt 369 s_i(ji,jj,jk,jl) = zswitch(ji,jj) * zsm_i_ini(zhemis(ji,jj)) !+ ( 1._wp - zswitch(ji,jj) ) * s_i_min 364 370 ztmelts = - tmut * s_i(ji,jj,jk,jl) + rtt !Melting temperature in K 365 371 366 372 ! heat content per unit volume 367 e_i(ji,jj,jk,jl) = z idto(ji,jj) * rhoic * ( cpic * ( ztmelts - t_i(ji,jj,jk,jl) ) &373 e_i(ji,jj,jk,jl) = zswitch(ji,jj) * rhoic * ( cpic * ( ztmelts - t_i(ji,jj,jk,jl) ) & 368 374 + lfus * ( 1._wp - (ztmelts-rtt) / MIN((t_i(ji,jj,jk,jl)-rtt),-epsi20) ) & 369 375 - rcp * ( ztmelts - rtt ) ) … … 372 378 e_i(ji,jj,jk,jl) = e_i(ji,jj,jk,jl) / unit_fac 373 379 374 ! Mutliply by ice volume, and divide by number of layers 375 ! to get heat content in 10^9 J 380 ! Mutliply by ice volume, and divide by number of layers to get heat content in J 376 381 e_i(ji,jj,jk,jl) = e_i(ji,jj,jk,jl) * area(ji,jj) * v_i(ji,jj,jl) / nlay_i 377 382 END DO ! ji … … 380 385 END DO ! jk 381 386 387 tn_ice (:,:,:) = t_su (:,:,:) 388 389 ELSE 390 ! if ln_limini=false 391 a_i (:,:,:) = 0._wp 392 v_i (:,:,:) = 0._wp 393 v_s (:,:,:) = 0._wp 394 smv_i(:,:,:) = 0._wp 395 oa_i (:,:,:) = 0._wp 396 ht_i (:,:,:) = 0._wp 397 ht_s (:,:,:) = 0._wp 398 sm_i (:,:,:) = 0._wp 399 o_i (:,:,:) = 0._wp 400 401 e_i(:,:,:,:) = 0._wp 402 e_s(:,:,:,:) = 0._wp 403 404 DO jl = 1, jpl 405 DO jk = 1, nlay_i 406 t_i(:,:,jk,jl) = rtt * tms(:,:) 407 END DO 408 DO jk = 1, nlay_s 409 t_s(:,:,jk,jl) = rtt * tms(:,:) 410 END DO 411 END DO 412 413 ENDIF ! ln_limini 414 415 at_i (:,:) = 0.0_wp 416 DO jl = 1, jpl 417 at_i (:,:) = at_i (:,:) + a_i (:,:,jl) 418 END DO 419 ! 382 420 !-------------------------------------------------------------------- 383 421 ! 4) Global ice variables for output diagnostics | 384 422 !-------------------------------------------------------------------- 385 fsbbq (:,:) = 0._wp386 423 u_ice (:,:) = 0._wp 387 424 v_ice (:,:) = 0._wp … … 390 427 stress12_i(:,:) = 0._wp 391 428 392 393 429 !-------------------------------------------------------------------- 394 430 ! 5) Moments for advection … … 425 461 sxyage (:,:,:) = 0._wp 426 462 427 !-------------------------------------------------------------------- 428 ! 6) Lateral boundary conditions | 429 !-------------------------------------------------------------------- 430 431 DO jl = 1, jpl 432 433 CALL lbc_lnk( a_i(:,:,jl) , 'T', 1. ) 434 CALL lbc_lnk( v_i(:,:,jl) , 'T', 1. ) 435 CALL lbc_lnk( v_s(:,:,jl) , 'T', 1. ) 436 CALL lbc_lnk( smv_i(:,:,jl), 'T', 1. ) 437 CALL lbc_lnk( oa_i(:,:,jl) , 'T', 1. ) 438 439 CALL lbc_lnk( ht_i(:,:,jl) , 'T', 1. ) 440 CALL lbc_lnk( ht_s(:,:,jl) , 'T', 1. ) 441 CALL lbc_lnk( sm_i(:,:,jl) , 'T', 1. ) 442 CALL lbc_lnk( o_i(:,:,jl) , 'T', 1. ) 443 CALL lbc_lnk( t_su(:,:,jl) , 'T', 1. ) 444 DO jk = 1, nlay_s 445 CALL lbc_lnk(t_s(:,:,jk,jl), 'T', 1. ) 446 CALL lbc_lnk(e_s(:,:,jk,jl), 'T', 1. ) 447 END DO 448 DO jk = 1, nlay_i 449 CALL lbc_lnk(t_i(:,:,jk,jl), 'T', 1. ) 450 CALL lbc_lnk(e_i(:,:,jk,jl), 'T', 1. ) 451 END DO 452 ! 453 a_i(:,:,jl) = tms(:,:) * a_i(:,:,jl) 454 END DO 455 456 at_i (:,:) = 0.0_wp 457 DO jl = 1, jpl 458 at_i (:,:) = at_i (:,:) + a_i (:,:,jl) 459 END DO 460 461 CALL lbc_lnk( at_i , 'T', 1. ) 462 at_i(:,:) = tms(:,:) * at_i(:,:) ! put 0 over land 463 ! 464 CALL lbc_lnk( fsbbq , 'T', 1. ) 465 ! 466 !-------------------------------------------------------------------- 467 ! 6) ???? | 468 !-------------------------------------------------------------------- 469 tn_ice (:,:,:) = t_su (:,:,:) 470 471 CALL wrk_dealloc( jpi, jpj, zidto ) 463 464 CALL wrk_dealloc( jpi, jpj, zswitch ) 472 465 CALL wrk_dealloc( jpi, jpj, zhemis ) 473 CALL wrk_dealloc( jpl, 2, zh t_i_ini, za_i_ini, zv_i_ini )474 CALL wrk_dealloc( 2, zh m_i_ini, zat_i_ini, zvt_i_ini, zhm_s_ini, zsm_i_ini )466 CALL wrk_dealloc( jpl, 2, zh_i_ini, za_i_ini, zv_i_ini ) 467 CALL wrk_dealloc( 2, zht_i_ini, zat_i_ini, zvt_i_ini, zht_s_ini, zsm_i_ini, ztm_i_ini ) 475 468 476 469 END SUBROUTINE lim_istate … … 492 485 !! 8.5 ! 07-11 (M. Vancoppenolle) rewritten initialization 493 486 !!----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 494 NAMELIST/namiceini/ ttest, hninn, hnins, hginn, hgins, aginn, agins, sinn, sins495 !487 NAMELIST/namiceini/ ln_limini, thres_sst, hts_ini_n, hts_ini_s, hti_ini_n, hti_ini_s, & 488 & ati_ini_n, ati_ini_s, smi_ini_n, smi_ini_s, tmi_ini_n, tmi_ini_s 496 489 INTEGER :: ios ! Local integer output status for namelist read 497 490 !!----------------------------------------------------------------------------- … … 513 506 WRITE(numout,*) 'lim_istate_init : ice parameters inititialisation ' 514 507 WRITE(numout,*) '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' 515 WRITE(numout,*) ' threshold water temp. for initial sea-ice ttest = ', ttest 516 WRITE(numout,*) ' initial snow thickness in the north hninn = ', hninn 517 WRITE(numout,*) ' initial snow thickness in the south hnins = ', hnins 518 WRITE(numout,*) ' initial ice thickness in the north hginn = ', hginn 519 WRITE(numout,*) ' initial ice thickness in the south hgins = ', hgins 520 WRITE(numout,*) ' initial ice concentr. in the north aginn = ', aginn 521 WRITE(numout,*) ' initial ice concentr. in the north agins = ', agins 522 WRITE(numout,*) ' initial ice salinity in the north sinn = ', sinn 523 WRITE(numout,*) ' initial ice salinity in the south sins = ', sins 508 WRITE(numout,*) ' initialization with ice (T) or not (F) ln_limini = ', ln_limini 509 WRITE(numout,*) ' threshold water temp. for initial sea-ice thres_sst = ', thres_sst 510 WRITE(numout,*) ' initial snow thickness in the north hts_ini_n = ', hts_ini_n 511 WRITE(numout,*) ' initial snow thickness in the south hts_ini_s = ', hts_ini_s 512 WRITE(numout,*) ' initial ice thickness in the north hti_ini_n = ', hti_ini_n 513 WRITE(numout,*) ' initial ice thickness in the south hti_ini_s = ', hti_ini_s 514 WRITE(numout,*) ' initial ice concentr. in the north ati_ini_n = ', ati_ini_n 515 WRITE(numout,*) ' initial ice concentr. in the north ati_ini_s = ', ati_ini_s 516 WRITE(numout,*) ' initial ice salinity in the north smi_ini_n = ', smi_ini_n 517 WRITE(numout,*) ' initial ice salinity in the south smi_ini_s = ', smi_ini_s 518 WRITE(numout,*) ' initial ice/snw temp in the north tmi_ini_n = ', tmi_ini_n 519 WRITE(numout,*) ' initial ice/snw temp in the south tmi_ini_s = ', tmi_ini_s 524 520 ENDIF 525 521 -
r2251 r2372 1379 1379 END SELECT 1380 1380 CASE( 'mixed oce-ice' ) 1381 ztmp1(:,:) = ( tsn(:,:,1, 1) + rt0 ) * zfr_l(:,:)1381 ztmp1(:,:) = ( tsn(:,:,1,jp_tem) + rt0 ) * zfr_l(:,:) 1382 1382 DO jl=1,jpl 1383 1383 ztmp1(:,:) = ztmp1(:,:) + tn_ice(:,:,jl) * a_i(:,:,jl) -
r2251 r2372 187 187 fmmflx(:,:) = 0.0_wp ! freezing-melting array initialisation 188 188 189 taum(:,:) = 0.0_wp ! Initialise taum for use in gls in case of reduced restart 190 189 191 ! ! restartability 190 192 IF( MOD( nitend - nit000 + 1, nn_fsbc) /= 0 .OR. &
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