Changeset 2674
- Timestamp:
- 11/10/15 09:55:39 (9 years ago)
- Location:
- Files:
- 1 added
- 24 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r2483 r2674 30 30 [Post_1M_icemod] 31 31 Patches = () 32 GatherWithInternal = (nav_lon, nav_lat, time_counter, time_c ounter_bounds)32 GatherWithInternal = (nav_lon, nav_lat, time_counter, time_centered, time_centered_bounds) 33 33 TimeSeriesVars2D = (ice_pres, iicetemp, iicethic, iicevelu, iicevelv, isnowthi) 34 34 ChunckJob2D = NONE … … 39 39 [Post_1D_icemod] 40 40 Patches = () 41 GatherWithInternal = (nav_lon, nav_lat, time_counter, time_c ounter_bounds)41 GatherWithInternal = (nav_lon, nav_lat, time_counter, time_centered, time_centered_bounds) 42 42 TimeSeriesVars2D = (iicethic, iicevelu, iicevelv, ileadfra) 43 43 ChunckJob2D = 200Y -
r2629 r2674 30 30 [Post_1M_icemod] 31 31 Patches = () 32 GatherWithInternal = (nav_lon, nav_lat, time_counter )33 TimeSeriesVars2D = (snthic, sithic,sivolu,snvolu,siconc,sisali,sitemp,sistem,siheco,snheco,siages,sivelu,sivelv,sivelo,sishea,sibrin)32 GatherWithInternal = (nav_lon, nav_lat, time_counter, time_centered, time_centered_bounds) 33 TimeSeriesVars2D = (snthic, sithic, sivolu, snvolu, siconc, sisali, sitemp, sistem, siheco, snheco, siages, sivelu, sivelv, sivelo, sishea, sibrin, wfx_ice, wfx_snw, hfx_out, sfx) 34 34 ChunckJob2D = NONE 35 35 TimeSeriesVars3D = () … … 39 39 [Post_1D_icemod] 40 40 Patches = () 41 GatherWithInternal = (nav_lon, nav_lat, time_counter )41 GatherWithInternal = (nav_lon, nav_lat, time_counter, time_centered, time_centered_bounds) 42 42 TimeSeriesVars2D = (snthic,sithic,sivolu,snvolu,siconc) 43 43 ChunckJob2D = 200Y -
r2622 r2674 7 7 # LMDZ_Physics=NPv3.2 for new physics, to be used with LMDZ5/trunk revision 1554 or later 8 8 #LMDZ_Physics=AP 9 LMDZ_Physics=NPv5.17 c9 LMDZ_Physics=NPv5.17h 10 10 11 11 # Use XIOS as output library … … 55 55 56 56 [InitialStateFiles] 57 List= (${R_IN}/ATM/LMDZ/IPSLCM6/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}xLMD${RESOL_ATM_3D}/ , .), \58 (${R_IN}/ATM/LMDZ/IPSLCM6/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}xLMD${RESOL_ATM_3D}/ , .)57 List= (${R_IN}/ATM/LMDZ/IPSLCM6/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}xLMD${RESOL_ATM_3D}/ , ), \ 58 (${R_IN}/ATM/LMDZ/IPSLCM6/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}xLMD${RESOL_ATM_3D}/, ) 59 59 60 60 [BoundaryFiles] … … 69 69 70 70 [ParametersFiles] 71 List= (${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/physiq.def_L${RESOL_ATM_Z}_${LMDZ_Physics}, physiq.def ), \72 (${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/gcm.def_${RESOL_ATM_3D} , gcm.def),\73 (${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/cosp_input_nl.txt , .),\74 (${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/cosp_output_nl.txt , .),\75 (${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/config.def_${ConfType} , config.def),\76 (${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/guide.def , .),\77 (${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/run.def , .),\78 (${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/traceur.def , .),\79 (${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/iodef.xml , . ),\80 (${MODIPSL}/modeles/LMDZ/DefLists/context_lmdz.xml , . ),\81 (${MODIPSL}/modeles/LMDZ/DefLists/field_def_lmdz.xml , . ),\82 (${MODIPSL}/modeles/LMDZ/DefLists/file_def_histmth_lmdz.xml , . ),\83 (${MODIPSL}/modeles/LMDZ/DefLists/file_def_histmthCOSP_lmdz.xml, . ),\84 (${MODIPSL}/modeles/LMDZ/DefLists/file_def_histmthNMC_lmdz.xml , . ),\85 (${MODIPSL}/modeles/LMDZ/DefLists/file_def_histday_lmdz.xml , . ),\86 (${MODIPSL}/modeles/LMDZ/DefLists/file_def_histdayCOSP_lmdz.xml, . ),\87 (${MODIPSL}/modeles/LMDZ/DefLists/file_def_histdayNMC_lmdz.xml , . ),\88 (${MODIPSL}/modeles/LMDZ/DefLists/file_def_histhf_lmdz.xml , . ),\89 (${MODIPSL}/modeles/LMDZ/DefLists/file_def_histhfCOSP_lmdz.xml , .), \90 (${MODIPSL}/modeles/LMDZ/DefLists/file_def_histhfNMC_lmdz.xml , . ), \91 (${MODIPSL}/modeles/LMDZ/DefLists/file_def_histstn_lmdz.xml , . ),\92 (${MODIPSL}/modeles/LMDZ/DefLists/file_def_histins_lmdz.xml , . ),\93 (${MODIPSL}/modeles/LMDZ/DefLists/file_def_histLES_lmdz.xml , . )71 List= (${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/physiq.def_L${RESOL_ATM_Z}_${LMDZ_Physics}, physiq.def ), \ 72 (${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/gcm.def_${RESOL_ATM_3D} , gcm.def ), \ 73 (${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/cosp_input_nl.txt , . ), \ 74 (${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/cosp_output_nl.txt , . ), \ 75 (${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/config.def_${ConfType} , config.def ), \ 76 (${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/guide.def , . ), \ 77 (${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/run.def , . ), \ 78 (${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/traceur.def , . ), \ 79 (${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/iodef.xml , . ), \ 80 (${MODIPSL}/modeles/LMDZ/DefLists/context_lmdz.xml , . ), \ 81 (${MODIPSL}/modeles/LMDZ/DefLists/field_def_lmdz.xml , . ), \ 82 (${MODIPSL}/modeles/LMDZ/DefLists/file_def_histmth_lmdz.xml , . ), \ 83 (${MODIPSL}/modeles/LMDZ/DefLists/file_def_histmthCOSP_lmdz.xml, . ), \ 84 (${MODIPSL}/modeles/LMDZ/DefLists/file_def_histmthNMC_lmdz.xml , . ), \ 85 (${MODIPSL}/modeles/LMDZ/DefLists/file_def_histday_lmdz.xml , . ), \ 86 (${MODIPSL}/modeles/LMDZ/DefLists/file_def_histdayCOSP_lmdz.xml, . ), \ 87 (${MODIPSL}/modeles/LMDZ/DefLists/file_def_histdayNMC_lmdz.xml , . ), \ 88 (${MODIPSL}/modeles/LMDZ/DefLists/file_def_histhf_lmdz.xml , . ), \ 89 (${MODIPSL}/modeles/LMDZ/DefLists/file_def_histhfCOSP_lmdz.xml , . ), \ 90 (${MODIPSL}/modeles/LMDZ/DefLists/file_def_histhfNMC_lmdz.xml , . ), \ 91 (${MODIPSL}/modeles/LMDZ/DefLists/file_def_histstn_lmdz.xml , . ), \ 92 (${MODIPSL}/modeles/LMDZ/DefLists/file_def_histins_lmdz.xml , . ), \ 93 (${MODIPSL}/modeles/LMDZ/DefLists/file_def_histLES_lmdz.xml , . ) 94 94 95 95 … … 100 100 101 101 [OutputText] 102 List= (physiq.def, gcm.def, run.def, traceur.def, guide.def, config.def, used_run.def, iodef.xml, context_lmdz.xml, field_def_lmdz.xml,debug.01,lmdz.prt )102 List= (physiq.def, gcm.def, run.def, traceur.def, guide.def, config.def, used_run.def, iodef.xml, context_lmdz.xml, field_def_lmdz.xml,debug.01,lmdz.prt,out_lmdz.x.err, out_lmdz.x.out) 103 103 104 104 [OutputFiles] … … 118 118 [Post_1M_histmth] 119 119 Patches= () 120 GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, presnivs, time_counter, time_c ounter_bounds, aire)120 GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, presnivs, time_counter, time_centered, time_centered_bounds, aire) 121 121 TimeSeriesVars2D = (bils, cldh, cldl, cldm, cldq, cldt, evap, flat, ftime_con, iwp, lwp, LWdnSFC, LWdnSFCclr, LWupSFCclr, LWdn200, LWdn200clr, LWup200, LWup200clr, precip, prw, pluc, psol, q2m, rh2m, sens, sicf, slp, snow, soll0, soll, sols0, sols, SWdnSFC, SWupSFC, SWup200, SWdnTOA, SWupTOA, SWdn200, SWdnSFCclr, SWupSFCclr, SWupTOAclr, t2m, t2m_max, t2m_min, taux, taux_ter, taux_sic, taux_lic, taux_oce, tauy, tauy_ter, tauy_sic, tauy_lic, tauy_oce, lat_ter, lat_sic, lat_lic, lat_oce, nettop, pbase, ptop, topl0, topl, tops0, tops, topswad, topswai, tsol, tsol_ter, tsol_lic, tsol_oce, tsol_sic , u10m, u500, v10m, v500, w500, pourc_ter, pourc_oce, pourc_sic, pourc_lic, wind10m, od550aer, od550lt1aer, absvisaer, loadoa, loadbc, loadso4, loaddust, loadss, sconcoa, sconcbc, sconcso4, sconcdust, sconcss, reffclwtop, cldncl, swtoaas_ant, swtoacs_ant, swtoacf_ant, swsrfas_ant, swsrfcs_ant, swsrfcf_ant, swtoaas_nat, swtoacs_nat, swtoacf_nat, swsrfas_nat, swsrfcs_nat, swsrfcf_nat, solswai, solswad, swtoacf_zero, swsrfcf_zero) 122 122 ChunckJob2D = NONE … … 127 127 [Post_1M_histmthCOSP] 128 128 Patches = () 129 GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, pressure2, height, sza, time_counter, time_c ounter_bounds)129 GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, pressure2, height, sza, time_counter, time_centered, time_centered_bounds, aire) 130 130 TimeSeriesVars2D = (cllcalipso, clmcalipso, clhcalipso, cltcalipso, tclisccp, albisccp, ctpisccp) 131 131 ChunckJob2D = OFF … … 136 136 [Post_1M_histmthNMC] 137 137 Patches = () 138 GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, plev, time_counter, time_c ounter_bounds)138 GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, plev, time_counter, time_centered, time_centered_bounds) 139 139 TimeSeriesVars2D = () 140 140 ChunckJob2D = NONE … … 145 145 [Post_1M_paramLMDZ_phy] 146 146 Patches=() 147 GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, time_c ounter, time_counter_bnds)147 GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, time_centered, time_centered_bounds) 148 148 TimeSeriesVars2D =(R_ecc, R_peri, R_incl, solaire, co2_ppm, CH4_ppb, N2O_ppb, CFC11_ppt, CFC12_ppt) 149 149 ChunckJob2D = NONE … … 154 154 [Post_1D_histday] 155 155 Patches= () 156 GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, presnivs, time_counter, time_c ounter_bounds)156 GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, presnivs, time_counter, time_centered, time_centered_bounds) 157 157 TimeSeriesVars2D = (bils, cldh, cldl, cldm, cldq, cldt, evap, flat, precip, pluc, plul, prw, psol, q2m, sens, sicf, slp, soll, sols, snow, SWdnSFC, t2m, t2m_max, t2m_min, topl, tops, tsol, u10m, v10m, wind10m, wind10max) 158 158 ChunckJob2D = 50Y … … 163 163 [Post_1D_histdayCOSP] 164 164 Patches = () 165 GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, pressure2, height, sza, time_counter, time_c ounter_bounds)165 GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, pressure2, height, sza, time_counter, time_centered, time_centered_bounds) 166 166 TimeSeriesVars2D = (cllcalipso, clmcalipso, clhcalipso, cltcalipso, tclisccp, albisccp, ctpisccp) 167 167 ChunckJob2D = OFF … … 172 172 [Post_1D_histdayNMC] 173 173 Patches = () 174 GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, plev, time_counter, time_c ounter_bounds)174 GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, plev, time_counter, time_centered, time_centered_bounds) 175 175 TimeSeriesVars2D = () 176 176 ChunckJob2D = NONE … … 181 181 [Post_HF_histhf] 182 182 Patches= () 183 GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, presnivs, time_c ounter, time_counter_bounds)183 GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, presnivs, time_centered, time_centered_bounds) 184 184 TimeSeriesVars2D = (cldt, psol, q2m, slp, precip, pluc, plul, t2m, tsol, u10m, v10m) 185 185 ChunckJob2D = 50Y … … 190 190 [Post_HF_histhfCOSP] 191 191 Patches = () 192 GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, height, sza, time_counter, time_c ounter_bounds)192 GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, height, sza, time_counter, time_centered, time_centered_bounds) 193 193 TimeSeriesVars2D = (cllcalipso, clmcalipso, clhcalipso, cltcalipso) 194 194 ChunckJob2D = OFF … … 199 199 [Post_HF_histhfNMC] 200 200 Patches = () 201 GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, plev, time_counter, time_c ounter_bounds)201 GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, plev, time_counter, time_centered, time_centered_bounds) 202 202 TimeSeriesVars2D = () 203 203 ChunckJob2D = NONE … … 208 208 [Post_3H_histhf3hm] 209 209 Patches= () 210 GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, presnivs, time_counter, time_c ounter_bounds)210 GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, presnivs, time_counter, time_centered, time_centered_bounds) 211 211 TimeSeriesVars2D = (flat, precip, pluc, snow, topl, topl0, SWupTOA, SWupTOAclr, SWdnTOA, SWupSFC, SWupSFCclr, SWdnSFC, SWdnSFCclr, LWupSFC, LWupSFCclr, LWdnSFC, LWdnSFCclr, bils, bils_tke, bils_diss, bils_ec, bils_kinetic, bils_enthalp, bils_latent, sens, cldt, zmax_th) 212 212 ChunckJob2D = OFF … … 217 217 [Post_3H_histhf3h] 218 218 Patches= () 219 GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, presnivs, time_counter, time_c ounter_bounds)219 GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, presnivs, time_counter, time_centered, time_centered_bounds) 220 220 TimeSeriesVars2D = (phis, tsol, t2m, q2m, ustar, u10m, v10m, psol) 221 221 ChunckJob2D = OFF -
r2591 r2674 8 8 9 9 [InitialStateFiles] 10 List= (${R_IN}/CPL/IPSLCM6/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}x${RESOL_ATM}/,, \11 (${R_IN}/CPL/IPSLCM6/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}x${RESOL_ATM}/, List= (${R_IN}/CPL/IPSLCM6/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}x${RESOL_ATM}/, . ), \ 11 (${R_IN}/CPL/IPSLCM6/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}x${RESOL_ATM}/, . ) 12 12 13 13 [BoundaryFiles] 14 14 List= () 15 ListNonDel= (${R_IN}/CPL/IPSLCM6/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}x${RESOL_ATM}/ ,,\16 (${R_IN}/CPL/IPSLCM6/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}x${RESOL_ATM}/,,\17 (${R_IN}/CPL/IPSLCM6/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}x${RESOL_ATM}/,,\18 (${R_IN}/CPL/IPSLCM6/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}x${RESOL_ATM}/,,\19 (${R_IN}/CPL/IPSLCM6/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}x${RESOL_ATM}/,,\20 (${R_IN}/CPL/IPSLCM6/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}x${RESOL_ATM}/,,\21 (${R_IN}/CPL/IPSLCM6/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}x${RESOL_ATM}/, ListNonDel= (${R_IN}/CPL/IPSLCM6/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}x${RESOL_ATM}/ , ), \ 16 (${R_IN}/CPL/IPSLCM6/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}x${RESOL_ATM}/ , ), \ 17 (${R_IN}/CPL/IPSLCM6/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}x${RESOL_ATM}/ , ), \ 18 (${R_IN}/CPL/IPSLCM6/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}x${RESOL_ATM}/ , ), \ 19 (${R_IN}/CPL/IPSLCM6/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}x${RESOL_ATM}/ , ), \ 20 (${R_IN}/CPL/IPSLCM6/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}x${RESOL_ATM}/,, \ 21 (${R_IN}/CPL/IPSLCM6/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}x${RESOL_ATM}/, 22 22 23 23 [SmoothFiles] … … 35 35 36 36 [OutputFiles] 37 List = (, ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX}, Post_ncks_cdo),\38 (, ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX}, Post_ncks_cdo),\39 (, ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX}, Post_ncks_cdo),\40 (, ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX}, Post_ncks_cdo),\41 (, ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX}, Post_ncks_cdo),\42 (, ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX}, Post_ncks_cdo),\43 (, ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX}, Post_ncks_cdo),\44 (, ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX}, Post_ncks_cdo),\45 (, ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX}, Post_ncks_cdo),\46 (, ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX}, Post_ncks_cdo),\47 (, ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX}, Post_ncks_cdo),\48 (, ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX}, Post_ncks_cdo),\49 (, ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX}, Post_ncks_cdo),\50 (, ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX}, Post_ncks_cdo),\51 (, ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX}, Post_ncks_cdo),\52 (, ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX}, Post_ncks_cdo),\53 (, ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX}, Post_ncks_cdo),\54 (, ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX}, Post_ncks_cdo),\55 (, ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX}, Post_ncks_cdo),\56 (, ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX}, Post_ncks_cdo),\57 (, ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX}, Post_ncks_cdo),\58 (, ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX}, Post_ncks_cdo),\59 (, ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX}, Post_ncks_cdo),\60 (, ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX}, Post_ncks_cdo),\61 (, ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX}, Post_ncks_cdo),\62 (, ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX}, Post_ncks_cdo),\63 (, ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX}, Post_ncks_cdo),\64 (, ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX}, Post_ncks_cdo),\65 (, ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX}, Post_ncks_cdo),\66 (, ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX}, Post_ncks_cdo),\67 (, ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX}, Post_ncks_cdo),\68 (, ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX}, Post_ncks_cdo),\69 (, ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX}, Post_ncks_cdo),\70 (, ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX}, Post_ncks_cdo),\71 (, ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX}, Post_ncks_cdo),\72 (, ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX}, Post_ncks_cdo),\73 (, ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX}, Post_ncks_cdo),\74 (, ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX}, Post_ncks_cdo),\75 (, ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX}, Post_ncks_cdo),\76 (, ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX}, Post_ncks_cdo),\77 (, ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX}, Post_ncks_cdo),\78 (, ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX}, Post_ncks_cdo),\79 (, ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX}, Post_ncks_cdo),\80 (, ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX}, Post_ncks_cdo),\81 (, ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX}, Post_ncks_cdo),\82 (, ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX}, Post_ncks_cdo),\83 (, ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX}, Post_ncks_cdo),\84 (, ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX}, Post_ncks_cdo),\85 (, ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX}, Post_ncks_cdo),\86 (, ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX}, Post_ncks_cdo),\87 (, ${R_OUT_CPL_O_D}/${PREFIX} , Post_1D_cpl_atm), \88 (, ${R_OUT_CPL_O_D}/${PREFIX} , Post_1D_cpl_oce), \89 (, ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX} , Post_1M_cpl_atm), \90 (,${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX} , Post_1M_cpl_oce)37 List = ( , ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX} , Post_ncks_cdo ) , \ 38 ( , ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX} , Post_ncks_cdo ) , \ 39 ( , ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX} , Post_ncks_cdo ) , \ 40 ( , ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX} , Post_ncks_cdo ) , \ 41 ( , ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX} , Post_ncks_cdo ) , \ 42 ( , ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX} , Post_ncks_cdo ) , \ 43 ( , ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX} , Post_ncks_cdo ) , \ 44 ( , ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX} , Post_ncks_cdo ) , \ 45 ( , ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX} , Post_ncks_cdo ) , \ 46 ( , ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX} , Post_ncks_cdo ) , \ 47 ( , ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX} , Post_ncks_cdo ) , \ 48 ( , ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX} , Post_ncks_cdo ) , \ 49 ( , ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX} , Post_ncks_cdo ) , \ 50 ( , ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX} , Post_ncks_cdo ) , \ 51 ( , ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX} , Post_ncks_cdo ) , \ 52 ( , ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX} , Post_ncks_cdo ) , \ 53 ( , ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX} , Post_ncks_cdo ) , \ 54 ( , ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX} , Post_ncks_cdo ) , \ 55 ( , ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX} , Post_ncks_cdo ) , \ 56 ( , ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX} , Post_ncks_cdo ) , \ 57 ( , ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX} , Post_ncks_cdo ) , \ 58 ( , ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX} , Post_ncks_cdo ) , \ 59 ( , ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX} , Post_ncks_cdo ) , \ 60 ( , ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX} , Post_ncks_cdo ) , \ 61 ( , ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX} , Post_ncks_cdo ) , \ 62 ( , ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX} , Post_ncks_cdo ) , \ 63 ( , ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX} , Post_ncks_cdo ) , \ 64 ( , ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX} , Post_ncks_cdo ) , \ 65 ( , ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX} , Post_ncks_cdo ) , \ 66 ( , ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX} , Post_ncks_cdo ) , \ 67 ( , ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX} , Post_ncks_cdo ) , \ 68 ( , ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX} , Post_ncks_cdo ) , \ 69 ( , ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX} , Post_ncks_cdo ) , \ 70 ( , ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX} , Post_ncks_cdo ) , \ 71 ( , ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX} , Post_ncks_cdo ) , \ 72 ( , ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX} , Post_ncks_cdo ) , \ 73 ( , ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX} , Post_ncks_cdo ) , \ 74 ( , ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX} , Post_ncks_cdo ) , \ 75 ( , ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX} , Post_ncks_cdo ) , \ 76 ( , ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX} , Post_ncks_cdo ) , \ 77 ( , ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX} , Post_ncks_cdo ) , \ 78 ( , ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX} , Post_ncks_cdo ) , \ 79 ( , ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX} , Post_ncks_cdo ) , \ 80 ( , ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX} , Post_ncks_cdo ) , \ 81 ( , ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX} , Post_ncks_cdo ) , \ 82 ( , ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX} , Post_ncks_cdo ) , \ 83 ( , ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX} , Post_ncks_cdo ) , \ 84 ( , ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX} , Post_ncks_cdo ) , \ 85 ( , ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX} , Post_ncks_cdo ) , \ 86 ( , ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX} , Post_ncks_cdo ) , \ 87 ( , ${R_OUT_CPL_O_D}/${PREFIX} , Post_1D_cpl_atm) , \ 88 ( , ${R_OUT_CPL_O_D}/${PREFIX} , Post_1D_cpl_oce) , \ 89 ( , ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX} , Post_1M_cpl_atm) , \ 90 ( , ${R_OUT_CPL_O_M}/${PREFIX} , Post_1M_cpl_oce) 91 91 92 92 [Post_ncks_cdo] -
r2629 r2674 15 15 [BoundaryFiles] 16 16 List= () 17 ListNonDel= (${R_IN}/OCE/IPSLCM6/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/ , ), \ 18 (${R_IN}/OCE/IPSLCM6/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/ , ), \ 19 (${R_IN}/OCE/IPSLCM6/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/ , ), \ 20 (${R_IN}/OCE/IPSLCM6/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/ , ), \ 21 (${R_IN}/OCE/IPSLCM6/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/ , ), \ 22 (${R_IN}/OCE/IPSLCM6/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/ , ), \ 23 (${R_IN}/OCE/IPSLCM6/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/ , ), \ 24 (${R_IN}/OCE/IPSLCM6/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/ , ), \ 25 (${R_IN}/OCE/IPSLCM6/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/ , . ), \ 26 (${R_IN}/OCE/IPSLCM6/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/, . ), \ 27 (${R_IN}/OCE/IPSLCM6/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/ , . ), \ 28 (${R_IN}/OCE/IPSLCM6/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/ , ), \ 29 (${R_IN}/OCE/IPSLCM6/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/ , ), \ 30 (${R_IN}/OCE/IPSLCM6/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/ , ), \ 31 (${R_IN}/OCE/IPSLCM6/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/ , . ) 32 33 34 # (/ccc/scratch/cont003/dsm/p86mart/INPUTS_ORCA1_LIM3_PISCES_V2/kRGB61.txt, .)\ 17 ListNonDel= ${R_IN}/OCE/IPSLCM6/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}// , . ), \ 18 (${R_IN}/OCE/IPSLCM6/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/ , . ), \ 19 (${R_IN}/OCE/IPSLCM6/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/ , . ), \ 20 (${R_IN}/OCE/IPSLCM6/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/ , . ), \ 21 (${R_IN}/OCE/IPSLCM6/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/ , . ), \ 22 (${R_IN}/OCE/IPSLCM6/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/ , ), \ 23 (${R_IN}/OCE/IPSLCM6/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/ , ), \ 24 (${R_IN}/OCE/IPSLCM6/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/ , ), \ 25 (${R_IN}/OCE/IPSLCM6/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/ , . ), \ 26 (${R_IN}/OCE/IPSLCM6/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/ , . ), \ 27 (${R_IN}/OCE/IPSLCM6/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/ , . ), \ 28 (${R_IN}/OCE/IPSLCM6/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/ , . ), \ 29 (${R_IN}/OCE/IPSLCM6/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/ , . ), \ 30 (${R_IN}/OCE/IPSLCM6/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/ , . ) 31 32 33 # (${R_IN}/OCE/IPSLCM6/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version} 35 34 36 35 [SmoothFiles] … … 52 51 53 52 [OutputFiles] 54 List= ( , ${R_OUT_OCE_O}/${config_UserChoices_JobName}, NONE),\ 55 ( , ${R_OUT_OCE_O}/${config_UserChoices_JobName} , NONE),\ 56 (${config_UserChoices_JobName}, ${R_OUT_OCE_O_Y}/${PREFIX}, NONE),\ 57 (${config_UserChoices_JobName}, ${R_OUT_OCE_O_Y}/${PREFIX}, NONE),\ 58 (${config_UserChoices_JobName}, ${R_OUT_OCE_O_Y}/${PREFIX}, NONE),\ 59 (${config_UserChoices_JobName}, ${R_OUT_OCE_O_Y}/${PREFIX}, NONE),\ 60 (${config_UserChoices_JobName}, ${R_OUT_OCE_O_Y}/${PREFIX}, NONE),\ 61 (${config_UserChoices_JobName}, ${R_OUT_OCE_O_M}/${PREFIX}, NONE),\ 62 (${config_UserChoices_JobName}, ${R_OUT_OCE_O_M}/${PREFIX}, Post_1M_grid_T),\ 63 (${config_UserChoices_JobName}, ${R_OUT_OCE_O_M}/${PREFIX}, Post_1M_grid_U),\ 64 (${config_UserChoices_JobName}, ${R_OUT_OCE_O_M}/${PREFIX}, Post_1M_grid_V),\ 65 (${config_UserChoices_JobName}, ${R_OUT_OCE_O_M}/${PREFIX}, Post_1M_grid_W),\ 66 (${config_UserChoices_JobName}, ${R_OUT_OCE_O_M}/${PREFIX}, Post_1M_diaptr),\ 67 (${config_UserChoices_JobName}, ${R_OUT_OCE_O_D}/${PREFIX}, Post_1D_grid_T),\ 68 (${config_UserChoices_JobName}, ${R_OUT_OCE_O_D}/${PREFIX}, Post_1D_grid_U),\ 69 (${config_UserChoices_JobName}, ${R_OUT_OCE_O_D}/${PREFIX}, Post_1D_grid_V),\ 70 ( , ${R_OUT_OCE_O_D}/${PREFIX}, NONE),\ 71 ( , ${R_OUT_OCE_D}/${PREFIX}, NONE),\ 72 ( , ${R_OUT_OCE_O_I}/${config_UserChoices_JobName}_${PeriodDateBegin}, NONE) 53 List= ( , ${R_OUT_OCE_O}/${config_UserChoices_JobName}, NONE),\ 54 ( , ${R_OUT_OCE_O}/${config_UserChoices_JobName} , NONE),\ 55 (${config_UserChoices_JobName}, ${R_OUT_OCE_O_Y}/${PREFIX} , NONE),\ 56 (${config_UserChoices_JobName}, ${R_OUT_OCE_O_Y}/${PREFIX} , NONE),\ 57 (${config_UserChoices_JobName}, ${R_OUT_OCE_O_Y}/${PREFIX} , NONE),\ 58 (${config_UserChoices_JobName}, ${R_OUT_OCE_O_Y}/${PREFIX} , NONE),\ 59 (${config_UserChoices_JobName}, ${R_OUT_OCE_O_Y}/${PREFIX} , NONE),\ 60 (${config_UserChoices_JobName}, ${R_OUT_OCE_O_M}/${PREFIX} , NONE),\ 61 (${config_UserChoices_JobName}, ${R_OUT_OCE_O_M}/${PREFIX} , Post_1M_grid_T),\ 62 (${config_UserChoices_JobName}, ${R_OUT_OCE_O_M}/${PREFIX} , Post_1M_grid_U),\ 63 (${config_UserChoices_JobName}, ${R_OUT_OCE_O_M}/${PREFIX} , Post_1M_grid_V),\ 64 (${config_UserChoices_JobName}, ${R_OUT_OCE_O_M}/${PREFIX} , Post_1M_grid_W),\ 65 (${config_UserChoices_JobName}, ${R_OUT_OCE_O_M}/${PREFIX} , Post_1M_diaptr),\ 66 (${config_UserChoices_JobName}, ${R_OUT_OCE_O_D}/${PREFIX} , Post_1D_grid_T),\ 67 (${config_UserChoices_JobName}, ${R_OUT_OCE_O_D}/${PREFIX} , Post_1D_grid_U),\ 68 (${config_UserChoices_JobName}, ${R_OUT_OCE_O_D}/${PREFIX} , Post_1D_grid_V),\ 69 (${config_UserChoices_JobName}, ${R_OUT_OCE_O_D}/${PREFIX} , Post_1D_grid_T),\ 70 (${config_UserChoices_JobName}, ${R_OUT_OCE_O_D}/${PREFIX} , Post_1D_grid_U),\ 71 (${config_UserChoices_JobName}, ${R_OUT_OCE_O_D}/${PREFIX} , Post_1D_grid_V),\ 72 ( , ${R_OUT_OCE_O_D}/${PREFIX} , NONE),\ 73 ( , ${R_OUT_OCE_D}/${PREFIX} , NONE),\ 74 ( , ${R_OUT_OCE_O_I}/${config_UserChoices_JobName}_${PeriodDateBegin}, NONE) 73 75 74 76 # Monthly analysis … … 76 78 [Post_1M_scalar] 77 79 Patches = () 78 GatherWithInternal = (time_counter, time_c ounter_bounds)80 GatherWithInternal = (time_counter, time_centered, time_centered_bounds, time_counter) 79 81 TimeSeriesVars2D = (masso, volo, zosga, zossga, zostoga, thetaoga, soga) 80 82 ChunckJob2D = NONE … … 85 87 [Post_1M_grid_T] 86 88 Patches = () 87 GatherWithInternal = (nav_lon, nav_lat, deptht, time_counter, time_c ounter_bounds)89 GatherWithInternal = (nav_lon, nav_lat, deptht, time_counter, time_centered, time_centered_bounds) 88 90 TimeSeriesVars2D = (zos, zossq, tos, tossq, sss, omlmax, mldkz5, mldr10_1, nshfls, rsntds, rsds, friver) 89 91 ChunckJob2D = NONE … … 94 96 [Post_1M_grid_U] 95 97 Patches = () 96 GatherWithInternal = (nav_lon, nav_lat, depthu, time_counter, time_c ounter_bounds)98 GatherWithInternal = (nav_lon, nav_lat, depthu, time_counter, time_centered, time_centered_bounds) 97 99 TimeSeriesVars2D = (tauuo, sozohetr, sozosatr) 98 100 ChunckJob2D = NONE … … 103 105 [Post_1M_grid_V] 104 106 Patches = () 105 GatherWithInternal = (nav_lon, nav_lat, depthv, time_counter, time_c ounter_bounds)107 GatherWithInternal = (nav_lon, nav_lat, depthv, time_counter, time_centered, time_centered_bounds) 106 108 TimeSeriesVars2D = (tauvo, somehetr, somesatr) 107 109 ChunckJob2D = NONE … … 112 114 [Post_1M_grid_W] 113 115 Patches = () 114 GatherWithInternal = (nav_lon, nav_lat, depthw, time_counter, time_c ounter_bounds)116 GatherWithInternal = (nav_lon, nav_lat, depthw, time_counter, time_centered, time_centered_bounds) 115 117 TimeSeriesVars2D = (soleaeiw, soleahtw) 116 118 ChunckJob2D = NONE … … 121 123 [Post_1M_diaptr] 122 124 Patches = () 123 GatherWithInternal = (nav_lat, time_counter, deptht, depthw, time_counter_bounds)125 GatherWithInternal = (nav_lat, deptht, depthw, time_counter, time_centered, time_centered_bounds) 124 126 TimeSeriesVars2D = (zomsfglo, zomsfatl, zomsfpac, zomsfind, zomsfipc, zotemglo, zotematl, zotempac, zotemind, zotemipc, zosalglo, zosalatl, zosalpac, zosalind, zosalipc, zosrfglo, zosrfatl, zosrfpac, zosrfind, zosrfipc, sophtadv, sophtldf, sopstadv, sopstldf) 125 127 ChunckJob2D = NONE … … 132 134 [Post_1D_grid_T] 133 135 Patches = () 134 GatherWithInternal = (nav_lon, nav_lat, deptht, time_counter, time_c ounter_bounds)136 GatherWithInternal = (nav_lon, nav_lat, deptht, time_counter, time_centered, time_centered_bounds) 135 137 TimeSeriesVars2D = (tos, tosstd, sos, zos, zosstd, sstdcy, mldr10_1, mldr10_1dcy, mldkz5) 136 138 ChunckJob2D = 100Y … … 141 143 [Post_1D_grid_U] 142 144 Patches = () 143 GatherWithInternal = (nav_lon, nav_lat, depthu, time_counter, time_c ounter_bounds)145 GatherWithInternal = (nav_lon, nav_lat, depthu, time_counter, time_centered, time_centered_bounds) 144 146 TimeSeriesVars2D = () 145 147 ChunckJob2D = 100Y … … 150 152 [Post_1D_grid_V] 151 153 Patches = () 152 GatherWithInternal = (nav_lon, nav_lat, depthv, time_counter, time_c ounter_bounds)154 GatherWithInternal = (nav_lon, nav_lat, depthv, time_counter, time_centered, time_centered_bounds) 153 155 TimeSeriesVars2D = () 154 156 ChunckJob2D = 200Y … … 161 163 [Post_1Y_scalar] 162 164 Patches = () 163 GatherWithInternal = (time_counter, time_c ounter, time_counter_bounds)165 GatherWithInternal = (time_counter, time_centered, time_centered_bounds) 164 166 TimeSeriesVars2D = (masso, volo, zosga, zossga, zostoga, thetaoga, soga) 165 167 ChunckJob2D = NONE … … 170 172 [Post_1Y_grid_T] 171 173 Patches = () 172 GatherWithInternal = (nav_lon, nav_lat, deptht, time_counter, time_c ounter_bounds)174 GatherWithInternal = (nav_lon, nav_lat, deptht, time_counter, time_centered, time_centered_bounds) 173 175 TimeSeriesVars2D = (evs, ficeberg, friver, fsitherm, hfcorr, hfevapds, hfibthermds, hfrainds, hfrunoffds, hfsithermds, hfsnthermds, nshfls, omlmax, pbo, pr, prsn, sfdsi, so20chgt, so28chgt, sohefldo, sohtc300, soicecov, somixhgt, somxl010, sosaline, soshfldo, sossheig, sosstsst, sotaumod, sowaflcd, sowaflup, sowindsp, tossq, vsfsit, wfcorr, zossq) 174 176 ChunckJob2D = NONE … … 179 181 [Post_1Y_grid_U] 180 182 Patches = () 181 GatherWithInternal = (nav_lon, nav_lat, depthu, time_counter, time_c ounter_bounds)183 GatherWithInternal = (nav_lon, nav_lat, depthu, time_counter, time_centered, time_centered_bounds) 182 184 TimeSeriesVars2D = (hfx, hfxba, hfxdiff, sozotaux) 183 185 ChunckJob2D = NONE … … 188 190 [Post_1Y_grid_V] 189 191 Patches = () 190 GatherWithInternal = (nav_lon, nav_lat, depthv, time_counter, time_c ounter_bounds)192 GatherWithInternal = (nav_lon, nav_lat, depthv, time_counter, time_centered, time_centered_bounds) 191 193 TimeSeriesVars2D = (hfy, hfyba, hfydiff, sometauy) 192 194 ChunckJob2D = NONE … … 197 199 [Post_1Y_grid_W] 198 200 Patches = () 199 GatherWithInternal = (nav_lon, nav_lat, depthw, time_counter, time_c ounter_bounds)201 GatherWithInternal = (nav_lon, nav_lat, depthw, time_counter, time_centered, time_centered_bounds) 200 202 TimeSeriesVars2D = (soleaeiw, soleahtw) 201 203 ChunckJob2D = NONE … … 206 208 [Post_1Y_diaptr] 207 209 Patches = () 208 GatherWithInternal = (nav_lat, time_counter, deptht, depthw, time_counter_bounds)210 GatherWithInternal = (nav_lat, deptht, depthw, time_counter, time_centered, time_centered_bounds) 209 211 TimeSeriesVars2D = (zotemglo, zosalglo, zomsfglo, zotematl, zosalatl, zomsfatl, zotempac, zosalpac, zomsfpac, zotemind, zosalind, zomsfind, zotemipc, zosalipc, zomsfipc, sophtadv, sophtldf, sopstadv) 210 212 ChunckJob2D = NONE -
r2591 r2674 7 7 # Sef DefSuffix=Choi (default) to activate default 2-layer Choisnel hydrology 8 8 # Set DefSuffix=CWRR to activate 11-layer CWRR hydrology 9 DefSuffix=Choi 9 #DefSuffix=Choi 10 DefSuffix=CWRR 11 12 VEGET_UPDATE=0Y 13 LAND_COVER_CHANGE=n 14 sechiba_LEVEL=11 10 15 11 16 [InitialStateFiles] 12 List= (${R_IN}/SRF/, .), \ 13 (${R_IN}/SRF/, .), \ 14 (${R_IN}/SRF/, 17 List= () 18 19 #(${R_IN}/SRF/, . ), \ 20 # (${R_IN}/SRF/, . ), \ 21 # (${R_IN}/SRF/PFTmap_1850to2005_AR5_LUHa.rc2/,, \ 22 # (${R_IN}/SRF/, .) 15 23 16 24 [BoundaryFiles] 17 List= (${R_IN}/SRF/, .)25 List= () 18 26 ListNonDel= () 19 27 20 28 [SmoothFiles] 21 List= 29 List= () 22 30 23 31 [ParametersFiles] 24 List= (${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/orchidee.def_${DefSuffix}, orchidee.def), \ 25 (${MODIPSL}/modeles/ORCHIDEE/src_xml/context_orchidee.xml, .), \ 26 (${MODIPSL}/modeles/ORCHIDEE/src_xml/field_def_orchidee.xml, .),\ 27 (${MODIPSL}/modeles/ORCHIDEE/src_xml/file_def_orchidee.xml, .) 32 List= (${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/orchidee.def_${DefSuffix} , orchidee.def ) , \ 33 (${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/file_def_orchidee.xml , . ) , \ 34 (${MODIPSL}/modeles/ORCHIDEE/src_xml/context_orchidee.xml , . ) , \ 35 (${MODIPSL}/modeles/ORCHIDEE/src_xml/field_def_orchidee.xml , . ) , \ 36 (${R_IN}/SRF/ , . ) , \ 37 (${R_IN}/SRF/ , . ) , \ 38 (${R_IN}/SRF/PFTmap_1850to2005_AR5_LUHa.rc2/, ) , \ 39 (${R_IN}/SRF/ , . ) 28 40 29 41 [RestartFiles] 30 # List restart that have to be saved/restored each loop (file out, saved, and in) : 31 List= (,, 42 List= (,, 32 43 33 44 [OutputText] 34 List= (out_orchidee, orchidee.def, context_orchidee.xml, field_def_orchidee.xml, file_def_orchidee.xml)45 List= (out_orchidee, orchidee.def, used_orchidee.def, iodef.xml, context_orchidee.xml, field_def_orchidee.xml, file_def_orchidee.xml, 35 46 36 47 [OutputFiles] … … 41 52 [Post_1M_sechiba_history] 42 53 Patches = () 43 GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, time_counter, Areas, Contfrac, time_c ounter_bounds)44 TimeSeriesVars2D = (nobiofrac, alb_nir, alb_vis, bqsb, evap, fluxlat, fluxsens, gqsb, netrad, qair, rain, runoff, snow, snownobio, snowf, subli, tair, temp_sol, tsol_max, tsol_min, drainage,mrsos, mrso, mrros, mrro, prveg, evspsblveg, evspsblsoi, tran, treeFrac, grassFrac, cropFrac, baresoilFrac, residualFrac)54 GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, time_counter, Areas, Contfrac, time_centered, time_centered_bounds) 55 TimeSeriesVars2D = (nobiofrac, alb_nir, alb_vis, evap, fluxlat, fluxsens, netrad, qair, rain, runoff, snow, snownobio, snowf, subli, tair, temp_sol, tsol_max, tsol_min, drainage,mrsos, mrso, mrros, mrro, prveg, evspsblveg, evspsblsoi, tran, treeFrac, grassFrac, cropFrac, baresoilFrac, residualFrac, TWBR) 45 56 ChunckJob2D = NONE 46 57 TimeSeriesVars3D = (lai, maxvegetfrac, vegetfrac, ptn, nee) … … 50 61 [Post_HF_sechiba_out_2] 51 62 Patches = () 52 GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, time_counter, Areas, Contfrac, time_c ounter_bounds)63 GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, time_counter, Areas, Contfrac, time_centered, time_centered_bounds) 53 64 TimeSeriesVars2D = (mrsos, mrro) 54 65 ChunckJob2D = 50Y … … 56 67 ChunckJob3D = 10Y 57 68 Seasonal = OFF 69 -
r2591 r2674 10 10 [BoundaryFiles] 11 11 List= () 12 ListNonDel= (${R_IN}/OCE/IPSLCM6/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/, .), \13 (${R_IN}/OCE/IPSLCM6/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/, .), \14 (${R_IN}/OCE/IPSLCM6/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/, .), \15 (${R_IN}/OCE/IPSLCM6/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/, .), \16 (${R_IN}/OCE/IPSLCM6/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/, .), \17 (${R_IN}/OCE/IPSLCM6/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/, .), \18 (${R_IN}/OCE/IPSLCM6/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/, .), \19 (${R_IN}/OCE/IPSLCM6/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/, .), \20 (${R_IN}/OCE/IPSLCM6/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/, .), \21 (${R_IN}/OCE/IPSLCM6/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/, .), \22 (${R_IN}/OCE/IPSLCM6/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/, ), \23 (${R_IN}/OCE/IPSLCM6/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/,, \24 (${R_IN}/OCE/IPSLCM6/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/, .), \25 (${R_IN}/OCE/IPSLCM6/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/, .)26 12 13 ListNonDel = (${R_IN}/OCE/IPSLCM6/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/ , . ), \ 14 (${R_IN}/OCE/IPSLCM6/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/ , . ), \ 15 (${R_IN}/OCE/IPSLCM6/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/ , . ), \ 16 (${R_IN}/OCE/IPSLCM6/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/ , . ), \ 17 (${R_IN}/OCE/IPSLCM6/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/ , . ), \ 18 (${R_IN}/OCE/IPSLCM6/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/ , . ), \ 19 (${R_IN}/OCE/IPSLCM6/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/ , . ), \ 20 (${R_IN}/OCE/IPSLCM6/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/ , . ), \ 21 (${R_IN}/OCE/IPSLCM6/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/ , . ), \ 22 (${R_IN}/OCE/IPSLCM6/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/ , . ), \ 23 (${R_IN}/OCE/IPSLCM6/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/ , . ), \ 24 (${R_IN}/OCE/IPSLCM6/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/ , . ), \ 25 (${R_IN}/OCE/IPSLCM6/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/ , . ), \ 26 (${R_IN}/OCE/IPSLCM6/${opa9_UserChoices_ORCA_version}/ , . ) 27 28 27 29 [SmoothFiles] 28 30 List= () 29 31 30 32 [ParametersFiles] 31 List= (${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/namelist_top_ref , namelist_top_ref), \32 (${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/namelist_top_${RESOL_OCE}_cfg , namelist_top_cfg), \33 (${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/namelist_pisces_ref , namelist_pisces_ref) ,\33 List= (${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/namelist_top_ref , namelist_top_ref ), \ 34 (${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/namelist_top_${RESOL_OCE}_cfg , namelist_top_cfg ), \ 35 (${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/namelist_pisces_ref , namelist_pisces_ref) ,\ 34 36 (${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/namelist_pisces_${RESOL_OCE}_cfg, namelist_pisces_cfg) 35 37 … … 41 43 42 44 [OutputFiles] 43 List= (${config_UserChoices_JobName}, ${R_OUT_MBG_O_M}/${PREFIX}, Post_1M_ptrc_T), \ 44 (${config_UserChoices_JobName}, ${R_OUT_MBG_O_M}/${PREFIX}, Post_1M_diad_T), \ 45 (${config_UserChoices_JobName}, ${R_OUT_MBG_O_M}/${PREFIX}, NONE) 45 List= (${config_UserChoices_JobName}, ${R_OUT_MBG_O_M}/${PREFIX}, Post_1D_bioscalar), \ 46 (${config_UserChoices_JobName} , ${R_OUT_MBG_O_M}/${PREFIX} , Post_1M_ptrc_T ), \ 47 (${config_UserChoices_JobName} , ${R_OUT_MBG_O_M}/${PREFIX} , Post_1M_diad_T ) 48 49 50 [Post_1D_bioscalar] 51 Patches = () 52 GatherWithInternal = (time_counter, time_centered, time_centered_bounds) 53 TimeSeriesVars2D = (pno3tot, ppo4tot, psiltot, palktot, pfertot, tcflx, tcflxcum, tcexp, tintpp, tnfix, tdenit) 54 ChunckJob2D = NONE 55 TimeSeriesVars3D = () 56 ChunckJob3D = NONE 57 Seasonal=OFF 46 58 47 59 [Post_1M_ptrc_T] 48 60 Patches = () 49 GatherWithInternal = (nav_lon, nav_lat, deptht, time_counter, time_counter_bounds)61 GatherWithInternal = (nav_lon, nav_lat, time_counter, time_centered, time_centered_bounds) 50 62 TimeSeriesVars2D = () 51 ChunckJob2D = OFF52 TimeSeriesVars3D = (Alkalini, BFe, CaCO3, DCHL, DFe, DIC, DOC, DSi, Fer, GOC, GSi, NCHL, NFe, NH4, NO3, O2, PHY, PHY2, PO4, POC, SFe, Si, ZOO, ZOO2)53 ChunckJob3D = 50Y54 Seasonal=O N63 ChunckJob2D = 100Y 64 TimeSeriesVars3D = (Alkalini, CHLT, DIC, Fer, NO3, O2, PO4, Si) 65 ChunckJob3D = 10Y 66 Seasonal=OFF 55 67 56 68 [Post_1M_diad_T] 57 69 Patches = () 58 GatherWithInternal = (nav_lon, nav_lat, deptht, time_counter, time_counter_bounds) 59 TimeSeriesVars2D = (Cflx, Dpco2, Dpo2, EPC100, EPCAL100, EPFE100, EPSI100, Heup, Irondep, Kg, Nfix, Oflx) 70 GatherWithInternal = (nav_lon, nav_lat, time_counter, time_centered, time_centered_bounds) 71 TimeSeriesVars2D = (Cflx, Dpco2, EPC100, INTPP) 72 ChunckJob2D = 100Y 73 TimeSeriesVars3D = (TPP) 74 ChunckJob3D = 10Y 75 Seasonal=OFF 76 77 [Post_1Y_ptrc_T] 78 Patches = () 79 GatherWithInternal = (nav_lon, nav_lat, time_counter, time_centered, time_centered_bounds) 80 TimeSeriesVars2D = () 81 ChunckJob2D = OFF 82 TimeSeriesVars3D = (Alkalini,CHLT, DIC, Fer, NO3, O2, PO4, Si ) 83 ChunckJob3D = NONE 84 Seasonal=OFF 85 86 [Post_1Y_diad_T] 87 Patches = () 88 GatherWithInternal = (nav_lon, nav_lat, time_counter, time_centered, time_centered_bounds) 89 TimeSeriesVars2D = (Cflx, Dpco2, EPC100, Heup, Nfix) 60 90 ChunckJob2D = NONE 61 TimeSeriesVars3D = (PPPHY, PPPHY2, PPNEWN, PPNEWD, PAR, PH) 62 ChunckJob3D = 50Y 63 Seasonal=ON 64 65 [Post_1M_dbio_T] 66 Patches = () 67 GatherWithInternal = (nav_lon, nav_lat, deptht, time_counter, time_counter_bounds) 68 TimeSeriesVars2D = (INTDIC, INTNFIX, INTPBFE, INTPBSI, INTPCAL, INTPNEW, INTPP, INTPPPHY, INTPPPHY2, O2MIN, ZO2MIN ) 69 ChunckJob2D = NONE 70 TimeSeriesVars3D = (CHLT, EXPC, EXPCAL, EXPFE, EXPSI, PFET, PHYT, POCT, TPBFE, TPNEW, TPP, ZOOT) 71 ChunckJob3D = 50Y 72 Seasonal=ON 91 TimeSeriesVars3D = (PAR, TPP) 92 ChunckJob3D = NONE 93 Seasonal=OFF -
r2591 r2674 30 30 [Post_1M_stomate_history] 31 31 Patches = () 32 GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, PFT, time_counter, Areas, time_c ounter_bounds)32 GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, PFT, time_counter, Areas, time_centered, time_centered_bounds) 33 33 TimeSeriesVars2D = (T2M_MONTH,CONTFRAC,RESOLUTION_X,RESOLUTION_Y,CONVFLUX,CFLUX_PROD10,CFLUX_PROD100,HARVEST_ABOVE) 34 34 ChunckJob2D = NONE … … 39 39 [Post_1M_stomate_ipcc_history] 40 40 Patches = () 41 GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, PFT, time_counter, Areas, CONTFRAC, time_c ounter_bounds)41 GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, PFT, time_counter, Areas, CONTFRAC, time_centered, time_centered_bounds) 42 42 TimeSeriesVars2D = (cVeg, cLitter, cSoil, cProduct, lai, gpp, ra, npp, rh, fFire, fHarvest, fLuc, nbp, fVegLitter, fLitterSoil, cLeaf, cWood, cRoot, cMisc, cLitterAbove, cLitterBelow, cSoilFast, cSoilMedium, cSoilSlow, landCoverFrac, treeFracPrimDec, treeFracPrimEver, c3PftFrac, c4PftFrac, rGrowth, rMaint, nppLeaf, nppWood, nppRoot, nep) 43 43 ChunckJob2D = NONE -
r2582 r2674 5 5 { 6 6 IGCM_debug_PushStack "SRF_Initialize" 7 8 RESOL_SRF=ALL9 10 for frequency in ${config_SRF_WriteFrequency} ; do11 case ${frequency} in12 HF|hf) SRF_ok_hf=y ;;13 esac14 done15 7 16 8 ##- Define variable DefSuffix set in orchidee.card … … 31 23 IGCM_debug_PushStack "SRF_Update" 32 24 25 ## 1. Modifications in orchidee.def parameter file 26 33 27 # Activate STOMATE if the compontent SBG=stomate is set in config.card 34 28 if [ X${config_ListOfComponents_SBG} = Xstomate ] ; then 29 # Activate stomate in orchidee.def 35 30 IGCM_comp_modifyDefFile blocker orchidee.def STOMATE_OK_STOMATE y 36 31 else 32 # Deactivate stomate in orchidee.def 37 33 IGCM_comp_modifyDefFile blocker orchidee.def STOMATE_OK_STOMATE n 34 # Deactivate output files for stomate 35 IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_orchidee.xml stomate1 enabled .FALSE. 36 IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_orchidee.xml stomate2 enabled .FALSE. 38 37 fi 39 38 40 # Default init : files are desactivated 41 IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_orchidee.xml sechiba1 enabled .FALSE. 42 IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_orchidee.xml sechiba2 enabled .FALSE. 43 44 SRF_WriteFrequency=$( echo ${config_SRF_WriteFrequency} | sed -e 's/\([0-9]*[yYmMdDs]\).*/\1/' ) 45 case ${SRF_WriteFrequency} in 46 *Y|*y) 47 WriteInYears=$( echo ${SRF_WriteFrequency} | awk -F '[yY]' '{print $1}' ) 48 PeriodLengthInYears=$( echo ${config_UserChoices_PeriodLength} | awk -F '[yY]' '{print $1}' ) 49 IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_orchidee.xml sechiba1 enabled .TRUE. 50 IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_orchidee.xml sechiba1 output_freq ${WriteInYears}y 51 IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_orchidee.xml sechiba1 name sechiba_history 52 ;; 53 *M|*m) 54 WriteInMonths=$( echo ${SRF_WriteFrequency} | awk -F '[mM]' '{print $1}' ) 55 IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_orchidee.xml sechiba1 enabled .TRUE. 56 IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_orchidee.xml sechiba1 output_freq ${WriteInMonths}mo 57 IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_orchidee.xml sechiba1 name sechiba_history 58 ;; 59 5D|5d) 60 IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_orchidee.xml sechiba1 enabled .TRUE. 61 IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_orchidee.xml sechiba1 output_freq 5d 62 IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_orchidee.xml sechiba1 name sechiba_history 63 ;; 64 1D|1d) 65 IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_orchidee.xml sechiba1 enabled .TRUE. 66 IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_orchidee.xml sechiba1 output_freq 1d 67 IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_orchidee.xml sechiba1 name sechiba_history 68 ;; 69 *s) 70 WriteInSeconds=$( echo ${SRF_WriteFrequency} | awk -F '[s]' '{print $1}' ) 71 IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_orchidee.xml sechiba1 enabled .TRUE. 72 IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_orchidee.xml sechiba1 output_freq ${WriteInSeconds}s 73 IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_orchidee.xml sechiba1 name sechiba_history 74 ;; 75 *) 76 IGCM_debug_Exit "SRF_Update " ${SRF_WriteFrequency} " invalid WriteFrequency : choose in 1Y, 1M, 5D, 1D." 77 IGCM_debug_Verif_Exit ;; 78 esac 79 80 # Outputs HF in HISTFILE2 if required. Output frequency is 3 hours by default. 81 if [ X${SRF_ok_hf} = Xy ] ; then 82 IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_orchidee.xml sechiba2 enabled .TRUE. 83 IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_orchidee.xml sechiba2 output_freq 10800s 84 IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force file_def_orchidee.xml sechiba2 name sechiba_out_2 85 fi 86 39 # Define in orchidee.def if restart file should be used 87 40 if ( [ ${CumulPeriod} -ne 1 ] || [ "${config_SRF_Restart}" != "n" ] ) ; then 88 41 IGCM_comp_modifyDefFile blocker orchidee.def SECHIBA_restart_in … … 103 56 fi 104 57 105 #IGCM_sys_Cp ${RUN_DIR}/orchidee.def ${RUN_DIR}/run.def 106 #IGCM_sys_Put_Out ${RUN_DIR}/run.def ${R_SAVE}/${PREFIX}_run.def 58 # Activate creation of river description file only for the first period 59 #if [ ${CumulPeriod} -eq 1 ] ; then 60 # IGCM_comp_modifyDefFile nonblocker orchidee.def RIVER_DESC y 61 #else 62 IGCM_comp_modifyDefFile nonblocker orchidee.def RIVER_DESC n 63 #fi 107 64 108 #Temporary way to fix bug on cimean variable 109 IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile force field_def_orchidee.xml cimean enabled .FALSE. 65 66 ## 2. Mangement of output and modifications of related xml files 67 68 # Set default values for sechiba1_enabled, sechiba1_freq and sechiba2_enabled. 69 sechiba1_enabled=.FALSE. 70 sechiba2_enabled=.FALSE. 71 sechiba1_freq=0s 72 73 # Get WriteFrenquecies from config.card for SECHIBA 74 # Note that it is only possible to have one HF and one other option. 75 # If more options are set in config.card only the latest will be used. 76 for frequency in ${config_SRF_WriteFrequency} ; do 77 case ${frequency} in 78 *Y|*y) 79 NbYears=$( echo ${frequency} | awk -F '[yY]' '{print $1}' ) 80 NbDaysYear=$( IGCM_date_DaysInYear ${year} ) 81 sechiba1_enabled=.TRUE. 82 sechiba1_freq=${NbYears}y ;; 83 *M|*m) 84 NbMonths=$( echo ${frequency} | awk -F '[mM]' '{print $1}' ) 85 sechiba1_enabled=.TRUE. 86 sechiba1_freq=${NbMonths}mo ;; 87 *D|*d) 88 NbDays=$( echo ${frequency} | awk -F '[dD]' '{print $1}' ) 89 sechiba1_enabled=.TRUE. 90 sechiba1_freq=${NbDays}d ;; 91 *s) 92 WriteInSeconds=$( echo ${frequency} | awk -F '[s]' '{print $1}' ) 93 sechiba1_enabled=.TRUE. 94 sechiba1_freq=${WriteInSeconds}s ;; 95 HF|hf) 96 sechiba2_enabled=.TRUE. ;; 97 *) 98 IGCM_debug_Exit "SRF WriteFrequency=${frequency} is invalid. Choose between xY, xM, xD, xs and HF for Sechiba." ;; 99 esac 100 done 101 102 # Do the modifications in file_def_orchidee.xml 103 IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_orchidee.xml sechiba1 enabled ${sechiba1_enabled} 104 IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_orchidee.xml sechiba1 output_freq ${sechiba1_freq} 105 IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile nonblocker file_def_orchidee.xml sechiba2 enabled ${sechiba2_enabled} 110 106 111 107 # Add include of orchidee context in iodef.xml … … 125 121 IGCM_debug_PushStack "SRF_Finalize" 126 122 127 #IGCM_sys_Put_Out ${RUN_DIR}/used_run.def ${R_SAVE}/${PREFIX}_used_run.def128 129 echo FINALIZE SRF !!!130 131 123 IGCM_debug_PopStack "SRF_Finalize" 132 124 } -
r2628 r2674 22 22 <file_group id="6h" output_freq="6h" output_level="10" enabled=".TRUE."/> <!-- 6h files --> 23 23 24 <file_group id="1d" output_freq="1d" output_level="10" enabled=".TRUE."> <!-- 5d files -->24 <file_group id="1d" output_freq="1d" output_level="10" enabled=".TRUE."> <!-- 1d files --> 25 25 26 26 <file id="file1" name_suffix="_grid_T" description="ocean T grid variables" > … … 39 39 <field field_ref="sbt" /> 40 40 <field field_ref="heatc" name="heatc" long_name="Heat content vertically integrated" /> 41 <field field_ref="saltc" name="saltc" long_name="Salt content vertically integrated" /> 41 <field field_ref="saltc" name="saltc" long_name="Salt content vertically integrated" /> 42 <!-- next variables available with key_diahth --> 43 <field field_ref="mlddzt" level="1" /> 44 <field field_ref="mldr10_3" level="1" /> 45 <field field_ref="mldr0_1" level="1" /> 46 <field field_ref="mldr0_3" level="1" /> 47 <field field_ref="mld_dt02" level="1" /> 48 <field field_ref="topthdep" level="1" /> 49 <field field_ref="pycndep" level="1" /> 50 <field field_ref="BLT" level="1" /> 51 <field field_ref="tinv" level="1" /> 52 <field field_ref="depti" level="1" /> 53 <!-- <field field_ref="20d" level="1" /> --> 54 <!-- <field field_ref="28d" level="1" /> --> 55 <field field_ref="hc300" level="1" /> 42 56 </file> 43 57 … … 220 234 </file> 221 235 </file_group> 222 223 236 224 237 <file_group id="1m" output_freq="1mo" output_level="10" enabled=".TRUE."> <!-- real monthly files --> … … 255 268 <field field_ref="qsr3d" name="rsds" long_name="downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_sea_water" level="1" /> 256 269 <field field_ref="qrp" name="hfcorr" long_name="heat_flux_correction" level="1" /> 270 <!-- next variables available with key_diahth --> 271 <field field_ref="mlddzt" level="1" /> 272 <field field_ref="mldr10_3" level="1" /> 273 <field field_ref="mldr0_1" level="1" /> 274 <field field_ref="mldr0_3" level="1" /> 275 <field field_ref="mld_dt02" level="1" /> 276 <field field_ref="topthdep" level="1" /> 277 <field field_ref="pycndep" level="1" /> 278 <field field_ref="BLT" level="1" /> 279 <field field_ref="tinv" level="1" /> 280 <field field_ref="depti" level="1" /> 281 <!-- <field field_ref="20d" level="1" /> --> 282 <!-- <field field_ref="28d" level="1" /> --> 283 <field field_ref="hc300" level="1" /> 284 257 285 </file> 258 286 … … 456 484 457 485 </file_group> 458 459 486 460 487 <file_group id="2m" output_freq="2mo" output_level="10" enabled=".TRUE."/> <!-- real 2m files --> 461 488 <file_group id="3m" output_freq="3mo" output_level="10" enabled=".TRUE."/> <!-- real 3m files --> -
r2587 r2674 1 1 ## $Id: gcm.def 1403 2010-07-01 09:02:53Z fairhead $ 2 2 ## nombre de pas par jour (multiple de iperiod) ( ici pour dt = 1 min ) 3 day_step= 7203 day_step=960 4 4 ## periode pour le pas Matsuno (en pas) 5 5 iperiod=5 -
r2629 r2674 40 40 # 41 41 $NLOGPRT 42 2<lucia_ok>42 0 <lucia_ok> 43 43 $END 44 44 # … … 51 51 # Field 1 : Weighted sea surface temperature (o->a 1) 52 52 # 53 O_SSTSST SISUTESW 1 <freq_coupling> <output_mode>53 O_SSTSST SISUTESW 1 <freq_coupling> 2 <output_mode> 54 54 362 332 144 143 torc tlmd LAG=<lag_oce> 55 55 P 2 P 0 56 LOCTRANS CHECKIN MAPPING CHECKOUT56 LOCTRANS MAPPING 57 57 # LOCTRANS: AVERAGE to average value over coupling period 58 58 AVERAGE 59 59 # CHECKIN: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 60 INT=161 60 # Mozaic: 1) mapping filename 2) connected unit 3) dataset rank 4) Maximum 62 61 # number of overlapped neighbors 63 62 src 64 63 # CHECKOUT: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 65 INT=166 64 # 67 65 ############################################################################ … … 69 67 # Field 2 : Sea ice extent (o->a 2) 70 68 # 71 OIceFrc SIICECOV 44 <freq_coupling> <output_mode>69 OIceFrc SIICECOV 44 <freq_coupling> 2 <output_mode> 72 70 362 332 144 143 torc tlmd LAG=<lag_oce> 73 71 P 2 P 0 74 72 # 75 LOCTRANS CHECKIN MAPPING CHECKOUT 76 AVERAGE 77 # CHECKIN: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 78 INT=1 79 # 80 src 81 # CHECKOUT: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 82 INT=1 73 LOCTRANS MAPPING 74 AVERAGE 75 # CHECKIN: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 76 # 77 src 78 # CHECKOUT: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 83 79 # 84 80 # … … 87 83 # Field 3 : Weighted Sea Ice Temperature (o->a 3) 88 84 # 89 O_TepIce SIICTEMW 34 <freq_coupling> <output_mode>85 O_TepIce SIICTEMW 34 <freq_coupling> 2 <output_mode> 90 86 362 332 144 143 torc tlmd LAG=<lag_oce> 91 87 P 2 P 0 92 LOCTRANS CHECKIN MAPPING CHECKOUT 93 AVERAGE 94 # CHECKIN: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 95 INT=1 96 # 97 src 98 # CHECKOUT: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 99 INT=1 88 LOCTRANS MAPPING 89 AVERAGE 90 # CHECKIN: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 91 # 92 src 93 # CHECKOUT: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 100 94 # 101 95 ############################################################################ … … 103 97 # Field 4 : Weighted Sea ice albedo (o->a 4) 104 98 # 105 O_AlbIce SIICEALW 17 <freq_coupling> <output_mode>99 O_AlbIce SIICEALW 17 <freq_coupling> 2 <output_mode> 106 100 362 332 144 143 torc tlmd LAG=<lag_oce> 107 101 P 2 P 0 108 102 # 109 LOCTRANS CHECKIN MAPPING CHECKOUT 110 AVERAGE 111 # CHECKIN: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 112 INT=1 113 # 114 src 115 # CHECKOUT: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 116 INT=1 103 LOCTRANS MAPPING 104 AVERAGE 105 # CHECKIN: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 106 # 107 src 108 # CHECKOUT: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 117 109 # 118 110 # … … 120 112 # 121 113 # Field 5 : Current surface (o->a 5) 122 O_OCurx1 CURRENTX 321 <freq_coupling> <output_mode>114 O_OCurx1 CURRENTX 321 <freq_coupling> 2 <output_mode> 123 115 362 332 144 143 torc tlmd LAG=<lag_oce> 124 116 P 2 P 0 125 LOCTRANS CHECKIN MAPPING CHECKOUT 126 AVERAGE 127 # CHECKIN: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 128 INT=1 129 # 130 src 131 # CHECKOUT: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 132 INT=1 117 LOCTRANS MAPPING 118 AVERAGE 119 # CHECKIN: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 120 # 121 src 122 # CHECKOUT: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 133 123 # 134 124 # … … 136 126 # 137 127 # Field 6 : Current surface (o->a 6) 138 O_OCury1 CURRENTY 321 <freq_coupling> <output_mode>128 O_OCury1 CURRENTY 321 <freq_coupling> 2 <output_mode> 139 129 362 332 144 143 torc tlmd LAG=<lag_oce> 140 130 P 2 P 0 141 LOCTRANS CHECKIN MAPPING CHECKOUT 142 AVERAGE 143 # CHECKIN: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 144 INT=1 145 # 146 src 147 # CHECKOUT: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 148 INT=1 131 LOCTRANS MAPPING 132 AVERAGE 133 # CHECKIN: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 134 # 135 src 136 # CHECKOUT: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 149 137 # 150 138 ############################################################################ 151 139 # 152 140 # Field 7 : Current surface (o->a 7) 153 O_OCurz1 CURRENTZ 321 <freq_coupling> <output_mode>141 O_OCurz1 CURRENTZ 321 <freq_coupling> 2 <output_mode> 154 142 362 332 144 143 torc tlmd LAG=<lag_oce> 155 143 P 2 P 0 156 LOCTRANS CHECKIN MAPPING CHECKOUT 157 AVERAGE 158 # CHECKIN: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 159 INT=1 160 # 161 src 162 # CHECKOUT: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 163 INT=1 144 LOCTRANS MAPPING 145 AVERAGE 146 # CHECKIN: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 147 # 148 src 149 # CHECKOUT: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 164 150 # 165 151 # … … 172 158 # Field 8 : wind stress along X axis (a->o 1) 173 159 # 174 COTAUXXU O_OTaux1 23 <freq_coupling> <output_mode>160 COTAUXXU O_OTaux1 23 <freq_coupling> 1 <output_mode> 175 161 144 143 362 332 tlmd uorc LAG=<lag_atm> 176 162 P 0 P 2 177 CHECKIN SCRIPR CHECKOUT 178 # CHECKIN: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 179 INT=1 180 BILINEAR LR SCALAR LATLON 10 181 # CHECKOUT: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 182 INT=1 163 SCRIPR 164 # CHECKIN: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 165 BILINEAR LR SCALAR LATLON 10 166 # CHECKOUT: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 183 167 # 184 168 ########################################################################### … … 186 170 # Field 9 : stress along Y axis (a->o 2) 187 171 # 188 COTAUYYU O_OTauy1 23 <freq_coupling> <output_mode>172 COTAUYYU O_OTauy1 23 <freq_coupling> 1 <output_mode> 189 173 144 143 362 332 tlmd uorc LAG=<lag_atm> 190 174 P 0 P 2 191 CHECKIN SCRIPR CHECKOUT 192 # CHECKIN: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 193 INT=1 194 BILINEAR LR SCALAR LATLON 10 195 # CHECKOUT: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 196 INT=1 175 SCRIPR 176 # CHECKIN: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 177 BILINEAR LR SCALAR LATLON 10 178 # CHECKOUT: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 197 179 # 198 180 ########################################################################### … … 200 182 # Field 10 :wind stress along Z axis (a->o 3) 201 183 # 202 COTAUZZU O_OTauz1 23 <freq_coupling> <output_mode>184 COTAUZZU O_OTauz1 23 <freq_coupling> 1 <output_mode> 203 185 144 143 362 332 tlmd uorc LAG=<lag_atm> 204 186 P 0 P 2 205 CHECKIN SCRIPR CHECKOUT 206 # CHECKIN: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 207 INT=1 208 BILINEAR LR SCALAR LATLON 10 209 # CHECKOUT: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 210 INT=1 187 SCRIPR 188 # CHECKIN: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 189 BILINEAR LR SCALAR LATLON 10 190 # CHECKOUT: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 211 191 # 212 192 ########################################################################## … … 214 194 # Field 11 : wind stress along X axis 2 (a->o 4) 215 195 # 216 COTAUXXV O_OTaux2 24 <freq_coupling> <output_mode>196 COTAUXXV O_OTaux2 24 <freq_coupling> 1 <output_mode> 217 197 144 143 362 332 tlmd vorc LAG=<lag_atm> 218 198 P 0 P 2 219 CHECKIN SCRIPR CHECKOUT 220 # CHECKIN: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 221 INT=1 222 BILINEAR LR SCALAR LATLON 10 223 # CHECKOUT: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 224 INT=1 199 SCRIPR 200 # CHECKIN: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 201 BILINEAR LR SCALAR LATLON 10 202 # CHECKOUT: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 225 203 # 226 204 ########################################################################## … … 228 206 # Field 12 : wind stress along Y axis 2 (a->o 5) 229 207 # 230 COTAUYYV O_OTauy2 24 <freq_coupling> <output_mode>208 COTAUYYV O_OTauy2 24 <freq_coupling> 1 <output_mode> 231 209 144 143 362 332 tlmd vorc LAG=<lag_atm> 232 210 P 0 P 2 233 CHECKIN SCRIPR CHECKOUT 234 # CHECKIN: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 235 INT=1 236 BILINEAR LR SCALAR LATLON 10 237 # CHECKOUT: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 238 INT=1 211 SCRIPR 212 # CHECKIN: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 213 BILINEAR LR SCALAR LATLON 10 214 # CHECKOUT: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 239 215 # 240 216 ########################################################################## … … 242 218 # Field 13 : wind stress along Z axis 2 (a->o 6) 243 219 # 244 COTAUZZV O_OTauz2 24 <freq_coupling> <output_mode>220 COTAUZZV O_OTauz2 24 <freq_coupling> 1 <output_mode> 245 221 144 143 362 332 tlmd vorc LAG=<lag_atm> 246 222 P 0 P 2 247 CHECKIN SCRIPR CHECKOUT 248 # CHECKIN: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 249 INT=1 250 BILINEAR LR SCALAR LATLON 10 251 # CHECKOUT: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 252 INT=1 223 SCRIPR 224 # CHECKIN: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 225 BILINEAR LR SCALAR LATLON 10 226 # CHECKOUT: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 253 227 # 254 228 ######################################################################### 255 229 # Field 14 : wind speed 10m (a->o 7) 256 230 # 257 COWINDSP O_Wind10 56 <freq_coupling> <output_mode>231 COWINDSP O_Wind10 56 <freq_coupling> 1 <output_mode> 258 232 144 143 362 332 tlmd torc LAG=<lag_atm> 259 233 P 0 P 2 260 CHECKIN SCRIPR CHECKOUT 261 # CHECKIN: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 262 INT=1 263 BILINEAR LR SCALAR LATLON 10 264 # CHECKOUT: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 265 INT=1 234 SCRIPR 235 # CHECKIN: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 236 BILINEAR LR SCALAR LATLON 10 237 # CHECKOUT: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 266 238 # 267 239 ######################################################################### … … 269 241 # Field 15 : Total rain (a->o 8) 270 242 # 271 COTOTRAI OTotRain 26 <freq_coupling> <output_mode>243 COTOTRAI OTotRain 26 <freq_coupling> 1 <output_mode> 272 244 144 143 362 332 tlmd torc LAG=<lag_atm> 273 245 P 0 P 2 274 CHECKIN MAPPING CHECKOUT 275 # CHECKIN: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 276 INT=1 277 # Interpolation method ou parametres mozaic 278 src 279 # CHECKOUT: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 280 INT=1 246 MAPPING 247 # CHECKIN: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 248 # Interpolation method ou parametres mozaic 249 dst 250 # CHECKOUT: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 281 251 # 282 252 ########################################################################## … … 284 254 # Field 16 : Total snow (a->o 9) 285 255 # 286 COTOTSNO OTotSnow 28 <freq_coupling> <output_mode>256 COTOTSNO OTotSnow 28 <freq_coupling> 1 <output_mode> 287 257 144 143 362 332 tlmd torc LAG=<lag_atm> 288 258 P 0 P 2 289 CHECKIN MAPPING CHECKOUT 290 # CHECKIN: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 291 INT=1 292 # Interpolation method ou parametres mozaic 293 src 294 # CHECKOUT: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 295 INT=1 259 MAPPING 260 # CHECKIN: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 261 # Interpolation method ou parametres mozaic 262 dst 263 # CHECKOUT: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 296 264 # 297 265 ######################################################################### … … 299 267 # Field 17 : Total evap (a->o 10) 300 268 # 301 COTOTEVA OTotEvap 25 <freq_coupling> <output_mode>269 COTOTEVA OTotEvap 25 <freq_coupling> 1 <output_mode> 302 270 144 143 362 332 tlmd torc LAG=<lag_atm> 303 271 P 0 P 2 304 CHECKIN MAPPING CHECKOUT 305 # CHECKIN: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 306 INT=1 307 # Interpolation method ou parametres mozaic 308 src 309 # CHECKOUT: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 310 INT=1 272 MAPPING 273 # CHECKIN: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 274 # Interpolation method ou parametres mozaic 275 dst 276 # CHECKOUT: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 311 277 # 312 278 ########################################################################## … … 314 280 # Field 18 : Evaporation Ice (a->o 11) 315 281 # 316 COICEVAP OIceEvap 41 <freq_coupling> <output_mode>282 COICEVAP OIceEvap 41 <freq_coupling> 1 <output_mode> 317 283 144 143 362 332 tlmd torc LAG=<lag_atm> 318 284 P 0 P 2 319 CHECKIN MAPPING CHECKOUT 320 # CHECKIN: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 321 INT=1 322 # Interpolation method ou parametres mozaic 323 src 324 # CHECKOUT: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 325 INT=1 285 MAPPING 286 # CHECKIN: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 287 # Interpolation method ou parametres mozaic 288 dst 289 # CHECKOUT: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 326 290 # 327 291 ########################################################################## … … 329 293 # Field 19 : Total solar heat flux (a->o 12) 330 294 # 331 COQSRMIX O_QsrMix 7 <freq_coupling> <output_mode>295 COQSRMIX O_QsrMix 7 <freq_coupling> 1 <output_mode> 332 296 144 143 362 332 tlmd torc LAG=<lag_atm> 333 297 P 0 P 2 334 CHECKIN MAPPING CHECKOUT 335 # CHECKIN: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 336 INT=1 298 MAPPING 299 # CHECKIN: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 337 300 # Interpolation method or mozaic parameters 338 src 339 # CHECKOUT: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 340 INT=1 301 dst 302 # CHECKOUT: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 341 303 # 342 304 ######################################################################### … … 344 306 # Field 20 : Total Non solar heat flux (a->o 13) 345 307 # 346 COQNSMIX O_QnsMix 6 <freq_coupling> <output_mode>308 COQNSMIX O_QnsMix 6 <freq_coupling> 1 <output_mode> 347 309 144 143 362 332 tlmd torc LAG=<lag_atm> 348 310 P 0 P 2 349 CHECKIN MAPPING CHECKOUT 350 # CHECKIN: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 351 INT=1 352 # Interpolation method ou parametres mozaic 353 src 354 # CHECKOUT: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 355 INT=1 311 MAPPING 312 # CHECKIN: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 313 # Interpolation method ou parametres mozaic 314 dst 315 # CHECKOUT: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 356 316 # 357 317 ########################################################################### … … 359 319 # Field 21 : solar heat flux on ice (a->o 14) 360 320 # 361 COSHFICE O_QsrIce 7 <freq_coupling> <output_mode>321 COSHFICE O_QsrIce 7 <freq_coupling> 1 <output_mode> 362 322 144 143 362 332 tlmd torc LAG=<lag_atm> 363 323 P 0 P 2 364 CHECKIN MAPPING CHECKOUT 365 # CHECKIN: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 366 INT=1 324 MAPPING 325 # CHECKIN: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 367 326 # Interpolation method or mozaic parameters 368 src 369 # CHECKOUT: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 370 INT=1 327 dst 328 # CHECKOUT: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 371 329 # 372 330 ############################################################################ … … 374 332 # Field 22 : Non solar heat flux on ice (a->o 15) 375 333 # 376 CONSFICE O_QnsIce 6 <freq_coupling> <output_mode>334 CONSFICE O_QnsIce 6 <freq_coupling> 1 <output_mode> 377 335 144 143 362 332 tlmd torc LAG=<lag_atm> 378 336 P 0 P 2 379 CHECKIN MAPPING CHECKOUT 380 # CHECKIN: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 381 INT=1 382 # Interpolation method ou parametres mozaic 383 src 384 # CHECKOUT: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 385 INT=1 337 MAPPING 338 # CHECKIN: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 339 # Interpolation method ou parametres mozaic 340 dst 341 # CHECKOUT: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 386 342 # 387 343 ############################################################################ … … 389 345 # Field 23 : Non solar heat flux derivative (a->o 16) 390 346 # 391 CODFLXDT O_dQnsdT 35 <freq_coupling> <output_mode>347 CODFLXDT O_dQnsdT 35 <freq_coupling> 1 <output_mode> 392 348 144 143 362 332 tlmd torc LAG=<lag_atm> 393 349 P 0 P 2 394 CHECKIN MAPPING CHECKOUT 395 # CHECKIN: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 396 INT=1 397 # Interpolation method ou parametres mozaic 398 src 399 # CHECKOUT: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 400 INT=1 350 MAPPING 351 # CHECKIN: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 352 # Interpolation method ou parametres mozaic 353 dst 354 # CHECKOUT: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 401 355 # 402 356 ######################################################################### … … 404 358 # Field 24 : iceberg calving (a->o 17) 405 359 # 406 COCALVIN OCalving 36 <freq_coupling> <output_mode>360 COCALVIN OCalving 36 <freq_coupling> 1 <output_mode> 407 361 144 143 362 332 tlmd torc LAG=<lag_atm> 408 362 P 0 P 2 409 CHECKIN MAPPING BLASNEW CHECKOUT 410 # CHECKIN: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 411 INT=1 412 # Interpolation method ou parametres mozaic 413 src 414 # Set to ZERO \!/ 415 0.0 0 416 # CHECKOUT: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 417 INT=1 363 MAPPING 364 # CHECKIN: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 365 # Interpolation method ou parametres mozaic 366 dst 367 # CHECKOUT: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 418 368 # 419 369 ######################################################################### … … 421 371 # Field 25 : liquid run-off (river + direct) (a->o 18) 422 372 # 423 COLIQRUN O_Runoff 32 <freq_coupling> <output_mode>373 COLIQRUN O_Runoff 32 <freq_coupling> 3 <output_mode> 424 374 144 143 362 332 aone otot LAG=<lag_atm> 425 375 P 0 P 2 426 CHECKIN MAPPING CONSERV BLASNEW CHECKOUT427 # CHECKIN: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 428 INT=1 376 ##CHECKIN MAPPING CONSERV BLASNEW CHECKOUT 377 MAPPING CONSERV BLASNEW 378 ## CHECKIN: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 429 379 # Interpolation method ou parametres mozaic 430 380 # weights convert from kg/s to kg/m^2/s … … 435 385 1000.0 0 436 386 # CHECKOUT: indicate computation of global, land and sea field integrals. 437 INT=1438 387 # 439 388 ######################################################################### -
r2629 r2674 93 93 &namtsd ! data : Temperature & Salinity 94 94 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 95 ln_tsd_init = . false. ! Initialisation of ocean T & S with T &S input data (T) or not (F)96 ln_tsd_tradmp = . false. ! damping of ocean T & S toward T &S input data (T) or not (F)97 sn_tem = 'conservative_temperature_WOA13_decav_Reg1L75_clim', -1 ,'votemper' , .true. , .true. , 'yearly' , 'weights_3D_WOA13d1_' , '' , ''98 sn_sal = 'absolute_salinity_WOA13_decav_Reg1L75_clim' , -1 ,'vosaline' , .true. , .true. , 'yearly' , 'weights_3D_WOA13d1_' , '' , ''95 ln_tsd_init = .true. ! Initialisation of ocean T & S with T &S input data (T) or not (F) 96 ln_tsd_tradmp = .true. ! damping of ocean T & S toward T &S input data (T) or not (F) 97 sn_tem = 'conservative_temperature_WOA13_decav_Reg1L75_clim', -1 ,'votemper' , .true. , .true. , 'yearly' , '' , '' , '' 98 sn_sal = 'absolute_salinity_WOA13_decav_Reg1L75_clim' , -1 ,'vosaline' , .true. , .true. , 'yearly' , '' , '' , '' 99 99 / 100 100 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- … … 142 142 ! ! file name ! frequency (hours) ! variable ! time interp. ! clim ! 'yearly'/ ! weights ! rotation ! land/sea mask ! 143 143 ! ! ! (if <0 months) ! name ! (logical) ! (T/F) ! 'monthly' ! filename ! pairing ! filename ! 144 sn_rnf = ' runoff', -1 , 'sorunoff', .true. , .true. , 'yearly' , '' , '' , ''145 sn_cnf = ' runoff', 0 , 'socoeff' , .false. , .true. , 'yearly' , '' , '' , ''146 sn_s_rnf = 'runoffs' , 24 , 'rosaline', .true. , .true. , 'yearly' , '' , '' , ''147 sn_t_rnf = 'runoffs' , 24 , 'rotemper', .true. , .true. , 'yearly' , '' , '' , ''148 sn_dep_rnf = 'runoffs ', 0 , 'rodepth' , .false. , .true. , 'yearly' , '' , '' , ''144 sn_rnf = 'eORCA_R1_runoff_clim_v1.0_nomask', -1 , 'sorunoff', .true. , .true. , 'yearly' , '' , '' , '' 145 sn_cnf = 'eORCA_R1_runoff_clim_v1.0_nomask', 0 , 'socoeff' , .false. , .true. , 'yearly' , '' , '' , '' 146 sn_s_rnf = 'runoffs' , 24 , 'rosaline', .true. , .true. , 'yearly' , '' , '' , '' 147 sn_t_rnf = 'runoffs' , 24 , 'rotemper', .true. , .true. , 'yearly' , '' , '' , '' 148 sn_dep_rnf = '' , 0 , 'rodepth' , .false. , .true. , 'yearly' , '' , '' , '' 149 149 150 150 ln_rnf_mouth = .false. ! specific treatment at rivers mouths 151 ln_rnf_depth = . false.! read in depth information for runoff151 ln_rnf_depth = .true. ! read in depth information for runoff 152 152 ln_rnf_tem = .false. ! read in temperature information for runoff 153 153 ln_rnf_sal = .false. ! read in salinity information for runoff … … 156 156 rn_dep_max = 150. ! depth over which runoffs is spread ( ln_rnf_depth_ini = .true ) 157 157 nn_rnf_depth_file = _AUTO_ ! create (=1) a runoff depth file or not (=0) 158 / 159 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 160 &namsbc_apr ! Atmospheric pressure used as ocean forcing or in bulk 161 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 158 162 / 159 163 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- … … 249 253 ! ! file name ! frequency (hours) ! variable ! time interp. ! clim ! 'yearly'/ ! weights ! rotation ! land/sea mask ! 250 254 ! ! ! (if <0 months) ! name ! (logical) ! (T/F ) ! 'monthly' ! filename ! pairing ! filename ! 251 sn_qgh = '', -12. , 'gh_flux' , .false. , .true. , 'yearly' , 'weights_Goutorbe1_' , '' , '' !255 sn_qgh = '', -12. , 'gh_flux' , .false. , .true. , 'yearly' , '' , '' , '' ! 252 256 cn_dir = './' ! root directory for the location of the runoff files 253 ln_trabbc = . false. ! Apply a geothermal heating at the ocean bottom254 nn_geoflx = 0! geothermal heat flux: = 0 no flux257 ln_trabbc = .true. ! Apply a geothermal heating at the ocean bottom 258 nn_geoflx = 2 ! geothermal heat flux: = 0 no flux 255 259 ! = 1 constant flux 256 260 ! = 2 variable flux (read in in mW/m2) … … 350 354 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 351 355 ln_nnogather= .false. ! 352 jpni = 6! jpni number of processors following i (set automatically if < 1)353 jpnj = 7! jpnj number of processors following j (set automatically if < 1)354 jpnij = 42! jpnij number of local domains (set automatically if < 1)356 jpni = 12 ! jpni number of processors following i (set automatically if < 1) 357 jpnj = 15 ! jpnj number of processors following j (set automatically if < 1) 358 jpnij = 180 ! jpnij number of local domains (set automatically if < 1) 355 359 / 356 360 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- … … 371 375 &namhsb ! Heat and salt budgets 372 376 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 373 ln_diahsb = .true. 377 ln_diahsb = .true. 374 378 / 375 379 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- -
r2621 r2674 1196 1196 ln_s3d = .false. ! Logical switch for S profile observations 1197 1197 ln_ena = .false. ! Logical switch for ENACT insitu data set 1198 ! ! ln_corLogical switch for Coriolis insitu data set1198 ln_cor = .false. ! Logical switch for Coriolis insitu data set 1199 1199 ln_profb = .false. ! Logical switch for feedback insitu data set 1200 1200 ln_sla = .false. ! Logical switch for SLA observations 1201 1202 1201 ln_sladt = .false. ! Logical switch for AVISO SLA data 1203 1204 1202 ln_slafb = .false. ! Logical switch for feedback SLA data 1205 ! ln_ssh Logical switch for SSH observations 1206 1207 ln_sst = .false. ! Logical switch for SST observations 1208 ln_reysst = .false. ! ln_reysst Logical switch for Reynolds observations 1209 ln_ghrsst = .false. ! ln_ghrsst Logical switch for GHRSST observations 1210 1203 ln_ssh = .false. ! Logical switch for SSH observations 1204 ln_sst = .false. ! Logical switch for SST observations 1205 ln_reysst = .false. ! Logical switch for Reynolds observations 1206 ln_ghrsst = .false. ! Logical switch for GHRSST observations 1211 1207 ln_sstfb = .false. ! Logical switch for feedback SST data 1212 ! ln_sssLogical switch for SSS observations1208 ln_sss = .false. ! Logical switch for SSS observations 1213 1209 ln_seaice = .false. ! Logical switch for Sea Ice observations 1214 ! ln_vel3d Logical switch for velocity observations 1215 ! ln_velavcur Logical switch for velocity daily av. cur. 1216 ! ln_velhrcur Logical switch for velocity high freq. cur. 1217 ! ln_velavadcp Logical switch for velocity daily av. ADCP 1218 ! ln_velhradcp Logical switch for velocity high freq. ADCP 1219 ! ln_velfb Logical switch for feedback velocity data 1220 ! ln_grid_global Global distribtion of observations 1221 ! ln_grid_search_lookup Logical switch for obs grid search w/lookup table 1222 ! grid_search_file Grid search lookup file header 1223 ! enactfiles ENACT input observation file names 1224 ! coriofiles Coriolis input observation file name 1225 ! ! profbfiles: Profile feedback input observation file name 1226 profbfiles = '' 1227 ! ln_profb_enatim Enact feedback input time setting switch 1228 ! slafilesact Active SLA input observation file name 1229 ! slafilespas Passive SLA input observation file name 1230 ! ! slafbfiles: Feedback SLA input observation file name 1231 slafbfiles = '' 1232 ! sstfiles GHRSST input observation file name 1233 ! ! sstfbfiles: Feedback SST input observation file name 1234 sstfbfiles = '' 1235 ! seaicefiles Sea Ice input observation file names 1236 seaicefiles = '' 1237 ! velavcurfiles Vel. cur. daily av. input file name 1238 ! velhvcurfiles Vel. cur. high freq. input file name 1239 ! velavadcpfiles Vel. ADCP daily av. input file name 1240 ! velhvadcpfiles Vel. ADCP high freq. input file name 1241 ! velfbfiles Vel. feedback input observation file name 1242 ! dobsini Initial date in window YYYYMMDD.HHMMSS 1243 ! dobsend Final date in window YYYYMMDD.HHMMSS 1244 ! n1dint Type of vertical interpolation method 1245 ! n2dint Type of horizontal interpolation method 1246 ! ln_nea Rejection of observations near land switch 1247 nmsshc = 0 ! MSSH correction scheme 1248 ! mdtcorr MDT correction 1249 ! mdtcutoff MDT cutoff for computed correction 1210 ln_vel3d = .false. ! Logical switch for velocity observations 1211 ln_velavcur= .false ! Logical switch for velocity daily av. cur. 1212 ln_velhrcur= .false ! Logical switch for velocity high freq. cur. 1213 ln_velavadcp = .false. ! Logical switch for velocity daily av. ADCP 1214 ln_velhradcp = .false. ! Logical switch for velocity high freq. ADCP 1215 ln_velfb = .false. ! Logical switch for feedback velocity data 1216 ln_grid_global = .false. ! Global distribtion of observations 1217 ln_grid_search_lookup = .false. ! Logical switch for obs grid search w/lookup table 1218 grid_search_file = 'grid_search' ! Grid search lookup file header 1219 ! All of the *files* variables below are arrays. Use namelist_cfg to add more files 1220 enactfiles = '' ! ENACT input observation file names (specify full array in namelist_cfg) 1221 coriofiles = '' ! Coriolis input observation file name 1222 profbfiles = '' ! Profile feedback input observation file name 1223 ln_profb_enatim = .false ! Enact feedback input time setting switch 1224 slafilesact = '' ! Active SLA input observation file names 1225 slafilespas = '' ! Passive SLA input observation file names 1226 slafbfiles = '' ! slafbfiles: Feedback SLA input observation file names 1227 sstfiles = '' ! GHRSST input observation file names 1228 sstfbfiles = '' ! Feedback SST input observation file names 1229 seaicefiles = '' ! Sea Ice input observation file names 1230 velavcurfiles = '' ! Vel. cur. daily av. input file name 1231 velhrcurfiles = '' ! Vel. cur. high freq. input file name 1232 velavadcpfiles = '' ! Vel. ADCP daily av. input file name 1233 velhradcpfiles = '' ! Vel. ADCP high freq. input file name 1234 velfbfiles = '' ! Vel. feedback input observation file name 1235 dobsini = 20000101.000000 ! Initial date in window YYYYMMDD.HHMMSS 1236 dobsend = 20010101.000000 ! Final date in window YYYYMMDD.HHMMSS 1237 n1dint = 0 ! Type of vertical interpolation method 1238 n2dint = 0 ! Type of horizontal interpolation method 1239 ln_nea = .false. ! Rejection of observations near land switch 1240 nmsshc = 0 ! MSSH correction scheme 1241 mdtcorr = 1.61 ! MDT correction 1242 mdtcutoff = 65.0 ! MDT cutoff for computed correction 1250 1243 ln_altbias = .false. ! Logical switch for alt bias 1251 1244 ln_ignmis = .true. ! Logical switch for ignoring missing files 1252 ! endailyavtypes ENACT daily average types1245 endailyavtypes = 820 ! ENACT daily average types - array (use namelist_cfg to set more values) 1253 1246 ln_grid_global = .true. 1254 1247 ln_grid_search_lookup = .false. -
r2265 r2674 49 49 &namtrc_dta ! Initialisation from data input file 50 50 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 51 ! ! file name! frequency (hours) ! variable ! time interp. ! clim ! 'yearly'/ ! weights ! rotation ! land/sea mask !52 ! !! (if <0 months) ! name ! (logical) ! (T/F) ! 'monthly' ! filename ! pairing ! filename !53 sn_trcdta(1) = ' data_DIC_nomask', -12 , 'DIC' , .false. , .true. , 'yearly' , '' , '' , ''54 sn_trcdta(2) = ' data_Alkalini_nomask', -12 , 'Alkalini', .false. , .true. , 'yearly' , '' , '' , ''55 sn_trcdta(3) = ' data_O2_nomask', -1 , 'O2' , .true. , .true. , 'yearly' , '' , '' , ''56 sn_trcdta(5) = ' data_PO4_nomask', -1 , 'PO4' , .true. , .true. , 'yearly' , '' , '' , ''57 sn_trcdta(7) = ' data_Si_nomask', -1 , 'Si' , .true. , .true. , 'yearly' , '' , '' , ''58 sn_trcdta(10) = ' data_DOC_nomask' , -12 , 'DOC' , .false., .true. , 'yearly' , '' , '' , ''59 sn_trcdta(14) = ' data_Fer_nomask' , -12 , 'Fer' , .false., .true. , 'yearly' , '' , '' , ''60 sn_trcdta(23) = ' data_NO3_nomask', -1 , 'NO3' , .true. , .true. , 'yearly' , '' , '' , ''61 rn_trfac(1) = 1.0 62 rn_trfac(2) = 1.0 51 ! ! file name ! frequency (hours) ! variable ! time interp. ! clim ! 'yearly'/ ! weights ! rotation ! land/sea mask ! 52 ! ! ! (if <0 months) ! name ! (logical) ! (T/F) ! 'monthly' ! filename ! pairing ! filename ! 53 sn_trcdta(1) = '' , -12 , 'DIC' , .false. , .true. , 'yearly' , '' , '' , '' 54 sn_trcdta(2) = '', -12 , 'Alkalini', .false. , .true. , 'yearly' , '' , '' , '' 55 sn_trcdta(3) = '' , -1 , 'O2' , .true. , .true. , 'yearly' , '' , '' , '' 56 sn_trcdta(5) = '' , -1 , 'PO4' , .true. , .true. , 'yearly' , '' , '' , '' 57 sn_trcdta(7) = '' , -1 , 'Si' , .true. , .true. , 'yearly' , '' , '' , '' 58 sn_trcdta(10) = '' , -1 , 'DOC' , .true. , .true. , 'yearly' , '' , '' , '' 59 sn_trcdta(14) = '' , -1 , 'Fer' , .true. , .true. , 'yearly' , '' , '' , '' 60 sn_trcdta(23) = '' , -1 , 'NO3' , .true. , .true. , 'yearly' , '' , '' , '' 61 rn_trfac(1) = 1.028e-06 ! multiplicative factor 62 rn_trfac(2) = 1.028e-06 ! - - - - 63 63 rn_trfac(3) = 44.6e-06 ! - - - - 64 64 rn_trfac(5) = 122.0e-06 ! - - - - 65 65 rn_trfac(7) = 1.0e-06 ! - - - - 66 rn_trfac(10) = 1.0 67 rn_trfac(14) = 1.0 66 rn_trfac(10) = 1.0e-06 ! - - - - 67 rn_trfac(14) = 1.0e-06 ! - - - - 68 68 rn_trfac(23) = 7.6e-06 ! - - - - 69 69 / … … 77 77 &namtrc_ldf ! lateral diffusion scheme for passive tracer 78 78 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 79 rn_ahtrc_0 = 1000. ! horizontal eddy diffusivity for tracers [m2/s]80 79 / 81 80 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- … … 88 87 / 89 88 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 89 &namtrc_dmp ! passive tracer newtonian damping 90 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 91 / 92 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 93 &namtrc_ice ! Representation of sea ice growth & melt effects 94 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 95 nn_ice_tr = 1 ! prescribed tracer concentration in sea ice 96 / 97 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 98 &namtrc_trd ! diagnostics on tracer trends ('key_trdtrc') 99 ! or mixed-layer trends ('key_trdmld_trc') 100 !---------------------------------------------------------------------- 101 / 102 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 90 103 &namtrc_dia ! parameters for passive tracer additional diagnostics 91 104 !---------------------------------------------------------------------- 92 105 / 106 !---------------------------------------------------------------------- 107 &namtrc_bc ! data for boundary conditions 108 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 109 / -
r2483 r2674 21 21 ! = 2 calendar parameters read in the restart file 22 22 cn_trcrst_in = "restart_trc" ! suffix of pass. sn_tracer restart name (input) 23 cn_trcrst_indir = "." ! directory from which to read input passive tracer restarts 23 24 cn_trcrst_out = "restart_trc" ! suffix of pass. sn_tracer restart name (output) 25 cn_trcrst_outdir = "." ! directory to which to write output passive tracer restarts 24 26 / 25 27 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- … … 50 52 &namtrc_ldf ! lateral diffusion scheme for passive tracer 51 53 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 52 ln_trcldf_diff = .true. ! performs lateral diffusion (T) or not (F)53 54 ! ! Type of the operator : 54 55 ln_trcldf_lap = .true. ! laplacian operator … … 82 83 / 83 84 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 85 &namtrc_ice ! Representation of sea ice growth & melt effects 86 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 87 nn_ice_tr = -1 ! tracer concentration in sea ice 88 ! =-1 (no vvl: identical cc in ice and ocean / vvl: cc_ice = 0) 89 ! = 0 (no vvl: cc_ice = zero / vvl: cc_ice = ) 90 ! = 1 prescribed to a namelist value (implemented in pisces only) 91 / 92 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- 84 93 &namtrc_trd ! diagnostics on tracer trends ('key_trdtrc') 85 94 ! or mixed-layer trends ('key_trdmld_trc') -
r2582 r2674 91 91 LAND_COVER_CHANGE = _AUTO_ 92 92 93 # Do not use default fire module 94 FIRE_DISABLE = y 95 96 # Create river description file 97 RIVER_DESC = _AUTO_ 98 RIVER_DESC_FILE = 99 -
r2297 r2674 37 37 # field | files patterns | files additionnal | operations | title | units | calcul of area 38 38 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 39 iicethic_north | "iicethic ice_pres" | | "(iicethic[d=1])" | "Ice thickness (NORTH)" | "m" | "if lat[d=3] ge 0 and ice_pres[d=2] ne 0 then ice_pres[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=3]*area[d=3]"40 iicethic_south | "iicethic ice_pres" | | "(iicethic[d=1])" | "Ice thickness (SOUTH)" | "m" | "if lat[d=3] le 0 and ice_pres[d=2] ne 0 then ice_pres[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=3]*area[d=3]"41 isnowthi_north | "isnowthi ice_pres" | | "(isnowthi[d=1])" | "Snow thickness (NORTH)" | "m" | "if lat[d=3] ge 0 and ice_pres[d=2] ne 0 then ice_pres[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=3]*area[d=3]"42 isnowthi_south | "isnowthi ice_pres" | | "(isnowthi[d=1])" | "Snow thickness (SOUTH)" | "m" | "if lat[d=3] le 0 and ice_pres[d=2] ne 0 then ice_pres[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=3]*area[d=3]"43 icesurf_north | "ice_pres" | | "(if lat[d=2] gt 0 then ice_pres[d=1]*area[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=2])" | "Ice surface (NORTH)" | "m2" | "2"44 icesurf_south | "ice_pres" | | "(if lat[d=2] lt 0 then ice_pres[d=1]*area[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=2])" | "Ice surface (SOUTH)" | "m2" | "2"45 icevol_north | "ice_pres iicethic" | | "(if lat[d=3] gt 0 then ice_pres[d=1]*iicethic[d=2]*area[d=3]*mask[k=1,d=3])" | "Ice volume (NORTH)" | "m3" | "2"46 icevol_south | "ice_pres iicethic" | | "(if lat[d=3] lt 0 then ice_pres[d=1]*iicethic[d=2]*area[d=3]*mask[k=1,d=3])" | "Ice volume (SOUTH)" | "m3" | "2"47 snowvol_north | "ice_pres isnowthi" | | "(if lat[d=3] gt 0 then ice_pres[d=1]*isnowthi[d=2]*area[d=3]*mask[k=1,d=3])" | "Snow volume (NORTH)" | "m3" | "2"48 snowvol_south | "ice_pres isnowthi" | | "(if lat[d=3] lt 0 then ice_pres[d=1]*isnowthi[d=2]*area[d=3]*mask[k=1,d=3])" | "Snow volume (SOUTH)" | "m3" | "2"39 iicethic_north | "iicethic ice_pres" | | "(iicethic[d=1])" | "Ice thickness (NORTH)" | "m" | "if lat[d=3] ge 0 and ice_pres[d=2] ne 0 then ice_pres[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=3]*area[d=3]" 40 iicethic_south | "iicethic ice_pres" | | "(iicethic[d=1])" | "Ice thickness (SOUTH)" | "m" | "if lat[d=3] le 0 and ice_pres[d=2] ne 0 then ice_pres[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=3]*area[d=3]" 41 isnowthi_north | "isnowthi ice_pres" | | "(isnowthi[d=1])" | "Snow thickness (NORTH)" | "m" | "if lat[d=3] ge 0 and ice_pres[d=2] ne 0 then ice_pres[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=3]*area[d=3]" 42 isnowthi_south | "isnowthi ice_pres" | | "(isnowthi[d=1])" | "Snow thickness (SOUTH)" | "m" | "if lat[d=3] le 0 and ice_pres[d=2] ne 0 then ice_pres[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=3]*area[d=3]" 43 icesurf_north | "ice_pres" | | "(if lat[d=2] gt 0 then ice_pres[d=1]*area[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=2])" | "Ice surface (NORTH)" | "m2" | "2" 44 icesurf_south | "ice_pres" | | "(if lat[d=2] lt 0 then ice_pres[d=1]*area[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=2])" | "Ice surface (SOUTH)" | "m2" | "2" 45 icevol_north | "ice_pres iicethic" | | "(if lat[d=3] gt 0 then ice_pres[d=1]*iicethic[d=2]*area[d=3]*mask[k=1,d=3])" | "Ice volume (NORTH)" | "m3" | "2" 46 icevol_south | "ice_pres iicethic" | | "(if lat[d=3] lt 0 then ice_pres[d=1]*iicethic[d=2]*area[d=3]*mask[k=1,d=3])" | "Ice volume (SOUTH)" | "m3" | "2" 47 snowvol_north | "ice_pres isnowthi" | | "(if lat[d=3] gt 0 then ice_pres[d=1]*isnowthi[d=2]*area[d=3]*mask[k=1,d=3])" | "Snow volume (NORTH)" | "m3" | "2" 48 snowvol_south | "ice_pres isnowthi" | | "(if lat[d=3] lt 0 then ice_pres[d=1]*isnowthi[d=2]*area[d=3]*mask[k=1,d=3])" | "Snow volume (SOUTH)" | "m3" | "2" 49 49 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 50 50 -
r2297 r2674 37 37 # field | files patterns | files additionnal | operations | title | units | calcul of area 38 38 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 39 iicethic_north | "iicethic ice_pres" | | "(iicethic[d=1])" | "Ice thickness (NORTH)" | "m" | "if lat[d=3] ge 0 and ice_pres[d=2] ne 0 then ice_pres[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=3]*area[d=3]" 40 iicethic_south | "iicethic ice_pres" | | "(iicethic[d=1])" | "Ice thickness (SOUTH)" | "m" | "if lat[d=3] le 0 and ice_pres[d=2] ne 0 then ice_pres[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=3]*area[d=3]" 41 isnowthi_north | "isnowthi ice_pres" | | "(isnowthi[d=1])" | "Snow thickness (NORTH)" | "m" | "if lat[d=3] ge 0 and ice_pres[d=2] ne 0 then ice_pres[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=3]*area[d=3]" 42 isnowthi_south | "isnowthi ice_pres" | | "(isnowthi[d=1])" | "Snow thickness (SOUTH)" | "m" | "if lat[d=3] le 0 and ice_pres[d=2] ne 0 then ice_pres[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=3]*area[d=3]" 43 icesurf_north | "ice_pres" | | "(if lat[d=2] gt 0 then ice_pres[d=1]*area[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=2])" | "Ice surface (NORTH)" | "m2" | "2" 44 icesurf_south | "ice_pres" | | "(if lat[d=2] lt 0 then ice_pres[d=1]*area[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=2])" | "Ice surface (SOUTH)" | "m2" | "2" 45 icevol_north | "ice_pres iicethic" | | "(if lat[d=3] gt 0 then ice_pres[d=1]*iicethic[d=2]*area[d=3]*mask[k=1,d=3])" | "Ice volume (NORTH)" | "m3" | "2" 46 icevol_south | "ice_pres iicethic" | | "(if lat[d=3] lt 0 then ice_pres[d=1]*iicethic[d=2]*area[d=3]*mask[k=1,d=3])" | "Ice volume (SOUTH)" | "m3" | "2" 47 snowvol_north | "ice_pres isnowthi" | | "(if lat[d=3] gt 0 then ice_pres[d=1]*isnowthi[d=2]*area[d=3]*mask[k=1,d=3])" | "Snow volume (NORTH)" | "m3" | "2" 48 snowvol_south | "ice_pres isnowthi" | | "(if lat[d=3] lt 0 then ice_pres[d=1]*isnowthi[d=2]*area[d=3]*mask[k=1,d=3])" | "Snow volume (SOUTH)" | "m3" | "2" 39 siconc_north | "siconc" | | "(siconc[d=1])" | "Ice Fraction (NORTH)" | "-" | "if lat[d=2] ge 0 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]" 40 siconc_south | "siconc" | | "(siconc[d=1])" | "Ice Fraction (SOUTH)" | "-" | "if lat[d=2] le 0 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]" 41 icesurf_north | "siconc" | | "(if lat[d=2] ge 0 then siconc[d=1]*mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])" | "Ice Surface (NORTH)" | "m2" | "2" 42 icesurf_south | "siconc" | | "(if lat[d=2] le 0 then siconc[d=1]*mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])" | "Ice Surface (SOUTH)" | "m2" | "2" 43 icevol_north | "sivolu siconc" | | "(if lat[d=3] ge 0 then sivolu[d=1]*siconc[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=3]*area[d=3])" | "Ice Volume (NORTH)" | "m3" | "2" 44 snowol_south | "snvolu siconc" | | "(if lat[d=3] le 0 then sivolu[d=1]*siconc[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=3]*area[d=3])" | "Ice Volum (SOUTH)" | "m3" | "2" 45 snowvol_north | "snvolu siconc" | | "(if lat[d=3] ge 0 then snvolu[d=1]*siconc[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=3]*area[d=3])" | "Snow Volume (NORTH)" | "m3" | "2" 46 icevol_south | "sivolu siconc" | | "(if lat[d=3] le 0 then snvolu[d=1]*siconc[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=3]*area[d=3])" | "Snow Volume (SOUTH)" | "m3" | "2" 47 iicethic_north | "sithic siconc" | | "(sithic[d=1])" | "Ice thickness (NORTH)" | "m" | "if lat[d=3] ge 0 then siconc[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=3]*area[d=3]" 48 iicethic_south | "sithic siconc" | | "(sithic[d=1])" | "Ice thickness (SOUTH)" | "m" | "if lat[d=3] le 0 then siconc[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=3]*area[d=3]" 49 isnowthi_north | "snvolu siconc" | | "(snvolu[d=1])" | "Snow thickness (NORTH)" | "m" | "if lat[d=3] ge 0 then siconc[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=3]*area[d=3]" 50 isnowthi_south | "snvolu siconc" | | "(snvolu[d=1])" | "Snow thickness (SOUTH)" | "m" | "if lat[d=3] le 0 then siconc[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=3]*area[d=3]" 51 sisali_north | "sisali siconc " | | "(sisali[d=1])" | "Ice Salinity (NORTH)" | "PSS" | "if lat[d=3] ge 0 then siconc[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=3]*area[d=3]" 52 sisali_south | "sisali siconc " | | "(sisali[d=1])" | "Ice Salinity (NORTH)" | "PSS" | "if lat[d=3] le 0 then siconc[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=3]*area[d=3]" 53 sitemp_north | "sitemp siconc " | | "(sitemp[d=1])" | "Ice Temperature (NORTH)" | "C" | "if lat[d=3] ge 0 then siconc[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=3]*area[d=3]" 54 sitemp_south | "sitemp siconc " | | "(sitemp[d=1])" | "Ice Temperature (SOUTH)" | "C" | "if lat[d=3] le 0 then siconc[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=3]*area[d=3]" 55 sistem_north | "sistem siconc " | | "(sistem[d=1])" | "Ice Surface Temperature (NORTH)" | "C" | "if lat[d=3] ge 0 then siconc[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=3]*area[d=3]" 56 sistem_south | "sistem siconc " | | "(sistem[d=1])" | "Ice Surface Temperature (SOUTH)" | "C" | "if lat[d=3] le 0 then siconc[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=3]*area[d=3]" 57 siages_north | "siages siconc " | | "(siages[d=1])" | "Ice Age (NORTH)" | "years" | "if lat[d=3] ge 0 then siconc[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=3]*area[d=3]" 58 siages_south | "siages siconc " | | "(siages[d=1])" | "Ice Age (SOUTH)" | "years" | "if lat[d=3] le 0 then siconc[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=3]*area[d=3]" 59 60 49 61 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 50 62 -
r2297 r2674 37 37 # field | files patterns | files additionnal | operations | title | units | calcul of area 38 38 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 39 iicethic_north | "iicethic ice_pres" | | "(iicethic[d=1])" | "Ice thickness (NORTH)" | "m" | "if lat[d=3] ge 0 and ice_pres[d=2] ne 0 then ice_pres[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=3]*area[d=3]" 40 iicethic_south | "iicethic ice_pres" | | "(iicethic[d=1])" | "Ice thickness (SOUTH)" | "m" | "if lat[d=3] le 0 and ice_pres[d=2] ne 0 then ice_pres[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=3]*area[d=3]" 41 isnowthi_north | "isnowthi ice_pres" | | "(isnowthi[d=1])" | "Snow thickness (NORTH)" | "m" | "if lat[d=3] ge 0 and ice_pres[d=2] ne 0 then ice_pres[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=3]*area[d=3]" 42 isnowthi_south | "isnowthi ice_pres" | | "(isnowthi[d=1])" | "Snow thickness (SOUTH)" | "m" | "if lat[d=3] le 0 and ice_pres[d=2] ne 0 then ice_pres[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=3]*area[d=3]" 43 icesurf_north | "ice_pres" | | "(if lat[d=2] gt 0 then ice_pres[d=1]*area[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=2])" | "Ice surface (NORTH)" | "m2" | "2" 44 icesurf_south | "ice_pres" | | "(if lat[d=2] lt 0 then ice_pres[d=1]*area[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=2])" | "Ice surface (SOUTH)" | "m2" | "2" 45 icevol_north | "ice_pres iicethic" | | "(if lat[d=3] gt 0 then ice_pres[d=1]*iicethic[d=2]*area[d=3]*mask[k=1,d=3])" | "Ice volume (NORTH)" | "m3" | "2" 46 icevol_south | "ice_pres iicethic" | | "(if lat[d=3] lt 0 then ice_pres[d=1]*iicethic[d=2]*area[d=3]*mask[k=1,d=3])" | "Ice volume (SOUTH)" | "m3" | "2" 47 snowvol_north | "ice_pres isnowthi" | | "(if lat[d=3] gt 0 then ice_pres[d=1]*isnowthi[d=2]*area[d=3]*mask[k=1,d=3])" | "Snow volume (NORTH)" | "m3" | "2" 48 snowvol_south | "ice_pres isnowthi" | | "(if lat[d=3] lt 0 then ice_pres[d=1]*isnowthi[d=2]*area[d=3]*mask[k=1,d=3])" | "Snow volume (SOUTH)" | "m3" | "2" 39 siconc_north | "siconc" | | "(siconc[d=1])" | "Ice Fraction (NORTH)" | "-" | "if lat[d=2] ge 0 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]" 40 siconc_south | "siconc" | | "(siconc[d=1])" | "Ice Fraction (SOUTH)" | "-" | "if lat[d=2] le 0 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]" 41 icesurf_north | "siconc" | | "(if lat[d=2] ge 0 then siconc[d=1]*mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])" | "Ice Surface (NORTH)" | "m2" | "2" 42 icesurf_south | "siconc" | | "(if lat[d=2] le 0 then siconc[d=1]*mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])" | "Ice Surface (SOUTH)" | "m2" | "2" 43 icevol_north | "sivolu siconc" | | "(if lat[d=3] ge 0 then sivolu[d=1]*siconc[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=3]*area[d=3])" | "Ice Volume (NORTH)" | "m3" | "2" 44 snowol_south | "snvolu siconc" | | "(if lat[d=3] le 0 then sivolu[d=1]*siconc[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=3]*area[d=3])" | "Ice Volum (SOUTH)" | "m3" | "2" 45 snowvol_north | "snvolu siconc" | | "(if lat[d=3] ge 0 then snvolu[d=1]*siconc[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=3]*area[d=3])" | "Snow Volume (NORTH)" | "m3" | "2" 46 icevol_south | "sivolu siconc" | | "(if lat[d=3] le 0 then snvolu[d=1]*siconc[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=3]*area[d=3])" | "Snow Volume (SOUTH)" | "m3" | "2" 47 iicethic_north | "sithic siconc" | | "(sithic[d=1])" | "Ice thickness (NORTH)" | "m" | "if lat[d=3] ge 0 then siconc[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=3]*area[d=3]" 48 iicethic_south | "sithic siconc" | | "(sithic[d=1])" | "Ice thickness (SOUTH)" | "m" | "if lat[d=3] le 0 then siconc[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=3]*area[d=3]" 49 isnowthi_north | "snvolu siconc" | | "(snvolu[d=1])" | "Snow thickness (NORTH)" | "m" | "if lat[d=3] ge 0 then siconc[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=3]*area[d=3]" 50 isnowthi_south | "snvolu siconc" | | "(snvolu[d=1])" | "Snow thickness (SOUTH)" | "m" | "if lat[d=3] le 0 then siconc[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=3]*area[d=3]" 51 sisali_north | "sisali siconc " | | "(sisali[d=1])" | "Ice Salinity (NORTH)" | "PSS" | "if lat[d=3] ge 0 then siconc[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=3]*area[d=3]" 52 sisali_south | "sisali siconc " | | "(sisali[d=1])" | "Ice Salinity (NORTH)" | "PSS" | "if lat[d=3] le 0 then siconc[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=3]*area[d=3]" 53 sitemp_north | "sitemp siconc " | | "(sitemp[d=1])" | "Ice Temperature (NORTH)" | "C" | "if lat[d=3] ge 0 then siconc[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=3]*area[d=3]" 54 sitemp_south | "sitemp siconc " | | "(sitemp[d=1])" | "Ice Temperature (SOUTH)" | "C" | "if lat[d=3] le 0 then siconc[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=3]*area[d=3]" 55 sistem_north | "sistem siconc " | | "(sistem[d=1])" | "Ice Surface Temperature (NORTH)" | "C" | "if lat[d=3] ge 0 then siconc[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=3]*area[d=3]" 56 sistem_south | "sistem siconc " | | "(sistem[d=1])" | "Ice Surface Temperature (SOUTH)" | "C" | "if lat[d=3] le 0 then siconc[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=3]*area[d=3]" 57 siages_north | "siages siconc " | | "(siages[d=1])" | "Ice Age (NORTH)" | "years" | "if lat[d=3] ge 0 then siconc[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=3]*area[d=3]" 58 siages_south | "siages siconc " | | "(siages[d=1])" | "Ice Age (SOUTH)" | "years" | "if lat[d=3] le 0 then siconc[d=2]*mask[k=1,d=3]*area[d=3]" 59 60 49 61 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 50 62 -
r2297 r2674 1 #**************************************************************1 1#************************************************************** 2 2 # Author: Patrick Brockmann 3 3 # Contact: … … 38 38 # field | files patterns | files additionnal | operations | title | units | calcul of area 39 39 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40 sosstsst_global | " sosstsst" | | "(sosstsst[d=1])"| "Sea Surface Temperature (GLOBAL)" | "degC" | "mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]"41 sosaline_global | "sos aline" | | "(sosaline[d=1])"| "Sea Surface Salinity (GLOBAL)" | "PSU" | "mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]"42 sossheig_global | " sossheig" | | "(sossheig[d=1])"| "Sea Surface Heigh (GLOBAL)" | "m" | "mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]"43 sohefldo_global | "sohefldo" | | "(sohefldo[d=1])"| "Net Downward Heat Flux (GLOBAL)" | "W/m^2" | "mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]"44 somxl010_north | " somxl010" | | "(somxl010[d=1])" | "Mixed layer depth (NORTH)"| "m" | "(if lat[d=2] gt 0 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])"45 somxl010_south | " somxl010" | | "(somxl010[d=1])" | "Mixed layer depth (SOUTH)"| "m" | "(if lat[d=2] lt 0 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])"46 sosstsst_70N_90N | " sosstsst" | | "(sosstsst[d=1])" | "Sea Surface Temperature (70N-90N)" | "degC" | "(if lat[d=2] ge 70 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])"47 sosstsst_50N_70N | " sosstsst" | | "(sosstsst[d=1])" | "Sea Surface Temperature (50N-70N)" | "degC" | "(if lat[d=2] ge 50 and lat[d=2] le 70 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])"48 sosstsst_30N_50N | " sosstsst" | | "(sosstsst[d=1])" | "Sea Surface Temperature (30N-50N)" | "degC" | "(if lat[d=2] ge 30 and lat[d=2] le 50 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])"49 sosstsst_10N_30N | " sosstsst" | | "(sosstsst[d=1])" | "Sea Surface Temperature (10N-30N)" | "degC" | "(if lat[d=2] ge 10 and lat[d=2] le 30 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])"50 sosstsst_10S_10N | " sosstsst" | | "(sosstsst[d=1])" | "Sea Surface Temperature (10S-10N)" | "degC" | "(if lat[d=2] ge -10 and lat[d=2] le 10 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])"51 sosstsst_30S_10S | " sosstsst" | | "(sosstsst[d=1])" | "Sea Surface Temperature (30S-10S)" | "degC" | "(if lat[d=2] ge -30 and lat[d=2] le -10 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])"52 sosstsst_50S_30S | " sosstsst" | | "(sosstsst[d=1])" | "Sea Surface Temperature (50S-30S)" | "degC" | "(if lat[d=2] ge -50 and lat[d=2] le -30 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])"53 sosstsst_70S_50S | " sosstsst" | | "(sosstsst[d=1])" | "Sea Surface Temperature (70S-50S)" | "degC" | "(if lat[d=2] le -50 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])"54 sosaline_70N_90N | "sos aline" | | "(sosaline[d=1])" | "Sea Surface Salinity (70N-90N)" | "PSU" | "(if lat[d=2] ge 70 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])"55 sosaline_50N_70N | "sos aline" | | "(sosaline[d=1])" | "Sea Surface Salinity (50N-70N)" | "PSU" | "(if lat[d=2] ge 50 and lat[d=2] le 70 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])"56 sosaline_30N_50N | "sos aline" | | "(sosaline[d=1])" | "Sea Surface Salinity (30N-50N)" | "PSU" | "(if lat[d=2] ge 30 and lat[d=2] le 50 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])"57 sosaline_10N_30N | "sos aline" | | "(sosaline[d=1])" | "Sea Surface Salinity (10N-30N)" | "PSU" | "(if lat[d=2] ge 10 and lat[d=2] le 30 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])"58 sosaline_10S_10N | "sos aline" | | "(sosaline[d=1])" | "Sea Surface Salinity (10S-10N)" | "PSU" | "(if lat[d=2] ge -10 and lat[d=2] le 10 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])"59 sosaline_30S_10S | "sos aline" | | "(sosaline[d=1])" | "Sea Surface Salinity (30S-10S)" | "PSU" | "(if lat[d=2] ge -30 and lat[d=2] le -10 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])"60 sosaline_50S_30S | "sos aline" | | "(sosaline[d=1])" | "Sea Surface Salinity (50S-30S)" | "PSU" | "(if lat[d=2] ge -50 and lat[d=2] le -30 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])"61 sosaline_70S_50S | "sos aline" | | "(sosaline[d=1])" | "Sea Surface Salinity (70S-50S)" | "PSU" | "(if lat[d=2] le -50 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])"40 sosstsst_global | "tos" | | "(tos[d=1])" | "Sea Surface Temperature (GLOBAL)" | "degC" | "mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]" 41 sosaline_global | "sos" | | "(sos[d=1])" | "Sea Surface Salinity (GLOBAL)" | "PSU" | "mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]" 42 sossheig_global | "zos" | | "(zos[d=1])" | "Sea Surface Heigh (GLOBAL)" | "m" | "mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]" 43 sohefldo_global | "sohefldo" | | "(nshfls[d=1]+rsntds[d=1])" | "Net Downward Heat Flux (GLOBAL)" | "W/m^2" | "mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]" 44 somxl010_north | "mldr10_1" | | "(mldr10_1[d=1])" | "Mixed layer depth (NORTH)" | "m" | "(if lat[d=2] gt 0 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])" 45 somxl010_south | "mldr10_1" | | "(mldr10_1[d=1])" | "Mixed layer depth (SOUTH)" | "m" | "(if lat[d=2] lt 0 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])" 46 sosstsst_70N_90N | "tos" | | "(tos[d=1])" | "Sea Surface Temperature (70N-90N)" | "degC" | "(if lat[d=2] ge 70 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])" 47 sosstsst_50N_70N | "tos" | | "(tos[d=1])" | "Sea Surface Temperature (50N-70N)" | "degC" | "(if lat[d=2] ge 50 and lat[d=2] le 70 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])" 48 sosstsst_30N_50N | "tos" | | "(tos[d=1])" | "Sea Surface Temperature (30N-50N)" | "degC" | "(if lat[d=2] ge 30 and lat[d=2] le 50 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])" 49 sosstsst_10N_30N | "tos" | | "(tos[d=1])" | "Sea Surface Temperature (10N-30N)" | "degC" | "(if lat[d=2] ge 10 and lat[d=2] le 30 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])" 50 sosstsst_10S_10N | "tos" | | "(tos[d=1])" | "Sea Surface Temperature (10S-10N)" | "degC" | "(if lat[d=2] ge -10 and lat[d=2] le 10 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])" 51 sosstsst_30S_10S | "tos" | | "(tos[d=1])" | "Sea Surface Temperature (30S-10S)" | "degC" | "(if lat[d=2] ge -30 and lat[d=2] le -10 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])" 52 sosstsst_50S_30S | "tos" | | "(tos[d=1])" | "Sea Surface Temperature (50S-30S)" | "degC" | "(if lat[d=2] ge -50 and lat[d=2] le -30 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])" 53 sosstsst_70S_50S | "tos" | | "(tos[d=1])" | "Sea Surface Temperature (70S-50S)" | "degC" | "(if lat[d=2] le -50 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])" 54 sosaline_70N_90N | "sos" | | "(sos[d=1])" | "Sea Surface Salinity (70N-90N)" | "PSU" | "(if lat[d=2] ge 70 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])" 55 sosaline_50N_70N | "sos" | | "(sos[d=1])" | "Sea Surface Salinity (50N-70N)" | "PSU" | "(if lat[d=2] ge 50 and lat[d=2] le 70 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])" 56 sosaline_30N_50N | "sos" | | "(sos[d=1])" | "Sea Surface Salinity (30N-50N)" | "PSU" | "(if lat[d=2] ge 30 and lat[d=2] le 50 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])" 57 sosaline_10N_30N | "sos" | | "(sos[d=1])" | "Sea Surface Salinity (10N-30N)" | "PSU" | "(if lat[d=2] ge 10 and lat[d=2] le 30 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])" 58 sosaline_10S_10N | "sos" | | "(sos[d=1])" | "Sea Surface Salinity (10S-10N)" | "PSU" | "(if lat[d=2] ge -10 and lat[d=2] le 10 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])" 59 sosaline_30S_10S | "sos" | | "(sos[d=1])" | "Sea Surface Salinity (30S-10S)" | "PSU" | "(if lat[d=2] ge -30 and lat[d=2] le -10 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])" 60 sosaline_50S_30S | "sos" | | "(sos[d=1])" | "Sea Surface Salinity (50S-30S)" | "PSU" | "(if lat[d=2] ge -50 and lat[d=2] le -30 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])" 61 sosaline_70S_50S | "sos" | | "(sos[d=1])" | "Sea Surface Salinity (70S-50S)" | "PSU" | "(if lat[d=2] le -50 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])" 62 62 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -
r2297 r2674 38 38 # field | files patterns | files additionnal | operations | title | units | calcul of area 39 39 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40 sosstsst_global | " sosstsst" | | "(sosstsst[d=1])"| "Sea Surface Temperature (GLOBAL)" | "degC" | "mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]"41 sosaline_global | "sos aline" | | "(sosaline[d=1])"| "Sea Surface Salinity (GLOBAL)" | "PSU" | "mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]"42 sossheig_global | " sossheig" | | "(sossheig[d=1])"| "Sea Surface Heigh (GLOBAL)" | "m" | "mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]"43 sohefldo_global | "sohefldo" | | "(sohefldo[d=1])"| "Net Downward Heat Flux (GLOBAL)" | "W/m^2" | "mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]"44 somxl010_north | " somxl010" | | "(somxl010[d=1])" | "Mixed layer depth (NORTH)"| "m" | "(if lat[d=2] gt 0 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])"45 somxl010_south | " somxl010" | | "(somxl010[d=1])" | "Mixed layer depth (SOUTH)"| "m" | "(if lat[d=2] lt 0 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])"46 sosstsst_70N_90N | " sosstsst" | | "(sosstsst[d=1])" | "Sea Surface Temperature (70N-90N)" | "degC" | "(if lat[d=2] ge 70 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])"47 sosstsst_50N_70N | " sosstsst" | | "(sosstsst[d=1])" | "Sea Surface Temperature (50N-70N)" | "degC" | "(if lat[d=2] ge 50 and lat[d=2] le 70 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])"48 sosstsst_30N_50N | " sosstsst" | | "(sosstsst[d=1])" | "Sea Surface Temperature (30N-50N)" | "degC" | "(if lat[d=2] ge 30 and lat[d=2] le 50 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])"49 sosstsst_10N_30N | " sosstsst" | | "(sosstsst[d=1])" | "Sea Surface Temperature (10N-30N)" | "degC" | "(if lat[d=2] ge 10 and lat[d=2] le 30 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])"50 sosstsst_10S_10N | " sosstsst" | | "(sosstsst[d=1])" | "Sea Surface Temperature (10S-10N)" | "degC" | "(if lat[d=2] ge -10 and lat[d=2] le 10 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])"51 sosstsst_30S_10S | " sosstsst" | | "(sosstsst[d=1])" | "Sea Surface Temperature (30S-10S)" | "degC" | "(if lat[d=2] ge -30 and lat[d=2] le -10 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])"52 sosstsst_50S_30S | " sosstsst" | | "(sosstsst[d=1])" | "Sea Surface Temperature (50S-30S)" | "degC" | "(if lat[d=2] ge -50 and lat[d=2] le -30 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])"53 sosstsst_70S_50S | " sosstsst" | | "(sosstsst[d=1])" | "Sea Surface Temperature (70S-50S)" | "degC" | "(if lat[d=2] le -50 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])"54 sosaline_70N_90N | "sos aline" | | "(sosaline[d=1])" | "Sea Surface Salinity (70N-90N)" | "PSU" | "(if lat[d=2] ge 70 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])"55 sosaline_50N_70N | "sos aline" | | "(sosaline[d=1])" | "Sea Surface Salinity (50N-70N)" | "PSU" | "(if lat[d=2] ge 50 and lat[d=2] le 70 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])"56 sosaline_30N_50N | "sos aline" | | "(sosaline[d=1])" | "Sea Surface Salinity (30N-50N)" | "PSU" | "(if lat[d=2] ge 30 and lat[d=2] le 50 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])"57 sosaline_10N_30N | "sos aline" | | "(sosaline[d=1])" | "Sea Surface Salinity (10N-30N)" | "PSU" | "(if lat[d=2] ge 10 and lat[d=2] le 30 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])"58 sosaline_10S_10N | "sos aline" | | "(sosaline[d=1])" | "Sea Surface Salinity (10S-10N)" | "PSU" | "(if lat[d=2] ge -10 and lat[d=2] le 10 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])"59 sosaline_30S_10S | "sos aline" | | "(sosaline[d=1])" | "Sea Surface Salinity (30S-10S)" | "PSU" | "(if lat[d=2] ge -30 and lat[d=2] le -10 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])"60 sosaline_50S_30S | "sos aline" | | "(sosaline[d=1])" | "Sea Surface Salinity (50S-30S)" | "PSU" | "(if lat[d=2] ge -50 and lat[d=2] le -30 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])"61 sosaline_70S_50S | "sos aline" | | "(sosaline[d=1])" | "Sea Surface Salinity (70S-50S)" | "PSU" | "(if lat[d=2] le -50 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])"40 sosstsst_global | "tos" | | "(tos[d=1])" | "Sea Surface Temperature (GLOBAL)" | "degC" | "mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]" 41 sosaline_global | "sos" | | "(sos[d=1])" | "Sea Surface Salinity (GLOBAL)" | "PSU" | "mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]" 42 sossheig_global | "zos" | | "(zos[d=1])" | "Sea Surface Heigh (GLOBAL)" | "m" | "mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]" 43 sohefldo_global | "sohefldo" | | "(nshfls[d=1]+rsntds[d=1])" | "Net Downward Heat Flux (GLOBAL)" | "W/m^2" | "mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]" 44 somxl010_north | "mldr10_1" | | "(mldr10_1[d=1])" | "Mixed layer depth (NORTH)" | "m" | "(if lat[d=2] gt 0 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])" 45 somxl010_south | "mldr10_1" | | "(mldr10_1[d=1])" | "Mixed layer depth (SOUTH)" | "m" | "(if lat[d=2] lt 0 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])" 46 sosstsst_70N_90N | "tos" | | "(tos[d=1])" | "Sea Surface Temperature (70N-90N)" | "degC" | "(if lat[d=2] ge 70 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])" 47 sosstsst_50N_70N | "tos" | | "(tos[d=1])" | "Sea Surface Temperature (50N-70N)" | "degC" | "(if lat[d=2] ge 50 and lat[d=2] le 70 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])" 48 sosstsst_30N_50N | "tos" | | "(tos[d=1])" | "Sea Surface Temperature (30N-50N)" | "degC" | "(if lat[d=2] ge 30 and lat[d=2] le 50 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])" 49 sosstsst_10N_30N | "tos" | | "(tos[d=1])" | "Sea Surface Temperature (10N-30N)" | "degC" | "(if lat[d=2] ge 10 and lat[d=2] le 30 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])" 50 sosstsst_10S_10N | "tos" | | "(tos[d=1])" | "Sea Surface Temperature (10S-10N)" | "degC" | "(if lat[d=2] ge -10 and lat[d=2] le 10 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])" 51 sosstsst_30S_10S | "tos" | | "(tos[d=1])" | "Sea Surface Temperature (30S-10S)" | "degC" | "(if lat[d=2] ge -30 and lat[d=2] le -10 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])" 52 sosstsst_50S_30S | "tos" | | "(tos[d=1])" | "Sea Surface Temperature (50S-30S)" | "degC" | "(if lat[d=2] ge -50 and lat[d=2] le -30 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])" 53 sosstsst_70S_50S | "tos" | | "(tos[d=1])" | "Sea Surface Temperature (70S-50S)" | "degC" | "(if lat[d=2] le -50 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])" 54 sosaline_70N_90N | "sos" | | "(sos[d=1])" | "Sea Surface Salinity (70N-90N)" | "PSU" | "(if lat[d=2] ge 70 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])" 55 sosaline_50N_70N | "sos" | | "(sos[d=1])" | "Sea Surface Salinity (50N-70N)" | "PSU" | "(if lat[d=2] ge 50 and lat[d=2] le 70 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])" 56 sosaline_30N_50N | "sos" | | "(sos[d=1])" | "Sea Surface Salinity (30N-50N)" | "PSU" | "(if lat[d=2] ge 30 and lat[d=2] le 50 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])" 57 sosaline_10N_30N | "sos" | | "(sos[d=1])" | "Sea Surface Salinity (10N-30N)" | "PSU" | "(if lat[d=2] ge 10 and lat[d=2] le 30 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])" 58 sosaline_10S_10N | "sos" | | "(sos[d=1])" | "Sea Surface Salinity (10S-10N)" | "PSU" | "(if lat[d=2] ge -10 and lat[d=2] le 10 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])" 59 sosaline_30S_10S | "sos" | | "(sos[d=1])" | "Sea Surface Salinity (30S-10S)" | "PSU" | "(if lat[d=2] ge -30 and lat[d=2] le -10 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])" 60 sosaline_50S_30S | "sos" | | "(sos[d=1])" | "Sea Surface Salinity (50S-30S)" | "PSU" | "(if lat[d=2] ge -50 and lat[d=2] le -30 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])" 61 sosaline_70S_50S | "sos" | | "(sos[d=1])" | "Sea Surface Salinity (70S-50S)" | "PSU" | "(if lat[d=2] le -50 then mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2])" 62 62 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -
r2561 r2674 37 37 smooth=12 38 38 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 39 # field | files patterns | files additionnal | operations | title | units | calcul of area39 # field | files patterns | files additionnal | operations | title | units | calcul of area 40 40 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 41 no3_global | "NO3" | "" | "(NO3[k=1,d=1])" | "Nitrate Conc. at surf. (GLOBAL)" | "mmol/m3" | "mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]"42 dic_global | "DIC" | "" | "(DIC[k=1,d=1])" | "DIC conc. at surf. (GLOBAL)" | "mmol/m3" | "mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]"43 alk_global | "Alkalini" | "" | "(Alkalini[k=1,d=1])" | "Alkalinity conc. at surf. (GLOBAL)" | "mmol/m3" | "mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]"44 o2_global | "O2" | "" | "(O2[k=1,d=1])" | "Oxygen Conc. at surf. (GLOBAL)" | "mmol/m3" | "mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]"45 si_global | "Si" | "" | "(Si[k=1,d=1])" | "Silicate Conc. at surf. (GLOBAL)" | "mmol/m3" | "mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]"46 cflx_global | "Cflx" | "" | "(Cflx[d=1]*3600*24*365*12)" | "Ocean carbon flux (GLOBAL)" | "gC/m2/yr" | "mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]"47 epc_global | "EPC100" | "" | "(EPC100[d=1]*3600*24*365*12)" | "Carbon export at 100m (GLOBAL)" | "gC/m2/yr" | "mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]"41 no3_global | "NO3" | "" | "(NO3[k=1,d=1])" | "Nitrate Conc. at surf. (GLOBAL)" | "mmol/m3" | "mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]" 42 dic_global | "DIC" | "" | "(DIC[k=1,d=1])" | "DIC conc. at surf. (GLOBAL)" | "mmol/m3" | "mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]" 43 alk_global | "Alkalini" | "" | "(Alkalini[k=1,d=1])" | "Alkalinity conc. at surf. (GLOBAL)" | "mmol/m3" | "mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]" 44 o2_global | "O2" | "" | "(O2[k=1,d=1])" | "Oxygen Conc. at surf. (GLOBAL)" | "mmol/m3" | "mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]" 45 si_global | "Si" | "" | "(Si[k=1,d=1])" | "Silicate Conc. at surf. (GLOBAL)" | "mmol/m3" | "mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]" 46 cflx_global | "Cflx" | "" | "(Cflx[d=1]*3600*24*365*12)" | "Ocean carbon flux (GLOBAL)" | "gC/m2/yr" | "mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]" 47 epc_global | "EPC100" | "" | "(EPC100[d=1]*3600*24*365*12)" | "Carbon export at 100m (GLOBAL)" | "gC/m2/yr" | "mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]" 48 48 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -
r2561 r2674 37 37 smooth=12 38 38 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 39 # field | files patterns | files additionnal | operations | title | units | calcul of area39 # field | files patterns | files additionnal | operations | title | units | calcul of area 40 40 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 41 no3_global | "NO3" | "" | "(NO3[k=1,d=1])" | "Nitrate Conc. at surf. (GLOBAL)" | "mmol/m3" | "mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]"42 dic_global | "DIC" | "" | "(DIC[k=1,d=1])" | "DIC conc. at surf. (GLOBAL)" | "mmol/m3" | "mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]"43 alk_global | "Alkalini" | "" | "(Alkalini[k=1,d=1])" | "Alkalinity conc. at surf. (GLOBAL)" | "mmol/m3" | "mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]"44 o2_global | "O2" | "" | "(O2[k=1,d=1])" | "Oxygen Conc. at surf. (GLOBAL)" | "mmol/m3" | "mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]"45 si_global | "Si" | "" | "(Si[k=1,d=1])" | "Silicate Conc. at surf. (GLOBAL)" | "mmol/m3" | "mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]"46 cflx_global | "Cflx" | "" | "(Cflx[d=1]*3600*24*365*12)" | "Ocean carbon flux (GLOBAL)" | "gC/m2/yr" | "mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]"47 epc_global | "EPC100" | "" | "(EPC100[d=1]*3600*24*365*12)" | "Carbon export at 100m (GLOBAL)" | "gC/m2/yr" | "mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]"41 no3_global | "NO3" | "" | "(NO3[k=1,d=1])" | "Nitrate Conc. at surf. (GLOBAL)" | "mmol/m3" | "mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]" 42 dic_global | "DIC" | "" | "(DIC[k=1,d=1])" | "DIC conc. at surf. (GLOBAL)" | "mmol/m3" | "mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]" 43 alk_global | "Alkalini" | "" | "(Alkalini[k=1,d=1])" | "Alkalinity conc. at surf. (GLOBAL)" | "mmol/m3" | "mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]" 44 o2_global | "O2" | "" | "(O2[k=1,d=1])" | "Oxygen Conc. at surf. (GLOBAL)" | "mmol/m3" | "mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]" 45 si_global | "Si" | "" | "(Si[k=1,d=1])" | "Silicate Conc. at surf. (GLOBAL)" | "mmol/m3" | "mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]" 46 cflx_global | "Cflx" | "" | "(Cflx[d=1]*3600*24*365*12)" | "Ocean carbon flux (GLOBAL)" | "gC/m2/yr" | "mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]" 47 epc_global | "EPC100" | "" | "(EPC100[d=1]*3600*24*365*12)" | "Carbon export at 100m (GLOBAL)" | "gC/m2/yr" | "mask[k=1,d=2]*area[d=2]" 48 48 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Note: See TracChangeset
for help on using the changeset viewer.