Changeset 326 for CONFIG/trunk
- Timestamp:
- 05/13/08 17:46:31 (17 years ago)
- Location:
- Files:
- 1 deleted
- 11 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r234 r326 1 # $Id$ 2 1 3 [Compatibility] 2 4 libIGCM=1.0 3 5 4 6 [UserChoices] 5 #You can choose here the name of create_etat0 you want to use 6 CREATE=CLIM_EL 7 #CREATE=AMIP_EL 8 #CREATE=Another 7 # You can choose here the name of create_etat0 you want to use 9 8 # If noting is defined here, the job will get the JobName in the file ../CREATE/config.card 9 CREATE=ETAT0 10 # Par default, adjust=n in run.def 11 LMDZ_adjust = n 10 12 11 13 [InitialStateFiles] … … 18 20 # (${R_OUT}/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/${CREATE}/ATM/Restart/${CREATE}_${year}, 19 21 20 # Default values for climatological computation without create_etat0_limit step :21 # (${R_INIT}/ATM/climLMDZ4ORv2/, \22 # (${R_INIT}/ATM/climLMDZ4ORv2/, # or ?24 # (${R_INIT}/ATM/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/,, \25 # (${R_INIT}/ATM/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/, 27 28 22 [BoundaryFiles] 29 23 List= () 30 24 # AMIP files : list is : 31 # (${R_OUT}/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/${CREATE}/ATM/Restart/${CREATE}_${year}, \25 # List= (${R_OUT}/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/${CREATE}/ATM/Restart/${CREATE}_${year}, 32 26 33 27 # The first one is the computed with CREATE job 34 28 # CLIM version 35 ListNonDel= (${R_OUT}/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/${CREATE}/ATM/Restart/${CREATE}, \ 36 (${R_BC}/ATM/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/${RESOL_ATM}/flux_iceberg, .) 37 # Default values for climatological computation without create_etat0_limit step : 38 # (${R_INIT}/ATM/climLMDZ4ORv2/, \ 39 # AMIP version : 40 # (${R_BC}/ATM/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/${RESOL_ATM}/flux_iceberg, .),\ 41 # (${R_BC}/ATM/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/ISCCP/tautab.formatted, .),\ 42 # (${R_BC}/ATM/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/ISCCP/invtau.formatted, .) 29 ListNonDel= (${R_OUT}/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/${CREATE}/ATM/Restart/${CREATE}, 43 30 44 31 # With sulfates : … … 55 42 # (${R_BC}/ATM/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/${RESOL_ATM}/HISTORIQUE/so4.run2000.cdf, .),\ 56 43 # (${R_BC}/ATM/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/${RESOL_ATM}/HISTORIQUE/, .),\ 57 44 # 58 45 # With ISSCP engine : 59 46 # (${R_BC}/ATM/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/ISCCP/tautab.formatted, .),\ … … 72 59 73 60 [OutputText] 74 List= ( gcm.e.prt0, ftrace.out.1.0,physiq.def, gcm.def, run.def, traceur.def, Bands_${BandsResol}_${NUM_PROC_ATM}prc.dat)61 List= (physiq.def, gcm.def, run.def, traceur.def, Bands_${BandsResol}_${NUM_PROC_ATM}prc.dat) 75 62 76 63 [OutputFiles] 77 64 List= (, ${R_OUT_ATM_O_M}/${PREFIX}, Post_1M_histmth), \ 65 (, ${R_OUT_ATM_O_M}/${PREFIX}, NONE), \ 66 (, ${R_OUT_ATM_O_M}/${PREFIX}, NONE), \ 67 (, ${R_OUT_ATM_O_M}/${PREFIX}, NONE), \ 68 (, ${R_OUT_ATM_O_M}/${PREFIX}, NONE), \ 78 69 (, ${R_OUT_ATM_O_D}/${PREFIX}, NONE), \ 79 (, ${R_OUT_ATM_O_M}/${PREFIX}, NONE), \ 80 (, ${R_OUT_ATM_O_M}/${PREFIX}, NONE) 81 82 # Post_1M_dynzon, Post_1D_histday 83 84 # Other lmdz files 85 # , \ 86 # (, ${R_OUT_ATM_O_M}/${PREFIX}, NONE), \ 87 # (, ${R_OUT_ATM_O_M}/${PREFIX}, NONE), \ 88 # (, ${R_OUT_ATM_O_M}/${PREFIX}, NONE), \ 89 # (, ${R_OUT_ATM_O_H}/${PREFIX}, NONE), \ 90 # (, ${R_OUT_ATM_O_H}/${PREFIX}, NONE), \ 91 # (, ${R_OUT_ATM_O_I}/${PREFIX}, NONE), \ 92 # (, ${R_OUT_ATM_O_M}/${PREFIX}, NONE), \ 93 # (, ${R_OUT_ATM_O_D}/${PREFIX}, NONE), \ 94 # (, ${R_OUT_ATM_O_M}/${PREFIX}, NONE) 70 (, ${R_OUT_ATM_O_H}/${PREFIX}, NONE), \ 71 (, ${R_OUT_ATM_O_H}/${PREFIX}, NONE), \ 72 (, ${R_OUT_ATM_O_I}/${PREFIX}, NONE) 95 73 96 74 [Post_1M_histmth] 97 75 Patches= (Patch_20070220_histcom_time_axis) 98 76 GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, presnivs, time_counter) 99 MonitoringVars= (bils, nettop, precip, tsol) 100 TimeSeriesVars= (bils, cldh, cldl, cldm, cldq, cldt, evap, iwp, lwp, LWdnSFC, LWdnSFCclr, LWupSFCclr, LWdn200, LWdn200clr, LWup200, LWup200clr, precip, prw, pluc, psol, q2m, sens, slp, snowf, soll0, soll, sols0, sols, SWdnSFC, SWupSFC, SWup200, SWup200clr, SWdnTOA, SWupTOA, SWdn200, SWdn200clr, SWdnSFCclr, SWupSFCclr, SWupTOAclr, t2m, taux_ter, taux_sic, taux_lic, taux_oce, tauy_ter, tauy_sic, tauy_lic, tauy_oce, lat_ter, lat_sic, lat_lic, lat_oce, topl0, topl, tops0, tops, tsol, tsol_ter, tsol_lic, tsol_oce, tsol_sic , u10m, u500, v10m, v500, w500, pourc_ter, pourc_oce, pourc_sic) 77 TimeSeriesVars= (bils, cldh, cldl, cldm, cldq, cldt, evap, iwp, lwp, LWdnSFC, LWdnSFCclr, LWupSFCclr, LWdn200, LWdn200clr, LWup200, LWup200clr, precip, prw, pluc, psol, q2m, sens, slp, snow, soll0, soll, sols0, sols, SWdnSFC, SWupSFC, SWup200, SWup200clr, SWdnTOA, SWupTOA, SWdn200, SWdn200clr, SWdnSFCclr, SWupSFCclr, SWupTOAclr, t2m, taux_ter, taux_sic, taux_lic, taux_oce, tauy_ter, tauy_sic, tauy_lic, tauy_oce, lat_ter, lat_sic, lat_lic, lat_oce, topl0, topl, tops0, tops, tsol, tsol_ter, tsol_lic, tsol_oce, tsol_sic , u10m, u500, v10m, v500, w500, pourc_ter, pourc_oce, pourc_sic, pourc_lic) 101 78 102 79 [Post_1M_histISCCP] 103 80 Patches= () 104 81 GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, cldtopres, time_counter) 105 MonitoringVars= 106 TimeSeriesVars=(cldISCCP_tau1, cldISCCP_tau2, cldISCCP_tau3, cldISCCP_tau4, cldISCCP_tau5, cldISCCP_tau6, cldISCCP_tau7) 82 TimeSeriesVars=(cldISCCP_tau01, cldISCCP_tau11, cldISCCP_tau21, cldISCCP_tau31, cldISCCP_tau41, cldISCCP_tau51, cldISCCP_tau61, ptop, meantaucld) 107 83 108 84 [Post_1M_histNMC] 109 85 Patches = () 110 86 GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, presnivs, time_counter) 111 MonitoringVars =112 87 TimeSeriesVars= (t1000, t925, t850, t700, t600, t500, t400, t300, t250, t200, t150, t100, t70, t50, t30, t20, t10, u1000, u925, u850, u700, u600, u500, u400, u300, u250, u200, u150, u100, u70, u50, u30, u20, u10, v1000, v925, v850, v700, v600, v500, v400, v300, v250, v200, v150, v100, v70, v50, v30, v20, v10, phi1000, phi925, phi850, phi700, phi600, phi500, phi400, phi300, phi250, phi200, phi150, phi100, phi70, phi50, phi30, phi20, phi10, rh1000, rh925, rh850, rh700, rh600, rh500, rh400, rh300, rh250, rh200, rh150, rh100, rh70, rh50, rh30, rh20, rh10, q1000, q925, q850, q700, q600, q500, q400, q300, q250, q200, q150, q100, q70, q50, q30, q20, q10) 113 88 … … 115 90 Patches = () 116 91 GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, presnivs, time_counter) 117 MonitoringVars = 118 TimeSeriesVars = 92 TimeSeriesVars=() 119 93 120 94 [Post_1D_histday] 121 95 Patches= (Patch_20070220_histcom_time_axis) 122 96 GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, presnivs, time_counter) 123 MonitoringVars= 124 TimeSeriesVars= (bils, cldh, cldl, cldm, cldq, cldt, evap, flat, phi500, precip, psol, q2m, sens, slp, soll, sols, t2m, t2m_max, t2m_min, topl, tops, tsol, u10m, v10m) 97 TimeSeriesVars= (bils, cldh, cldl, cldm, cldq, cldt, evap, flat, iwp, lwp, phi500, precip, pluc, plul, prw, psol, rh2m, q2m, sens, sicf, slp, soll, sols, SWdnSFC, taux, tauy, t2m, t2m_max, t2m_min, topl, tops, tsol, u10m, v10m, wind10m, wind10max) 125 98 126 99 [Post_HF_histhf] 127 100 Patches= (Patch_20070220_histcom_time_axis) 128 101 GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, presnivs, time_counter) 129 MonitoringVars= 130 TimeSeriesVars=(cldt, psol, q2m, slp, t2m, rain, tsol, u10m, u500, v10m, phi500, t500) 102 TimeSeriesVars=(cldt, psol, q2m, slp, t2m, rain, tsol, u10m, v10m, t1000, t925, t850, t700, t500, t300, t250, t200, t150, t100, t50, t30, t10, u1000, u925, u850, u700, u500, u300, u250, u200, u150, u100, u50, u30, u10, v1000, v925, v850, v700, v500, v300, v250, v200, v150, v100, v50, v30, v10, phi1000, phi925, phi850, phi700, phi500, phi300, phi250, phi200, phi150, phi100, phi50, phi30, phi10, w1000, w925, w850, w700, w500, w300, w250, w200, w150, w100, w50, w30, w10, q1000, q925, q850, q700, q500, q300, q250, q200, q150, q100, q50, q30, q10) 131 103 132 104 [Post_HF_histhf3d] 133 105 Patches= () 134 106 GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, presnivs, time_counter) 135 MonitoringVars =136 107 TimeSeriesVars=(temp, ovap, vitu, vitv) -
r197 r326 1 # $Id$ 2 # 1 3 #!/bin/ksh 2 4 #----------------------------------------------------------------- … … 5 7 IGCM_debug_PushStack "ATM_Initialize" 6 8 7 #D- create_etat0_limit version : CLIM_EL or AMIP_EL 9 ##- Create_etat0_limit version 8 10 IGCM_card_DefineVariableFromOption ${SUBMIT_DIR}/COMP/lmdz.card UserChoices CREATE 9 11 CREATE=${lmdz_UserChoices_CREATE} 10 12 echo create_etat0_limit version : ${CREATE} 11 13 12 #D- Default number of processor for lmdz14 ##- Default number of processor for lmdz 13 15 NUM_PROC_ATM=1 14 #D- Number of processors used for lmdz and oasis coupler computed from PBS variable15 16 if [ X"${BATCH_NUM_PROC_TOT}" != X ] ; then 16 17 NUM_PROC_ATM=${BATCH_NUM_PROC_TOT} 17 18 fi 18 echo BATCH_NUM_PROC_TOT=${BATCH_NUM_PROC_TOT} 19 echo NUM_PROC_ATM=${NUM_PROC_ATM} 20 19 21 20 RESOL_ATM=${RESOL} 22 23 21 case ${RESOL_ATM} in 24 22 LMD7245) BandsResol=72x45x19 ;; … … 31 29 ##-- Initialisation .... 32 30 OK_instan=n 33 ##--34 31 OK_journe=n 35 32 OK_mensuel=n 33 ok_hf=n 36 34 37 35 case ${config_UserChoices_PeriodLength} in … … 44 42 5D|5d|1D|1d) OK_journe=y ;; 45 43 esac 44 case ${frequency} in 45 HF|hf) ok_hf=y ;; 46 esac 46 47 done 47 48 48 ##--Variables used by LMDZ -- 49 PAT_INST=$( grep 'OK_instan' ${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/physiq.def ) 50 PAT_JOUR=$( grep 'OK_journe' ${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/physiq.def ) 51 PAT_MOIS=$( grep 'OK_mensuel' ${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/physiq.def ) 49 ##--Variables used by LMDZ in physiq.def -- 50 PAT_INST=$( grep -v ^# ${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/physiq.def | grep 'OK_instan' ) 51 PAT_JOUR=$( grep -v ^# ${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/physiq.def | grep 'OK_journe' ) 52 PAT_MOIS=$( grep -v ^# ${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/physiq.def | grep 'OK_mensuel' ) 53 PAT_HFRE=$( grep -v ^# ${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/physiq.def | grep 'ok_hf' ) 52 54 53 PAT_iphysiq=$( grep 'iphysiq' ${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/gcm.def_${RESOL_ATM} ) 54 PAT_iperiod=$( grep 'iperiod' ${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/gcm.def_${RESOL_ATM} | tail -1) 55 PAT_day_step=$( grep 'day_step' ${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/gcm.def_${RESOL_ATM} ) 56 PAT_ecritphy=$( grep 'ecritphy' ${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/gcm.def_${RESOL_ATM} ) 55 ##--Variables used by LMDZ in gcm.def -- 56 PAT_iphysiq=$( grep -v ^# ${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/gcm.def_${RESOL_ATM} | grep iphysiq ) 57 PAT_iperiod=$( grep -v ^# ${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/gcm.def_${RESOL_ATM} | grep iperiod ) 58 PAT_day_step=$( grep -v ^# ${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/gcm.def_${RESOL_ATM} | grep day_step ) 59 PAT_ecritphy=$( grep -v ^# ${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/gcm.def_${RESOL_ATM} | grep ecritphy ) 60 61 ## Read LMDZ_adjust option in ${compname}.card --> put adjust=y and save Bands_*.dat in ${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM 62 IGCM_card_DefineVariableFromOption ${SUBMIT_DIR}/COMP/${compname}.card UserChoices LMDZ_adjust 63 eval LMDZ_adjust=\${${compname}_UserChoices_LMDZ_adjust} > /dev/null 2>&1 57 64 58 65 ##-- This could be define in lmdz.card, inside section [UserChoices] 59 66 ##-- Otherwise we get the value in *.def 60 iperiod=$(grep iperiod ${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/gcm.def_${RESOL_ATM} | awk -F= '{print $2}' | tail -1) 61 iphysiq=$(grep iphysiq ${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM/gcm.def_${RESOL_ATM} | awk -F= '{print $2}') 67 iperiod=$( echo ${PAT_iperiod} | awk -F= '{print $2}' ) 68 iphysiq=$( echo ${PAT_iphysiq} | awk -F= '{print $2}' ) 69 62 70 # day_step : number of steps per day (multiple of iperiod) 63 71 (( day_step = 48 * iphysiq )) … … 73 81 # Another solution to make for a CLIM run : 74 82 # if ( ${FirstInitialize} ) ; then 75 83 # 76 84 # if ( [ "${config_Restarts_OverRule}" = "n" ] && [ "${config_ATM_Restart}" = "n" ] ); then 77 85 # if [ ${DRYRUN} -le 2 ] ; then … … 85 93 # fi 86 94 # fi 87 95 # 88 96 # fi 89 90 97 91 98 ecritphy=${PeriodLengthInDays} … … 99 106 100 107 ## Mise en forme du fichier physiq.def 101 sed -e "s/OK_instan=.*/OK_instan=${OK_instan}/" \ 102 -e "s/OK_journe=.*/OK_journe=${OK_journe}/" \ 103 -e "s/OK_mensuel=.*/OK_mensuel=${OK_mensuel}/" \ 108 sed -e "s/${PAT_INST}/OK_instan=${OK_instan}/" \ 109 -e "s/${PAT_JOUR}/OK_journe=${OK_journe}/" \ 110 -e "s/${PAT_MOIS}/OK_mensuel=${OK_mensuel}/" \ 111 -e "s/${PAT_HFRE}/ok_hf=${ok_hf}/" \ 104 112 physiq.def > physiq.def.tmp 105 113 IGCM_sys_Mv physiq.def.tmp physiq.def 106 114 107 115 ## Mise en forme du fichier gcm.def 108 sed -e "s/${PAT_ecritphy}/ecritphy=${ecritphy}/"\109 -e "s/${PAT_day_step}/day_step=${day_step}/" \110 -e "s/${PAT_iperiod}/iperiod=${iperiod}/" \111 -e "s/${PAT_iphysiq}/iphysiq=${iphysiq}/" \116 sed -e "s/${PAT_ecritphy}/ecritphy=${ecritphy}/" \ 117 -e "s/${PAT_day_step}/day_step=${day_step}/" \ 118 -e "s/${PAT_iperiod}/iperiod=${iperiod}/" \ 119 -e "s/${PAT_iphysiq}/iphysiq=${iphysiq}/" \ 112 120 gcm.def > gcm.def.tmp 113 121 IGCM_sys_Mv gcm.def.tmp gcm.def 114 122 115 123 ## Mise en forme du fichier run.def 116 sed -e "s/_dayref_/${InitDay}/" \ 117 -e "s/_anneeref_/${InitYear}/" \ 118 -e "s/_nday_/${PeriodLengthInDays}/" \ 119 -e "s/_raz_date_/${RAZ_DATE}/" \ 124 sed -e "s/_dayref_/${InitDay}/" \ 125 -e "s/_anneeref_/${InitYear}/" \ 126 -e "s/_nday_/${PeriodLengthInDays}/" \ 127 -e "s/_raz_date_/${RAZ_DATE}/" \ 128 -e "s/_adjust_/${LMDZ_adjust}/" \ 120 129 run.def > run.def.tmp 121 130 IGCM_sys_Mv run.def.tmp run.def … … 129 138 IGCM_debug_PushStack "ATM_Finalize" 130 139 131 IGCM_sys_Put_Out ${RUN_DIR}/used_run.def ${R_SAVE}/${PREFIX}_used_run.def140 [ ${LMDZ_adjust} = y ] && IGCM_sys_Cp Bands_${BandsResol}_${NUM_PROC_ATM}prc.dat ${SUBMIT_DIR}/PARAM 132 141 133 142 echo FINALIZE ATM ! -
r232 r326 1 # $Id$ 2 1 3 [Compatibility] 2 4 libIGCM=1.0 … … 6 8 [InitialStateFiles] 7 9 List= (${R_INIT}/SRF/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/, .), \ 8 (${R_INIT}/SRF/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/, .) 10 (${R_INIT}/SRF/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/, .), \ 11 (${R_INIT}/SRF/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/, .) 9 12 10 13 [BoundaryFiles] 11 14 List= () 12 ListNonDel= (${R_INIT}/SRF/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/, .), \ 13 (${R_INIT}/SRF/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/, .), \ 14 (${R_BC}/SRF/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/, .) 15 ListNonDel= (${R_BC}/SRF/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/, .) 15 16 # For STOMATE : suppress unused lai file and add reftemp file 16 17 # (${R_BC}/SRF/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/, .) … … 21 22 22 23 [RestartFiles] 23 # List restart that have to be saved/restored each loop (file out, saved, and in) : 24 List= (,, 24 List= (,, 25 25 # For STOMATE : 26 26 # \ … … 32 32 33 33 [OutputFiles] 34 List= (sechiba_, ${R_OUT_SRF_O_M}/${PREFIX}, Post_1M_sechiba_history)34 List= (, ${R_OUT_SRF_O_M}/${PREFIX}, Post_1M_sechiba_history) 35 35 # For STOMATE : 36 36 # \ … … 44 44 Patches = (Patch_20070220_histcom_time_axis) 45 45 GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, veget, time_counter) 46 MonitoringVars = 47 TimeSeriesVars = (lai, maxvegetfrac, vegetfrac, nobiofrac, alb_nir, alb_vis, bqsb, evap, fluxlat, fluxsens, gqsb, netrad, qair, rain, runoff, snow, subli, tair, temp_sol, tsol_max, tsol_min, drainage, CO2FLUX) 46 TimeSeriesVars = (alb_nir, alb_vis, bqsb, evap, fluxlat, fluxsens, gqsb, netrad, qair, rain, runoff, snow, snowf, subli, tair, tsol_max, tsol_min, drainage) 48 47 49 48 [Post_1M_stomate_history] 50 49 Patches = () 51 50 GatherWithInternal = (lon, lat, PFT, time_counter) 52 MonitoringVars =53 51 TimeSeriesVars = (SPACE_NAT, CO2FLUX_MONTHLY, LAI, VEGET, VEGET_MAX, NPP, GPP, MAINT_RESP, GROWTH_RESP, AGE, HEIGHT, T2M_MONTH, CONTFRAC, RESOLUTION_X, RESOLUTION_Y) -
r233 r326 1 # $Id$ 2 # 1 3 #!/bin/ksh 2 4 … … 15 17 { 16 18 IGCM_debug_PushStack "SRF_Update" 17 18 typeset SECHIBA_WRITE_STEP STOMATE_WRITE_STEP19 19 20 20 case ${config_SRF_WriteFrequency} in … … 41 41 esac 42 42 43 43 44 if ( [ ${CumulPeriod} -eq 1 ] && [ "${config_SRF_Restart}" = "n" ] ) ; then 44 sed -e "s/WRITE_STEP= 86400.0/WRITE_STEP=${SECHIBA_WRITE_STEP}/" \ 45 orchidee.def > orchidee.def.tmp 45 sed -e "s/_start_sech_/default/" \ 46 -e "s/_write_step_/${SECHIBA_WRITE_STEP}/" \ 47 orchidee.def > orchidee.def.tmp 46 48 ## For STOMATE 47 49 # -e "s/STOMATE_HIST_DT= 10./STOMATE_HIST_DT = ${STOMATE_WRITE_STEP}/" \ … … 51 53 # -e "s/DT_WATCHOUT= 1800/DT_WATCHOUT= 3600/" \ 52 54 else 53 sed -e "s/ SECHIBA_restart_in= NONE/SECHIBA_restart_in=" \54 -e "s/ WRITE_STEP = 86400.0/WRITE_STEP=${SECHIBA_WRITE_STEP}/" \55 55 sed -e "s/_start_sech_/" \ 56 -e "s/_write_step_/${SECHIBA_WRITE_STEP}/" \ 57 orchidee.def > orchidee.def.tmp 56 58 ## For STOMATE 57 59 # -e "s/STOMATE_RESTART_FILEIN= NONE/STOMATE_RESTART_FILEIN =" \ … … 61 63 # -e "s/ORCHIDEE_WATCHOUT= n/ORCHIDEE_WATCHOUT= y/" \ 62 64 # -e "s/DT_WATCHOUT= 1800/DT_WATCHOUT= 3600/" \ 63 64 65 fi 65 66 IGCM_sys_Mv orchidee.def.tmp orchidee.def … … 73 74 IGCM_debug_PushStack "SRF_Finalize" 74 75 75 echo FINALIZE SRF !!!76 77 76 # For STOMATE : 78 77 # if [ $( IGCM_date_DaysBetweenGregorianDate ${PeriodDateEnd} ${year}1230 ) -ge 0 ] ; then … … 81 80 # fi 82 81 82 echo FINALIZE SRF !!! 83 83 84 IGCM_debug_PopStack "SRF_Finalize" 84 85 } -
r197 r326 47 47 iflag_con=3 48 48 ## Facteur multiplication des precip convectives dans KE 49 cvl_corr=1.019 49 cvl_corr=1.002 50 ## Facteur additif pour l'albedo 51 pmagic=0.02 50 52 ## longitude en degres du centre du zoom 51 53 clon=0. -
r197 r326 1 1 ## $Id$ 2 2 ## nombre de pas par jour (multiple de iperiod) ( ici pour dt = 1 min ) 3 day_step= 9603 day_step=720 4 4 ## periode pour le pas Matsuno (en pas) 5 5 iperiod=5 … … 27 27 physic=y 28 28 ## periode de la physique (en pas) 29 iphysiq= 2029 iphysiq=15 30 30 ## frequence (en jours ) de l'ecriture du fichier histphy 31 31 ecritphy=30 … … 47 47 iflag_con=3 48 48 ## Facteur multiplication des precip convectives dans KE 49 cvl_corr=1.0 249 cvl_corr=1.0 50 50 ## longitude en degres du centre du zoom 51 51 clon=0. -
r197 r326 26 26 ## avec ou sans physique 27 27 physic=y 28 ##iflag_phys=129 28 ## periode de la physique (en pas) 30 29 iphysiq=10 … … 47 46 ## Flag pour la convection (1 pour LMD, 2 pour Tiedtke, 3 KE, 4 KE vect) 48 47 iflag_con=3 49 ## 48 ## Facteur multiplication des precip convectives dans KE 50 49 cvl_corr=1.0 51 50 ## longitude en degres du centre du zoom -
r197 r326 1 1 # 2 2 # 3 # Parameter file for LMDz4OR_v2 configuration 4 # See a complete french and english comment file on : 5 # 3 # Parameter file for LMDZ4OR_v2 configuration 4 # See comments : 6 5 # 7 8 SECHIBA_restart_in= NONE 9 SECHIBA_rest_out= 10 SECHIBA_reset_time= y 11 OUTPUT_FILE= 12 WRITE_STEP= 86400.0 13 SECHIBA_HISTLEVEL= 6 14 15 STOMATE_OK_CO2 = TRUE 16 # For STOMATE : 6 STOMATE_OK_CO2=TRUE 17 7 # STOMATE_OK_STOMATE is not set 18 8 # STOMATE_OK_DGVM is not set 19 9 # STOMATE_WATCHOUT is not set 20 #STOMATE_RESTART_FILEIN= 21 #STOMATE_FORCING_NAME=" \ 22 #STOMATE_CFORCING_NAME=" \ 23 #STOMATE_OUTPUT_FILE= 24 #STOMATE_HIST_DT= 10. 25 #STOMATE_HISTLEVEL= 5 26 10 SECHIBA_restart_in=_start_sech_ 11 12 SECHIBA_reset_time=y 13 # SECHIBA_reset_time is not set 14 15 WRITE_STEP=_write_step_ 16 SECHIBA_HISTLEVEL=6 17 18 STOMATE_HIST_DT=10. 19 STOMATE_HISTLEVEL=0 27 20 SECHIBA_DAY=0.0 28 21 SECHIBA_ZCANOP=0.5 … … 38 31 HYDROL_SNOW=0.0 39 32 HYDROL_SNOWAGE=0.0 40 # OLD MODEL HYDROL_HDRY= 1.041 33 HYDROL_HUMR=1.0 42 HYDROL_SOIL_DEPTH=2.43 34 HYDROL_BQSB=default 44 35 HYDROL_GQSB=0.0 … … 53 44 LAI_MAP=y 54 45 55 SECHIBA_QSINT= 0.156 ALB_BARE_MODEL =FALSE57 PERCENT_THROUGHFALL_PFT =30., 30., 30., 30., 30., 30., 30., 30., 30., 30., 30., 30., 30.58 RVEG_PFT = 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.59 CDRAG_FROM_GCM =.TRUE.46 SECHIBA_QSINT=0.02 47 ALB_BARE_MODEL = FALSE 48 PERCENT_THROUGHFALL_PFT = 30., 30., 30., 30., 30., 30., 30., 30., 30., 30., 30., 30., 30. 49 RVEG_PFT = .5, .5, .5, .5, .5, .5, .5, .5, .5, .5, .5, .5, .5 50 CDRAG_FROM_GCM = .TRUE. -
r231 r326 1 # $Id$ 1 2 # 2 ## $Id$ 3 ### OCEAN = force / slab /couple 4 OCEAN=force 5 ### VEGET= y si ORCHIDEE, =n si bucket 6 VEGET=y 3 7 # 4 5 OCEAN=force 6 VEGET=y 8 # Parametres fichiers de sortie 9 # 10 ### type_run = type run par rapport aux fichiers et variables de sortie 11 # - type_run = CLIM/ENSP (=1) 12 # - type_run = AMIP/CFMI (=2) 13 type_run=AMIP 14 ### OK_journe= y sortir fichier journalier, =n pas de fichier 7 15 OK_journe=n 16 ### OK_mensuel= y sortir fichier mensuel, =n pas de fichier 8 17 OK_mensuel=y 18 ### OK_instan=y, ecrire sorties "instantannees" (chaque pas de temps de la physique) 9 19 OK_instan=n 20 ### OK_hf=y, ecrire sorties hautes frequence, =n pas de fichier 21 ok_hf=n 22 # 23 # Parametres niveau de sorties differents fichiers 24 # 25 ### lev_histhf=0-4, niveau de sortie fichier "" 26 # - lev_histhf=0 => pas de sorties 27 # - lev_histhf=2 => defaut 28 # - lev_histhf=3 => variables sur niveaux standards 29 # - lev_histhf=4 => champs 3d niveaux modele => fichier. 30 lev_histhf=2 31 ### lev_histday=0-5, niveau de sortie fichier "" 32 # - lev_histday=0 => pas de sorties 33 # - lev_histday=2 => defaut 34 # - lev_histday=3 => + champs 3D => F. Lott 35 # - lev_histday=4 => + champs sous-surfaces 36 # - lev_histday=5 => + champs F. Aires 37 lev_histday=2 38 ### lev_histmth=0-4, niveau de sortie fichier "" 39 # - lev_histmth=0 => pas de sorties 40 # - lev_histmth=2 => defaut 41 # - lev_histmth=3 => albedo, rugosite sous-surfaces 42 # - lev_histmth=4 => champs tendances 3d 43 lev_histmth=2 44 ### ecrit_hf = frequence ecriture fichier en jours 45 ecrit_hf=0.250 46 ### ecrit_day = frequence ecriture fichier en jours 47 ecrit_day=1. 48 ### ecrit_mth = frequence ecriture fichier en jours 49 ecrit_mth=30. 50 ### freqin_isccp = frequence input en secondes du simulateur ISCCP 51 freq_ISCCP=10800. 52 ### freqout_isccp = frequence output en jours du simulateur ISCCP 53 ecrit_ISCCP=30. 54 ### niveau du diagnostique de conservation d energie 10 55 if_ebil=0 11 56 # 12 57 # parametres KE 13 58 # 59 ### epmax = Efficacite precipitation maximale 14 60 epmax = .99 61 ### ok_adj_ema = ?? pas utilise 15 62 ok_adj_ema = n 63 ### iflag_clw Flag calcul eau liquide 64 # - iflag_clw=0 : qcond_incld(i,l) = em_qcondc(l) 65 # - iflag_clw=1 : qcond_incld(i,l) = em_qcond(l) 66 # - iflag_clw=2 : eau liquide diagnostique en fonction de la Precip 16 67 iflag_clw = 1 17 68 # 18 69 # parametres nuages 19 70 # 71 ### cld_lc_lsc contenu en eau liquide des nuages large-scale (fisrtilp) 20 72 cld_lc_lsc = 2.6e-4 73 ### cld_lc_con contenu en eau liquide des nuages convectifs (fisrtilp) 21 74 cld_lc_con = 2.6e-4 75 ### cld_tau_lsc cte de temps utilisee pour eliminer l eau large-scale (fisrtilp) 22 76 cld_tau_lsc = 3600. 77 ### cld_tau_con cte de temps utilisee pour eliminer l eau convective (fisrtilp) 23 78 cld_tau_con = 3600. 79 ### ffallv_lsc cte utilisee dans calcul vitesse de chute cristaux de glace large-scale (fisrtilp) 24 80 ffallv_lsc = 1. 81 ### ffallv_lsc cte utilisee dans calcul vitesse de chute cristaux de glace convectifs (fisrtilp) 25 82 ffallv_con = 1. 83 ### coef_eva coef evaporation precips eau/glace (fisrtilp/fisrtilp_tr?/conlmd?) 26 84 coef_eva = 2.e-5 85 ### reevap_ice reevaporation de toute la precip dans la couche du dessous pour la glace (fisrtilp) 27 86 reevap_ice = y 87 ### iflag_cldcon flag pour calculer ratqsc=F(ratqsbas,fact_cldcon,q_seri) (physiq) 88 # - iflag_cldcon<=-1 diag. rain_Tiedtke 89 # - iflag_cldcon=1, ratqsc=ratqsbas+fact_cldcon*(q_seri(1)-q_seri(k))/q_seri(k) 90 # - iflag_cldcon=1/2, ratqs=max(ratqs,ratqsc) 91 # - iflag_cldcon=3, ratqs=ratqss 28 92 iflag_cldcon = 3 93 ### iflag_pdf : flag calcul distribution sous-maille de l eau et des nuages 94 # - iflag_pdf=0, version ratqs, 95 # - iflag_pdf=1, calcul eau condensee, fraction nuageuse, eau nuageuse a partir 96 # - des PDFS de Sandrine Bony 29 97 iflag_pdf = 1 98 ### fact_cldcon constante calcul ratqsc (voir iflag_cldcon) et proprietes nuages convectifs, clwcon0 (physiq.F) 30 99 fact_cldcon = 1. 100 ### facttemps= facteur de relaxation de ratqs (iflag_cldcon=1/2) et rnebcon (iflag_cldcon=3) 31 101 facttemps = 1.e-4 102 ## ok_newmicro =y appel newmicro , =n appel nuage (calcul epaisseur optique et emmissivite des nuages) 32 103 ok_newmicro = y 104 ### ratqsbas ratqs en bas si iflag_cldcon=1 33 105 ratqsbas = 0.005 106 ### ratqshaut ratqs en haut pour ratqss "stables" 34 107 ratqshaut = 0.33 108 ### rad_froid rayon cristaux des nuages de glace "froids" 35 109 rad_froid = 35 110 ### rad_chau1 rayon goutelettes d eau chauds", en haut: k=4-klev 36 111 rad_chau1=12 112 ### rad_chau2 rayon goutelettes d eau chauds", en bas: k=1-3 37 113 rad_chau2=11 114 ## ksta_ter coef.diffusion minimale sur terre/sic/lic 38 115 ksta_ter=1.e-7 116 ### cdmmax = cdrag maximum pour le moment 117 cdmmax = 2.5E-3 118 ### cdhmax = cdrag maximum pour l energie 119 cdhmax = 2.0E-3 39 120 # 40 # parametres outputs121 # Parametres "orbitaux/ ere geologique" 41 122 # 42 # Flag pour hf : ok_hf=y/n 43 ok_hf=n 44 # Flag pour les variables de sorties : type_run=CLIM/AMIP 45 # Pour ENSEMBLES mettre type_run=CLIM 46 type_run=AMIP 47 #niveau de sortie "hf" lev_histhf avec 48 # - lev_histhf=3 => defaut 49 # - lev_histhf=4 => champs 3d niveaux modele 50 lev_histhf=3 51 #niveau de sortie "day" lev_histday 52 # - lev_histday=2 => defaut 53 # - lev_histday=3 => + champs 3D => F. Lott 54 # - lev_histday=4 => + champs sous-surfaces 55 lev_histday=2 56 #niveau de sortie "mth" lev_histmth avec 57 # - lev_histmth=2 => defaut 58 # - lev_histmth=3 => albedo, rugosite sous-surfaces 59 # - lev_histmth=4 => champs tendances 3d 60 lev_histmth=2 123 ### R_ecc = Excentricite 124 R_ecc = 0.016715 125 ### R_peri = Equinoxe 126 R_peri = 102.7 127 ### R_incl = Inclinaison 128 R_incl = 23.441 129 ### solaire = Constante solaire 130 solaire = 1365. 61 131 # 62 # parametres climatique132 # Taux gaz a effet de serre 63 133 # 64 R_ecc = 0.016715 65 R_peri = 102.7 66 R_incl = 23.441 67 solaire = 1365. 134 ### co2_ppm = taux CO2 en ppm 68 135 co2_ppm = 348. 69 #RCO2 = co2_ppm * 1.0e-06 * 44.011/28.97 70 #RCO2 = 348. * 1.0e-06 * 44.011/28.97 71 #RCO2 = 5.286789092164308E-04 72 #RCO2 = 425.43e-06 136 ### CH4_ppb = taux CH4 en ppb 73 137 CH4_ppb = 1650. 74 #RCH4 = 1.65E-06* 16.043/28.97 75 #RCH4 = 9.137366240938903E-07 138 ### N2O_ppb = taux N2O en ppb 76 139 N2O_ppb = 306. 77 #RN2O = 306.E-09* 44.013/28.97 78 #RN2O = 4.648939592682085E-07 140 ### CFC11_ppt = taux CFC11 en ppt 79 141 CFC11_ppt = 280. 80 #RCFC11 = 280.E-12* 137.3686/28.97 81 #RCFC11 = 1.327690990680013E-09 142 ### CFC12_ppt = taux CFC12 en ppt 82 143 CFC12_ppt = 484. 83 #RCFC12 = 484.E-12* 120.9140/28.9784 #RCFC12 = 2.020102726958923E-0985 144 # 86 # parametres simulateur ISCCP145 # Parametres effets directs/indirects des "aerosols" 87 146 # 147 ### ok_ade=y/n flag Aerosol direct effect 148 ok_ade=n 149 ### ok_aie=y/n flag Aerosol indirect effect 150 ok_aie=n 151 ### aer_type = Aerosol variation type : actuel / preind / scenario 152 aer_type=actuel 153 ### bl95_b0 = Parameter in CDNC-maer link (Boucher&Lohmann 1995) 154 bl95_b0=1.7 155 ### bl95_b1 = Parameter in CDNC-maer link (Boucher&Lohmann 1995) 156 bl95_b1=0.2 157 # 158 # Parametres simulateur ISCCP 159 # 160 ### ok_isccp=y/n flag simulateur ISCCP 88 161 ok_isccp=n 89 #ok_regdyn : y/n calcul/non des regymes dynamiques sur regions pre-definies 90 ok_regdyn=n 91 #IM 310804 END 92 #top_height = 1 ou 3 93 top_height = 3 94 #overlap = 1, 2 ou 3 162 ### top_height = flag choix calcul nuages par le simulateur en utilisant 163 # - les donnees IR et/ou VIS et l algorithme ISCCP-D1 164 # - top_height = 1 -> algo IR-VIS 165 # - top_height = 2 -> identique a 1, mais "ptop(ibox)=pfull(ilev)" 166 # - top_height = 3 -> algo IR 167 top_height = 1 168 ### overlap = Hypothese de Recouvrement (HR) utilisee pour le simulateur ISCCP 169 # - overlap=1 Max overlap 170 # - overlap=2 Random overlap 171 # - overlap=3 Max/Random overlap 95 172 overlap = 3 96 #cdmmax97 cdmmax = 2.5E-398 #cdhmax99 cdhmax = 2.0E-3100 # effets direct et indirect des aérosols101 ok_ade=n102 ok_aie=n103 aer_type=actuel104 bl95_b0=1.7105 bl95_b1=0.2 -
r235 r326 1 # 2 # $Header: /home/ioipsl/CVSROOT/LMDZ4OR/CLIM_LMDZOR/PARAM/run.def,v 1.1 2006/12/21 10:17:36 adm Exp $ 1 # $Id$ 3 2 # 4 3 INCLUDEDEF=physiq.def … … 17 16 ## periode d'ecriture du fichier histoire (en jour) 18 17 iecri=1 19 ## periode de stockage fichier histmoy (en jour) 20 periodav=1. 18 ## flag de sortie dynzon 19 ok_dynzon=n 20 ## periode de stockage fichier dynzon (en jour) 21 periodav=30. 21 22 ## activation du calcul d equilibrage de charge 22 adjust=y 23 ## unite de sortie des impressions 24 lunout=6 23 adjust=_adjust_ -
r197 r326 1 # $Id$ 2 # This is config.card file for restart with an NEW libIGCM simulation tree. 3 # 1 4 #======================================================================== 2 5 #D-- Compatibility - 3 6 [Compatibility] 4 7 libIGCM=1.0 5 6 #========================================================================7 8 #D-- UserChoices - 8 9 [UserChoices] 9 10 #============================ 10 # D-- (<8 chars MAX for JobName)11 JobName=L md4Or1.912 LongName= 'LMDz4OR with New scripts'11 #-- (<8 chars MAX for JobName) 12 JobName=LMDZOR01 13 LongName="Configuration de LMDZ4OR qui corresponde au version force de IPSLCM4_v2" 13 14 TagName=LMDz4OR_v2 14 15 #============================ 15 # D-- leap, noleap, 360d16 #-- leap, noleap, 360d 16 17 CalendarType=360d 17 #D-- Début et fin de Job 18 #D-- "YYYY-MM-DD" 19 DateBegin=1860-01-01 20 DateEnd=1870-02-15 21 #Job AMIP 22 #DateBegin=1956-01-01 23 #DateEnd=2005-12-30 18 #-- Début et fin de Job 19 #-- "YYYY-MM-DD" 20 DateBegin=1980-01-01 21 DateEnd=1989-12-30 24 22 #============================ 25 # D-- 1Y, 1M, 5D, 1D23 #-- 1Y, 1M, 5D, 1D 26 24 PeriodLength=1M 27 25 #============================ … … 30 28 JobClass=multi 31 29 #============================ 32 #-- Total Number of Processors (minimum is 2 for a coupled configuration) 33 #JobNumProcTot=2 30 #-- Total Number of Processors 34 31 JobNumProcTot=4 35 32 #============================ 36 33 #-- Run Options : here for oasis coupling 37 34 JobRunOptions='"-np "${NUM_PROC_ATM}" -max_np "${NUM_PROC_ATM}' 38 #============================39 PeriodNb=4840 41 35 #======================================================================== 42 36 #D-- ListOfComponents - 43 37 [ListOfComponents] 44 38 #D- For each component, Name of component, Tag of component 45 ATM= (lmdz, LMDZ4_V3_ 1)46 SRF= (orchidee, orchidee_1_9_ 1)39 ATM= (lmdz, LMDZ4_V3_4) 40 SRF= (orchidee, orchidee_1_9_2) 47 41 48 42 #======================================================================== 49 43 #D-- Executable - 50 44 [Executable] 51 Name= gcm.e45 Name=lmdz.x 52 46 #D- For each component, Real name of executable, Name of executable for oasis 53 ATM= (gcm.e, gcm.e)47 ATM= (gcm.e, lmdz.x) 54 48 SRF= ("", "") 55 49 … … 61 55 #D- Last day of the experience used as restart 62 56 RestartDate=1869-12-30 63 #D- Define restart simulation name (=> JOB_OS)57 #D- Define restart simulation name 64 58 RestartJobName=CD1 65 #D- Path Server Group Login (=> PSGL)59 #D- Path Server Group Login 66 60 RestartPath=${ARCHIVE}/IGCM_OUT/LMDz4OR_v2 67 61 # Attention login depend de la machine … … 73 67 #D- frequency of rebuild submission 74 68 RebuildFrequency=NONE 75 #D- If you want to monitor variables, this flag determines76 #D- frequency of post-processing submission77 MonitoringFrequency=NONE78 69 #D- If you want to produce time series, this flag determines 79 70 #D- frequency of post-processing submission … … 88 79 # 89 80 WriteFrequency="1M 1D HF" 90 # D--If config_Restarts_OverRule == 'n' all params are read81 # If config_Restarts_OverRule == 'n' all params are read 91 82 Restart= n 92 # D--Last day of the experience used as restart83 # Last day of the experience used as restart 93 84 RestartDate=1999-12-30 94 # D--Define restart simulation name85 # Define restart simulation name 95 86 RestartJobName=2L18 96 87 RestartPath=${ARCHIVE}/IGCM_OUT/LMDz4OR_v2 97 # D--Old component name for restart (if empty, use new name)88 # Old component name for restart (if empty, use new name) 98 89 OldName= 99 90 … … 103 94 WriteFrequency="1M" 104 95 Restart=n 105 # D-- Last day of the experience used as restart96 ##-- Last day of the experience used as restart 106 97 RestartDate=1999-12-30 107 # D--Define restart simulation name98 # Define restart simulation name 108 99 RestartJobName=2L18 109 100 RestartPath=${ARCHIVE}/IGCM_OUT/LMDz4OR_v2 110 # D-- Old component name for restart (if empty, use new name)101 #-- Old component name for restart (if empty, use new name) 111 102 OldName= 112 103
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